Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 362: In the banquet

In front of the bar, there was a sign that was not open for business. Ye Qi bypassed the sign and lifted his legs in the surprise and respectful greetings of the waiters.

"Boss, welcome back!"

The tall, strong waiters squatted and succumbed, and then let a road that was enough for Ye Qi to pass - although there were brands, but those who often touched at the bar, sometimes did not understand this kind of politeness. The rejection of ' must have more practical actions to make them understand that what they should do is correct.

Ye Qi nodded slightly and continued to walk inside.

"Ha! Ye, welcome back!"

Because the time of the dinner did not arrive, there were not many people on the whole floor. Only Hiller, who had rushed back from the Qiangqu area, did not catch the hunter who was fighting the dark creatures alone. In fact, This is not uncommon, and last night, people like them drank too much.

Hilaire, the hunter who used the huge knives, was still a slightly worn leather armor, as well as messy hair and a messy beard, even if he took it seriously, it still looks It’s a mess, even Ye Qi can be sure that if Hillier doesn’t care so much, these hair and beards will be even better.

Ye Qi gave a gesture to the bartender. After picking up a drink without any alcohol, he gently hit a cup with Hillaire. In the sound of '叮', he laughed: "See you guy." Really very happy!"

For the first apostle-level hunter who had seen in Langburg, Ye Qi was naturally remembered, and the other party had helped him a lot. It also brought him a lot of trouble; however. In short, the other party is a good person. For such people, Ye Qi is sincerely welcoming the return of the other party.

Ye Qi put down the bar and gave a slight meal. He smiled and asked: "How about this harvest?"

Immediately, Hillel shook his head and sighed: "It's too good to go... but compared with here, it's too far too far! If I don't go deep into the unexplored area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area, I should be able to To catch up with this battle - I like this battlefield more than the hole in the hole!"

Ye Qi smiled and said: "Sometimes, this is always the case - when you think you have got something, you actually lose more!"

Hillaire nodded helplessly, but immediately smiled secretly, only to see the knife knife leaned together to Ye Qi, then pointed to the horse outside, and then pointed to the upstairs. Whispered: "However, I think the latter part of the story. It can continue like this. 'When you think you have lost something, you always get some other compensation'... I think this sentence is too much. ... I really hope to see what kind of situation you will face!"

Ye Qi turned a blank eye and said: "Absolutely not what you expect to see!"

Hiller shrugged indifferently, and once again took a sip of the wine bottle next to it, he began to smile and waited; and Ye Qi was brows and wrinkled, eventually the drink without any alcohol. Put it on the bar, and after greeting the bartender, walk slowly toward the second floor.

While waiting for Hillel, he immediately squatted, and after drinking the bottle of wine, he followed it one step at a time.

The left bartender quickly cleaned up the cup and the empty bottle, wiped the bar clean again, and then shook his head with a helpless smile.


On the second floor of the bar, the same excitement is less than that of the first floor; however, compared with the number of people on the first floor, the number of people here is much more; looking at the Ye Qi, Lan Yi The female female cavalry headed by Slot all stood up, and twelve pairs of eyes stared at Ye Qi, not much goodwill.

Although they haven't figured out what is going on so far, but in the previous introduction, the sudden appearance of the chameleon and Linda Northd made these a woman who was also a woman feel a little wrong; Even if they are very little exposed to this aspect, the nature of women makes them instinctively sensitive; especially with the fact that there are a little bit of a greasy presence in the Rhines, twelve willows who are about to end their teenage years. We, sitting here, couldn’t help thinking about it.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Lancelot, Kovan... and everyone!"

Ye Qi, who was surrounded by the middle, called the female cavalry in front of him in the name of the memory; however, such a title obviously could not make these female cavalry improve their current attitude, and they looked at each other. At first, Gao Wen stood up - originally Lancelot would be the best candidate, but the unclear relationship between the two before, she did not have such a position.

In fact, if you can, Lancelot will never make such a stupid thing - yes, she seems to be a very smart thing at the time, but at her point in her opinion A stupid thing; although it has experienced pain, it is undoubtedly growth.

In the eyes of the partners, Gao Wen stood in front of Ye Qi and asked: "Who is the woman named Bernard, Taylor and Linda Northd?"

Obviously, such a direct problem made Ye Qi have a hint of indulgence. He replied with a smile: "I think I should explain to Aier!"

Gao Wen snorted and said, "Do you not need to practice in advance in front of us?"

Ye Qi continued to smile and said: "I don't think it is necessary!"

Said, Ye Qi went straight to the inside; Lancelot on the side immediately wrinkled, and reached out to Ye Qi's windbreaker, but she just raised her arm, originally standing in front of her. Ye Qi has already appeared behind her, and at the moment she turned, Ye Qi has already stepped out of this encirclement.

The whole process, very fast, is coming to these girlfriends cavalry to remove Lancelot, the rest of the people only feel that it is a flower in front of them, they have lost the trace of Ye Qi.

Looking at Ye Qi with apologetic smile. A lone female rider in Lancelot snorted. Turned around. Looking at the bad eyes to the Hiller who was still standing on the stairs; immediately, Hillier felt the coolness on his back. He held his hands high and shouted: "I am a guest who is invited." , the guest... has no relationship with the previous one!"

Lancelot looked at Hiller coldly: "The party hasn't started yet, and the second floor is not open for the time being!"

Hiller immediately nodded like a big man: "Yes, yes!"

Speaking of a trotting down the second floor, Hiller standing on the stairway, thinking of the twelve non-weakly rangers, especially the leader. He not only smiled bitterly, but whispered in a low voice: "When do you have to rely on strength as a yardstick for even watching the excitement?"

This kind of murmur can only be heard by Siriel himself, but the way of depression is that anyone can see it clearly.

The bartender smiled and asked: "I have a special mead, do you need a cup?"

Hillaire immediately shouted: "I want a bottle!"

Looking at his appearance as a sip of the bottle, it is clear that the previous things have been forgotten almost - the life of the demon hunter, in a sense, unusually monotonous; It is because of this monotony that they have become more and more simple.

friend. drink.

Enemy, pull the knife.

Undoubtedly, Hillel is one of such simple representatives; Ye Qi was also ready to develop in this direction; but, very unfortunately, after the inexplicable contract, and represented one of the three major forces of Lorante When the Holy See stood on the opposite side, everything in his place became involuntarily.

At the very least, for Ye Qi, who loves life, everything has changed.


From the second floor to the secret hall leading to the underground hall, the two soldiers who kept at the secret passage immediately said with respect: "Welcome back, boss!"

One of the remnants said as they yelled at Ye Qi, and the other simply made a gesture; Ye Qi nodded and hurriedly walked toward the central hall.

Step, step, step...

Ye Qi did not hide his footsteps. He hoped that the people in the hall could also hear it - giving each side a separate preparation. This is the reason why Ye Qi himself comforted himself at this moment.

However, what Ye Qi expected was that when his footsteps sounded, apart from the fluctuations belonging to the female cavalry chief, the remaining three fluctuations including the chameleon were thinking about moving in the distance - there was to prevent it In case, the arranged room should now be the chameleon's room.

This unclear move made Ye Qi's footsteps and the footsteps randomly interrupted; however, the next moment, Ye Qi went forward again - all of them have reached such a point, he naturally has no hesitation.

The strange wolf laughed at the bottom of his heart: "Does this have a feeling of going to the execution ground?"

Ye Qi replied coldly: "I hope you can share with me the feeling of the original!"

The strange wolf asked strangely: "I have not been to the execution ground yet?"

Ye Qi replied coldly: "I thought that you have been there, it will be so clear!"

The strange wolf snorted: "I originally had this good way, I am going to share it with you, but now it seems..."

The strange wolf deliberately extended the tone and gave Ye Qi a long wait; however, Ye Qi shook his head very simply: "No need... Some things must be faced directly...not go Looking for an excuse!"

The strange wolf licked his mouth and said: "The fake boy... always such hypocrisy!"

After that, the strange wolf disappeared into the heart of Ye Qi; however, Ye Qi can be sure that the wolf will never sleep in the seal hall at this time, and will definitely rely on the power of the contract to 'watch the drama' - regardless of As a result, such a 'good play' will be the capital that the other party will laugh at later.

In this regard, Ye Qi, who has long been used to it, just took a deep breath and stepped into the hall.

For the ladies, the rare figure is sitting on the sofa, there is no weakness or enjoyment, Ye Qi walked slowly to the back of the sofa and reached out and put it on the shoulder slightly higher than the back of the sofa. Even with a layer of uniform, the temperature of Ye Qi’s palm is still a little warm and humid, as if to convey Ye Qi’s apology.

The female cavalry commander said with a low voice: "What do you want to explain?"

Ye Qi smiled bitterly: "I can't explain... Sorry. I seem to have done something that violates the principle!"

The female cavalry officer turned her head. Look at Ye Qi. Emerald eyes looked at the bitter smile of Ye Qi, the voice was a little harder, and a little more soft feeling, asked: "Your principle, because I violated it?"

Ye Qi nodded: "I have principles and a bottom line - but I am not a consistent person... Maybe a crony guy. I can't do that in front of my loved ones; maybe. Don't be in the population. The two standards, the two bottom lines, are really perfect for me!"

Speaking of this, Ye Qi's bitter smile became more and more intense. He licked his lips and wanted to make this smile converge a little, but it didn't have any effect.

The female cavalry officer moved her body slightly, and let the majority of the sofa position, with the handrails, be allowed to come out, so that Ye Qi could sit down and she kissed Ye Qi’s arm. Road: "I also violated my own principles... Towards those who must be executed in my eyes, compromised... my knight's way. The most important thing is fairness - but I can't do it!"

"I am helpless, I want to find a comfort!"

Ye Qi immediately raised her arm and stopped her shoulder, whispered: "I am here! If you can... I will always be here!"

The female cavalry chief looked at Ye Qi and stared: "I have violated my knight's way. I have already forsaken my heart. However, the result is unexpected. The battle outside the Four Seasons is still the same. Continued, but the balance of victory tilted toward us... Violation of one's path, but it won the final victory, I was lost at that moment!"

"The Knights' Way is not only fair... there is mercy, but I can't do the pity for those people, watching their existence, I still want to pull out the sword and leave their heads - even if they In the fight for the victory of the war, but more often, they are still for themselves!"

The voice of the female cavalry chief was full of confusion and a touch of overwhelming.

Ye Qi gently patted her shoulder and said: "You gave up your own path, chose to compromise, and won the victory; they insisted on their own for the sake of their own interests, and they also won the victory - your knight's way No change, just pity, you have a more selfless heart: sacrifice!"

"Sacrificing the path of your choice, to take care of the overall situation, I don't think any person or existence can say anything excessive to you...because you have done the best - and I..." I sighed with a sigh: "I have always advertised my principles and the bottom line, but I don't mention it to remind myself; but... you also saw that my willpower is not as firm as I expected! ”

Speaking of this discourse, Ye Qi is already waiting, and then it is like a stormy scolding or questioning, but, to his surprise, the female cavalry chief did not do this, she gently patted him to put On the back of her hand, she said lowly: "The adult Pedernange once told me that too much attachment will eventually lose everything... I was difficult to understand such words at the time, but here After the war, after some compromises, I have some understanding!"

"If you can't do it all the time, then you shouldn't have that kind of pride!" The female cavalry chief looked at Ye Qi and whispered, "When I see it here, is there a trace of ecstasy in your heart?" ?"

Ye Qi shook his head and said: "I am only nervous... and afraid!"

The female cavalry chief stared at Ye Qi and said: "Do you have no confidence in me?"

Ye Qi smiled bitterly: "This is not about confidence, just because of mistakes; after all, my previous guarantee to you, at this time, seems to be even worse than a piece of waste paper... and more importantly, after us After that... Do you understand?"

Speaking of this, Ye Qi has not said anything.

Rarely, Ye Qi's face also brought a trace of embarrassing appearance. He was more embarrassed and uneasy than the first time he was out of the mission. Ye Qi's eyes looked forward to watching the female cavalry chief.

The female cavalry chief nodded slightly and replied: "I understand... I understand it, and try to stand on your side and consider some things - this makes me more clear and understand you!"

Ye Qi stared at the female cavalry's long palm through her neck, and put her head in the ear of the female cavalry chief, whispered: "Thank you!"

The female cavalry commander responded slightly and kissed Ye Qi’s earlobe.

Then, the two held more tight.

After a long time, the female cavalry chief suddenly said: "Do you want to know what Pedernange and I have said?"

Ye Qi nodded: "I will listen!"


In the chameleon's room ~ Rhines and Linda Northd also with a hint of embarrassment.

They looked at the chameleon incredulously and asked: "Is this solved?"

The chameleon nodded: "Of course - a woman can happen for love!"

The Rhines still has a slight disbelief, she said: "Yes, but..."

The chameleon smiled and said: "The pride of a woman, if it is her own, then she will be destined to be lonely - you should be glad, Lord Els is very aware of this truth!"

Ps second more ~~

Winter solstice, eat dumplings say ~~~

Thanks to the x200 starting point reward, sn100 starting point reward ~~~ decadent thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence ~~~ (to be continued.)

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