Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 291: Confrontation

Compared with the bombardment of the highest government, the explosion of the two floating warships was even more fierce, and the waves that were nearly a hundred feet high were set up, especially the remaining three floating warships were driven by the shock waves brought by the explosion. They all swayed, so that the ship was avoiding the highest government sharpshooter sniper, and the dark wizards lying on the ground rolled to the ground; many responded quickly, subconsciously supported the surrounding fixtures, and the stable dark wizards After a slight exposure, it became the best fixed target.

"Smoke, let the smoke!"

Tightly leaning against the corner of the ship's side, shouting like a Japanese sorcerer with a bucket of fresh water as a shield - with the same dark wizard as an example, he would not think this time It’s a good idea to expose yourself to hundreds of guns.

Obviously, those bullets were made specifically to deal with their spell shields.

If you want to live, you can't be caught by these bullets, and making smoke is undoubtedly the simplest and most appropriate method - no firewood or special fuel, like "magic tricks", dark wizards In the hands of gray, gray or simply pure black smoke, almost after a few breaths, the remaining three floating warships were blocked by the heavy smoke.

A wooden donkey slowly supported the body, wearing a witch's gown, as if it were a real wizard; it seemed to be slow and moving cautiously.

After about ten seconds, nothing happened.

The big wizard who was hiding behind the barrel, maneuvering and turning again and again. And it is indicated that several wizards not far away are also releasing their own servants or other servants; immediately. The entire floating warship was full of fun. Hey, shadow warrior, or simply a contract animal, appeared on the deck.

There is still nothing.

This situation makes the wizards have a little peace of mind, and then, more anger.

After just looking at each other, they started their work without human commanding - as the most powerful weapon on the floating warship, a car was pushed to the side of the ship. Using magical vision, the wizards began to aim at the target; as for the choice of goals?

The size of the ship is big enough to be the flagship of the twice-sized Hailong Legion of other steel warships, which is clearly a very good target.

Oh, oh...

The flag bearer standing on the flagship of the Hailong Legion quickly began to wave the flag in his hand after receiving the command of the head of the army. Immediately, the two warships serving as frigates began to approach the flagship and quickly paralleled from the original. The '11' type, the straight change to the 'one' shape, blocked in front of the flagship.

Compared to other steel warships. The size of the two frigates is slightly smaller by about a quarter, and the artillery is not even one-half of the other warships. But the steel plates erected on both sides of the ship's side make it look as much bigger than other warships; just like two moving fortresses, the two frigates are in front of the flagship. At the stern of the two flagships, a speedboat was tossed.

There are fifteen speedboats. Each speedboat has six people, including the driver. They seem to be rushing toward the smog-covered waters like the arrow of the string. In the meantime, the rest of the warships The artillery did not stop, although there was smog, but even if the warship was hidden, most of the shells would not fall.

And such a shelling, after about two minutes, is another stop.

Then, some changes have taken place in the sea that has been covered by smog. The fluctuations in the force field obviously make the smoke tumbling, just like a big monster hiding in the smoke. After that -

Hey, hey, hey!

The huge adult-high arrow spurred out, and the blazing light almost instantly dispelled the smoke around the three floating warships; however, it is clear that the dark wizards who are prepared early will not be so careless. The time given to the highest government sharpshooter sniper, they hid in the dead end in the first time, relying on some spells or objects to observe the effect of their attacks.


It was like a sharp knife that split the sound of the cloth. The supporting field smashed the frigate when it hit two frigates. It was almost a moment when the two frigates were shot. Holes, a large hole more than five feet in diameter appeared on the steel plates of the two frigates, and the two sides were transparent, so that people could see the back at the front.

After that, the flagship has almost the same experience; however, it is obvious that because of the blocking of two frigates, the force of the force field has a direct weakness, and there is no hole in the steel plate, but it is still stuck in the flagship. On the top; a thick and long arrow, tied to the flagship steel plate, so that the flagship of the Hailong Legion looks like a hedgehog walking on the sea.

"Reporting army leader, the second turbine is damaged!"

"Reporting Army leader, the sixth turbine is damaged!"

"The head of the report army, the second and third floor cabins have different levels of water leakage!"


The news of the article was slammed into the ear of the head of the Hailong Army, and the head of the army of one of the top three corps of the highest government was solemn. He said loudly: "Start emergency filing, order 11 to 15 The battleship formed a new **** sequence; the 19th and 20th frigates temporarily withdrew from the battle sequence! The rest of the battleships began to indiscriminately bombard!"

"Yes, the head of the army!"

The commander immediately communicated the instructions to the standard-bearer.

The head of the Hailong Army, looking at the floating warship floating on the opposite side of the sea, could not help but swear: "This is the power of the spell? Really can not be underestimated!"

When I thought of the battle, I just started. I had two frigates to exit the battle sequence. The head of the Hailong Legion couldn’t help but frown, although the other side also had two floating warships to withdraw from the battle sequence, and it was completely The sinking. But the other side has only five floating warships. And he has twenty ships. Putting aside any reason and excuse, his command this time is undoubtedly the ultimate failure.

Realizing that he is likely to be stained by the resume caused by this battle, the head of the Hailong Army, immediately slammed the table in front of him, secretly thought: "Since this is already the case, then I have to slap the other person. Otherwise, I have no face; I will wait for the dismissal when I go back!"

Quickly picking up the glasses around him, the head of the Hailong Legion looked toward the place where the smoke was blown away by the force field. Immediately, I saw that the previous speedboat quickly swung around the three floating warships. Looking for opportunities, wanting to rush up - the existence of the force field shield, so that the use of claws to climb the edge of the way completely lost the role. There is no chance even if you want to pierce the bottom of the boat, even if the fifteen speedboats are now shuttled down the other side of the boat.

"Prepare the explosives. Use a speed boat to get to the bottom of these floating warships!"

Only two seconds later, the head of the Hailong Legion issued such an order; immediately, the speedboats on the remaining warships were put into the sea, and a box of bombs that did not affect the speed of the speedboat and reached the corresponding power was Lifted up, the driver of the water ghost, manipulating the motor, in the roar of the machine, quickly approaching the target.

"Capture, give cover!"

Another command was issued, which immediately brought the roar of the cannon; the force field shield of the distant floating battleship was trembled, but it was clear that the dark wizards were more like this shelling. Worried is the sharpshooter who uses a special bullet, they shrink in their own safe place, and once again read the spell.

Only when the smoke enveloped, they could feel safe; therefore, they did not see the appearance of that speedboat, especially when the shelling and the force field shields brought up the cockroaches. There is a faint occlusion in the hearing - in fact, in order to prevent such problems, in the captain's room of each floating warship, there is a magical eye that can manipulate the bottom of the ship and the surroundings, and in the captain's room, you can see it at a glance. The problem.

However, the highest-ranking sharpshooters, the first time to take care of the target is the captain's room and the people around the chariot. The dark wizards of the former captain's room are almost the first to fall in the dark wizards. They are now The body is still in the captain's room, but it does not play much more.

Although there are some tricks that act as helmsmen, but with a single wisdom, it is impossible to understand what the scene in the magic eye represents.

The smog, once again shrouded the waters where the floating warships were located, and the highest government's sharpshooters lost their place; although they tried to rely on memory to shoot some of the locations near the brakes; however, there was no aiming The effect is naturally obvious; except for one or two people with very good luck, the rest of the people, all done a useless work.

"Hurry up, hurry up, let the 傀儡 弩 arrow up, you are responsible for adjusting the angle!"

The master of the wizard who had escaped from the robbery once again stood at the center of the deck and began to shout loudly; suddenly, a skeleton with a height of seven feet came out of the deck, at the command of the wizards. The beginning of the winding of the brakes - these shackles do not have too much wisdom, even ordinary warning work can not be served, but they are specially shot of the body and arms, but there is a power that surprises everyone; Because of this embarrassment, the wizards were able to manipulate such a brake.

After about three minutes, every car that could be launched and not destroyed by the bullets of the sharpshooters was pushed up, but the number was not enough for the last half – obviously, the highest-ranking sharpshooters experienced After the second force of the arrow, I deeply understood the power of these cars, and when they could not find a suitable target, these cars naturally became their goal.

Especially those who contact firearms every day, obviously have a little understanding of the machinery; perhaps such a brake is from the hands of the wizard, but the basic function is unchanged, so look for gears and springs, or simply They are aiming at the chords, causing a considerable amount of damage to the brakes; if not, the emergence of smoke, these brakes, there will be no more.

The master of the wizard said, "Give me the angle of the brakes, raise the height of the ship, and attack the flagship of the other party as much as possible!"

boom! boom! boom!

Just as several wizards ran towards the captain's room. Three explosions with the accumulation of numerous explosives occurred. The power of the explosion broke the force shield of two of the three floating warships at the moment of its appearance. The remaining flames and impact forces were the first time that the floating warships without the protection of the force field shield were swallowed up.

The flames burst out, the smoke was densely covered, and the roots and pieces of wood with flames splashed around; the two floating warships were basically blown into two pieces and fell into the sea. Bring seawater into pieces. Then quickly in the sea, began to sink.

Those speedboats that had been far away before, quickly came back, looking for the dark wizards who still had a tone, then threw the lasso and pulled it onto the speedboat; the first time, these dark wizards with tone They stunned and blocked their mouths, quickly peeling off everything on their body; whether it was jewelry or witch costumes, they were loaded into the carry-on bag. Afterwards, these smooth and dark wizards were tied to the center of the speedboat by the five flowers.

The dark wizards of each speedboat ‘catch’ are not the same. More than three or four, and only one less; and these dark wizards did not have accidents, all suffered the same treatment, so that only the remaining floating warships, witnessed all the day-level dark wizards, mad Pick it up: "Damn, **** bastard!"

It’s not accidental to be captured. It’s inevitable in the war, but it’s unacceptable to be full of humiliating prisoners. Obviously, the master of the wizard is not clear, the highest government The prisoners are trained; in the hearts of these prisoners, they have already been filled with their own instructors such as 'the wizard is a group of guys who can manipulate strange powers, their words, the waving of their fingers, the objects on their bodies. They all carry spells, so if you want to capture a wizard, you should not only stun it, subdue it, but also strip it to the nakedness, and the big flowers are tied! 'This language.

This has nothing to do with insults, it’s just about security!

The sun-dark dark wizard stared at the speed and looked at the speedboats full of captives. He waved his hand and said, "Make the mally to the maximum, catch up, kill the speedboats; then... then, hit me Shen's flagship!"

After the pause, the Japanese-level dark wizard released such an order - the shaking of the force field shield, apparently unable to support the next shelling, and their force field arrows are obviously not enough The threat to the other party; there seems to be only one left.

"Except for those who manipulate the arrow, half of the people continue to cover our whereabouts with smoke; the rest of them prepare me the most powerful spells you can prepare!"

In this shout, the dark sorcerer of the Japanese glory first recited the spell, and the rest of the people immediately divided the left and right sides and began to act – they all understood that the size of the other’s flagship wanted It is obviously impossible to crash the opponent by floating ships, without their magic.

嗖, 嗖, 嗖...

One by one, the speedboats that were targeted, were all sunk; except for occasionally one or two speedboats with considerable luck, basically all of them sank to the bottom of the sea; why not say that there is experience? Because the people who can be selected for the speedboats have the same and very good experience.

However, most of them lack luck, or, unwise, lead to such a lack of luck -

"Three? It is not bad!"

The head of the Hailong Legion looked at the dark witch who was brought to the flagship and frowned. He accepted the fact that the former dark wizard’s arrows were all targeted and they were all They are all looking for speedboats with enough dark wizards to capture them.

However, even the capture of three dark wizards is enough to illustrate my efforts, especially if the other party is sunk, I still retain my honor.

Well, maybe you can go further.

Converging on the thoughts in my heart, the head of the Hailong army smiled and yelled at his own commander: "To remember the merits of my soldiers, then, according to what I said beforehand, the rank of each person is raised two levels!"

"Yes, the head of the army!"

The commander quickly left. The head of the army chief of the Hailong Legion once again passed through the glass of the captain's room and looked at the other one. The floating ship that was advancing rapidly could not help but smile coldly: "I want to burn jade? It's a dream! Under my artillery, you only have the fate of being sunk!"

It is true that the other side has a force shield, but after more than twenty-five volleys and free shelling, the corps of the Hailong Legion has a general understanding of the defense of the opposing force shield. At such a distance, at the speed of the opponent, enough of his legion, once again volley three times, and after such a volley, the other side obviously has no possibility of survival.

"Open the gun! Open the gun! Open the gun!"

With one command after another, the guns roared again. In the thick smoke, the fire flashed and the flames burst; but the force shield of the originally crumbling floating warship was unexpected. Tough, not only did not shake, but even the shells did not bring a trace of embarrassment.

And facing the all-day glory of the dark sorcerer, sneer.

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~ (to be continued..)

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