Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 294: Under the count

In the system tray -

The tasks in the system began to be transmitted in the form of brush frequency, and the most expectation of Ye Qi is still being calculated; however, the 800,000 experience given by the two tasks has been calculated into the character level experience - 800,000 experience for Ye Qi, who has not entered the legend, is definitely a huge experience, but at this moment, the first level needs 8 million experience, but it is not enough for 800,000. Read it.

Even with the previous 2,490,000 experience, and the 1.07 million experience gained from other missions in this battlefield mission, plus the 800,000 experience, Ye Qi still needs to upgrade his ranks to still require 3.62 million experience points; and this is definitely not a small one. number.


Ye Qi, who has been waiting for a moment, gave an answer.

a. Experience value 2000000

b. Skill point 10

c. Property point 1

d. Expertise point 1

The experience given by the system, Ye Qi already had some guesses, so I was not surprised, but the subsequent evaluations, as well as the special options, made Ye Qi stunned, and then the brow wrinkled - this is the accident of the battlefield mission. Harvest? Is the degree of evaluation and the choice of the inevitable connection?

This kind of thought is almost instinctively flashed from Ye Qi's mind. After that, his attention is all placed on the following options. The choice of four choices is more difficult than Ye Qi's imagination. - Whether it is a skill point, a property point, or a specialty point, Ye Qi is concerned; and the current upgrade experience needs about 2.3 million or so. Therefore, the experience of two million has also entered Ye Qi. In sight.

The four options, it seems that each one is good, but only one can choose one, which is undoubtedly difficult for Ye Qi to choose. His brows from the top to the bottom of the brow are repeated several times, and finally put his eyes on the last three. Item - although a is chosen, it can bring him closer to the critical point of the character level and quickly approach the third pole of the legendary occupation; however, under the premise that there are still some tasks in the Gulf area, such a Choice is not the best way.

If the Strait Strait is a battlefield mission, then in the Bay Area, it is also likely to be a battlefield mission, not to mention the invitation of the inanimate king in Hailin.

Ye Qi can be sure that for him at this stage, the task associated with the inanimate king will never be lower than the level; although the next level of legendary occupation can be obtained, but has experienced the inheritance of a dragon. Odd, very clear, the power is unquestionable, but it is not immediate, he needs time to integrate, and this time in the previous judgment, the ancient dragon level, definitely not less than three months.

Obviously, the inanimate king will not wait for so long.

What he definitely needs more is the immediate effect - skill points, attribute points, expertise points, obviously have this requirement.

Because of the sentiment mentioned by the wolf, Ye Qi did not choose the arbitrarily breakthrough way of skill points, and the appearance also shows the correctness of his choice; therefore, the skill point is not the most important for the time being; let alone the skill point. The remaining number is also rich and rich, and the specialty, since the choice, because there is no remaining expertise, the specialty column has been bleak, so that Ye Qi can not separate the next level of expertise.

Unknown words, it seems like some adventures...

Ye Qi, who whispered, stared at option c.

This is the number in the property bar, Ye Qi's line of sight swept back and forth, and eventually he chose c for a pair of eyes.

Looking at the increase above, Ye Qi silently recited: "If you add four unallocated attributes, all of them are added to 39 points. If the characteristics are activated, I can get 9 points for or at any time. Added value..."

"If you open the feature before, every time I get attacked, I can bounce the real damage of the opponent 26 - although it is only less than 10 seconds, but this can also be used as a card to turn over; as long as the other party does not pay attention, it will have to Hurt!"

"And with the increase of physical fitness, it will inevitably be strong. If you cooperate with the dragon's breath, you may be able to give a fatal blow, and it has to be repaired - in this case, I don't seem to have no chance of winning!"

Ye Qi’s whispered chanting did not hear anyone, even if he was standing next to the old speaker, he only thought that Ye Qi would watch the upcoming sea again; after all, the seaside rì, no matter where it is It is amazing; even he is no exception.

The sun jumped out of the sea level after about three minutes, so that the people standing on the beach were shocked by the spirit - this warm light, no matter when, was recognized by people, especially after a period of experience. After the battle, it gave people a little more comfort.

The soldiers of the Hailong Legion, who are setting up tents in the distance, are obviously more than twice as fast. Apart from the stimulation of the smell of breakfast, such a sunrise is also an extremely important part of the camp. The camp of the Hailong Legion is a campsite for dark creatures. There is a considerable distance, this is done under the command of the old speaker.

The devil's habit of cleaning the battlefield, obviously the old speaker still knows a little, he does not want to be at this time, because such a small thing and Ye Qi argue - even if the valuable spoils have long been put away by the shadow knights However, Ye Qi still expressed his goodwill for such a move.

Ye Qi estimated the time, and the old speaker said: "Jermond, will come soon!"

Although there are about one and a half hours or so from the agreed ten hours, Ye Qi can be sure that the tower of the athletic tower will never leave at the ten-hour point and will definitely advance. As for the action - of course, some of the stalwart towers of the competition will inevitably have to be observed. There is a great possibility that the owner of the athletic tower is coming alone.

In fact, the same is true. After fifteen minutes, the strong figure of the tower of the athletic tower appeared on the horizon. The tower of the athletic tower scanned the dark creatures from the air. After the war, the mess and the situation of the war seemed to be vivid, and when he saw the innocent Ye Qi, the strong old man screamed Ye Qi’s shoulder and shouted loudly: “Dry beautiful! I see You can completely replace my seat!"

Complete and thorough appreciation from the heart and the undisguised admiration, there is no such thing as the highest zhèngǔ, the kind of competition in the Holy See, and some are just happy for the younger generations - even if it is not Ye Qi, It is another demon hunter, and the tower of the athletic tower will also make such a sigh, as long as the other party can do the same thing as Ye Qi.

Ye Qi smiled softly and waved his hand quickly. He said: "I feel that running my wine is my greatest ability. The position of the tower owner, I recommend Ted to you, he is definitely a talent worthy of training! ”

Then, without waiting for the main reply of the tower of the competition, he once again raised his hand and introduced to the tower of the athletic tower: "Jermond, this is the highest singer of the president!"

“I am honored to meet one of the six towers of the Tower of the Athletics!”

"I am equally honored to be able to see the speaker of the highest zhèngǔ!"

Two old men of different sizes began to sing, and Ye Qi was very self-aware and retreated to the side - although the two old people are not the kind of hypocritical and disgusting people, once this position rises to their respective representatives After the power, it is impossible to not be hypocritical. Even if compared with the Holy See, the relationship between the highest zhèngǔ and the demon hunter is better, but this point is also extremely limited.

In the general direction, the two sides are still full of hostility in their friendliness.

Of course, such hostility can't be seen in these two old people. In the morning sun, the two old people are like good friends who have not seen for many years. They talk casually, and there are bursts of laughter from time to time. The content is spread all over the world, from the human geography of all places to the war, and Ye Qi has once again distanced away from the two old people in about twenty minutes. I found a clean place and sat down on Groning's thick and soft belly.

When the height of the sun rises by two scales, the follow-up forces of the demon hunters are coming, and this is the end of the conversation between the two old people. Their friendly farewells, the old speaker is also directed at Ye Qi. Waving his hand, Ye Qi immediately nodded and responded to each other.

“Hey, if it’s not in a different position, Ailin should be someone who can be friends!”

The tower of the athletic tower sighed and shook his head slightly.

"If the speaker of the president, Mr. Elin, will leave office in about two or three months, I invite him to go to Randy Fort!"

Ye Qi went to the side of the tower of the athletic tower and said.

"This is really great!"

The tower of the athletic tower immediately laughed loudly, as if he had encountered something happy; Ye Qi followed the same soft smile, and then he scanned the demon hunter who was helping to clean the battlefield, Ye Qi Asked: "Datong, Darlan and Ava?"

"The three guys entered the 'state', I left Enid and Ted, and some people watched them..." The tower master of the athletics said that he couldn’t help but look strange, this strong The old man looked at Ye Qi with a special gaze, so that Ye Qi twisted his body very unnaturally and asked: "What is wrong with Master Jerome?"

"No! Only, these guys are really monsters! A group of monsters that transcend genius!" The strong old man shook his head and said: "Your teacher, that lazy guy, is entering the rì 耀It’s already 30 years old, and that record is amazing, and how big is it when you enter rì? How big are your friends? Even those who are geniuses face this group. If you enter the rì yao class in your twenties, you will be ashamed?"

"Especially this guy, you are now an extraordinary place! Do you know what the extraordinary meaning is? Hey, I really want to know what the geniuses in the bridge on the other side will see after you see you." The expression!” Speaking of this, the strong old man couldn’t help but snorted, showing dissatisfaction with the place outside of Loud, and his words were more direct: "What genius, in front of you, **** is not!"

For such a discourse, Ye Qi’s guilty conscience was not answered at all. It was only a few laughs that revealed the past. As for the dissatisfaction of the tower of the athletic tower to the bridge on the other side, Ye Qi was able to guess one or two. of.

‘Beyond the Holy See, the forces of Lorante chose to abandon the bridge on the other side under the original agreement – ​​but they could be established in the name of the individual! ’

This is the original words of the Hart brothers, and in such a discourse, there is obviously something tricky, especially when the Holy See is involved, and after the formation of the organization of St. Dege in the bridge on the other side, Ye Qi If you think about it, you can understand what is in it - after all, Ye Qi can not believe that in the sacred time, the people of the Holy See will not take shots of the people on the other side of the bridge; the 'Arc Blade' is pulled out Isn't the most obvious example of the brilliant gorge?

At that time, the bridge on the other side might still maintain autonomy, but the power of self-government should not be strong or even small; it was not until the end of the sacred time that it returned to normal again - and, according to Ye Qi’s speculation, At the end of the sacred age, a certain person in the bridge on the other side, or some strong ones, absolutely played a role in fueling the waves.

After all, the ‘zìyóu first shot’ at the time was really awkward.

Of course, after the end of the sacred age, the bridge on the other side has some obvious and unnegligible changes to the attitude of Lorante - from setting the strength to cleaning up some people, it almost subverts the original idea; Moreover, it is clear that they are wary of some of the forces on Lord.

Whether it is the original Holy See, it is still the highest zhèngǔ, or the demon hunter who has been wandering on the edge. However, although the Holy See is being watched, it still takes a sneak peek – why It is obvious that you need to enter the bridge on the other side to know; after all, the rules there have changed since they were very strict.

The dissatisfaction of the tower tower in front of the competition is undoubtedly because of the setbacks in the bridge on the other side. In the early 100 years since the beginning of the zìyóu era, the demon hunter had to actively search for some talents because of the serious loss. , to carry out the necessary maintenance; the special place such as the bridge of the other shore, of course, can not be let go, and if the tower of the athletic tower is old, it is obviously entered there.

Of course At that time, this strong old man is not the main tower of the tower at this moment.

"Jermond, I am ready to leave!"

Ye Qi said in a low-pitched dissatisfaction of the strong old man.

"What, what? What do you say?"

Silence in the memories of the old people, some did not hear too clearly.

"I am ready to leave and return to the Bay Area!"

Ye Qi repeated again.

Ps second more ~~~

Hangover, headache! ! The headache is derelict for protection~~~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, 300 coins, sn100 coins, Wang Xiucai 100 coins rewards ~~~ decadent thanks to all the support of decadent brothers and sisters ~~~rs! .

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