Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 36: Good business

In the era of freedom, although it is the Huangsha District, it can make people who sell human beings; it is certain that the other party is definitely not a good thing, especially when he still has considerable strength, it is enough to imagine how the other party’s usual performance is. What's more; not to mention, the performance of the other party's direct plunder at the moment is to let Ye Qi understand such a guy - death is not enough. .

In fact, Ye Qi’s evaluation is slightly more kind, if seriously, such a guy should be ruthless.

Of course, Ye Qi does not mind doing this.

Looking at the sand gathered in the other hand, although it is a whole, the vibration between the sand and the sand is telling Ye Qi the special point of this 'curving knife' - if it is cut a knife, I am afraid not only It is the flesh and blood that is torn, even if it is a bone, it must be shaken.


The bald legendary strongman is holding the machete composed of sand. The sound on it is like a few green-headed flies circling on the top of the head. It is upset and intolerant, and the other party is doing this. He is waving. After waving, ten days of glory were surrounded by this.

Even if their faces are calm and their eyes are light enough, but in the fluctuations of [blind bucket perception], the feeling of disorder is unmaskable - obviously, these ten days of glory do not want Participated in the battle of the two legendary powerhouses, but they definitely have no choice.


One of the Sun Yat-Sen was screaming about twenty yards from Ye Qi, and then the whole person rushed over like an arrow; it was like a domino. The remaining nine sun ray levels also rushed up; the flames, frozen air and wind blades fell like raindrops, and all of them were covered in the ten yards of Ye Qi.

boom! boom!

After two consecutive explosions, the sand was thrown high, and a huge hole appeared there, and Ye Qi had disappeared.

And the ten days of the glory, it is half in the silent.

One of his own ‘salt machete’, a smiling bald legend. This time I couldn't help but frown. Of course, the Japanese glory is unlikely to be the opponent of the legendary strongman, but he still let his own men do this, naturally it has its own purpose.

Tentative, or simply say, want to see Ye Qi’s ‘road’!

Although the long knife of the Ye Qi waist is already very obvious, there is a great possibility to choose the 'Warrior Road', but there may be some possibility to confuse the opponent. This is not uncommon in the bridge on the other side, even when it is at the level of the day, some people are playing with such tricks.

However, the effect is quite good.

Therefore, anyone who is on the other side of the bridge will be cautious, and the bald legendary powerhouse is no exception. Even more cautious - he used a similar method to kill two enemies who had been chasing him. Although he was still a day at the time, it did not prevent him from remembering.

Obviously, such temptations disappointed him.

The simple, straight-forward attack simply can't see exactly what path to choose—although it's extremely fast and powerful, like the 'Warrior's Road', but it's a little different. The meaning is a bit like the 'Witch Road'. It is difficult to tell at all.

Of course, it is not without any gains. The bald legendary powerhouse can now be sure that the other side is pursuing the killing path - a frowning, scary road that he tried, but ultimately chose Give up because because of the dangers. It is not what he can bear at all.

For, your own life. He is very cherished.

In the same way, it is because of such an attempt that he understands whether he has chosen the 'Warrior's Road' or the 'Witches' Way.' Once you start to pursue the ‘killing way,’ it’s definitely a dangerous person. Once you’re offended, it’s endless!

"What a damn!"

The bald legendary strong can't help but sigh in the bottom of my heart - this certainly won't be regretted, even if I knew that Ye Qi was the legendary strongman who pursued the 'killing way', he would not regret it. In such a discourse, he is only complaining that he has not mastered Ye Qi more.

He stubbornly believes that as long as he has mastered more of Ye Qi, his odds will increase a lot, at least 10% more than now.

Subconsciously glanced at the collaborators who wrapped the whole body in the cloak, watching the other person stand quietly there, the bald legendary stronghearted coldheartedly - for this collaborator who suddenly found it, this Of course, the legendary strongman of the bald head knows what is going on. The dressing of the other party has already indicated everything: hidden identity is not common in the bridge on the other side. Such a situation will only appear in those special organizations.

Among them, St. Dege and Spring Water City are the most likely!

As for the blood alliance tower and the meditation area?

The atmosphere of the former mixed blood is difficult to hide, and the latter is hidden at all. Even in its own organization, it is code-named, and there is no need to hide.

However, whether it is St. De Ge, or Quanshui City, it is obviously impossible to let the other party help at this time. They are only cooperation, not alliances, especially when the cooperation is completed, their relationship is basically over. How can I help him?

I am afraid that the other party will not want him to die now.

The bald legendary strongman sneered in the bottom of his heart - the existence like him is always favored by the big organizations. After all, it’s a good thing to take it out when you use it, and throw it out when you don’t need it. No one will refuse to take advantage of the benefits of their own enjoyment and risk others.


The gaze of the bald legendary strong once again saw the knives of Ye Qi’s waist, the greed that burned his heart like a fire; if he could have a holy instrument that echoed him, he The strength is almost to go any further; at that time, it is not too difficult to get a certain right to speak in the bridge on the other side.

A place where the weak meat is strong and the strength is respected. There are always such simple and immediate benefits.

Therefore, aside from the sneer in the heart, the bald-headed man waved his ‘sand machete’ and stood up.

At this time, it was the last of the ten sun rays. When he fell softly on the ground in Ye Qi’s palm, he looked at each other and was in the air. Ye Qi slightly raised his head, his eyes flashed like a power, and immediately, the bald legendary strongman in midair seemed to fall like a lightning strike, and then It was like a rabbit and went back.

what happened?

The bald legendary strong man was shocked at the bottom of his heart - before he was in midair, he touched the other's eyes. I immediately felt that my only flaw appeared in front of the other side. As long as I went further, I had to be decapitated. When I fell to the ground, the feeling was even more intense, as if the long knife was already on the neck. General.

Then looking at the shadow of Ye Qi, the bald legendary strong immediately gave a roar. Although in the face of that sly, such a sizzling power is full, but there is a trace of horror in the blinking eyes - the yellow sand on the ground is like a 12-level strong wind, and it is overwhelmingly pressed toward Ye Qi. Among them, there is one more after another, the machete formed entirely of sand is cut towards Ye Qi.

砰, 砰, 砰...

In the muffled sound, the machete formed by the sand collapsed into a finer grit in the flashing knives, and the overwhelming sand curtain faced Ye Qi. There is no trace of blockage, and Ye Qi’s figure is straight through.

The knife light flashed, the blade was under the moonlight night, with a blue knife pointing directly at the other's neck, and the bald legendary strong man naturally refused to die like this. The gravel under the foot of his foot was like an earthquake. , mad trembling, and then. It is like a fountain.


Like a few tons of explosives, with a dazzling roar, the yellow sand completely shrouded the surroundings.


In the collision of metal and metal, Ye Qi’s figure appeared in the same place. The yellow sand that had just shrouded the surrounding area collapsed in the next moment, and the legendary strongman of the bald head seemed to fly backwards like a broken kite; however, Ye Qi did not pursue, but his body shape shook and came to that. The whole body is hidden in the cloak and has already leapt forward in front of the legendary powerhouse.

Seeing the catching Ye Qi, the legendary strong man in a cloak stopped his body and expressed his position in a very light tone: "I am not a group with him, and I don't want to get into any." The trouble... Of course, I will not have any intervention for everything between you!"

If it is not in the [blind bucket perception], I noticed the strange fluctuations of the other party. With Ye Qi’s character, I will definitely let the other party leave, but now...

Whether it is the bald legendary who has already vomited blood, or the cloak in front of him, hiding his legendary powerhouse, it is impossible to let go, especially the latter - obviously, the other party should know A little something, and very likely to be useful to him.

Therefore, Ye Qi put his hand directly on the knives, while the other side was trembled and explained: "This lord, there is no hatred between us, as you can see, we It’s the first time I’ve met, I don’t even know the names of both parties, I hope you can calm down... Maybe he has lost his humanity, but that’s just his behavior, I’m just a blinded innocent; otherwise, I’m also I don’t choose to terminate the relationship with him after knowing the truth of the fact!”

Sophistry, or simply say that deception is still going on.

Moreover, the other party is obviously very singular, and expects to impress Ye Qi in line with the concept of the demon hunter.

In this regard, Ye Qi smiled disdainfully: "I have no contact between them, and I met for the first time, but... Do you really know my name?"

When such a problem is exported, the other party is a glimpse, and Ye Qi is at this time.

The 阎 阎 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎It is getting tighter and more timid.

At this time, the legendary powerhouse, who has always been hiding his identity, finally understood why his collaborators who had ended the cooperation had lost so fast. The flaws in one's own body, even the flaws that he did not know, are displayed one by one under the knife of the other side. The feeling of cutting edge and cutting edge is more than the light, so that the other side can't look at it. After all, in that case. It will not kill, but now it is the life of the moment.

Once again, a few steps back, the cloak of the legendary strongman wrapped in the cloak has been smashed by the blade, becoming a piece of cloth hanging on his body, and his face is also Revealed, brown hair has a seemingly tough face, but. At this time, it was panic, letting the toughness disappear without a trace.


Ye Qi and the other side flashed past, the slashing knife slowly income into the scabbard, in the crisp sound, the other side's armpit spurted a lot of blood, the whole person slowly knees, Soft fell to the ground - Ye Qi has been merciful. I have avoided the key points of the other party, otherwise the other party has already been shackled.

The legendary strongman who fell to the ground, asked intermittently: "You, you... How do you know that I know you?" Then, waiting for Ye Qi to answer, the legendary strongman said to himself: "Yes, Huo Since Trier gave that thing to you, it must tell you all about us... that guy is **** it!"

"Kirly, King Kild..."

Such a whisper, apparently caught in the omen before the deep coma, Ye Qi looked at the blood that broke into the sand, and did not pay attention - the physical strength of the legendary strong has already surpassed ordinary people. This is a deadly blood loss in the eyes of ordinary people. In the eyes of the legendary strong, it is only a serious injury, and it must be continuous.

Sure enough, it is a spring city!

Ye Qi did not care about the other person's coma, but the name in the whisper was clearly heard. From the Hart brothers, he knew very clearly. That is the name of the deputy city owner of Quanshuicheng, a person who will conceal himself and achieve the ultimate goal; and, obviously, this ‘pour of hardship’ event. It also has an absolute relationship with the deputy city owner of Quanshuicheng.


When the air broke out, the small three of them, one by one, took advantage of the six Japanese glory that had escaped before, and came to Ye Qi’s side, scanning around and asking: “Is it here?”

Ye Qiyi refers to the ‘Tucheng’ in the distance, saying: “The young men in the oasis we passed should be all there!”

The little man nodded. Then he looked at the sun on his hand and on the ground and asked, "What should they do?"

The big man snorted and said: "Kill it!"

Although Ava remained silent, she nodded very clearly.

Ye Qi was thinking about it and waved: "I have a better way... simple death, for these executioners, it is too simple!"

Then Ye Qi said it in a low voice. After listening to it, the three people directly confronted each other.

The big man scratched his head and asked, "Is it really okay?"

Ye Qi shrugged and said: "There is nothing good or bad, we just simply give a sigh of relief to those who have died."

The little man was indulged and said: "This way is good, but it is lacking... However, I think I have an excellent compensation!"

Speaking, the little man laughed low and looked sinister under the moonlight.


When the sun once again appeared in the sky, the people who had been locked in a huge shack in Tucheng once again gained freedom. However, after a short cheer, it was a low cry, because it was just The people they rescued told them about their camp.

This is not an active statement, but a result of continuous inquiry.

The result is that these young men are in tears.

After the little man and the big man looked at each other, they straightened out and gave the remaining space to those who were sad.

"When I saw these crying people, I found out that you and Ye’s practices are not excessive!"

The big man said this.

"They can treat people as livestock, then they are also people. What are they being sold as livestock? Even if they are the same, it is the same!" The little man put his hands behind his head and walked forward. "If It’s not that my toxins are too small for the two legends. I definitely tied them up, and then sold them as slaves!”

The big man agreed to nod. Road: "Ye leaves us ready to create the brand still needs to build... In the afternoon, we need to leave!"

The little man shrugged and suggested: "Don't you think that the branded pattern has some tackiness? How about engraving a dagger or a bag of gold coins? Easy to understand!"

"I just listened to Ye's instructions!" The big man who has gone far, does not return the head. "However, compared to Ye Qi's proposal, you are more cheesy!"

“I am more cheesy? Are you sure that your aesthetic is not a problem?”

The little man shouted loudly.

And this kind of snoring has been passed down. Among the only houses in 'Tucheng', the two legendary strongmen who were locked in the house and locked in there, the one who belongs to Quanshuicheng is gray. The road: "You, you can not do this, you are the enemy of the bridge across the other side!"

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~

Cold days, decadent code words, hands are frozen! ! Seeking a monthly ticket, seeking a reward for warm hand protection~~

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