Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 13: Return of the harvest festival

The time spent in Dude was longer than Ye Qi expected, so that when they returned to Langburg, it was already the morning of the harvest festival; however, for such extensions, including Ye Qi Everyone will not have any dissatisfaction or complaints.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

After all, Little Doug showed his efforts and talent.

Yes, the reason why Ye Qi wants to extend the time is because of the small Doug; for this stubborn, stubborn, but kind young man, or seriously speaking, is a half-large child; although the small Doug has been pretending to be mature, This is the day of every child who wants to grow up, but it is because of this that they can show that they are still half-sized children.

Mature, never need to behave, it is distributed from the inside out.

However, the small Doug is undoubtedly a little worse.

However, it is a little worse in this respect, and other aspects are satisfactory enough.

Xiao Doug likes firearms, but prefers swords. This is what Ye Qi knew when he gave him some small gifts. Therefore, when choosing his own skills, Xiao Doug is undoubtedly biased towards the sword; Give the Doug a more standard training, and after discussing with the president of Spedo, who is ignoring himself to bury himself in the tank, the new double-edged sword appeared in the small Doug. Waist.

It was a seemingly simple but absolutely sharp sword, and the reason why Little Doug chose this sword, Ye Qi and Spedo are also well-known - because this sword looks very much like The bronze sword that has been broken and has a bonus to the display; but this is just like nothing, and it does not have such a role, or to remove the sharp, this quaint sword has no advantages.

Your first weapon, preferably not a magic weapon, because that will make you dependent; and once the dependence is produced, it will definitely not be able to quit for a while, or even affect its own growth; This is what Ye Qi and Spedo don't want to see.

As for the small Doug?

After having his first sword, he didn't sleep well for one night, so that the training of Ye Qi in the next day had to take four hours to get rid of it; however, after waking up, Xiao Doug has made up for these four hours with a more hard work, even more than a lot.

Swords a thousand times, stabbing a thousand times, blocking a thousand times, this is one of the main training in the morning, in the afternoon, the small Doug has tripled the completion; and the consequence is that when going back, no Not that Spedo personally came over and took it back; Ye Qi originally wanted to go back directly to the small Doug, but the little Doug was reluctant to go back by himself - if it was 'Finger', say this, Ye I am sure that the small Doug will promise.

The basic training is going on, and the advanced training is also going on - in the case of a shortage of time, I have to do this.

However, Ye Qi has given a rule to Xiao Dou. If he can't shorten a training to two hours, he is not allowed to carry out such advanced training. For the small Doug at the moment, complete it. The one has taken about two hours, not to mention the shortening in two hours, which is a rather long cultivation time.

The original Ye Qi also came this way, and in about nine months, it was considered to be qualified.

After all the basic training and the main points of the advanced training were explained, Ye Qi taught the small Doug after completing the training on the day before leaving the small Doug; of course, it was only in the RìYao class and its Next, the remaining higher level, telling the small Doug is only a hundred harms and no benefit, that is the half-size child, at this moment, the level that cannot be understood at all.

When the basic movements, and the main points of action, Ye Qiyi's correction, and the small Doug can also be familiar with the mouth of the mouth, Ye Qite, personally sent the small Doug back to the wild wine of Spedo; then, In the guarantee of the other party, I easily returned to my apartment.

On the early morning of the next day, Ye Qi and his entourage left Dude. Apart from Spedo, no one came to see him off. Xiao Doug was undoubtedly still asleep. The training that was aggravated yesterday was enough for the half-size children to sleep until noon today. As a trainer, Ye Qi is very clear.

The farewell of the demon hunter is always so simple, waved, and the two blessings, the team opened; but when it came to the outskirts of Dude, it was unexpected to see Deides and Moritz. One of the highest zhèngfǔ patrons, a tallest zhèngfǔ chief of staff, stood in a street mouth, waved at Ye Qi and his party, and turned away, which is simpler than the farewell of the demon.

In this regard, Ye Qi shrugged his shoulders, with a smile, and urged Gronin to continue to move forward - that night, the sacred tower tower owner had a sullen face and came to his apartment, with a very serious mouth. Wěn and he said 'there is a chance to learn the lessons of Deides! Then, that night, I rushed back to the headquarters of the Demon Hunter that night.

Obviously, after the conflict with the Dedes, the sacred tower tower owner ate a little loss - so that Ye Qi could clearly judge that the tower of the sacred object was not far from his own; With the temper of the other party, after he chooses to leave, naturally he will not be willing to give up.

This result is expected in Ye Qi.

And what about ‘learning Dides’? Ye Qi will not do it for the time being. After all, he will not be arrogant to fight the night that is not even a fight, as the final contrast with the other's strength; know that the other party is letting him go. Second, then, just passive defense, without any counterattack.

Once the counterattack is made, the final result is simply unpredictable. In fact, there is no need to say counterattack. In the 12-second gain, if the opponent attacked, Ye Qi’s odds would have to be weakened by 50%. More; very natural, how to get yourself for twelve seconds, immediately became the direction of Ye Qi thinking.

There are many ways to solve it, but Ye Qi is still trying the stage.

Even on the way back, except for the knowledge and memory accepted, this has become his most important thing.

It was nearly twice as fast as it was in the morning. On the morning of the third day, Ye Qi, they set foot on the land of Langburg. Without the 'speed limit' of Moretti, Ye Qi and his party were completely The way of hunting the devil is coming back; not in a hurry, it is a reaction of instinct.

The female cavalry long rides in the battle, watching the talents flying around and the grain crops hanging at the door of every household, can't help but say: "The Harvest Festival, is it?"

After entering the Landingburg, the truck was handed over to the highest zhèngfǔ person who had come to meet, and even the sè dragon chose to ride the horse - this is her subordinate, according to her request, sent the horse Very rare, is a purebred horse, with all the high Luma, a strong explosive, good endurance, and unusually tall, strong, even compared with Groning, it is only a little short a little.

Such horses are naturally unruly, even after training, especially when there are more mares next to them. Therefore, when they saw Gronin, they immediately came together unfriendly. I want to bite Gronin; however, when Gronin blinks and the nightmare breath is slightly released, this purebred horse is like a cockroach, so it doesn’t dare to move, and Ye Qi is not good. After taking a few shots, Gronin regained his gaze and snorted with a disdainful attitude, as if to say 'small sample, dare to fight with me! ’

In this regard, everyone shrugged.

Ye Qi glanced around and looked at the colorful strips. Listening to the cheers from time to time, he nodded slightly: "Well, the harvest is over... This year's harvest is very good, although the middle has experienced some Bō折!"

Changed sè dragon laughed: "However, it is clear that everyone wants to forget such a b-fold - this year's harvest festival will be very grand, the Northder family will be well arranged!"

As a substantial manager of the Bay Area, even if it is to appease the people, the Northder family will not be jealous in this respect; in fact, as early as two weeks ago, the emergence of those drama groups has already explained everything; The fleet of looming floats in the distance indicates that it is only the beginning.

Gao Wen stretched his neck on horseback, looked at the fleet of looming floats in the distance, and asked the surrounding partners: "Is there a carnival today?"

Lancelot, who was not interested at all, snorted: "How do I know!"

Jerant and Gareth said in unison: "There must be!"

Obviously for the carnival, the two have expectations.

Kay is chanting: "If you have one, go to participate. If you don't have one, go to sleep... Why bother with this, you must know..."

The little Lanmarock, who is a small figure, looks at Kay, and looks at the opponent who almost fell off the horse. This female knight with absolute strength gently said coldly: "I don't want to hear you with or without carnival. Hey!"

Paxiwar, Tristan and Bedwell also nodded and agreed.

Kay immediately screamed and screamed, like a sobbing cry: "You are too bully!"

Gayllis and Bos glanced at each other, and at the same time, Zema came to Kay’s side. Immediately, Kay, who was still sobbing, immediately jǐng stunned. She looked at the two and cautiously asked: “You What are you doing?"

"Someone said, we bully people, but we didn't do anything..."

"So, we are going to really bully someone!"

Boss said, Gabriel immediately interfaced; then, the two left and right, Kay pressed on the saddle, and both hands went deep into Kay's armpit.

"Ha ha ha... let go... hahaha... hurry to let me go... hahaha... I don't dare, I beg you... hahaha... let go..."

In the burst of laughter, mixed with words, from the very beginning of the momentum, to the last begging for mercy, but only lasted less than thirty seconds; however, such a petition has no effect, on the contrary, other people also joined And, very quickly, it was only the people who bullied Kay. In Gao Wen’s carelessness, he bumped into Lanmarock. After Langmaroc’s straightening of Gao Wen’s body to Gabriel, everything became a pot of porridge.

"A group of little guys..."

Lancelot was sitting straight in the battle, cold and cold with the scene at the moment, but was interrupted by a stone.


The power of the stone is not heavy, but it has deceived Lancelot's perception, and it is exactly the same as Lancelot's brain.

He also raised his hand, Graeheide, who had not recovered, with a sultry smile, said: "Sorry, the hand slipped!"


"Hands slip your sister! It is intentional! You smile this face!"

After a brief silence, Lancelot rushed toward Graheed.

"Smile face tiger? Hehe..."

Grahamd rushed to Lancelot with a smile of blackness.

"Let me go, I can't breathe!"

"You are, take your feet off!"

"Whose hair is wrapped around my neck!"


The lively and extraordinary situation did not stop because of the onlookers of the passers-by. On the contrary, it became more and more fierce. It was obviously strange to look at these female female cavalry. Obviously, she could not imagine that she was always solemn and upright. They will have this side as well.

"Don't you manage it?"

Looking at the female cavalry chief who was going straight to the horse, she asked the sè dragon, and the female cavalry chief just shrugged and said: "In the camp, they often do this... this is a way of getting acquainted with each other! Before them, most of them were young men who were doing it, but they were the same in their bodies!"

Ye Qi glanced at it and smiled and took back his eyes. He said: "When I was with Datong, Darlan, and Ava, they were the same... Datong’s guy was the most miserable every time. That, but also the happiest one; although Ava is very silent, but in such activities, it will not fall behind, and the worst is Darlan. Whoever he sits on, whoever has to go Half a life..."

Said, said, Ye Qi's eyes could not help but come up with a touch of thought, he is very fond of knowing his three friends, now how is it near the jliu strait.


The sea water in the jī strait is still so eager, and the endless sea that is poured back and forth seems to be venting anger in it. Not only the reefs are shocked, but the embankments on both sides are also being washed away. I don't know how many years, from the place where it was only five or six feet wide, it has become tens of yards wide now, and the length is more than two kilometers.

These things, the big man was originally unknown, but when he slept on the bottom of the sea, he was all printed in his mind, and even in his mind, there was an initial first share. The seawater entered this place, which was originally a small low-lying land. Now it is a memory called the Strait.

In this regard, the big man is very confused and scratched his head, and even thought about it for a long while.

However, in the end, the big man was a very sly smile, and he left these fundamentally unclear questions in his mind - he knew that he was not smart, so he never did what smart people would do; Thinking about things, he thinks more that giving his friends is the best way.

As for him?

Just listen to that answer quietly.


Still a big man scratching his head, a fierce glimpse, he suddenly remembered why he was here.


Dark creatures!

The sudden appearance of the picture in the mind made the big man straightforward.


The waters of the jī strait did not pass the big man's jaw and reached the bottom of the nose, and when the big man stood up, the sea of ​​the strait was only passed from his big tu, and his As soon as the two arms were lifted, they climbed to the cliffs on both sides of the jliu strait.



The big man's two arms are slightly exerted, and the whole person is propped up from the strait to the highland of the reef. The sea water flows down from the steel-like body. Under the morning sun, it brings a different kind of luster. .

"this is?"

After the real down-to-earth, the big man suddenly found his own difference; it seems that...they are growing taller, and the power is getting bigger... There seems to be some other difference, but it seems to be no.

"Dallan, Darlan!"

The voice suddenly came from behind the head, and the big man turned around and saw his good friend: Datong.


The big man shouted excitedly. Immediately, a strong wind spurted out from the mouth of the big man, letting the little man flying in midair sway, and finally stabilized his figure, the little man shouted: "Dal Lan, you are too big now! Can you be smaller?"


This seems to be an instinctive change. There is no need to think at all. When the big voice has just fallen, the whole body is like a balloon. The two breaths are back to normal level after - Of course, just the normal level of the big man, others are still looking at a big unattainable big man.

"You guy, now is really a giant! Just eighty feet tall?"

The little man who fell from the sky smiled and glanced at his good friend, but the next moment he took a breath: "Hey, it hurts, you hit the iron? Even if it is iron, it is not so hard!"

Looking at the appearance of a good friend, the big man is only used to scratching his head, and then he sneaked a sneer; the little man smashed the red palm again, and then carefully tried it again, patted it slightly. Big man's ōng膛.


A vibrato slamming on the iron wall of the copper wall rang.

PS second more~~

A new month~~ I want to protect it~~~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas wandering 500 starting points to reward ~~~ decadent thanks to all the support of decadent brothers and sisters ~~~RS! .

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