Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 333: Battle of Hailin District XIII

Ye Qi took a deep breath and said: "If there is such a reminder, please tell me in advance next time... After all, if I say it when I fail, it will always give me a kind of idea. You are optimistic about the idea of ​​the play. !"

The wolf laughed and laughed a few times: "How could it be!"

However, Ye Qi did not answer again, his brow was tightly locked up - not long before, even can only be regarded as a short battle, he used [shadow shuttle] [secondary illusion control] [Secondary avatars] and the Sun Golden Flame of the [Witches' Crown. Liege]; and except for the "shadow shuttle", the two special feats and saints are obviously not available for a short time.

Although on the whole, he has won the upper hand at this moment with his limited expertise and stunts, but this situation is definitely not lasting, and he feels the wolf The change of volatility, Ye Qi's heart is clear.

It is precisely because of this clearness that he had previously wanted to use the stunt sun gold flame of the "Sorcerer's Crown. Liege" to obtain a decisive blow. For the power of the Sun Jinyan, Ye Qi is very confident. Before the blame wolf used to deal with the spider's avatar, he is obvious to all; although it is because of the strange wolf personal trial, but its foundation is still from the Sun Jinyan itself.

Therefore, Ye Qi believes that as long as the Wolf King is hit, it will definitely be a serious injury. The reason why it is not fatal is because the fear of the strongest seven in the world makes Ye Qi dare not make such a vision. I dare not, Ye Qi did not think that the Sun Jinyan is so difficult to control; it is easy to be different from the fire of the sun. It doesn't even have to be manipulated. It is possible to automatically confront the enemy; Sun Jinyan is more than just manipulating. Even when aiming at the enemy, they all rely on themselves.

Moreover, more importantly, Sun Jinyan has more than the expected weight of Ye Qi - it is like a flower-like sun golden flame, before Ye Qito is in the palm of his hand, it is completely holding a mountain, making him difficult Even Ye Qi can be sure, if not his strength gained in the sunshine at the moment. If you reach a level close to 30, then he can't even hold this solar gold flame.

Of course, another reason why Sun Jinyan is biased is that Ye Qi still underestimated the perception of the strongest seven in the world; he did not think of the knife wind, the fire of the sun, and even the formation of a knife tornado, so many Under the disturbance, the Xiaoyue Wolf King can still easily detect the wrong place, so that his plan will fall short in the final step, when it is about to succeed.


I noticed the bottom of my heart because of this failure. Produced a series of unsatisfactory Ye Qi, quickly took a few deep breaths. Quickly throwing this negative emotion out of my mind - after all, it is not a time to sigh, the Xiaoyue Wolf King is obviously ready to truly "face" him!


In the wind of the tornado of the blade, the whistling wolf king screamed in the sky, its hair quickly became longer, the mouth began to bulge, the palm became a paw, and the teeth became sharp and leaked...


In the wolf, the former human form of the Xiaoyue Wolf King has completely become a werewolf form, which is the strongest talent belonging to the werewolf family - strength, speed, physique, perception, etc. will be greatly strengthened, so that any The existence of the fight does not dare to have any small flaws.

Ye Qi is also the same, even more cautious, even from the scene, the Xiaoyue Wolf King is still harassed by the knife wind tornado, the fire of the sun.

[a level task: survival (complete); when you appear in front of the wolf king, it will look at you with a real opponent and fight with you; and you need to survive under each other's fangs Come down. 】

[a level task: survival; gain experience: 500000.]

Congratulations, the character level has been raised to 22, the legendary career has been upgraded to three; your injury and energy have been fully restored; you have 14 skills proficiency, you can assign them arbitrarily...]

[The legendary career is promoted to three, obtained: the inheritance of the dragon (the ancient dragon); the talent of the time dragon; the whisper of the time dragon. 】

[Longzhi inheritance (上古龙), yes/no accept inheritance? 】

[Time Dragons Talent: As a companion to time, even God will slap your talents. After all, they also need to be sentimental, and you are born; effect: Legend option +1]

[Yes/No for legendary options? 】

[Timeless Dragon's Whisper: The Dragon is a natural caster, Time Dragon is no exception, even they have their own understanding and add it; effect: Simplify all spell spells, gestures, display time becomes Immediately, you don't need your hands, you can do more. 】

When the system's prompt sounded, Ye Qi glanced subconsciously, and what Ye Qi was naturally aware of for this level; however, when these were actually obtained, and the system made detailed After the explanation, Ye Qi’s heart immediately began to wave; if the opposite side did not have a powerful enemy, he would definitely surprise the voice.

[Time Talent Dragon Talent], can you get the legendary option?

[The whisper of Time Dragon], the time of all spells becomes immediate, and the hands are completely liberated?

These **** feats are enough to surprise Ye Qi as long as they think about it, and the more important [Long Zhi Chuan (Shangu Long)] is obviously more worthy of expectation; the last time he got enough skills and knowledge, this time even if The last extension will inevitably make him gain a lot; to know the secret skills such as [Swordwind], after the content, Ye Qi has enough curiosity.

Ye Qi’s dramatic changes in his heart, of course, are not strange wolves.

The once-devil, once again slipped out of his seal hall, its tone was full of doubts: "What happened? You are so excited? Hey... kid, you seem a little different? Your breath seems to be getting stronger, and your potential is growing enough..."

And the change of Ye Qi, naturally, can not help but blame the wolf. The former **** devil said two sentences. It was a burst of exclamation. It shouted incredulously: "What is going on here? Why is this happening in your kid's body? Don't tell me that you are breaking through! This is not a knight novel...not a tour. The story of the poet singing!"

Ye Qi replied faintly: "Art comes from life, this is a great famous saying... Have you forgotten that there is absolutely no need for us to ask questions? This is what I proposed, and you did not object at that time!"

The wolf suddenly snorted. At that time, it faced Ye Qi who made such a proposal. He only felt that his contractor knew the time and wisdom. However, with the lengthening time, the contractor of the contract was smart. But know the time? That is definitely not. It should be right.

An adjective that goes further than smart: Hey!

The wolf can be sure that at the beginning, the rest of it is trying to bind it with such words; for this, the wolf feels helpless - although it is extremely annoying, but it keeps Commitment; deceiving such inferior things, it can't be done.

Of course, word games are not in it.

Although it will not violate the original agreement, the wolf is definitely not as easy to give up. It tentatively said: "How about our trade again? Do you want to master Sun Jinyan faster and better? I have a very effective way, as long as you..."

Ye Qi shrugged her shoulders and said: "I think we are still keeping our promises!"

The strange wolf immediately added the price: "The skills that existed in some mythological times. How? You can choose whatever I know... This kind of skill can be prepared for the most powerful warrior at that time, as long as you learn, in front of you. The puppy is simply vulnerable, and the little bat is also coming!"

Ye Qi shook his head and said without any temptation: "This is not about the problem of chips between transactions, but a credit, or simply a trust..."

The weird wolf interrupted Ye Qi’s words and said, “Okay, okay, boy, you won! Two, how about?”

Ye Qixian was silent for a moment. When the wolf thought it was possible, Ye Qi was chuckling: "You have thought of such a bad thing - friends can't betray, just the price. Not enough... You know, I am very annoyed and very disgusted with this sentence; even secretly guessing the person who said this sentence, while being hypocritical and laughing around with everyone, while being alert and ridiculous Kind... After you think I have become such a person, what do you think about?"

"I, I...oh, my words...should..."

A strange wolf, wanting to say something, but can't say anything, Ye Qi shrugged and continued to smile and said: "I need friends, some real friends - before they really defiance me, I Never do anything to betray... What do you think of me?"

The strange wolf frowned: "Are you saying that we are friends?"

Ye Qi chuckled: "If you want to be, we are... After all, with the existence of the contract, our relationship is far beyond the general level!"

The strange wolf sank, and it didn’t make a sound for a long time. Then, it disappeared into the heart of Ye Qi and returned to the land of the seal. In this case, Ye Qi did not ask, he threw another knife tornado. After going out, he quickly retreated and opened a sufficient distance.

In the bottom of my heart, meditate: "Open the legendary option!"

Obviously, compared to [Dragon's Heritage (Upper Cologne)] this **** feat that takes time to be effective, the legendary option of [Time Dragon's Talent] is immediate, especially in such an urgent situation. .

[Legend option: Open! 】

[a: strength]

[b: Agile]

[c: Extracting darkness]

[d: Sharpness of secondary wind]

[e: The way of secondary killing]


A quick line of options appeared in front of Ye Qi, glanced up and down, and did not find the most useful [secondary sun tribute] in this moment, Ye Qi slightly disappointed; however, immediately Adjusted over, and there is a hint of surprise at the bottom of my heart - obviously, unlike the [secondary killings] this legendary level that needs to be completed, [sub-sun tribute] is already a complete legendary specialty. So very natural. If the prefix 'secondary' is removed. [What is the situation with the praise of the sun?]

Then, Ye Qi quickly put the [secondary killing] and [secondary wind sharp] outside the option, it is clear that these two specialties are the expertise that needs to be completed, even if it is chosen There is no immediate effect, and the effect of qualitative changes; perhaps [killing the way] can make his strength gain extraordinary growth, but such growth requires a series of prefix matters.

As for [the sharpness of the secondary wind? 】

[Water Power] and [Ray's Discipline] are the best examples. Obviously, it is good. You can control the wind; whether it is attacking the enemy or accelerating yourself is a rare choice, but in the face of the existence of the strongest seven in the world, if you want to attack with the wind, it is far better than using the wind to escape.

Similarly, [gravity sanctions] such options are the same, and [cold weapons (master)], a skill point, for Ye Qi, who has over 100 skill points, is more than enough; if not worried about him If the strange 'existence' of perception is affected, Ye Qi has already completed the master's change toward the legend.

And [power] and [agile] two main attributes. Continuously obtaining three point attribute points is also a good choice. However, it is obviously not as suitable as the [extraction of darkness] expertise; after all, Ye Qi will not forget that [the sub-sun ritual] is from [light extraction].

Obviously, once you choose [Extract Darkness], then Ye Qi will immediately get a legendary level of expertise similar to [Sub-Sun Praise], which is what he has been pursuing; after all, every day and night Alternating, it is too uncomfortable for him to have the bonus of the sub-sun tribute.

Unfortunately, there is no choice to completely help this battle...

Ye Qi looked at the two knives and tornadoes that had been beaten by the wolf king in the distance, and did not hesitate to make a choice.

"I choose c!"


A slight, undetectable shock appeared between the heavens and the earth.

The noon sky, fierce and dark, seems to change from noon to midnight - a round of string moon, this appears next to the sun, exudes a faint jade-like radiance, and then disappears No, the sky, once again lit up.

The whole process, not even a second, is coming to the extreme; but it has been received by a few hearted ones.


In the bar where the devil does not cry in Randingburg, Walliff in the chameleon suddenly appears in the heart of the chameleon, borrowing the power of the contractor to look up at the short sky that is about to disappear.

It whispered, with a very vague voice, muttered to himself: "Light and dark, staggered, the connection between day and night, the birth of the king... The **** did not fall, it should come back!"

The chameleon was puzzled and asked: "Which bastard?"

Wallyman shook his head: "Hey, a stupid bastard!"

The chameleon frowned, apparently not guessing who his contract devil was talking about.


In the Holy See, the new pope was excited to jump from the chair that the most noble person of the Holy See could do; he was inexplicably audible, He whispered: "It really is me, it really is me! My blood of the Son of God, and some of it has merged, and this scene has appeared again. Isn’t it a sign? Yes, it is a sign that, in addition to the indication, What can I have?"


The new pope slammed straight into his body, and his eyes were filled with compelling light. He said in a word: "I want to be king, and I will be the king!"


Shaker, the devil's headquarters.

Inside the central castle. Somewhere somewhere is known.

A group of ages seems to have entered middle age, even the old demon hunters and the cavalry, sitting there lazily, each of them facing a present life with a special leisurely attitude, even if They used to be savage people. At this moment, they are just a group of retired old guys ready to die.

"I don't think I can see my tears in my life!"

"My [Mermaid's Crown] is also!"

"And my [sky feather]!"

"Do you add up to these things that have the value of my life? Is it a treasure that can really be resurrected!"

"[The species of life] is very advanced? My..."

This is almost a daily quarrel and the usual practice, in this place that can not be known by outsiders, the old people are very used to, accustomed to numbness; and in such numbness There are a few elderly people who are always looking forward to something new.

At this moment, the sun in the sky did not disappear, but the moon suddenly appeared.

Immediately, there was silence in the room.

Ps second more ~~

It’s a little late – but it’s not bad, it’s good, isn’t it~

I just picked up a loaf of bread and started to code words. There is absolutely no slack in it; however, it’s late to come back today; no way, one step late, that is the rhythm of late step...

Decadence again on the weekend, the protection of the ground rolling ~~~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, 200 starting points, the Xuanyuan Yuhe 200 starting point, the x200 starting point, the sn100 starting point reward~~~ decadent thanks to all the supportive decadent brothers and sisters~~~( To be continued.)

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