Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 66: On the 7th statue

Afternoon, about a little.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

Ye Qi returned to the town of Lizhi, and patted the neck of Gronin who greeted him at the gate of the town early. Ye Qi walked slowly and almost rebuilt the complete sandstorm. The rest was only temporary. Let the people inside feel that they are staying in a room.

As for looking from the outside?

It’s too far from a house.

However, it seems to be a lot better now. In the flashing of the small lights of the five-six sè, the signboard of the sandstorm is bright again, and the inside is full of people, it seems to be full of excitement - obviously, what happened that day. Things, for those who can survive in the town of Chaozhi, it is really trivial, it is not worth paying attention to, especially when there are liquors, they are more concerned about whether there is a safe taste for them. Place.

"Hey, leaves, lunch is camel meat and potatoes - a good-hearted gentleman contributed, and left a copy for you!" The little man squatted at the door of the wine, shouting loudly away from home. Get up; and beside him is a big man and Ava; no doubt, three people have been waiting for Ye Qi's return.

"I hope that there are four restaurants in our place!"

The well-known Ye Qi indicated that Groning had gone to the horses after drinking, and shrugged his shoulders at the friends.

"Of course, and definitely will make you remember!"

Ye Qi returned safely, so that the little man completely let go of his heart, and his face could not help but show a sigh of smile. Similarly, the big man and Ava shared their hands together.

Something that can make Ye Qi recall, or seriously. Something worth remembering. Very much; but to be profound. The scene in front of us is absolutely the most profound - from the stalls of the wine, the basement is opened, and down the stairs, a place wider than the ground building appears in front of the eyes.

The entire basement can be divided into two intrinsic parts, and a temporary part.

On the left is a variety of weapons and ammunition, from small pistol-type gunpowder weapons to a vulcan cannon that is placed in a corner, covered with gray and green canvas. And the two boxes of ammunition boxes, which are obviously loaded with m60 grenade, are really everything; next to these gunpowder weapons, there is a weapon rack hanging from ordinary daggers and swords, to long whip and scimitar There is even a long handle with a special skill that can be used. It can be described as a weapon shop.

Any man who sees these weapons will have their eyes shining.

However, the right side is not so good, and the four cheekbones are stacked in a row. Next to it are scattered items from their lives, and some valuable clues. It was placed in a sterling silver plate, and then it was clearly opened on both sides, making it clear at a glance.

This is the two intrinsic parts of the basement, and in the empty space between them, there is now a temporary part - a round table with a large iron pot, with meat and The aroma of potatoes; on an oval plate, neatly covered with more than twenty, one foot long white bread.

It's not the kind that just steamed out and dissipated the heat, but the kind that can be used as a weapon after air drying; therefore, their weight is quite sufficient, each one is more than one kilogram; Of course, a sharp knife can't be avoided.

In addition to these, a bottle of mead that has not been opened is standing there.

Ye Qi looked around, and when he saw the Vulcan cannon covered by the gray-green sè canvas, he couldn’t help but smile: "Libes this guy really got a lot of good things! Hey, those are the doctors. 'The masterpiece?'

The eyes leaned to the right, and Ye Qi asked as he pulled the chair down and asked.

"Oh, it should be right - I feel a familiar smell on these cheekbones... Same as the crazy woman!" The little man nodded, then the first one picked up the tableware and smiled. Ye Qi: "Why, is there a feeling of familiarity?"

"When I was licking bread, I was drinking cold water... far worse than here!"

Ye Qi shrugged and replied; and the small three people who obviously had the same experience laughed together. The big man said helplessly: "Do you know why I resisted becoming a hunter in the first place? In caves and tombs, there is no source of food, only dry bread, such a rì is even harder for me than hell!"

"It’s better than I eat cockroaches and mice!"

The little man squatted on the chair and snorted twice.

"Please don't mention the rì who made me look back!"

Just picked up the spoon and picked up a big man of camel meat, his face could not help but white - obviously thought of something bad.

The little man was proud of his head, and he smiled awkwardly; Awamo kept silent, but he quickly picked up a dried white bread, and without a dining knife, he became two. One of them was straight into the mouth of the little man; the remaining one was stained in the broth of the big man, so that the dried white bread thoroughly filled the broth of the broth. This is how to put it in your mouth and slowly swallow it.

Ye Qi learned the appearance of Ava, and then dipped the white bread in his mouth - the soft and fragrant taste after the dipping, which made him unable to blink, because he was sealed, Still chewing a small man with half a dry bread, said: "Datong, taste it, taste good!"

"Well, especially these camel meats, there is no such firewood!"

The big man is also consistent, and Ava is nodding his head and agrees with this view.


The little man who was blocked with a mouth wanted to make a little 'suggested', but Ye Qi three all shrugged and said that they could not understand, but the three people did not stop the praise for food and speed up the meal. When the little man swallowed the dry bread in his mouth, the camel meat and potatoes in the iron pot had already been eaten, and even the soup was not left.

The little man picked up the big iron pot and shook it. Then take the dry bread and smash it in the iron pot. There is no gain; look at the still dry white bread. The little man couldn’t help but turn his eyes, and he leaned against the chair, and the Yeqi three laughed together.

The smile is very cheerful, and it is the kind of heartless.


After the little man chose to dipped the dry bread with hot water, the lunch was over.

As for the bottle of mead?

Going back to the wine cabinet on the ground - even a small three, at this time will not choose wine jīng drinks, even if it is very low; not to mention that it is basically away from Ye Qi The wine is jīng people.

The big man was very interested in seeing the Liye collection of Libes, and Ava Zelei began to continue to cultivate his own seeds. Ye Qi and the little man continued to sit at the cleaned table and whispered -

"Kostika, the dead sire, reappeared. It is really a big news. So, I have already informed the headquarters!" The young man first talked about his practice after returning to the town of chaos. "Headquarters let us deal with them, they I will cooperate with you - the tower of the tower of wisdom will let me convey a word to you!"

Said, the face of the little man is weird.


Ye Qi looked at the strange face of his friend, and asked without curiosity.

"Before you kill him, I will slap a slap in the face for me. At least I have to knock my teeth off! Just as it is my love!" The little man replied truthfully, then. The bitter smile said: "I think we will never offend the tower of the tower of wisdom in the future. It is really dangerous. - Although vengeance is a woman's day, but this time is too long?"

For the origin of the tower of the tower of wisdom, under the concealment of Ye Qi, the little ones are naturally clear - therefore, naturally, the little one associates with what.

It is obviously impossible for the lord of the tower of wisdom to be an sacred woman to be treated excessively within the Holy See; and it seems that only the incident related to the Juggernaut can be treated harshly - almost Yes, the subconscious, the little man’s mind emerged. The tower lord of wisdom who had been eager for love in the past wanted to plead for the Sword Lord who seemed to be dead, and then was given by Kosika. A slap in the face.

Of course, Kosika did not reveal the true identity, but did it in a more subtle but respectable identity.

This is really not a difficult thing for the Kosika’s Majesty, and then, after the control of the Holy See, the tower of the Wisdom of the Holy Marks has been using his own ability to investigate this piece. Things, until Kosika appeared again, she confirmed, and let Ye Qi help revenge.

During the period of nearly thirty years, this kind of vengefulness naturally makes the little man frown. From this point of view, the little man thinks that the Juggernaut is far from the lord of the tower is a wise move. It is simply a crazy woman than him, and an exaggerated woman.

"You don't want to continue with your current thoughts!" Ye Qi looked at his friend's expression and knew what his friends thought again. He reminded, "Don't forget the ability!"

"Good, good, we want some pleasant things!"

The shocked little man immediately shook his head quickly, as if he wanted to take those ideas out of his mind. Then, he looked very seriously and said: "How should we deal with Koscika?"

Ye Qi shrugged: "Keška will not be our problem for the time being. At the very least, before the moon celebration, the other party will maintain its current state!"

The little man who responded immediately said, "He wants to be cheap after you fight with the Wolf King."

"From the current reaction, it should be like this!" Ye Qi nodded.

From his escape, to the other side to pursue, and then give up - Ye Qi can be sure that the former Pope, he will seriously inquire about everything about him; this is human nature, it is like a field A person who is very good at suddenly encounters a person who is comparable to him. Naturally, he will inquire about the situation of the other party.

And of course, everything about him, naturally can not survive the news of the former Pope, especially in the moon celebrations in the near future, the other party will pay more attention to it - anyone who looks, this is A very good opportunity; the two sides of the same level, exhausted after the battle. at this time. Standing out naturally is the final winner.

As for fairness or not?

Facing dark creatures and heretics. Naturally, Kosika, who came from the Holy See, would not care. God would forgive the unfairness, lies and hatred of heresy.

This doctrine has already explained everything.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the other party can't wait to search for him, and he must be chased after death. He must be put to death.

This is also a very normal choice. Moreover, according to the performance of the former Pope, the choice of this is almost certain; therefore, Ye Qi will arrange for his friends to evacuate quickly, and chose to go back to the town of chaos; but, from now on This former Pope, there seems to be a little change.

The change of the sacred age is such a big change...

Ye Qi’s heart silently thought.

"I like a more direct opponent... I learned a hidden opponent. It's always the most troublesome!"

Obviously, the little man saw the idea of ​​Ye Qi. I can't help but shrug my shoulders - in fact, the same is true. For a small man who is thin and thin from an early age, he is better at using wisdom to face those who use brute force, once they meet the same people who use wisdom. He will undoubtedly fall into the wrong wind; after all, his body determines that he is far weaker than the average person.

It was only after his talent began to wake up that the scene had some subtle changes.

However, the talent of the toxin does not make the little man blind, but instead makes him more aware of the hidden - because he knows the kind of people who survive by brute force, how bad the final end is; of course, there are The ability to toxins itself requires a hidden special feature.

After meeting the three friends of Ye Qi, Darlan and Ava, the little one changed some habits, but the kind in the bones did not change, even more profound; because he is no longer a person, It is also related to his three friends; therefore, he has to be more cautious.

Therefore, for the enemy, he really likes the enemy who can only use brute force and not mind.

Of course, this does not mean that the little one will be afraid.

In fact, the little man has always thought from the bottom of his heart that as long as they are four together, then a powerful enemy is not enough!

Even if the other party used to be a brilliant pope, it is also true!

"Right, this is what you want!"

The little man in thought took a forehead and took the box from the new treasure.

When the box appeared in the hands of the little man, the wolf at the bottom of Ye Qi began to growl: "Get it, take it for me!"

The strange wolf has such a posture, which naturally explains the true meaning of the statue contained in it.

Ye Qi did not rush to grab the box, but took it with ease and asked: "How is the process going smoothly?"

Although the little man is sitting in front of the whole, it does not mean that there is no need for a friend's greetings.

"The new king is really a guy with a slap in the face... He is very good at trying to figure out other people's minds, and using these people's weaknesses to arrange some traps... until the end..."

The little man leaned back in the chair and told them all about the situation they encountered in the remains of the underground city. When evaluating the new king, the little man could not help but shake his head again. "If he is not enjoying luxury like this, but is able to fight the Holy See more carefully, perhaps the sacred age is over!"

"If he does not resist the Holy See because of such luxury, perhaps he will only be enslaved like that!"

Ye Qi smiled and said the words that the little man had mentioned with two other friends.

The same words made the little man smile, then stood up and shrugged. He walked toward the ground and said, "I need to discuss with Libes and Sodick about our dinner... I think it would be better to add another pot!"

"I think so too!"

The big man and Ava also stood up and walked towards the ground.

Looking at the disappearance of the three friends, Ye Qi's mouth is slightly upturned - Ye Qi is very clear, they are leaving a separate space for themselves, for their own and the unknown presence.

"Now it is? They have left! Hurry and give me the statue!"

The wolf's voice is full of enthusiasm.

"Wait, you won't forget anything?"

Ye Qi was so good that he sat in the chair and asked slowly.

"Give you, you have already finished the transformation, and you have no side effects!"

With the words of the wolf, the test tube with the gold liquid appeared in front of Ye Qi with a circle of 涟漪 In fact, the reason why Ye Qi would return to chaos in the afternoon The reason for the town, more because of the liquid of these gold sè; the strange wolf transformation of these liquids, unexpectedly slow.

Even, it is far beyond his expectations.

After three hours, it was only about one-half.

This speed is naturally frustrating Ye Qi, very rude to raise his own doubts - Ye Qi suspects that the wolf is deliberately delaying time.

In fact, there is really such a hint of existence.

The purpose is also easy to guess, just for his own statue - the wolf can't wait to get back his seventh statue.

Ye Qi was very rude to the practice of his own contract companion; however, he still did what he said to the other side - for the continued stay in the Frost Forest area, Ye Qike did not have any interest, he also I want to quickly get back to the town of Chaozhi and meet with my friends instead of blowing cold wind here.

Ps first more ~ ​​timing ~. )

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