Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 47: Treasure Progress III

After the big man scratched his head and carefully perceived for a moment, he shook his head and asked, "What is this illusion, why can't I perceive it... everything is so real!"

The little man chuckled: "Of course I can't feel it, those bricks and jewels are real, only this pothole..." said the little man, pointing around a few holes and pointing out: "Only this has A special layer of power, similar to the effect of the threshold of God, will send you to an extremely dangerous place when you jump down; for example: inside the volcano!"

The big man subconsciously shuddered and muttered: "It’s a poisonous trap. I saw those undead creatures climb up before, thinking that it can go straight here!"

The little man shrugged and said: "The person who laid out this trap was also to let us think this way... Fortunately, I was standing in the air and saw a different change... the kind of embarrassment appeared, but could not Hidden!" Then, the little man looked up and looked at the palace in the distance. He smiled and said, "Let's go, I think we are still better to follow the previous plan!"

The big man immediately nodded again and again, and Ava was silently behind the little man. The purple eyes on his shoulders were standing, and his nose was raised high, twitching from time to time, snoring. What smell, simple and carat exchange, Awa reminded: "Carat reminds us that there is a smell of venom in front!"

The little man sighed and shrugged again. He walked forward without a big step: "I think I am very talented as a treasure hunter... whether it is the undead, the undead, or these organ traps and venoms, it seems to me. Very good at dealing with you!"

Admittedly, as a small man with toxin control, the vast majority of venom is just his alternative 'supplement'. Although it can't be like the erosion of undead, undead, but as long as the composition is analyzed, then he is equivalent to a good weapon.

Of course, for the days when I first tasted all kinds of poisons, the little man still has a considerable shadow. Second only to him for a crazy woman.

On the road that does not see the five fingers, the darkness, the silence, and the attacks that break out from time to time are enough to make anyone nervous, and if the psychological quality is a little bit worse, it is not impossible to directly collapse; for three qualified hunting people, . Although the scene in front of us is uncomfortable, it is not unbearable.

In about half an hour, the road finally reached its end, and a huge square appeared here - a huge square with fine black marble and more obsidian on the square. An important statue of up to thirty feet is erected in an important position in the square. The face recorded in the history book, so that the little three people almost did not have to guess, think and get the identity of the statue of the deity.

New King - Taldeqi.

The man initially resisted by himself, but in the end he almost pulled the whole of Lorante into the flames of war. Although it only lasted for less than 150 days, what he did was to make any People can't deny it; even people's evaluation of this new king is not high, even hate. But the place that cannot be denied is that it cannot be denied!

However, this is a once glorious new king statue, but at the moment it is in a rusty iron fence, the face of the statue has not changed, but the thick rotten atmosphere is obvious.

"If you use these ideas against the Holy See, you don't seem to be able to succeed!"

The little man stared at the statue in front of him, then turned to look at the surrounding, huge building complex, suddenly said this; then it seemed to respond to the little man. This lifelike statue moved slightly, and a dark green gas appeared in the darkness, ejecting from the mouth of the statue.


The little man seemed to be aware of it early, and he was inhaled, and the dark green gas that was sprayed out was all sucked into the body by him; then. The little man seems to be drunk, swaying and sitting on the ground, while waving his hand to organize the closeness of two friends: "Don't come close to me... this toxin is beyond the expected difficulty!"

It is natural for a small person to say this. It is natural that it is not slippery. Even a friend seems to be slippery and not doing good, but the big man who is serious and cautious in his heart and Ava immediately stop and then keep a small man on the left and right. By the side of the body, the perception of oneself has reached its maximum, and the darkness around it is completely enveloped in its own breath.

In such a sudden disappearance of the sound, in a quiet atmosphere, some of the small figure itself becomes more and more obvious, or simply said that ... is blatant.

嗦, 嗦, 嗦...

The sound of friction between the fur.

Step, step, step...

The sharp claws are in contact with the ground, and the sound of scratches; and the more obvious, the snoring, reminds the big man and Ava, the arrival of those special giant rats.

"Do these guys have such a keen sense? Datong has just fallen into a crisis, they are swarming out!" The big man relied on the perceived feeling of going, and he snorted: "This is at least the previous ten." Do you think? These guys still know how to cooperate?"

In fact, when the big men were moving forward, the huge mice did not give up the attack, but all the giant rats that had just made an attack were killed by the little man in the dark in the next moment; therefore, For a long time, these harassment disappeared completely.

However, these specific giant rats have not disappeared.

Whether it is a small man who is solving troubles in the body at the moment, or a big man, Ava, they can clearly feel that these giant rats are slanted behind them. Obviously, although they are bigger, some creatures The instinct is not changed.

In the hands of Ava, there are two seeds that are shining in deep black, even in such darkness, they all have their own luster - after the contrast, the darker, as if it would be absorbed, swallowed; then, He gently threw the two seeds to the feet in front of them, and at the feet of the big man.

Feel the vibration of the soles of the feet. The big man asked curiously: "Ava, what is this?"

Ava replied briefly: "A vine that likes to grow in places without sunlight, likes to use flesh and blood as a fertilizer!" Then, after thinking about it, Ava answered the question before the big man: "Those giant rats There is no superb wisdom. There is no so-called cooperation, just an animal instinct!"

The big man nodded his head, then looked at the vines that broke out of the ground, and the sweet aroma that appeared in his nose made him ask again: "Is this aroma bait?"

Ava nodded: "Well, a very effective aroma for animals... especially after I changed something!"

It seems to be to verify Ava's words. The snoring in the darkness suddenly doubled, and the screaming sound was even more so loud. Even with such a dark block, the big man sneaked his scalp and saw it dense. The giant mouse that appeared.

Although his strength is not worried that these giant rats will hurt him, but his heart is a little different. Still let the big man subconsciously take a nap; just like some girls who see spiders and screams, the big man is in the same state at this time.

And the giant rats that swarmed out of the darkness seemed to be hungry for countless years, madly rushing toward the fast-growing vines, biting them up; the sound of smashing, smashing teeth and vines rubbing It became the main theme of the entire huge square at the moment, but only. In about a second or two, it was replaced by bursts of blasting sound.

I saw that the rats that ate the vines, the body became bigger again, it was like blowing a balloon, just like the balloon swelled to the extreme.

The bang of the 砰 炸 broke open and flesh and blood flew.

And the scarred vines that had been foraged were splashed with flesh and blood, but it seemed to be the best tonic. Not only did the scars on the body begin to recover quickly, but the next round of growth began, fast and fast, and attracted more giant rats to rush.

This repeated cycle, when all the sounds stop. The huge vines already occupied the entire Grand Square, and within a distance of about two hundred yards around the square, all of them were filled with such huge vines, and a little bulge began to appear on the vines.

Far more sturdy and sharper than the vine itself, it appears from these bulges, and some of the powder that emits fluorescent colors are also floating in the entire underground city, quickly dispelling the darkness, and even more The beauty that comes out of a point is amazing.

When the little man returns to normal, what he sees is such a sight.

"Sure enough, after the darkness is dispelled, you can see everything in reality!"

The little man looked at the city that showed the true face under the fluorescent light, and looked at the spires, the city walls and the streets one after another under the wall, which was full of rebellious architectural style. The little man could not help but admire.

The new king, the most hated is the hypocrisy of the Holy See, so even the architectural style is very different from the Holy See; the high dome is replaced by a sharp, claw-like roof, square and square The brick wall structure, the brick wall is preserved, but it is no longer square, but a very unique shape, all kinds, all different, but with a strange harmony.

It is like a crazy artist who combines cruelty and blood.

Especially the thick black, it is to push this feeling to the extreme.

"If you can no longer be distracted by other parties, Tarditch seems to be really successful!" The big man whispered the words he had said before his friends, but the little man laughed: "If it is really like that In fact, he may not appear at all... As everyone knows, Taldeqi is greedy, jealous, and cruel; at any time, it is extremely luxurious, and only such extremes can rise up in the sacred age. heart of!"

"And those heroes who are upright?" The little man showed a sardonic smile. "It has been domesticated by the Holy See as a well-behaved sheep! Even if the butcher knife comes, I don't know how to resist!"

"But such resistance is just bloody!"

Ava waved his arms and gathered the light spots floating in the air, sighing faintly - he did not refute the meaning of his friends, just a simple sigh.

As for the collection of these fluorescent colors?

These are the seeds of the vine. If they do not collect, let them fall here, it will only bring crazy destruction to this underground relic - Druid Avenger, although chose to destroy, but did not betray the balance. Just looking for it in another, more direct way.

The little man can of course hear Ava’s simple sigh, so he just shrugged and jumped up from the ground: “Whether it’s **** or cruel, we just follow our own path and we won’t be affected by them. ...we are us. aren't we?"

"of course!"

The big man and Ava smiled at the same time.

"Go ahead, move on!"

When the little man waved his hand, he smiled and walked toward the palace not far behind. Looking at the palace in front of him, the little man said softly: "I hope there will be no trouble here, let us get things smoothly, we must know The time we agreed with Ye is probably more than half in the past!"

Think of the agreed time. The little man's footsteps are a little faster, and the big man and Ava are also closely following up - although they have extraordinary confidence in their friends, but they think of the strength of the four sides of the bridge on the other side, especially It is not far from the bridge on the other side. If you don't worry about Ye Qi, it is natural to be a lie.

However, they are very wise to put such concerns in the bottom of their hearts. And to express their position by action, instead of worrying loudly, but there is no action.

With a bang, the door of the palace was slowly pushed open by a small man; looking at the black on the palm of his hand, the little man snorted with disdain, and became more and more disdainful about the new king’s mind—although he It is a very good practice to admit that the poison is applied outside the gate of the palace, but it is still dry to death, only to reveal the essence of its embarrassment.

Shaking his hand, the little man smashed the venom and reminded his friend: "Be careful. Follow me!"

Then, the first step took a step.


When a small man and a three-person explored the new king's treasure, Ye Qi stayed at the oasis lake in Tucheng, sitting quietly on his knees.

For the next big battle, it is also necessary to recharge and adjust the state.

therefore. At this time, if someone is disturbing, it will naturally make Ye Qi resentful; and when the disturbed person is stunned and has a smell of acidity from a long distance, it is simply a Frown; therefore, looking at the swordsman in front of him, Ye Qi brows and asks: "Is there something?"

Although Ye Qi thinks that he is not a person who judges everything by the appearance of others, but in the face of this swordsman, he is somewhat unable to let himself out of this state - Superman's perception brings a strong sense of five And that smell of sour smell got into the nose of Ye Qi, which is just like torture.

If you can, Ye Qi is very hopeful that the other party will leave quickly.

However, the swordsman was not conscious at all, so he sat in front of Ye Qi like this, and seemed to feel uncomfortable sitting. After twisting a few bodies, he lay down like that. Looking at Ye Qi’s mouth and twitching slightly – such a cheeky to almost shameless move, Ye Qi on the other side, seems to see the image of a profiteer, if it is not possible to confirm that the profiteer has no son, he will definitely think I met the descendants of the other party.

In this way, he lay down in front of Ye Qi without restraint. After the swordsman once again looked for a comfortable posture, he slowly said: "Don't you know nervous?"

Ye Qi raised his eyebrows and asked: "Nervous?"

The swordsman nodded and said: "Yes, it's nervous! Don't tell me, you don't see the true face of some of these people... If that's the case, I think I'm a white one!" ”

Obviously, as the wolf said, this sly swordsman is also a sharp-eyed existence.

However, Ye Qi did not intend to communicate with the other party in depth - how the other party is not important at the moment, the traitor is not important, after his plan began, his friend went to the new king's treasure, all this It doesn't matter, he just needs to trust his friends, and then he can complete the part of the plan that he should complete.

Therefore, Ye Qi said indifferently: "What does it matter if you can't see it? As for you... White is not What does it have to do with me?"

This kind of answer is obviously out of the expectation of the swordsman. The other side is lying on the top and bottom. I carefully looked at Ye Qi, as if the two talents had just met each other. Slowly said: "I should say now, really worthy of the 'Shark Dragon'?"

PS second more ~~~

Saturday! Good Saturday! Depressing a person's hard-pressed home, coded an afternoon's manuscript, friends about to go out to play, looked at the manuscript without code, and had to reluctantly, refused to tears... Then, decadent side code words and think of them Playing happy, it is just a heart-cutting, tears like rain!

The tearful tears of the question: "You, can you give a little peace of mind?"

Seeking a monthly ticket, asking for a reward, and seeking protection!

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, 200 starting points, the x200 starting point, the sorcerer's first 200 starting point, the sn100 starting point, the singer, the 100th starting point, the reward, the smashing Supporting decadent brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued...)

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