Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 31: No name under the name

The search for Ye Qi ended up with a slight gain - the reason is that it is slightly rewarded because there is a badge on the other side, and this badge confirms that the other party is from the other side of the bridge, but very Obviously this organization is very anonymous and does not appear in the major organizations that the Hart Brothers said, and even the smaller organizations that are worth noting are not among them.

In fact, such a result does not make Ye Qi unexpected.

Although the Hart brothers have already lost their hearts, the identity of the legendary powerhouses in the extraordinary world still has their only remaining pride, and such pride naturally does not make them pay attention to organizations that do not have the same level of existence, let alone Such an organization is in the bridge of the other shore, to the point of frowning.

Almost every day, there will be such an organization, and then die. For the organization that has been established, there is no requirement for the bridge on the other side. Just go to the square in the center of the bridge on the other side and give a certain Kimpton; Wrong, it is Kimpton. In the place where the standard unit of magic crystal is used as the currency, Kimpton is also used as a transaction. It can be seen how worthless such an organization is.

It is not because of this kind of worthlessness that it is not unusual for a person to create three or five. Moreover, some people have done this. Although the one who did this was only a Japanese glory, and soon died in a battle, but soon died in a battle, but This seems to give people a reminder.

‘I want to fight with **** (organization name)! ’

‘We are yyy but not xxx! ’

This kind of evasion of the law of duel appeared more than once at that time; but no one stopped it, and no one corrected it. therefore. To the bridge of the other side. Every duel will be specific to the individual, not to the brain in the name of the organization.

Although Ye Qi gives a loyal evaluation to such wit, this does not make any one with insufficient strength sit on the bridge on the other side. In the bridge on the other side, if there is no strength, you need to live in a group. And have strength. More need to live in a group.

Otherwise, you are the best target!

Under such special rules, countless people will launch a violent attack on you - for something in your body, something, or simply to see you are not pleasing to the eye.

This is a normal example of the bridge on the other side.

Ye Qi deeply remembered the feeling of loneliness on the face of the Hart brothers when he said this sentence. Obviously, the Hart brothers had suffered such damage, even because of such injuries, they made these two extraordinary. The legendary powerhouse in the realm has lost its aggressive heart.

In this regard, Ye Qi is only a pity, and will not go deep into it... whether it is for his own consideration. Still out of consideration for each other, Ye Qi only knows that this is the choice of the other party. And he is an outsider who just insists on his own position, and the premise is that he cannot interfere with other people at all.

To put it simply, the two sides are just acquaintances, and the alliances are not counted. Such persuasion is said, but it is nothing more than one.

The snoring suddenly came from the foot, and Ye Qi looked down at the middle-aged man with a mouse-like beard. In [Blind Sense], the other person woke up about a minute ago, and until now It is undoubtedly a secret observation of him; and it is clear that such observations are not very good.

Even without [blind bucket perception], Ye Qi can feel the other person's self-conceived gaze.

Without any politeness, Ye Qi asked directly: "You come to the town of chaos, why?"

The leader obviously did not expect Ye Qi to ask such a direct question. The only thing that could not help was a glimpse. Even the snoring was broken. However, the other party who reacted quickly did not say anything but continued. Kneeling, as if it was seriously injured.

Ye Qi wrinkled his brow and stretched his foot and stepped on the other's neck. He said: "How much power I used before, I am clear, so your embarrassment at this moment is unnecessary, and you are in a I woke up in minutes, and I looked at me twice. I will ask you again - you come to the town, why?"

As he said, Ye Qi’s boots stepped down slightly.

"Big, adults!"

A slight trembling voice came from under the boots and made Ye Qi’s movements a meal. Then the leader immediately said: “We are from the bridge on the other side, ready to come here to find some people who can help... ...we need to dig a relic and need enough people!"

When the other party speaks, it does not squint, but in the fluctuation of the [blind bucket perception], it has an extraordinary expansion. It is like a smooth lake like a mirror. It appears a little bit like a lie. It is obviously lying.

Ye Qi’s boots once again increased their strength and said: “Give you another chance!”

Feeling the power of trying to break his cervical spine, the leader's mouse had to shake up and down because of the trembling of his lips. He shouted again and again: "Big, adults, we really just need some workers. Excavating the remains, it’s really just like this!"

The other party insisted that even if Ye Qi increased his strength, the other party did the same; obviously, the other party was holding the idea of ​​relying on this secret to live.

Ye Qi is not very good at extorting confessions by torture, but it is not impossible; however, when there are more candidates, he will not personally do it - no matter what, it is resistant, the first time ... Hey, the first time the mission thing is always fresh.

Therefore, it is better to leave it to a professional person.

Therefore, Ye Qi simply stunned the other party and helped the two waiters to sort out the other half of the wreckage of the bar. The waiters of the two bars repeatedly waved: "Adult, please sit there, hand it over to us. it is good!"

Ye Qi smiled and said: "For woodworking, although I will not do complicated, but some simple work, I am still very good... After all, I was mortgaged by my teacher in a carpenter for three weeks!"

For such a discourse, the two waiters will naturally not be in charge. They agreed that this is Ye Qi's humor. but. When Ye Qizhen began to help, the two waiters were surprised to find that the adult actually did such a job, and he was very skilled.

Wouldn't it really be like this adult? !

Is there a teacher who will mortgage my students? !

After the two waiters glanced at each other, they shook their heads incredulously, and then they got busy faster. After all, there was such an adult working beside them. What are the reasons for laziness?

This situation continued until after noon. When the fully loaded Sodick and Libes walked back to their bars, they discovered that the other half of the collapsed sandstorm bar had been cleaned up, and it was simple to have a few more wooden structures. The knot, or the wooden board that is broken in the middle but is connected by nails, is appearing one by one.

Obviously, when all the nails are full, this can be called a house, even if there is some unevenness.

Ye Qi, who was standing by a wooden board. Laughing at the two people: "If you can, I think you should look for some complete planks... After all. The wood we can use at the moment is not much!"

Said, Ye Qi pointed to the side, the broken wood was cleared.

These pieces of wood less than one foot in length are obviously not able to serve as any building materials. Even if there are more nails, they will not be nailed to the frame of the standing beam. The wood that can be used is already in the past moment. Run out, Ye Qi is in the hands of the last piece.

Libes immediately said: "Let's ask us next!"

And Sodick turned and ran to the distance after Ye Qi’s voice fell.

At some time in the evening, the sandstorm bar completely restored the original, even the new, thanks to the people found by Sodick and Libes - although they are reluctant, but in Libes Under the contempt, it is hard work like sweat.

After learning from Sodick that these were the people who had wanted to fish in the water or take advantage of the fishermen, Ye Qi did not say anything. He took the warm water that the slightly waiter handed over and drank one side. Looking out to the west entrance of Chaozhi Town - there are no drinks such as milk tea, black tea, etc., except for water, only a variety of alcohol is left.

When the familiar atmosphere appeared there, Ye Qi could not help but smile.

Da da da……

In the crisp hooves, a black horse appeared in the eyes of the residents of the town of Chaozhi. The tall, strong body made many people who knew the horse shine, even those who did not understand the horse. When I got to the loud humming sound, I couldn’t help but know that it was a good horse.

Although in the town of chaos, the camel is the real means of transportation, but a good horse is equally eye-catching.

As for the car?

There is no so-called gasoline here.

People watched as the horse ran straight to the sandstorm bar. Many people secretly pity that they didn’t stop the horse early. Now it’s not the thing they can get into the sandstorm bar; however, The next moment, these pitiful people will be glad.

Because they saw that the man who was stronger than the two bosses of the sandstorm bar was touching the black horse's mane, and the horse sent out a burst of humming, and from time to time, he used his head to touch. The man's cheeks and shoulders; obviously, the real master of this horse is this powerful person.

If you move this horse...

At the thought of such consequences, those who have ulterior motives can't help but tremble at heart - after all, the previous body has just been stripped and thrown to the outside graveyard.

The kind of crisp and neat practice, it is clear that the other side is facing a person who dares to offend him, and will never be soft-hearted.

After about ten minutes, a team of horseshoes rang again.

The town of Chaozhi is not a place frequented. Today, the three consecutive guests let the residents of the town of Chaozhi not frown, thinking about whether something special is going to happen.

Living in a precarious place like Chaozhi Town, even a stupid person will learn how to perceive danger in the shortest possible time.

As for learning?

The cemetery outside is the ultimate destination of such a guy.

Hiding in their own territory or in the house, the residents of the town of Chaozhi looked at the three people who entered the town from the west. They rode and walked alone.

The two people riding the horse did not let the residents of these chaotic towns look too much. But the one who walks. But they made them secretly - far more than the height of ordinary people. The burly body only sees the arms thicker than the average thigh, and some people who are secretly calculating what they have subconsciously dismissed such an abacus.

The eyes of these people are quite sinister, they can tell the great power in such a figure, it is enough to make a fatal force - in fact, they still underestimate the big man, if The big man is serious. With a punch, the entire town of chaos will almost disappear, not a simple one or two people.


The little man, the big man and Ava shouted loudly.

"Come on, we have a hearty dinner - it's rare here!"

While calming Gronin, Ye Qi looked up and smiled at the friends who had come to the front, and Gronin once again took the head and hit Ye Qi - obviously, for his own owner, he left himself suddenly. After disappearing, Groning had considerable dissatisfaction; for this, Ye Qi could only be a bitter smile.

After discovering a letter of help carried by a mechanical shackle. Ye Qi certainly can't wait, although Groning's speed is beyond doubt. However, compared with the [shadow shuttle], there is still a certain gap; therefore, after a greeting with three friends, Ye Qi disappeared in place.

And Gronin?

Naturally, I was chasing after Ye Qi’s body, but it was pulled farther and farther away by the [shadow shuttle]. In the end, I could only return to the small three-person team until another time. After perceiving the scent of Ye Qi, he ran like crazy.

After Sodick and Libes said hello to the little three, Lipbes picked up a few dried meat pieces and laughed: "These guys still have a lot of camel meat and some vegetables... Especially these vegetables, in the town of Chaozhi, these things can not be bought with money - even if it is canned!"

Sodick nodded and said: "The food here can only be transported from the winter forest area. Although the Chunlin District is more convenient, it has the existence of the Hof Mountain..."

Said, Sodick could not help but shake his head.

Obviously, the Hove Mountains are not the ultimate cause, but some of the existences in the Hove Mountains are the real cause.

The little man picked up one of the cans and glanced at it: "The cans transported from the grassland area in the winter forest area are really precious... or is it our luck?"

The big man immediately nodded: "Our luck has always been good!"

As he said, the big man went to the side of the campfire, and put the cast iron pot up. Ye Qi, the little man and Ava shrugged and smiled; then the little man put his gaze on the only captive in the house, he asked : "What is this gentleman?"

Ye Qi shrugged and said: "Hey, the leader who caused trouble before, his subordinates were killed by me, leaving only one of him - I want to ask some things he knows, but this gentleman thinks that it is his life-saving Straw, therefore, the bite of death is not to say... So, it will be handed over to you!"

The little man nodded: "Well, I don't mind having to do something before dinner!"

Said, the little man went to the leader and raised his hand; but, the next moment, the raised hand grabbed the other's neck collar, turned and the little man walked outside. As I walked, I said: "In order not to affect everyone's appetite, I think I am still looking for a quiet place!"

Everyone in the sandstorm bar can hear the little man dragging the voice of the captive Mr. Far away. Obviously the little man is not as simple as talking about it, but really saying it must be done.

Therefore, when a very loud cry came, except for the prepared Ye Qi, the big man and Ava, the remaining four people in the bar were shocked, especially the meat that was being dried. The two waiters who cut the block, the hand trembled, almost threw the kitchen knife away.

It’s not that two people are courageous. In fact, there is absolutely no timid person who can talk about life in the town of chaos. If all of them are crawled out of the dead, there may be some over-existing, but there are eight out of ten. This is the case, but it is absolutely said to be less.

The gun came to the knife and the blood fluttered.

This is already a kind of life in the town of Chaozhi, so that the two waiters who are stronger than ordinary people, but absolutely no apostle, dare to fight with the existence of the Japanese glory.

Therefore, the courage of the two waiters is absolutely not small.

However, the two of them are still scared by such a fierce scream, the screams can not be described with tears, as if the soul is also tortured.

What method did the person use?

The two waiters thought involuntarily, the cold sweat appeared on the forehead, and the more they wanted such cold sweat, the more they even shook their body - they scared themselves and were always the most terrible.

However, it is clear that not only the two waiters guessed that Sodick and Libeth were the same; even, all the residents in the town of the chaotic branch were like this.

Then there was a sorrowful mourning.

Compared with the previous one,, this sound is even more painful, so that the middle and lower jaws are dislocated - those who have experience can hear the changes.

It is because of this change that they are shuddering.

You know, although they can do this, they need to accumulate for a long time, and finally achieve such an effect. Where will it be as soon as it starts?

The tragic guy, have you met the devil?

The residents of the town of Chaozhi Town think so.

Ps second more~

Slightly late, when the code was normal, the decadence was too hungry. I went to have a meal and delayed for a while~~ I apologize to everyone~~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas for the 200-currency reward, the sn100 coin reward, the x100 coin reward, the wind and the dust-free 100-dollar reward~~~~ I am sorry to thank all the supportive decadent brothers and sisters~~~To be continued . .

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