Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 58: Treasure while XIV

Under the moonlight night, the light of hundreds of holy light bullets, the surrounding photos are shining, as if they are all bathed in silver that is more pure than the moonlight, but in the light of this light, Ye Qi’s figure is early. It has disappeared, and the pre-emptive Kosika glimpsed a little, then quickly swept around and looked alert.

Until the next breath, after discovering the atmosphere belonging to Ye Qi, which is ten kilometers away, Kosika snorted and quickly chased it up; however, Koska quickly stopped in surprise. Down, he stared blankly at Ye Qi’s direction of departure. Ye Qi’s movement speed was too fast, faster than him, and an instant was 10 kilometers away. He just rushed out about five kilometers. The distance, the other party has already opened the original distance of 10 kilometers to 25 kilometers, and when he came to Ye Qi’s first breathable position, Ye Qi’s breath showed that he had arrived. Fifty kilometers.

How can this be? !

Surprisingly, Kosika’s heart with an unbelievable expression perceives Ye Qi’s farther and farther breath; he did not stop, but chased again, but this distance did not get closer because of his chase. On the contrary, it only keeps pulling away until it finally disappears beyond the scope of perception.

Suo Ke, who was suspended in midair, thought carefully and then turned and flew in the direction of coming.

"Lord Koscika!"

"Your Mightiness!"

The legendary powerhouses who came together in the extraordinary world looked at the returning Kosika's respectful greetings; Cheddar was particularly respectful and asked: "Lord Koscika, who is the cowardly guy?"


Kosca said faintly; and this seemingly indifferent discourse surprised the surrounding collaborators. They all showed a strange look - the third of the forces of the four sides as the bridge on the other side. They all have a good understanding of each other. Especially the St. De Ge of Cosca.

To put it simply, St. Deco is able to settle in the Quartet with the fewest number of legendary powers, of which the existence of Koscika is indispensable; if there is no Pope at the end of the Holy Age, though St. Dege can also stand on the bridge of the other side, but it is impossible to become the four forces at this time.

At most, it is a medium-sized organization.

And Kosika is making up for this gap. From this we can see that the view of Kusika in the bridge on the other side - for the bridge on the other side, strength is the only certification, the other is only an aid.

Undoubtedly, the name of the strongest seven of the previous generation, and its strength, passed the simplest and straightforward rules in the bridge on the other side.

In these legendary powers, they are well aware of the power of Kosika, and the speed that is particularly troublesome is to make them convinced, but now they have got Ye Qi from the other’s mouth in the hands of the other party. Ran away. What escaped in the hands of a legendary strongman who is known for his speed?

Is Ye Qibi Kusika faster?

Many legendary powerhouses present were eccentric.

Kosika naturally sees these eccentric legendary powerhouses. However, the pope of the previous generation did not hide anything. He said straight: "The other party has the ability to move quickly, I can't catch up... you can't catch up!"

This straightforward discourse did not anger the legendary powerhouses present, but instead secretly nodded.

One of the legendary strongmen of Quanshuicheng asked: "What should we do now?"

Another legendary strongman from the hustle and bustle of the world said: "Try to limit his speed... or create a reason why he can't play speed--I don't believe he has no friends or family!"

The legendary powerhouse of the killer, his words revealed his cold-blooded ruthlessness.

And almost when his words fell, the legendary powerhouses of Quanshuicheng were cold and screamed, and they seemed very disdainful. The companions around the legendary strongman of the meditation field also issued similarities. Cold, and the expression is so ironic.

Quanshui City does not dare to agree on the unscrupulous means of the meditation of the meditation, and the ambiguity of the meditation of the meditation is very ridiculous.

As for the people of St. De Ge?

The only two legendary powerhouses, who were also dressed as monk monks, stood there quietly, silently - with the existence of Koscika, apparently they were not qualified to speak.

"I need all the details of this demon hunter called Ye Qi!" Kosika said again.


"He turned out to be a hunter?!"

Some news is behind, or simply the legendary powerhouses who are not related to these are obviously surprised by Ye Qi’s identity, while other well-known legendary powerhouses are as usual; and one of them proposes to be friends and family. The legendary powerhouse that threatens Ye Qi’s sorrows is very unnatural.

Obviously, for the traditions of the demon hunters and the methods of doing things, the legendary powerhouse of the meditation domain is also very clear; he knows that if he really does this, then all the hunters are waiting for him. Revenge of the person; especially in the demon hunters, there are several people that he does not want to provoke.

At the thought of those few, the palm of the legendary powerhouse of the meditation domain is an unstoppable tremor.

And Kosika, who just saw this scene, frowned and pressed the relationship between Ye Qi and Old John to the bottom of his heart. He chose not to announce it to the public for a while - even now, the last generation of the Pope suspected that once he said After coming out of the relationship between Ye Qi and Old John, how many of the legendary strongmen standing here will stay?

Half, or less?

Kosca involuntarily thought of the situation when the old John came to the bridge on the other side, and the other friend of the other party, betrayed my Lord's Ward, the two people are so casual, it is like visiting the scenery and looking at the other side. Everything in the bridge, and then the sword in his hand, tells everyone on the bridge of the other shore, where his arbitrariness comes from.

At that time, he had never been able to resist the shots - of course, in the case of changing the dress.

However, it is a pity. Faced with the sword that seems to tear the heavens and the earth. He fled in defeat.

His speed is fast. However, the opponent's sword is more fast, and even the speed of the other party is comparable to him, especially when the other party is serious, the skill called "Dragon Wushu" is still fresh in his memory.

Legendary powerhouses of the same level, want to block each other, must have three!

This is the conclusion that Koscika came to at the time, though. This conclusion was quickly overthrown - after the battle of the mountain, he checked the battlefield and doubled the number again.

It is because of this kind of data that the pope of the previous generation was 'safe" to stay on the bridge of the other side, and did not appear again in Lorante; after all, he knew that even if he appeared, it would not be possible to recover. The past glory of the Holy See is far from being able to build up strength for the Holy See on the bridge over the other side.

This is not that he left Roland without a fake death. The reason for entering the bridge on the other side?

Silently, the pope of the last generation. When I suddenly thought of the age of war, my thoughts drifted out.

The legendary strongmen who were present, after seeing the expression of Kosika, fell into silence. They were thinking and speculating on the idea of ​​the upper pope, and the atmosphere solidified for a while; Chedell showed extraordinary action at the moment, and immediately took out a messenger crystal that he carried with him, and recorded the information of the inquiry directly, and then crushed it.

"Everyone, we have special channels for investigating these things. Please wait a little bit! You can get accurate news at about noon!" Chedel said. "Before, please take a break!"


Kosika nodded.

The legendary strongmen who were present, after seeing Kosika nod, followed the point.


Continuously opened three times for five minutes [shadow shuttle], each time the use is the maximum use range of ten kilometers, even if it is impossible to perceive the back of the Ke Si Ka, Ye Qi is also cautiously opened the third time [ The shadow shuttle] stopped until it was confirmed that the other party had actually lost.

Before leaving, Ye Qi did not deliberately choose the direction, but randomly selected, plus the [shadow shuttle] can not observe the surrounding scene changes when moving through the shadows.

Therefore, Ye Qi at the moment is lost.

Of course, it is not the kind of lost way to completely lose direction. At the very least, he can now distinguish the direction according to the change of the moon, and at the same time can remember the direction when he came.

What he lost is where his position is!

Spreading the map in front of him, Ye Qi carefully contrasted - according to the number of times that the [shadow shuttle] was used within 15 minutes, Ye Qi roughly drawn a position.

However, this position is more than a thousand kilometers away from the place he and his friends have agreed. If the mistakes and deviations are calculated, the distance will be even greater.

The only thing that makes Ye Qi feel lucky is that he had signaled that Gronin had brought back the news, a message written in the whispers that they understood. Even if he didn’t go there for a while, the little three would Return to the dry forest area to wait, rather than looking for no purpose in the desert.

Undoubtedly, I am going to the appointed place again at this moment. If I use the [shadow shuttle], the time is naturally enough, but it is dangerous. The pope of the previous generation of the Holy See is probably still around, once he appears and friends. When he meets and is discovered by the other party, he and his friends will fall into a rather unfavorable situation.

You know, in the face of such speed, Ye Qi does not think that his three friends can completely resist; although they are legendary strong, they have been 'grinded' by the inanimate king in the fantasy of the wolf, But some of these gaps still exist.

At the very least, in the real world, Ye Qi will not agree to the practice of injury or injury.

What's more, the upper pope is not a person. Behind each other, there is not one or two, but nearly thirty legendary powerhouses.

In the face of such a team, don't say that he and his friends, even if the 'spirit' appears, it will retreat - for this idea, the wolf is screaming loudly, indicating that he is not such a lame 'spirit'; however, Ye Qi is very simple, 'So you can resist now? ‘Take the top back, no longer speak.

My current distance is in the northern part of Huangsha District. The words in the west. Not far away is the winter forest area. If you enter the winter forest area, then enter the frost forest area to the south, and then continue to the south is the alternate agreed place dry forest area......

Ye Qi extended his finger to mark a feasible line on the map.

"Don't forget NUSTI and Lions!"

The strange wolf who kept silent suddenly reminded Ye Qi to frown, for his own contract companion to inexplicably give himself this 'Knight's group; Ye Qi did not accept the plan - in Ye Qi's view, this It’s just that his contract companion disguised his strength.

For increasing strength, Ye Qi will not object. Even maintaining a positive attitude, but some of them are not what Ye Qi does not like. Of course, this time, it is because these people - people who can participate in the slaughter, even if the other 'declared by death' Repented, but Ye Qi is very skeptical that such remorse is a bit true.

After all, the scenes at the time were carried out under the influence of his contractual companion. Not really from the heart.

Obviously, the idea of ​​a contractor for himself. The wolf can guess, so it immediately asks: "Do you think it is my influence?"

"of course!"

Ye Qi answered very positively.

"If there is no such thought in my heart, how can I influence it?" The wolf explained, "I want to know that my influence is also influenced by the idea in the other's heart, instead of being born out of nothing, more Can't talk about the change of the South and the North!"

“It’s like a devil who tempts humanity?”

Ye Qi gave an inappropriate metaphor.

"Of course not! We are completely different from the chaotic guys. At the very least, I won't listen to other people's wishes at the crossroads, and then send evil dogs to plunder others' lives! I am only at them. When hesitating, push them all!" The wolf shouted loudly, and then strongly proved that there is a huge gap between the two sides; however, this sounds in Ye Qi, but it is somewhat more similar. .

After all, when standing indefinitely, the front is likely to be a cliff.

If you look at it this way, it seems even more dangerous for Ye Qi to see his contractual companion; therefore, Ye Qi said naturally: "Hope, I don't need you to push me for help!"

"Hey, are you a timid guy, have you given me such an opportunity?"

The strange wolf snorted, and the words were full of disdain.

"That's the best, I will keep it!"

Ye Qi was a nod of care. Then he put away the map and quickly changed his direction and headed west.

In the case of a large number of shadow servants used interchangeably, the [shadow shuttle] gradually changed from the life-saving skill in the event of a sudden change to a regular skill that can be used for a long time; it was continuously opened twice [shadow shuttle] After that, Ye Qi has already set foot on the land belonging to the winter forest area.

Extreme heat is transformed into extremely cold, which is an instant. Even Ye Qi’s legendary level of physique at this moment also feels a different kind of change.

Looking at the white and yellow dividing line on the ground, Ye Qi brows slightly wrinkled.

In his left hand is a snow-covered land, ice crystals are cold, on his right hand side is a sand dune with desert, the heat waves rolling, and Ye Qi standing in the middle feels a trace of the left body. Cool, and a touch of warmth from the right body.

Of course, this is the [physique] of Ye Qi’s legendary level. If it is to be replaced by an ordinary person, this time has long been mourning and screaming in this ice and fire.

The side is minus 30 degrees, while the heat is more than forty-five degrees, and you stand in the middle.

When you think about it, you feel that there is a kind of inexplicable chilling feeling. Even if you change clothes, you can't let the body quickly adapt to such drastic changes.

“It’s peculiar?”

When Ye Qi looked at the dividing line, the strange wolf asked.

"I am just sighing a group of irresponsible guys, the change for Lorante!"

Ye Qi answered very rudely.

In the legend, the winter forest area and the Huangsha area at the moment should be a fertile ground, but because of the anger of God, it will become an area where the cold and the bones are burning at the moment.

Of course, this is in the legend, and in fact, it is caused by a group of 'god' wars, and the contract companion in his body has a credit—especially the formation of the yellow sand area, the other side It is an indispensable existence.

As for the formation of the winter forest area?

Naturally, its old rival has a second-hand credit.

In general, these two are the culprit.

"For the first time, I think you are really high..."

Ye Qi said However, this is obviously a word of praise, and the wolf heard it without any happy emotions; surely, Ye Qi said again: "Looking at the souls of the earth." Death, but accept their praises - this way, let me think that you are fallen, sealed, not a bad thing!"

"It's a pity that you signed a contract with me!" The wolf looks like a rogue. He said lazily there. "We are a grasshopper on a rope. You can't escape. I can't run. The guy is right! As for here, I will deal with it when things are all over!"

"Can you do it?"

Ye Qi expressed doubts.

"I can't I!"

The strange wolf retorted loudly.

However, Ye Qi did not pay attention to it, and the figure has continued to turn to the south.

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~ is not finished. .

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