Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 25: Differentiation

As if to confirm the words of the little man, when the words just fell, the two mournings rang - one from the front of De Mante Xin, the other is the family representative outside the window.

Some family representatives are subconscious to help the two, but in the next moment, their hands are deadlocked in midair.

The flesh and blood are eroded, the nerve pain is infinitely magnified, so that the two have no slight resistance at all. They can only roll and mourn back and forth on the ground. The yellow concentrated water begins to flow and splash along the rolling of the two. The thick scarlet carpet, immediately after it was splashed by the pus, made a creaking sound.

In an instant, it is corroded except for a larger pothole.

The family representatives of the Qiulin District who saw this scene retreated. Those who had reached out and stagnated in midair were the fastest, as if the rabbits had reached the back of the crowd.

The little man glanced at these people, but everyone who was seen by the little man couldn't help but overturn his head and staggered his eyes; the little man sneered aloud: "My kindness is from my kindness, but in the face of rogues. If... oh..."

In the cold, some family representatives couldn't help but shudder. They looked at the little man's eyes with fear after being scared. Of course, there was still a bit of weirdness.

Kindness? Kindness?

Looking at De Mante Xin, who gradually turned into a pus at the feet of a small man, all the people shook their heads subconsciously; obviously, they did not think that such words could be placed on the little man.

Pulled over the chair belonging to De Mante Xin, the small man sat beside Ye Qi, his body leaned inside, and he slammed the table slightly, and after the two screams, the family that was scared The representative, that is, shaking, the little man said with a smile: "Now those rogues have been cleaned up. Let’s continue to talk about the things we are paying off... The interest of 20% a day, you have no opinions. What?"

Twenty percent?

Not ten percent?

All the family representatives stunned and looked at the little man in a silly manner. The latter shrugged and showed a smile and whispered, "How come you have opinions?"

Immediately, several timid family representatives shook their heads again and again, and most of the family representatives looked pale or dignified, or looked helplessly at the little man, no one spoke - obviously, this wave of people is Clearly, once they have agreed to such conditions, what will be the consequences.

The family representatives who saw the family glory as heavier than themselves, looked at the subconsciously, took a deep breath, and walked out of the crowd. They had already reported their determination to die; and at this time, one voice The soft cough passed in, not the kind of pretense, but the real cough after the injury.

"Hay adults!"

"Hay Adult"

After hearing these familiar coughs, the family representatives in the tents were overjoyed and swarmed toward the door of the tent. At this moment, if they still don’t understand, who is the real one, then they It is really a pity that is really dead.

Of course, some people's faces are rare and slightly reddish.

They thought about how they treated the adult before – they were ambushed by dark creatures in Hailin. The adult was the strongest person, naturally rushing to the forefront and also serving as the post-discontinuation task; Therefore, they suffered a very serious injury, but after returning to the camp, they involuntarily chose to forget the adult, and instead listened to the words of Demante Xin, and quickly formed a new coalition. Command system.

The Hyde did not say anything, they hid it, thought that the other is a tiger without teeth, and even a few calculated how to divide the interests of the Hyde family, or ... simply annexed the Hyde family, After all, this Hyde adult has been seriously injured, it is a rare opportunity.

Naturally, the latter proposal was proposed by Demante Xin, and Sasley was extremely reconciled.

However, it was not until this time that they discovered how unreliable these two were and how easily they were blinded.

Standing at the tent, these people watched as Siliz Hyde walked in, and the more gray-haired Siriz Hyde stepped with a hint of shackles, and the black leather had more scars on his skin, and that root The special long cane made of magic crystal, but only three-quarters of the length, was used as a cane.

"Hay adults!"

The family representatives who supported Siriz Hyde immediately went up several times and helped the owner of the Hyde family, who was ten years old.

However, the Hyde family chose to refuse. He went to Ye Qi and the little man and greeted him: "Good morning, Lord Shake, Lord Datong!"

Ye Qi still nodded, but the little man was relieved and smiled: "Hello, good morning!"

For the emergence of Siriz Hyde, the little man is welcome, unlike the people who are in the category of despicion, such as Demante Xin or Sastri, who have at least five of the remaining people. One of the points is that the little man does not want to deal with it with harsh means.

But if he can't 'see no one', he can't complete his plan. Therefore, the appearance of Siriz Hyde at this time is really good. For the experience of the Hyde owner, the little man is naturally the hall. In the Qing Dynasty, in fact, when they went to the camp of the Qielian District Army, the little man got the detailed information here. From the time when the other party camped to the small civil strife that occurred two days ago, he was clear and clear. of.

In this regard, Ye Qi was very grateful to the few families who had invested in the demon hunter. After all, without such intelligence, his plan is very difficult to work with - a complete iron plate, naturally it is impossible to start, but If you have a crack, you only need to use a little bit of strength to split it into two.

The little man reached out and asked Siriz Hyde to sit down and then continued to laugh: "Hello, you need further treatment? Four Seasons has a lot of medical supplies!"

When such words were spoken, several family representatives standing in the tent immediately turned their faces unnaturally - Siriz Hyde’s injury was so serious that he was caught in a coma when he returned to the camp. In such a coma, the Hyde family found that all the materials belonging to them, including food and medicine, disappeared.

Even if it is to treat his homeowner, he can only supply it with his own medicine. The only lucky thing is that every family will bring some special and emergency medicines. Otherwise, it is likely that the Siriz is in front of him. Hyde is already dead.

Those who have made these things naturally do not have to ask, and even the instigators are clear.

Siriz Hyde looked down and saw the **** velvet carpet eroded out of a piece of pus and smiled: "I am paying back the debt, let me know after I know it!"

When this sentence is exported, those family representatives who originally expected the Hyde family to fight for their interests have changed their face. They have all smashed up: "Hyde adults, you can't do this... they want 20% every day. The profit, this is more a vampire than the vampire, they..."

The little man interrupted the other side straight. He turned his eyes and said beautifully: "What? Twenty percent? What is wrong with your ears? I said 30% before! Do you need I will tell you again in person?” Speaking of this, the little man revealed the white teeth, the sinister, let the wall grass shudder, and they thought of the dead Demante. . Xin.

However, the next moment, the little man smiled and looked at Siriz Hyde, saying: "Of course, as a friend of mine, Hyde owners do not need this, as long as they pay off the principal!"

All the people glimpsed, and then they smashed again.

"How can this be?"

"Why? Why do we have interest, Hyde does not need?!"


The representatives of the families have once again become chaotic, and they have just joined forces to stand behind Siriz Hyde. It seems to have rushed to the waves on the beach, and there are no traces; especially those family representatives who have been jealous in their hearts. The louder and louder calling among these people attracted the glare of several family representatives who supported the Hyde family.

The little man who saw this scene was sitting there laughing and screaming at Ye Qi, and Ye Qi nodded slightly - Ye Qi naturally knew about his friend’s plan, and arrived. Now, my friend's plan can basically be considered a success.

Not only must you take back your own, but also let these families bleed, and also set a goal for them to resent - Siriz Hyde is undoubtedly such a best candidate.

Why do we have to pay several times the price, you only have to pay the original?

Why are you doing it, we can't?

Once such an idea emerges, it will be like a fire of the stars, forming a prairie situation - they will never look for problems in their own bodies, because they think that they are perfect, once they are wrong, absolutely because Others, or a higher level of reason.

The wrong thing is the world, not me!

Probably this is the explanation.

Ye Qi's eyes narrowed slightly, no longer willing to look at the unnecessary quarrels of these people in front of him, and the little man on the side saw the timing is almost right, immediately, a hard shot of the table!


The loud voice immediately silenced the quarrel in the tent, and looked at the little man who was like a water.

The little man stood up, gloomy face, and snorted: "In the face of friends, I have always been very generous. You guys who owe money, what do you do? What do you manage? What qualifications? Manage it? Hurry up, pay back immediately, 40% interest!"

For the habit of small people to raise prices, the people in the tent have become accustomed to it. They don’t have much thoughts, just focus on the head of the Hyde family, and the resentment in the eyes is turned into substance. - The higher the interest rate, the more resentful they are to the Hyde owner, and there is no enthusiasm for the previous welcoming.

And feeling the surrounding gaze, Siriz Hyde looked at the little man's gaze, could not help but with a bitter bitterness - as the owner of a Qiulin District who really experienced the storm, Siriz Hyde is really clear this front The young man who is short is planning something.

Even the other party's plan has become a reality.

After all, he has no more choices - this time as the head of the Qiulin District coalition, the Hyde family is basically out of the nest, in order to obtain greater benefits, this is naturally understandable, but unfortunately Yes... I thought of the people who died in the Hailin District that day. The eyes of Siriz Hyde fell again to the pus that eroded the carpet and the ground. The hatred was like a knife.

For a long time, the Hyde owner took back his gaze and nodded and asked: "Hello Datong, Kimpton I am ready, you can come and get it at any time!"

With this sentence, those who are full of resentment are immediately screaming; the 'mixed account' 'bastard' and 'bristle' are more endless, and Siriz Hyde seems to have not heard the general - Siriz Hyde did not want to fall to the present level, but once the Hyde family at the moment really paid the arrears that were obviously bottomless, the next moment would have to collapse.

not to mention……

Siriz Heide thought of his own wounds, and immediately sneered; and the little man who had been watching the Hyde owner saw this sneer, immediately said: "Hello, you have friends? You know, I treat friends very well!"

When this sentence was exported, the tent was quiet again.

The eyes of the people once again concentrated on the Hyde family, but unlike the previous resentment, this time, the resentment disappeared completely without a trace, but instead, one more point...please.

Ye Qi sat in the chair, looked at such a face, could not help but shook his head - he found that these people really have a stronger place than him; and not a strong point, but strong out too much It is simply the gap between ordinary people and extraordinary people; and the small man on the side is re-doing it back and giving all the dominance to the head of Hyde.

In fact, by now, his plan has been completed.

These people are given an enemy that can maintain 'a long time'; if they are too early to die, they will inevitably let these guys have fun to think about other things.

And obviously, after they went to the desert of death, how could they have the skills to deal with these people?

It is not good to do anything that is regrettable to the shamelessness of these people. Even if they kill them a thousand times, they are not enough to make up for it.

Therefore, it is not enough to just be a Hyde family. It is necessary to find another ally for this Hyde family.

Who are these ally?

Naturally, it is necessary for Siriz Heide to choose himself. Who else is more clear than Siriz Hyde, who is suitable to be his own ally?

Siriz Hyde sat there, took a deep look at the little man and sighed slightly: "Thank you, Lord Datong!"

This thank you is that the Hyde family is sincere and sincere. After all, before a family paid a sum of money, those families who paid interest should naturally attack and attack, not to mention the fact that after he was injured, these People can't wait, and now, with such an excuse, they will naturally not let go.

However, now that there is a small man, there is no doubt that he and the Hyde family have room for manoeuvre, and even have the possibility of defeating.

Of course, Siriz Hyde is equally clear that the little man is not well-intentioned, but he still chooses to follow the ‘arrangement’ of the other party.

After all, this is the only way to survive and save the Hyde family.

Therefore, the owner of the Hyde family said straightforwardly: "Reed, Enska, Sergey..."

The person who was ordered by the head of the Hyde family was very happy. It was natural to stand behind the head of the Hyde family. After about a quarter of the people stood up, the Hyde owner stopped; and those until this The Hyde family stopped the family representatives who did not have a name, but it was like a viper who stared at Hyde.

The little man stood up A glance at the person standing behind Siriz Hyde, could not help but smile: "Since you are a friend of Lord Hyde, then that is my friend, just need to return The principal is good... As for you!" Speaking, the little man slammed his mouth and said: "Fifty percent interest, starting from the day when the dark creatures retreat! Of course, if you don't want to pay back , we naturally have a solution!"

Ye Qi, who had been sitting still, the palm of his hand was slightly placed on the handle of the knives. A dangerous atmosphere began to fill the tent. The family representatives who were still struggling immediately turned pale and stood still. It is.


After walking out of the big camp of the Qiulin District Coalition, the little man said this way; "I think we should start counting from the day they get the supplies!"

Ye Qi shrugged and said: "Now is enough... I am afraid that more than half of the families in this area will go bankrupt!" Then, suddenly, Ye Qi continued: "I am going to do something!"

The little man immediately revealed a smile that the man understood. He said: "Reassured, I am waiting for you outside the Four Seasons Fortress, then go back together!"

Ye Qi did not look good, but did not refute.

PS second more ~~

Just when the code was written, a strong cough, Venus in front of the eyes came out... Hey, decadent the body of this glass...

The prodigal son of the four seas is worth 200 yuan, the sn100 coin, the x100 coin, the dust, the 100 yuan, the reward, the ~~~ decadence, thank you for all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued. If you Like this work, you are welcome to come to the mobile phone network () subscription, reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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