Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 77: Under the dialogue with ‘the god’

A avatar, and a phantom.

Hughman does not think that Ye Qi is making a fool!

In fact, after the former 'God' opened the perception beyond the 'Human' limit, he almost found his opponent in the next moment - still standing in the place, the shape of the micro bow, that long The knife did not know when it was once again sheathed, and the other's right hand was tightly held on the handle. The other's eyes looked at themselves, and the coldness in the eyes was almost as basic.

And its heart, in such a cold eyes, seems to be frozen.

That is a must-see killing!

And... very likely to succeed - because, on the other side's body, it is overflowing at the moment, far beyond the limits of power.

It is unstoppable in this body, and it cannot leave this body.

"No, no, mortal, you can't do this!"

The once-god screaming, once again opened the limits of transcending this body.

阎魔. Extremely!

In the use of [secondary avatar], [secondary illusion control], with the skills of the hidden stalks in the "dark sorcerer", I won the favorable time for Ye Qi, and he did not hesitate to find out that he is the strongest at the moment. s attack.

After the completion of the twelve-second power reserve, the nearly 100-foot knives that had tripled the attack power on the original basis, such a flying shot to the former ‘God’!

A layer of inexplicable existence blocks the advancement of the knife, but in the bonus of [Fatal Strike], the five-fold attacking knives instantly defeat this inexplicable existence - in an unstoppable situation, plundering The former 'God'; Ye Qi saw the unwillingness and remorse in the eyes of the 'God'. There is still nostalgia.

However, what is this about him?

Just when Ye Qi took over the knife, the body of the life-like "spirit" was moved strangely - not the movement of normal people, but the kind of being involved, as if Puppets, sly movements.

But that's the move. Protect it from a mortal blow.

"what are you doing?"

Ye Qi was asked about the contract companion who had not answered for a long time, but who came out again at this time.

"It's in a bad state... it's limited!"

The strange wolverine coughed twice and said.

"What about me?"

Ye Qi said coldly.

"Our purpose, don't forget the purpose we found it... Or, do you like to bully weak?"

The wolf reminds his contractor and keeps talking about the bottom line of his contractor.

"Do not bully the weak, does not mean that you can not fight back!" Ye Qi's voice became more and more cold, "And. Since you remember the purpose of our coming here, the former silence, I need a reasonable explanation. It!"

"I will give you a reasonable explanation! But... body, can you temporarily lend me a use?"

In the affirmative tone of the wolf, in the next moment, there was a shyness - obviously, the wolf was for such a 'rogue'. It is also a little embarrassing; and such a trace of embarrassment, but exposed to the face of their own contractors, this situation. For the wolf, it is the first time since it was conscious.

Some of these situations are naturally imaginable.


Ye Qi looked at the strange wolf's answer with a brow. Finally, he nodded. Under the contract, he and the other party were a grasshopper on the rope. If the other party finally faced failure, he would not. Where is the best place to go; not to mention, according to his understanding of the similar existence of the other side, to fight against the wind of the opponent's old rivals. Once he fails, he is ultimately faced with the simplicity of being dead.

The wall of the unbelievers, the bottom of the infinite abyss, or the depths of the Sulphur Mountains of Purgatory, will be his ultimate affiliation.

And the three places above. Ye Qi is absolutely not wanting to go - as long as he is a normal person, he will not choose three places to become his own.

Therefore, Ye Qi chose to agree.

When Ye Qi nodded his consent, his eyes fell into a darkness, and when consciousness completely subsided, Ye Qi vaguely heard his own laughter in his ear.

"A guy who keeps track of a horse, who is hiding from Kai, really laughs at me!"

This kind of sneer is accompanied by the sound of punching and punching, and the pleading and mourning of the former ‘God’.

After that, it was dark.

When Ye Qi once again returned to the darkness from the gray, or when he was awake, the whole sky was already bright, and the sun shone in the withered forest, bringing up the heat of the bursts, and in his Opposite, the former 'God' was sitting there, drumming a piece of fresh meat in his hand - looking at the fur that was shackled, it should be a sand fox.

"Are you waking up? Just, try my cooking!"

The middle-aged man showed a thick and hearty smile that only the talents of the mountain forest would have - and this smile made Ye Qi understand that it is himself, not the ‘God’ in the body, who dominates the other side at the moment.

"The guy on you?"

In order to confirm the whereabouts of the former 'God', Ye Qi asked - he did not doubt the guilty feelings of his contract companion, but from the performance of the contract companion language, he did not want to kill this. There is a similar existence that works quite well.

The ability to predict is always favored by quite a few powers. Obviously, his contract companion is no exception.

"The lord was in a coma because of over-consumption!" The middle-aged man replied very simply, and introduced himself: "I am called Hughman, a hunter near the Thousand Marsh area - not a native of the Chima area. Just fleeing there, about thirty years ago!"

"Right, before the coma, let me tell you a message - according to your original plan, everything is correct... the key is out of what you already know, and one is in that little bat. On the body!"

"Yes, and... yes, there is a saying that your reward will be given, but it will take some time - after the established plan is completed, and also that your compensation will be at that time. Send it together!"

This middle-aged man named Hughman is obviously a bit of a potential, but some things can be said clearly; at the very least, Ye Qi does not have much confusion - this message. It is not the transmission of the ‘God’, it is obviously the request of the wolf.

And once again called the strange wolf several times without fruit, it is enough to prove this guess.

Undoubtedly, the other party is escaping - or, is it not possible?

Ye Qi guessed at the bottom of his heart, but he was more inclined to the former - his contract companion, apparently wants to complete his bet with a more labor-saving attitude after obtaining the eighth statue.

Before that?

Obviously it is necessary to drive the rogue to the end!

As for the so-called compensation?

See the ridiculous behavior of the wolf at the moment. Naturally, he will not report too much hope.

However, the last key was actually on the body of the inanimate king, but Ye Qi was really unexpected. Is it that the other person is close to me and is also the fragment of the key to the end?

This kind of idea instinct appears in the heart of Ye Qi, and then. He shook his head and threw his mind.

Alcatel, the inanimate king, has some unpredictable nervousness. But it is definitely not a drag-and-drop person. If its purpose is the fragments of these doomsday keys on his body, I am afraid that I have already started, and will not wait until now.

However, even if the other party is not close to him for the key to the end of the day, he wants to get the last few key fragments of the remaining two pieces from the other side, which is quite difficult.

Even the difficulties are heavy.

After all, the inanimate king is not a kind person.

Thinking about the methods that can be used, in the end. Ye Qi shook his head and denied it. Obviously, Ye Qi did not have a completely safe way to help himself get the pieces of the key to the end.

And just as Ye Qi secretly shook his head. The middle-aged man named Hughman took a piece of grilled meat and handed it to Ye Qi: "It’s not a good idea to think about things hungry at any time - although there is no barbecue for a long time, But my cooking has not regressed!"

"Thank you!"

Ye Qi nodded, took over the other's barbecue, just took a bite, and felt the rich but with a hint of crisp taste; obviously, the other party did not say big words, really has a good cooking; at the very least, In terms of barbecue, it is much stronger than him.

"it's actually very good!"

Faced with such barbecue skills, Ye Qi did not praise his own praise; and in the face of praise for his craft, Hughman immediately laughed, and took out a leathery kettle and handed it to Ye Qi. : "It’s not enough to have a barbecue.... Don’t worry, this is not wine!”

It seems that I saw Ye Qi’s hesitation, and Hughman explained it immediately.

When Ye Qiyu opened the plug, he discovered that it turned out to be milk and camel milk.

"I didn't expect to be able to drink this kind of drink here!"

Smell the smell of the camel milk without any slight sighs, Ye Qi could not help but laugh - it is obvious that the camel milk without any scent is specially processed, and considering the preservation problem, its value is naturally This is especially true in such a ridiculous dry forest.

"What I am best at is these things... The original lord seems to have chosen me because of this, I remember that..."

Hughman didn't hesitate to talk about his encounter with the former 'God', and, as Ye Qi speculated, the Hughman was a bit embarrassing - after an hour In the conversation, Ye Qi clearly learned all the origins of the other party, as well as some of the stories.

Hughman himself is a man from a certain village in the grassland and sea forest area. He is an authentic hunter. His father and grandfather are both hunters. Then, after another accidental hunting, he is separated from the hunting team. Alone, I entered the ruins of the Hailin District and met the 'Haussian', which is the former 'God'.

Then, with the help of 'Hao Switzerland', he left the relics smoothly and returned to his village. Then he chose to sign a contract with 'Hao Switzerland' in a disaster in the entire village. In fact, Hugh Man is very respectful of 'Hao Switzerland'. Think that the other is a great existence, similar to the real prophet.

Even, until now, I don’t understand the true identity of ‘Hao Switzerland’.

"Although I saved the village, but after that, everyone looked at my eyes are strange... So, I left the existence and continued along the border of the Hailin District; until the one of you met a very Damn. But the guy you are not willing to resist - we built the city, the palace in the depths of the Thousand Marsh area, and saw those who were deceived. I really want to kill the so-called high priests and elders. !"

"However, you are not allowed to do this - you must have a hard time with it! Fortunately, two years ago, we got out of there, and then came to the dry forest to live - although you are here Some blame, but I like it very much. It’s very similar to the days I used to hunt in the jungle, just like going home!”

Deep in the area of ​​the Thousand Marsh, the city, the palace?

High priest, great elder?

Upon hearing Hughman's description, Ye Qi subconsciously thought of the paganism in the unexplored area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area. And the great elder, the high priest who had died in his hands, and the ‘god’ of the other’s faith: Bryce.

"How long have I been in a coma?"

In Hughman's chat, Ye Qi finally had time. Looking around, seeing some subtle changes, and Groning's hoofing, Ye Qi suddenly looked up and asked.

"Three days!"

Hughman gave a positive answer.

"I think we need to say goodbye, I have an appointment with my friends!"

Thinking of the five-day agreement with friends, Ye Qi immediately stood up and walked toward Groning.

"Sir, sir, can I follow you for the time being?" Hughman asked and explained: "Hello, let me follow you!"

"no problem!"

Ye Qi nodded - this is a matter of course. It is certainly impossible for a strange wolf to let the other party leave.

"Can you fly?"

Although the atmosphere of the other party is extraordinary, Ye Qi still asks about the strength of Hughman after the lack of the ‘Hao Switzerland’. Ye Qi has considerable doubts; after all, the state of the other party and the 'Hao Switzerland' is really strange. If it is not certain that Hughman is Hughman and 'Haussie' is 'Hao Switzerland', Ye Qi even thinks ' Hao Swiss's use of a dead body before.

No matter who this body is in the hands of the dead.

"Well, yes!"

When Hughman spoke, it seemed to prove like a vacancy - but the slightly swaying appearance was obviously unable to fly too fast.

However, Ye Qi needs to go back quickly - he spent more than a day searching for ‘Hao Switzerland, and three days in a coma, only five days away from the agreed five days.

"I think you can tie it to my waist with a rope and fly with me!"

At the time of Ye Qi's thinking, Hughman proposed - in fact, in this way, Ye Qi also thought about it, but only to avoid the personal feelings of Hughman, and finally chose to give up.

In Ye Qi’s view, the fact that he is tied to others in front of him is completely treating prisoners and prisoners; even if he is flying in the sky.

"you sure?"

Ye Qi carefully asked again.

"There is no problem, you have educated me, in the event of a crisis, you must understand the strain!"

Hughman waved his hand with the smile of the mountain hunter, and he simply picked up the shape and took the rope of a fixed tent on his own, squatting on his waist and throwing the other one. Ye Qi.

"So, let's go! Hold steady!"

After Ye Qi caught the rope, he lay straight on the saddle and shouted behind him.

"Okay, sir!"

Not only was he tied around the waist, but his hands were holding Hughman on the other end of the rope, replied loudly.


This time, Ye Qi did not let Gronin advance at full speed because he took into account the feelings of Hughman behind him. Therefore, from the afternoon until the sunset, he returned to the agreed place - according to Groning's full speed The speed should be able to be an hour earlier, or more.

There, the little man, the big man and the Ava are already waiting.

"Yeah, here!"

Looking at Ye Qi’s figure, the three men waved their arms at the same time; however, when they saw Hughman, who was obviously dizzy behind, the three were a glimpse – they could see that this was the goal of their trip. Just don't know, what is going on in the current state of the other party.

The strongest in the legendary world can be tied with ropes?

Undoubtedly, if it wasn’t for Ye Qi’s explanation, the small three would never think of why such a scene would happen; and it was because of Ye Qi’s explanation that the little three had a smile on the mountain hunter, especially It is also the same mountain hunter-born Ava, it is rare to respond when the other side took the initiative to answer the words.

"I think we should return to the town of chaos."

Ye Qi smiled and proposed.

Unexpectedly smooth greatly reduced the time they returned, of course, the small three people will not have any objections, and long ago in the 'Hao Switzerland', Hughman is Will not object.

And when the pedestrians were on the road, Ye Qi entered the perception of the void -

There, the third golden spot appears next to the other two golden spots, and the three spots form a triangular shape.

Exudes a radiant glow.

Second more~

Refused to the friend's invitation to go out to play, the code of the decadent effort came out~~~ Look at the so hard and bitter part of the decadence, everyone is rewarding, the monthly ticket~~~

I would like to thank the prodigal son of the four seas for the reward of the starting point of the 200, the reward of the starting point of the sn100, the reward of the starting point of the x100, the reward of the starting point of the 100, the reward of the starting point of the 100, and the reward of the starting point of the 100. Support decadent brothers and sisters~~~

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