Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 22: set off

Ye Qi was pale, slowly sitting under the statue of the wolf, his breath was short, sweat fell asleep on his forehead, and ran down his cheeks; then, subconsciously touched his chest, Ye Qi could not help but smile - - Before the battle with the illusion of the inanimate king, at first, he did not intend to have the upper hand, but in the end...

Is that long gun a weapon of the Nozan Empire? !

Ye Qiyi thought of the quaintness, but it seemed to be poured by countless blood. The rifle was entangled in the endless spirit, and the brow wrinkled tightly.

The feeling of being completely locked, or even unable to move the figure at all, and then being pierced directly... is really uncomfortable!

Different from the strong and powerful feeling of crushing strength, after all, there will be resistance in the presence of weak, but in front of the long gun, he can’t resist, he can only watch as he is pierced by the rifle; This is true of hundreds of deaths.

"How? Is there a new experience?"

The wolf's tone carries a sly, obviously, Ye Qi and the battle of the inanimate king illusion, he is watching from start to finish... and, never tired - in fact, can see Ye Qi in himself In front of the situation, in the absence of danger, the ugliness, the wolf is really happy.

When I saw that the stubborn stinky boy was like a muddy person, he was stepped on, and the wolf was just full of anger, and he laughed out with no scruples.

Ye Qi was able to guess the thoughts of some strange wolves at the moment, but he would not pay attention to it. He asked straightly: "Is that long gun is the weapon that the Nozan Empire studied in the past?"

The wolf stunned his head: "How do I know? I was playing with that guy at the time, and I have no time to take care of the other... But this gun is very special, it should be the legacy of the wizard - I saw some wizards on it. The traces of ours, of course, the Nozambique itself is a continuation of the wizard, which is normal!"

Ye Qi nodded, then, the extremely dignified asked: "So, why would I be unable to resist, as if even the resistance must give up?"

Ye Qi is definitely not a person who is sitting still, even in a fantasy where it is known that it is not death. Although it does not really die, the pain is almost the same as the real death, and even a strong three-pointer. After all, death has long been unaware, but living is with memories.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, Ye Qi is naturally impossible to give up.

However, when he pointed the gunpoint to him, he gave up incredibly; and, not only once, it was hundreds of times in a row!

More importantly, among the hundreds of times, he tried everything he could think of, but the result was that there was no change, and he still wore a gun; even if he was locked by the long gun, he would not There is room for dodge again, only to wait for death.

For such a problem, if it is not solved, when he really meets the inanimate king, he is absolutely dead, even if there is a [Witches' Crown. Liege] is only a late death, once it is When the energy is exhausted, he still can't escape.

"If there is nothing special about it, how can it be called a legacy?" The wolf said, the tone is still lazy and asks: "You will not forget, who are the original imaginary enemies of the wizard?"

"It's you!" Ye Qi said.

"It's us!" The wolf nodded and continued: "In order to be able to destroy us in the true sense, their research direction has always been aimed at us - our body is stronger than the stars, and we The power is also destroying the earth, but we have some shortcomings that are difficult to make up: the power of faith!"

"The power of faith?" Ye Qiyi.

"That rifle was developed for the power of faith!" The wolf said that it stopped, and Ye Qi was repeatedly asked: "Why does the power of faith become a fault that you can't make up?"

The weird wolf smiled twice: "Want to know this, are you ready to pay the price?"

Ye Qi’s eyes narrowed, and after a pause, he replied: “I will restrain my curiosity very well!”

Faced with the strange wolf that raised the knife, Ye Qi wisely chose to withdraw.

After a slight indulgence, Ye Qi asked: "How to crack the powerless state after being locked by the long gun?"

The strange wolf said very simply: "Two methods; one, the advantage of the number; the rifle is strange and powerful, but each moment can only target one person. If it is a plural enemy, it will inevitably make it left and right, and you are just right. There are four people..."


Without thinking about it, Ye Qi asked directly - obviously, Ye Qi could not choose one; perhaps this is a very good note, but if he, Datong, Darlan, Awa are locked, It’s hard to escape, so what is the point even if it defeats the inanimate king?

The wolf laughed. It obviously knew that Ye Qi had such a choice. Therefore, there was no pause. He continued: "Second, it is a habit - you must get used to the 'deterrent' of the long gun, let your The soul is not afraid of such threats"

Ye Qiyi stunned, and then, the deep smile of the bitter smile: "The feeling of being pricked by a long gun... awful!"

The strange wolf swayed his head and asked, "So let's continue?"

Ye Qi nodded and said: "Continue!"


A week later, when Ye Qi and his party reappeared in the bar, everyone was shocked. Ye Qi’s face was still pale, but the spirit was restored. Compared with Ye Qi, the little man The big man and Ava are gray-faced. They walk in three steps and are swaying, as if the wind is blowing, they can fall to the ground.

"God, what are you doing here?"

The chameleon screamed around the bar with an exclamation, rushed to the front of the four, and shouted loudly: "Greek, Tiger, Little Tom!"

"Come on, Ms. Taylor!"

The three men who were cleaning up on the corner of the third floor immediately ran down the stairs; without the chameleon commanding, the crumbling little three people supported it; the original little Tom went directly to Ava and the big man, but Before he got there, he was shot by Tiger. "You have to face up to your own strength - or do you think that you can be safe underneath when Lord Darlan falls?"

Immediately, without a refuted little Tom’s smile, he threw himself at the little man and held it firmly; while Gefa and Tiger were holding Ava and the big man separately; the chameleon pointed Refers to the second floor sofa, said: "Young people, these guys are there to go there... Gefa, you go to the underground hall to find Mori, he should have a quick recovery of potions! Tiger, Little Tom, you guys Go to the bathroom and boil the water!"

"Yes, Ms. Taylor!"

The three young people ran out quickly.

Chameleon looked at Ye Qi and asked, "You have nothing to do? I remember you should go through a regular training?"

The chameleon bites the regular two words and pronounces it.

Ye Qi smiled and nodded: "Yes, it is routine...but accidents are always inevitable!"

In fact, when Ye Qi came out of the illusion, when he saw a small three, he was also shocked by the state of the three people. The kind of exhaustion was almost dying, letting him leave the therapeutic agent. The three people's mouths were poured out; then, the first big man to wake up, he told Ye Qi about the ins and outs of things.

When listening to the big man all finished, Ye Qi immediately smiled.

Like him, his three friends also faced the illusion of the inanimate king who used the rifle. On the fourth morning, under the joint force of three people, the illusion of the inanimate king began to use the rifle. At the end of the week, the three of them had died in the long gun and had not known how many times.

There was an accurate record at the beginning, but as time went by, such a record had no meaning at all - rushing up, dying, resurrecting, rushing up, dying, resurrection, and forming an instinct, At this time, people who are still able to count are obviously unable to form such instinct.

However, although there have been countless times of undesired memories, the benefits are also there.

Ye Qi can clearly feel the more concise atmosphere from his friends, and the embodiment of the fluctuation is the most direct, and the violent and continuous fluctuation is undoubtedly the best proof.

After simply telling things, the chameleon nodded slightly, then, groaning: "You should be more careful... Although that is very convenient, it is also harmful! Now, you need to be good. Rest, I need to prepare for you... Hey, it seems that you don't need it!"

When the snoring sounds including Ye Qi rang, the chameleon shrugged back and went upstairs. She needed to take out some blankets - obviously, the chameleon was no stranger to the existence of the 'illusion', and even quite familiar. .

In fact, most of the used chameleons used this method to train themselves. It is natural to know the pros and cons of them.

For such training, according to Chameleon, there is no way that the efficiency of any method can surpass it, but it also has the disadvantage of being difficult to cover - quite energy-consuming, even an energetic person can not be inside For a long time to go, a death is enough to continue to languish within three to five days.

Although this is just an ordinary person, it is better for the apostle level, but it is only one or two more results; for her now, the strength of the Japanese glory can support her about ten times. Once this number is exceeded, it will enter the state of overdraft.

Obviously, the four guys, including Ye Qi, have entered the state of overdraft. In such a state, if they encounter the enemy, the consequences are naturally unimaginable; therefore, the chameleon is always very planned. Completed his own training, and shook his head and sighed at the undead behavior of Ye Qi.

The chameleon, who walked down with a blanket, covered the blankets one by one on the four people. Due to the size of the body, the big man covered two.

"Don't bother them... If you have a potion, just put it on the bar. - And, your punishment today is over, and it ends early!"

The chameleon looked at the three young people who were returning, and when his voice fell and the three young people wanted to cheer, she said ahead of time: "No cheers, or the next month, everyone's socks will let you go. Wash...Now, finish your training!"

The three young men pouted, one end, and then walked lightly toward the underground hall.

The chameleon sighed and went to the first floor, telling the waiter at the bar: "You, today we rest, take a vacation!"

"Follow your wishes, Ms. Taylor!"

Several of the waiters who belonged to the wheelchair, but who were resident in the bar, immediately saw it, but they immediately became happy. The paid vacation is the wish of everyone. They are naturally no exception.

After several resident waiters walked out of their shoulders, the bartender came out from the bar on the first floor and asked with a little worry: "Is the boss still okay?"

The chameleon nodded: "There is no problem, just physical exhaustion!"

The bartender immediately laughed: "This is a good phenomenon!"

The chameleon sighed and asked, "Why?"

The bartender replied with certainty: "Every time you overdraw, it means reaching the limit of your own, and when the number reaches the limit, it is the time to break through the strength of the existing stage!"

The chameleon brows a head and says: "Paradox!"

Obviously, she wouldn’t have said this at all. In her eyes, safe training and then planned increase in strength is the most correct; for the chameleon’s rebuttal, the bartender just shrugged and put his gaze On the glass in the hand, wipe the glass that was already very clean, and wipe it again.

Everyone's road is their own choice. Naturally, there are different ones. How can this be forced?

This is not in the army!

As soon as the army was mentioned, the bartender's eyes could not help but with a trace of embarrassment - the days in the army seemed to have been a thing of the last century.

Now, he is a slightly capable bartender.

I will never be excited to complete the task, but will be happy because of the compliments of the guests.

However, the latter made him more comfortable. After all, the place where he stood was his place and his home.


When the chameleon returned to the upper floor, Walliff appeared in her heart.

Walliff showed his position from the beginning: "I think that mortal is very right... close to the limit is a very good way to exercise!"

The chameleon is disdainful: "I have a better way!"

Wallif did not deny that it shook his head: "Yes, you are a smart girl, so I thought of that way... However, it is not without shortcomings, even if there is a place that needs to be compensated, even if it is It is with my help, you are also very difficult!"

The chameleon shrugged his shoulders: "Difficult, we have been facing, and we never shrink back!"

Walliff nodded again and again: "Of course, of course, then can we make it easier... using the limit of training, it will be useful to us - you should seriously think about it!"

The chameleon stepped in and asked: "This way, useful to us? Are you sure?"

Walliff definitely said: "Of course!"

The chameleon was slightly indulged, but when her eyes swept over Ye Qi and the little man, big man and Ava around Ye Qi, there was a decision - his friends could do it, then why don't I Can it be done? I am not even as good as his friends?

The chameleon nodded slightly and had the final decision.


On the early morning of the next day, when the sky was just shining and the sun jumped out of the horizon, Ye Qi and his entourage had already set off; while the female cavalry chief was carrying 12 female cavalrymen next to the modified car. - From Randenburg, after Fate, enter Srand in the Chunlin District, then enter Shack and continue north to the Four Seasons Fort.

Then along the defense line of the Four Seasons Fortress, through the border of the Qiulin District, into the dry forest area, and then through the dry forest area, is the Huangsha District, also known as the Death Desert.

And the female cavalry commander who returned to the Four Seasons Fort, just happened to be able to travel along the way.

"I will be safe back!"

Ye Qi looked at the chameleon, the Rhines and Linda Northd smiled and said The three ladies did not speak, just nodded and sent a blessing in the bottom of my heart.

"Gallery, Tiger, you will check your progress... Hey, little Tom, you too! As for other young people, of course you are also in this rank. If I find that I have not met my standards, I am punished. As a result, you know it!" Ye Qi's gaze glanced at the young people behind, saying this.

"Teacher (the boss), we will work hard!"

The young man replied at the same time.

"Amanda, please come here for you, and underground... Do you understand?"

Ye Qiyi said something.

"Of course, the boss!"

The bartender replied with a certainty.

The sound of the car's engine, when the little man stepped on the gas pedal, humming, then, the four people put their hands out of the window and waved, and headed north; and at the gate of the city of Randenburg, Novo The father of the Sde family, Fletcher, was alone, sitting on a battle.

"Bon Voyage!"

Father Fletcher shouted.

"Thank you!"

Ye Qi responded loudly.

Hearing the voice of Ye Qi, Father Fletcher laughed and returned.

It is not the kind of false entertainment in the banquet, nor the family and identity. The two sides do not represent any position. They only send blessings and thanks in their personal capacity.

And this makes both of them seem a bit more frank.

PS First ~~Time~~(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to the mobile network (), reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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