Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 352: Wizard's Hand XII

The old wizard nodded solemnly: "Although the picture is unusually blurred, the light that shines is still ok for me!"

"Is that right?"

Ye Qi face with indulging, quickly asked to the bottom of his heart: "Your old opponent and allies?"

The strange wolf frowned, and some said with certainty: "It is definitely not a great deal among us. In our existence, it is difficult to have a real trust, except for the relationship between blood and blood. Relationships... Allies are in the face of greater interests, and the opposite is also normal!"

"But, now, I can't say it. After I was sealed, there must have been some special circumstances, and this special situation gave the guy a complete abandonment of his hard-won victory, even Even the divine nature is only left in the mountains of God, and the rest are completely unknown!"

"In such a situation, if the guy is looking for some allies or simply developing some allies, I won't be surprised... just, the identity of these allies - ask the little wizard about the specific situation!"

The wolf is getting faster and faster.

In the face of the strange wolf's answer, Ye Qi's brow wrinkled; however, according to the request of the wolf, he continued to ask the old wizard: "This kind of thing... So what have you seen? Disaster and these 'spirits' outside?"

The old wizard did not answer immediately, but paused, as if thinking about how to speak; for ten minutes, the old wizard said again: "I saw the dragon. Devouring the 'spirit' Dragons - At the beginning of the disaster, there was a huge black shadow on the cloud. The batwings that stretched out, the huge pressure, made the golden, high-spirited beings eclipse..."

As he said, the old wizard’s eyes looked at Ye Qi and said: “Although I don’t know who the dragon is, I can only look for it – and in Lorante, as far as I know Except for the one in the Huangsha area, only you and your teacher!"

Ye Qi locked her brow and said: "Do you think we will fight against the gods and win?"

The old wizard nodded and sighed and said: "The battle is certain, but winning... I didn't see it, but I saw hope!"

Ye Qi smiled bitterly: "So. You will wait for me in Hailin, give me help... And even if I don't come to Hailin District, will you remove me?"

The old wizard smiled and said: "Yes, if you don't appear in the Hailin District within a week, I can only go to Langfang Fort to find you... But you see that fate is always so wonderful, it will You sent it to me, and the hope in my heart is even more!"

Ye Qi continued to ask: "So my teacher and the presence in the Huangsha area, are you looking for it?"

The old wizard replied: "I didn't find the exact location in the Huangsha District... It seems to be a misunderstanding for us. I always avoid it; however, I have accurately conveyed the meaning of the meeting. Including my goodwill!” said the old wizard, who had no choice but to wave his hand and said: “As for your teacher? In the depths of the Qiangyu District, it is really a vast and dangerous place. I sent people deeper. A few times, but nothing; but, fortunately, you are in front of me at the moment!"

Ye Qi smiled bitterly: "I don't think the astrological prophecy is absolute!"

The old wizard nodded: "Yes, I think so too; but you can never deny that it is a possible kind of future happening... and in the face of the general possibility of such a disaster, we need to turn it into impossible. Isn't that the existence of astrology?"

The bitter smile of Ye Qi’s mouth is getting richer and thicker. Even with Ye Qi’s character, I don’t know what to say at this time.

The old wizard is still smiling. "This kind of thing is really very unacceptable, but it is definitely not unacceptable... When we saw this scene, we already had an advantage; although this advantage is very Small, small enough to be negligible, but always better than nothing!"

Ye Qi helplessly said: "Your optimism is worth my admiration!"

Then, Ye Qi quickly adjusted his inner heart, which became agitated by this series of news, and quickly calmed down. He continued to ask the old wizard what he saw: "The disaster happened only in Lorraine. Special? I mean the bridge on the other side or a more remote place?"

The old wizard replied: "Just Laurent, this material world - other planes, half planes, and even plane fragments, there is nothing... you want to arrange your loved ones, friends to those Where?"

Ye Qi nodded without a cover: "Yes, if there is protection from harm, I think this is inevitable!"

The old wizard smiled and said: "I have chosen a piece of half-plane and two pieces of planes. One of the planes is not big, but it is still possible for thousands of people. - Rest assured, the ecological environment inside, I have thoroughly measured it, it is very stable, it can fit the life of this number of people, and can store the same amount of livestock!"

Ye Qi immediately expressed his gratitude: "Your kindness is far beyond your reputation, it will be..."

In the face of Ye Qi’s gratitude, the old wizard immediately waved his hand and said: “These are just a deal. You have to help me keep the seeds of the wizard. I will give this to you, including the key fragments of the last days. And there are things about Xiaoyue, all of which are transactions; my starting point is not so noble... On the contrary, I have enough selfishness to do such things, just to make the inheritance of the wizards last! ”

Ye Qi took a deep breath: "This kind of selfishness is beyond the meaning of its own literal meaning!"

The old wizard looked at Ye Qi and asked: "So, you promised?"

Ye Qi nodded: "It is already the case. How can I not agree... or. Can you give me better advice?"

The old wizard shrugged his shoulders and said nothing.

obviously. Such a proposal is already the best result. Just as the old wizard himself said, he is only a selfish person. He can only protect the wizards in his name. As for other people? Perhaps when there is an opportunity, the old wizard does not mind helping, but in the case of self-protection, the old wizard will definitely choose to stand by.

And Ye Qi?

The same is true.

now. Ye Qi’s mind has begun to turn and determine the number of places he should have – a thousand people seem to be a lot, but there are many candidates in Ye Qi’s mind, especially the young wizards who are going to experience two hundred in Langburg. When counted in, the number of people was stretched out in an instant.

The weird wolf said faintly: "The bridge on the other side!"

Ye Qi’s body immediately shook, and his heart turned sharply for a long time, after that. Only slowly said: "I will consider it!"

After pressing a tyrannical, **** thought in his heart, Ye Qi’s gaze returned to the phantom map again, looking at the clearly visible Carl’s outpost camp, asking the old wizard: “Here What are you going to do?"

The old wizard slowly said: "In my gaze, this is going to happen. It has been a few years after my death - although I have always wanted to determine its exact time, it is still very vague; only one Probably... six to nine years, this is the most accurate time I can determine!"

"So, I can only solve the problem before my life is completely gone!" The old wizard looked at the black hole. Said faintly: "In the beginning, the Holy See did not do enough. Our wizards can only do it. Help them sweep the tail!"

Ye Qi asked: "Can you completely destroy Carl?"

The old wizard nodded: "Besides, I don't have any way... The only thing that is lucky is how to blow up Carl, I have a considerable belly and have absolute certainty - war, always Will let civilization be destroyed, and before destroying civilization, let it develop rapidly!"

After Ye Qi’s gaze glanced at the phantom map again, he asked the old wizard: “When will we sign the agreement?”

The old wizard laughed: "At dawn... there are still hours at that time, no need to worry; in such a relaxed time, we can do something else!"

Other things?

Ye Qiyi, but then walked out of the small room behind the old wizard, passed through the laboratory, and continued to climb up the stairs.

In the process, Ye Qi met a total of ten guards who guarded the stairs. Even with the two people he had encountered before, there were a total of twelve. Except for the top eight, all four of them were all Extraordinary, although not through the 'new promotion', but the identity of the legendary strong is certain.

Under such an identity, he is willing to act as a guardian, and Ye Qi has to evaluate the old wizard again; after all, this can be solved not only by ordinary strength and fame...

The strange wolf snorted and commented: "Without guessing, these guys completely respected this 'little wizard' as a godly admiration; oh, but it is because of this that the little wizard has accelerated himself. death!"

Ye Qi asked in confusion: "Why?"

The grotesque wolf said: "The power of faith is not so good, there are no certain steps or skills, it will only harm oneself - perhaps the ability to obtain any strange power with such power, but in After that, you will suffer... the pain of suffering!"

"Of course, your [nameless technique] is not the same. It is not simply the power of absorbing faith. If you say it accurately, it is plundering, the complete and complete plunder!" The voice of the wolf was clearly introduced. Ye Qi’s heart: “So, you won’t be 'eroded' like this little wizard, but you can get some strange abilities... But compared to this little wizard, it’s not quite enough! ”

"Peeping into the future... The fate is like the thread connected to the spinning hammer. Once it is pulled, it will inevitably drive the spindle to rotate quickly, and involve other yarns - it is really impossible to peep into the future. ability!"

With such a sigh, the wolf must end this conversation accurately. However, Ye Qi did not want to end like this, and followed the old wizard. His pace did not stop, but his mind was already placed on the problem that had puzzled him for a long time.

Ye Qi asked: "What is the power of faith, what kind of absorption and utilization do you need? I am talking about the orthodox way!"

The wolf laughed and said: "The orthodox way, of course I know... but, if I tell you now, it is still a little early!"

Ye Qi frowned. "When will it wait?"

The wolf continues to laugh, as if perfunctory: "What do you feel in your void? Except for the last [sub-killing]?"

Ye Qi shook his head: "No!"

The strange wolf sighed. It seems to be a pity: "So slowly feel it! After the thorough changes have occurred there, I will tell you how to absorb and use the power of faith!"

Ye Qihu suspected: "Are you sure?"

The wolf said very naturally: "Of course! The promise I made will never be violated!"

"I hope so!"

After Ye Qi’s heart returned, she began to arrange the time for cultivation. It was natural to induce the time of the void, and it was lengthened, just below the knife. Of course. In order to better accept [Dragon's Heritage (Upper Dragon)], Ye Qi also adjusted his sleep time accordingly.

Such adjustments and changes will naturally reduce the rest of the time. However, compared with these important projects, the rest of the projects are somewhat insignificant; if they are reduced. It is also a matter of course.

After passing through the twelfth guard's guarded stairs, Ye Qi followed behind the old wizard and entered the highest point of the minaret - the old wizard's bedroom, a wide and amazing place; and caused this reason Naturally, all the furniture facilities here have only one bed.

Ye Qi looked around again. He can see that it should have been a laboratory table and a bookshelf. After all, the traces on the walls and the floor are not deceiving at all; Ye Qi secretly thought: "The bookshelves that were previously seen in the collection of books that have been protected by spells must have been moved from here. And a few cleaned, but no one used the experimental table, no doubt it is like this!"

The old wizard made a gesture of asking for Ye Qi, and there was no shame because of the simplicity of his wizard. In fact, no one is worthy of the so-called shame of the old wizard; after all, the old It is an honour for the identity and status of the wizard to be invited by the old wizard.

The old wizard pulled out two felt mats from the bed and handed them to Ye Qi. He put the one in his hand on the ground and sat up straight. Ye Qi also sat up like a school, and Ye Qi Just sitting down, the old wizard took out a thick book from the cuff and handed it to Ye Qi.

Ye Qiyi asked, "Is this?"

The old wizard explained: "My diary!"

Ye Qi was surprised and asked: "Your diary?"

The old wizard nodded: "Well, it's a little compensation! Merlin is a young man with enough talent, her family is also a good family, but in many cases, we are involuntarily... So, please Give this to her and tell her that she is still a wizard no matter how she looks at me!"

Ye Qi took over the diary of the old wizard, only a slight look, it is certain that this is a traditional wizard diary, recording the experiment of the wizard himself, the construction of the spell model, the trick of casting, etc. A wizard who follows the tradition will do the same, but the wizard who is in the status of an old wizard, the wizard's diary, must be different.

If placed in the dark ages, this must be a diary that can be exchanged for the city.

Ye Qi gave the such a diary to the old wizard and brought it back to the young witch. The heart is naturally puzzled. Although Ye Qi will not ask the young witch's past, in some conversations, Ye Qi It can be felt that the young witches are quite responsible for the feelings of the wizards, both nostalgia and hatred, but in which it is clear that the latter is occupying an important position.

Compared with young witches, this is because young people who are unable to separate their true feelings because of their old wizard obviously will not make such a mistake, he should be more determined, and It’s not like making such ambiguous behavior at the moment, even because of him.

Ye Qike does not think that the old wizard will suddenly change his opinion on Merlin because of his existence; after all, Merlin has been in Lantingburg for more than three years, not to mention the initial wandering. If you want to change, It should be changed, not changed now.

In other words, isn't the change at the moment not a bit late?

The old wizard apparently saw Ye Qi’s doubts. He smiled and said: “Merlin is also one of the wizard’s fires. No matter how she treats me, the fact that she is still a wizard is not changed... Of course, this is just a manuscript. I have already handed it over to Vails - this is another thing I need your help, as for the reward?"

Said, a bright sword appeared in the hands of the old wizard.

Ps first more ~ ​​~ timing ~ ~

In other words, just coming back from Guangzhou, I was slightly uncomfortable, and I felt that my family was cold again... The code words began to freeze my fingers again... (unfinished...)

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