Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 53: Treasure IX

"I am not looking for ‘power is true’, but for...”

After Ye Qi shook his head, he explained to Zilyan that the performance of the other side had won the good feelings of Ye Qi, and under such good feelings, Ye Qi did not succumb to his own explanation.

However, the words had just been exported half, and they were interrupted by Zilyan.

This mixed-race leader with purgatory descent, said very directly: "Is it because of the rumor that Hotrell’s guy walked? Hey, that guy is also a guy with a savage cock!"

Obviously, because Ye Qi is also a mixed-race, Zilyan has become disdainful for the "polar blade" of Hotley, who has a good reputation on the other side of the bridge.

"Lord Zilyan, behind the bad guys, is not the demeanor of a legendary powerhouse in an extraordinary world!"

Before leaving, the swordsman who returned again at this moment stood not far away and said loudly.

For the return of the swordsman, Ye Qi and Zilyan are well-informed, but the two have not paid more attention to it - for Ye Qi, before, the other party talked with him, Attitudes and positions have already been shown; Zilyan simply does not care.

However, the **** head of the blood alliance tower turned over the strange eyes, looking up and down the swordsman, and asked: "In addition to the guy of Padd, Glotel you also became Hotley. Er's men?"

"Lord Zilyan, please don't forget your identity!"

The tone of the swordsman’s answer, with an angry, she constantly reminded the identity of the legendary Zellyan strongman. However, it is clear that he is not a gentleman for the **** leader of the Blood League. Not a gentleman with a superficial gentleman in the dark, he is a mixed-race who insists on his own bottom line.

Therefore, the **** leader of this blood alliance tower. I sat down straight and didn't look at the swordsman's words. "I certainly won't forget my identity. So, does Holtell remember his identity? He is framed by Ye Qi, I can't see it. What cares about identity!"

The tone is a bit harsh, but it is a fact. All of a sudden, the tone of the swordsman becomes a slogan: "Hotlier, he and he also have a hard time!"

"Difficult?! Hey!!"

Zilyan asked a question. Then there is continuous coldness and disdainful expressions.

Obviously, the **** leader of the Blood Alliance Tower would not believe in the words of the swordsman - one of the top leaders of the Blood Alliance Tower. Zilyan’s strength is not bad, so he’s After Ye Qi’s true strength, he naturally thought of the purpose of Hortel. Coupled with the relationship between Ye Qi and the Juggernaut, everything shows that Hortel is intentional.

As for the usual reputation, Hortel will not do this?

Zilyan once again sneered, if it really follows the fame, then, without revealing the real face, Kirk is more than ten times better than the name of Hotrell.

But once Kire has revealed his true face, how many of them are horrible things?

Since Quanshui City has a Kiri force, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no second one. From the current situation, Hotrell is very much like the second Kiri. It even has a greater ulterior purpose than Kilr.

therefore. Very natural, Zilyan waved at the swordsman and said: "Leave here, I don't want to see you again!"

Unrelenting eviction is naturally a guess in the heart.

However, the swordsman was not swayed, she said in a more straightforward tone: "I came to see Ye Qi, not you, Sir Zilyan!"

There is still a respectful name in the discourse, but the tone has a slight change, and this makes Zilyan involuntarily raise his eyes, and the tone turns cold: "I will kill you!"

This is undoubtedly a warning!

In fact, if Ye Qi is not around, Zilyan will definitely burn the guy who is inferior in front of him; but Ye Qi is here, knowing that the demon hunter is used to him, and does not want to be because it is not important. Character. And let him and Ye Qi have a good relationship.

The swordsman faced such warnings and did not care. She said in a very calm tone: "Of course I am not your opponent, but I hope that even if you want to kill me, please let me finish the words!" said, the swordsman looked at Ye Qi I kindly said, "Please help Master Hortil!"

"Isn't my previous words, enough to understand?" Ye Qi's tone is indifferent.

"Of course, I just want to ask for your help!" The swordsman nodded and answered with respect.

"I decided!"

Simply and neatly, Ye Qi’s words did not leave room for the other party.


This simple and neat answer, let the swordsman lose a **** for a while, after a long time, she responded and asked.

"I didn't have any meeting or talking with him. The default before, because I did get some of his skills, this is a fact, I can't deny it; so, I defaulted!" Ye Qi repeats the previous answer. "But it doesn't mean that he can use this again and again to make requests with me; especially... if you already have a decision, but change it!"

The swordsman was silent.

As Ye Qi said, the swordsman had already made a decision when he left. However, such a decision was once again after watching the battle between Ye Qi and Kirch and others. Changed - she suddenly found out that if Ye Qi can be pulled into his own camp, then the success rate of the Hotrell Master plan will increase greatly, even reaching 100%.

However, it is clear that the best opportunity has been missed.

"Lord Ye Qi, I think there are some misunderstandings between us..."

"There is no misunderstanding between us! Even the relationship is just a little better than the stranger, even the acquaintances are not... Thank you again for your previous reminders, no matter what purpose you are! ”

The swordsman apparently still wants to save, but he was interrupted by Ye Qi.

Such an answer undoubtedly made the swordsman become speechless, and she turned around. Slowly leaving, thinking in my mind, how to recover; however, the difficulty of this problem is obviously very big, when she has left the distance where Ye Qi is sitting tens of yards, still There is no clue.

As for the attention of the four forces that used Ye Qi to attract the other side of the bridge again?

Such an idea did appear in her mind. But the next moment she was vetoed - she saw the huge salon volume, and the changes in the salon volume, she can never forget the powerlessness of her horror, and the legendary powerhouses who are superior in the past. dodge.

This kind of strength is obviously not available. It can only be a choice of cooperation. After all, the choice of the former, once exposed, will bring them to the top. Unless Master Holtley can really succeed...

The swordsman in thought went farther and farther and stopped thinking until he returned to her lower body.

"set off!"

No more words, the swordsman simply said two words, and went out first, and the subordinates behind her, although full of doubts, but did not ask too much, straightforward Go up.

Just when the swordsman left, the four bloodline towers that had disappeared appeared in front of Ye Qi and Zilyan.

"Adult. Our interception has failed!"

One of the four. Immediately returned to Zilyan.

"Running a few?"

Zilyan frowned, asked with a dignified cheek on his cheek.

"About four!"

The answer to the subordinate of the blood alliance tower is somewhat uncertain.

"what happened?"

Zilyan looked at his own hand in a strange way - before he saw that the battle was about to end, he did not want to send his own men to intercept the person who might return the letter, but he himself was disturbing. Smoj's communication crystal; although it is impossible to completely intercept the information, the delay time is made.

And for those who are scattered in the spring city and St. De Ge. Zilyan has considerable confidence that his men will kill these guys.

However, from now on, it is clear that there is something wrong.

"Chedell, who is at the top of the field, has blocked us!"

The subordinate of the Blood Alliance Tower replied truthfully.

"Cholde guy? Broken one arm, not honest!" Zilyan's tone was resentful, but when he looked at his own, there was no anger. He waved: "To face this guy, you have chosen to give in. It is correct. There is no mistake!"

When the Japanese glory faces the legend, the concession is not shameful, which is recognized by the bridge on the other side.

Turning around, Zilyan looked worried at Ye Qi’s gaze. He said: “Since the news has passed back, then we have to leave. Don’t worry, go back to the Blood Alliance Tower, even if it’s that The guys are all coming, we don't have to fear!"

The latter sentence is obviously consoling Ye Qi.

In this regard, Ye Qi is a bitter smile - in fact, Ye Qi did not block the intention of those who reported, even he refused to return these people; after all, more attention is focused on him, his three A friend who is searching for a treasure with a strange wolf statue is becoming more secure.

Although the people on the other side of the bridge have already been attracted to him at the moment, it is difficult to guarantee the forces of the other side of the bridge and will not send new personnel again.

Therefore, he must always show his existence.

In fact, it is precisely because Hultril has inadvertently let him have such convenience, Ye Qi will be honest that he will help Hotrell once – once again, is it not fair?

After that, he has no relationship with him anymore.

From the mouth of the swordsman, Ye Qi was keenly aware that Hotrell seemed to have something to do with it; and undoubtedly, it was naturally the high-level spread of the four forces of the other side of the bridge. Immortal key'.

In this regard, Ye Qi will not participate until he has completed his own affairs.

Moreover, even if it is completed, he will be cautious; after all, it is only a message, not a fact; if it is really full of strength, but in the end it is a virtual result, then this is true. It was a joke, a very funny joke.

And the person who made this joke, naturally, will not have any good end.

and so. Ye Qi does not want to have anything to do with Hotrell, especially on the premise that the other side has no plot - Hortel is not an idiot, knowing that the result of this is almost the enemy of the bridge across the other side. But still have to do it, it is naturally because the interests are tempting ... or simply he is sure to settle everything.

Of these, nature is worth pondering.

The rumor of contacting the 'immortal key' is always a bit of a connection.

but. This is not something that Ye Qi needs to consider at the moment. What he has to do now is to see the statue of the wolf safely in the hands, as for the other?

Compared to this, nature is irrelevant.

"Ye Qi, you can't take a look at the bridge on the other side, although you are very powerful!" Looking at Ye Qi, who smiled and shook his head, Zilyan apparently misunderstood something. He repeatedly stressed: "The person you faced before." It is only part of it. Although it is the strongest Quartet of the bridge on the other side of the bridge, of course, our Blood Alliance Tower is also among them; but compared with the elite of the real Quartet, it is really unbearable!"

"You definitely don't want to face a battle of a group of legendary powerhouses?"

This kind of counter-question, let Zilyan think of any bad memories, the red eyebrows are wrinkled into a ball.

"Of course I don't want to!" Ye Qi nodded. "However, I still need to stay here for a while... There are still about twelve hours. After that, I will disappear quickly!"

"Is it like this?"

Zilyan glanced and asked.

"of course!"

Ye Qi officially nodded and expressed his serious concern for the news. Ye Qi did not think that the words of the **** leader of the blood alliance tower were scaring him.

In fact, the real reason for Ye Qi’s concern about the bridge on the other side is from here – the battlefield composed entirely of the Japanese glory, even after being replaced by the legendary powerhouse of the extraordinary world, even the real 'appear. Also need to hesitate.

The wizarding dynasty of the year was a best example.

If there is no such confrontation, the wizards will not raise the idea of ​​confronting the ‘God. After all, before that moment, ‘God’ still represents omnipotence.

For this secret history, the wolf is talking about it after a meal, and telling Ye Qi; the process is very brief. The cause is also very simple - a wizard has got a very unexpected thing, and this unexpected thing. Even ‘God’ can’t be light and want to get it.

After that, everything is very obvious.

The blame wolf focuses on the result of the matter, and leads to the complete prosperity of the wizarding dynasty - this is what the great emperor did not do.

As for that thing?

In the chaotic battle, it was ironically lost.

Although according to the blame wolf, many 'God of Devils' think this is a conspiracy against them, but there is no evidence to show that this is true; therefore, it is only a guess without evidence; however, the wolf Still insisting on my own opinion: that is a conspiracy.

In this regard, Ye Qi naturally does not care at all, but he remembers how the legend confronts the 'God'.

And for himself to suffer such treatment, Ye Qi naturally does not have any happiness, or glory - he does not think he can have that ability.

Therefore, Ye Qi is looking forward to his three friends in the middle of the heart.


While Ye Qi was expecting his three friends to speed up, the little three had a little trouble - when the little man pushed the door of the palace and walked inside, the lights lit up in the next moment. It’s up.

A butter candle that has been stored for centuries and has the thickness of an adult's arm is ignited from the inserted candlestick; from the first root of the main entrance of the hall to the depths of the palace, hundreds of these Thousands of candles are one, and they are lit at the same moment.

"Be careful!"

The little man whispered to the friend next to him, and he slipped into a candle near him. He hadn't had time to check it. The little man's nose swayed and then shouted with a shock. : "Exit!"

Without any hesitation, when the sound of the little man sounded, the big man and Ava pulled back and the little man followed.

However, just after the big man and Ava had just left the palace, when they stepped out of the gate, the sound of the springs and gears sounded up—


Hey, hey!

In the sound of metal springs twisting, and the friction sound, a huge, car-sized steel spider fell in front of the gate blocked the little man.

The gate of the palace was closed in the sound of ‘砰’.

The big man and Ava standing outside the palace suddenly changed his face, and the instinctive rushed toward the palace again.

Especially the big man, he raised his fist and prepared to smash the door.

Second more~

Because there is something wrong in the evening, this chapter is also timed - hard to force, 熬 通 宵 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

It should have been a manuscript for the New Year, but it was a tearful encounter with such a thing!

I would like to thank the prodigal son of the four seas for the reward of the starting point of the 200, the starting point of the sn100, the reward of the x100 starting point, the reward of the star of the star of the sky*, the reward of the starting point of the 100th starting point, and the reward of the wind.鞠躬Thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~

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