Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 79: Come down

Ye Qi’s jokes are naturally jokes – although the apostle trench coat is not a rare magical item, it is definitely not an ordinary standard equipment. Its expensive price has already explained everything; and, with Herman and Tony’s apostle trench coat The volatility emitted is even more unlikely to be counterfeit.

However, Ye Qi has considerable curiosity about the two men wearing the Sun Yat-class apostolic trench coat.

After all, in the recent witch market, the strength of the two is still swaying between the stars and the moon, especially since Herman is about the star.

Now, the two are the atmosphere of the Japanese glory!

[Blind perception] The fluctuations in the inside make Ye Qi think that he will not perceive the mistakes - and this is incredible. Even with special opportunities, the growth rate of such strength is too fast. It’s almost unpredictable; unless it’s... the devil’s contract!

Thinking of this possibility, Ye Qi’s heart frowned and frowned. According to Ye Qi’s understanding of the gods, each one is not as respectable or abominable as the myth, but they are definitely not friendly, even It is necessary to be wary everywhere; because, most of the time, they always consider everything from the perspective of their own interests.

Even if you are the contractor of it, you need to be prepared to sacrifice for it at any time.

Unless it is an 'equality contract' like him or a more special 'symbiotic contract' of Hughman - but even a contract like them will be quite inconvenient, he needs to be a wolf He died together, and Hughman shared a body with both sides. Once the body was damaged, they would be injured.

Their contract is already so demanding, not to mention other slave contracts. It seems that it will gain strength at a faster rate, but the end result will be terrible in the end - those who have co-operated with him have already explained everything.

Therefore, Ye Qi is very reluctant to see Herman and Tony choose such a path.

It seems to be the worry of Ye Qi. Herman, a gentleman who looks like a student in the college, laughs and explains: "Not as you think - we don't use those special methods...but this!"

Then, Herman raised the wrist of his left hand, where a very unique bracelet emerged from the sleeves of the apostle's trench coat—golden fringe, hollow carvings. In the center of the bracelet is a red jewel with a pigeon egg size, which is a special atmosphere.

Holy device!

Only at first glance, Ye Qi can determine the nature of this bracelet.

When Ye Qi once again perceives such a breath, it can be found that the fluctuation of the Sun Yat-class is emitted from this, but it is different from the fluctuation of ordinary objects. The fluctuations on this bracelet are entirely based on Herman's own. Simply put, it is an increaser. It does not have any breath, but it will magnify the atmosphere of the vassal.

Tony also lifted his left wrist. There is also a similar bracelet there, but the bracelet is silvery and the gems are emerald.

Obviously, the two people’s current temperament is from the two bracelets. This discovery made Ye Qi breathe a sigh of relief in his heart and completely let go of his heart; after all, both sides have a good Relationship, he does not want to do anything that makes both sides feel helpless.

"Is these two holy devices a set?"

Putting down the heart of Ye Qi, began to carefully scan the two saints of the bracelet. Such a general pattern, a similar style, makes people think of this aspect naturally.

However, this sentence was only exported, and Tony’s face was a cross. Herman is also somewhat unnatural.

"What happened?"

Ye Qi looked at the two people and asked with a little cautiousness - for their own ability or the use of the sacristy, its own secrecy is natural. If you want to ask, you must also abide by certain rules and cannot pass.

"Nothing... just these two bracelets, they should have been a couple!"

Herman puts his hand and tells Ye Qi not to be so cautious. At the same time, he also explains why he and Tony are awkward.

"And, this one, my wife is carrying it!"

Tony swayed his left arm and his voice was weak.

"Is there nothing? The saints of the previous generation have nothing to do with you?" Ye Qi asked, "Is this a gift from an elder?"

"Of course not, we two don't have such great elders!" Tony answered the words with a lack of energy. "This is the reward we gave us after helping an antique dealer solve the problem... but if you know it will be like this I would rather not pay like this!"

Ye Qi became more and more strange.

Herman explained with a bitter smile: "The two bracelets, the conditions for launching are somewhat special - we must make a 'closeness' move in order to mobilize their abilities!"


Ye Qi laughed involuntarily. Although the next moment of reaction, he resisted going back, but looked at Herman and Tony's eyes more and more strange.

And Tony himself, under such gaze, crawled on the table softly, as if it was burning. He said in a whispering voice: "My life is already over... I am finished..."

Although Herman did not have such a move, the unnaturalness on his face was quite obvious.

"You can take it off... Wear it when necessary!"

Ye Qi comforted the two with words that they could think of.

"I really want to take it off, but..." Herman’s face showed a lot of helplessness. "The two bracelets can’t be picked up after they are put on; and, not only can’t they get off, I’m now And Tony couldn’t leave the distance of more than twenty yards. Once this distance is exceeded, the two bracelets will have a strong suction and pull us back together...”

"This, this is really interesting ability!"

Ye Qilu said with a stutter, then immediately took out two bottles of rum and handed them to the opposite. And he himself picked up a camel's milk, and the topic was very rigid and pulled to the aspect of the anecdote book - Ye Qi was very glad that he remembered Herman's hobby, otherwise, he did not know how to deal with it. .

Especially to see Tony's face that seems to be going to die at any time. It really makes him feel a little ignorant.

However, even so, the next conversation between the two sides is also a bit embarrassing, because most of the conversations will still be transferred from the books of the anecdote to the two bracelets - of course. Ye Qi will never do such a thing, but Herman can't help but talk about it.

Obviously, Herman is also guilty about this bracelet.

In fact, any healthy male wearing such a bracelet will be guilty.

And this is a slightly embarrassing conversation. It wasn’t until the little ones and others joined, it became alleviated; and, obviously, Totor and Mudley knew what happened to Herman and Tony, who were drinking and guaranteed Try to help the two get out of this dilemma.

After that, Ye Qi raised his cup and gestured it. Temporarily left the table and walked to the bar.


Libes, who was wiping the glass, put down the glass in his hand and took out a leather bag from the bar - it contained fresh, boiled camel milk.

"Which support towers are supported by the headquarters, where are you now?"

Ye Qi smiled and took the glass and asked - the arrival of Herman and Tony, Totor and Mudley, obviously not a coincidence, but the order of the headquarters; otherwise, with Totor and Mudley The demon hunters who have been guarding in an area for a long time are not leaving the area they are guarding.

In fact. According to Ye Qi, except for the Tallinn area and the bay area where he is located, in other areas, the Hunter's Headquarters will send a day-to-day hunter-hunter to guard against emergencies. Just in case - and most of the hunters don't know about this, the same hunter will not deliberately reveal their identity, and it is not fixed, every year or In two years, they will be replaced.

Of course, these candidates are all Guardian identity.

This is what Ted mentioned last time. At the same time, Ted said it has no cover. If the tower of decision-making is thrown away, the most powerful one is the tower of thorns, followed by the moonlit night. The tower, the end is the tower of wisdom.

For such sorting, Ye Qi has no interest.

After all, the tower of decision-making has been closed for nearly two decades, and as a tower of thorns that holds countless prisoners, it is normal to have such strength.

However, now Ye Qi needs to think carefully.

To deal with the three parties in the four forces of the other side of the bridge, if he is a person, or even with his three friends, too much power alone.

Or, it is impossible to complete his plan at all.

Therefore, he attaches great importance to the support of this headquarters.

"The main tower guards of the Tower of Thorns and the Moon Tower, they have now reached the Hove Mountains, and are marching towards us along the mountains! However, the monitoring of the Holy See is very strict, so the speed is quite Limitation!" Libes replied with almost no thoughts - this is the news this morning, he has already been firmly in mind, and the message slips are naturally burned.

“How many legendary powers have reached the extraordinary situation?”

Ye Qi nodded and continued to ask.

"Two, one from the tower of thorns, one from the tower of the moon and night!"

Libes replied.


Ye Qi is stunned - for the strength of the Devil's Headquarters, Ye Qi has a vagueness, or can't see it; now, apart from the Lord of the Six Pagodas, for those who are hidden in the towers The towerers, especially those who did not leave the guardians of their homes throughout the year, made it difficult for Ye Qi to thoroughly estimate the true strength of the Hunter's headquarters.

However, there is a little Ye Qi that is certain, that is, apart from the Lord of the Six Pagodas, the Demon Hunter Headquarters should still have a legendary powerhouse in an extraordinary situation.

After all, according to the style of the demon hunter, it is impossible to prepare for the rest.

However, it is only how much such a backhand is.

But from the point of view of support at the moment, there are not many legendary powerhouses hidden in the devil's headquarters. Is there anything happening?

Facing the number of support far below his expectations, Ye Qi thought of it subconsciously, and at the same time, he realized more. It seems that this time it is necessary to carry out a deeper cooperation with the Blood Alliance Tower; otherwise, it is impossible to achieve his or her purpose, and even the basic conditions are not.

"There is the latest news, remember to inform me, or Datong!"

"Of course. Instructor!"

In the face of Ye Qi’s embarrassment, Libes nodded immediately, and Ye Qi waved his hand and returned to his seat. However, he did not participate in the alcoholism of the rest, but only carried his own cup. . Listening to the conversations of several people, until dawn, such a gathering is considered to be scattered - because the victory and defeat seem to be separated.

"Totor and Mudley have a good drink! Herman and Tony are a little bit worse!"

The big man picked up two drunken demon hunters in one hand, and two other unconscious demon hunters in one hand. The footsteps steadily walked toward the basement of the bar—obviously, drinking alcohol for one night was nothing for the big man, and even the face was not red.

"I think someone will put Dardan in the list that will never be toasted!"

The little man smirked, like a little fox who stole a little hen - in fact, the wine he really drank in the night. Not even three cups, so this time is incomparably sober, and can see a good show, especially when Totor is not convinced and the big man is drinking, the little man is almost laughing. .

"Dallan, it will be sad!"

Ye Qi, who also belongs to the onlookers, could not help but shrug his shoulders. The two men smiled at each other - in fact, compared to the amount of food, the big man is almost the same in terms of the amount of alcohol; therefore, this kind of gathering that belongs to the demon hunter has a big man. They can always be unfavorable.

However, the demon hunter who is after the big man's drink will see the big man who will see the big man next time.

After all, the difference is not convincing, but when it is different from the difference between heaven and earth, it is desperate.

"The matter is not very optimistic, the support sent by the headquarters..."

After the smile slightly converged, Ye Qi and his friends whispered.

"Two? So little?"

The little man listened to Ye Qi’s words and couldn’t help it – this number was much less than they expected. In fact, even one third did not.

Slightly wrinkled, the little man said: "If this is the case, our original plan seems to be difficult to implement!"

Ye Qi nodded: "It's not very difficult, but there is no grasp at all!"

The little man sighed a bit: "It seems that the alliance with the Blood Alliance Tower is a must.... But is the Blood Alliance Tower completely reassuring?"

Ye Qi shook his head and said: "It's hard to say clearly... we need further temptations - I am very surprised, why is there only such a rare and legendary powerhouse at the headquarters? It is far worse than our estimate!"

The little man nodded a little and said: "It’s just that there are too many differences. It’s just unexpected. Is there something that we don’t know happened?”

“Most likely!” Ye Qi gently tapped the table and said: “And it’s extremely secretive. It’s definitely not a few big battles... but if you look at the current performance, it seems to be some strange before. The place can be said clearly!"

"It is clear that we can solve problems with high-end combat power, but we always send some people who can't keep up. We can move back to 10% by relying on the advantage of the number of people. This is not to say that the headquarters is training again, but it is true. There are no candidates to use, but in desperation, this is the case!"

Said, the little man could not help but sigh.

"The arrival of those two will inevitably bring us an answer!"

"However, it is not a good answer!"

Ye Qi and the little man looked at each other again and smiled at the same time.

After that, the little man leaned back in the chair and raised his eyes, and Ye Qi was the same. When the first sunshine appeared on the side of the day, the bar that was lively for a night was just entering the rest. A piece of comfort; even the two waiters in the bar were told that this morning, the bar was resting.

It was not until noon that the entire bar returned to normal.

Ye Qi and his party disappeared into the bar and came to a Gobi outside the town of Chaozhi. This is a place that overlooks the height of the entire town. The two exits in front of the town can also be seen. Clear and clear, and standing here can rely on the unevenness of the Gobi to hide from the look of the town.

In fact, this is a sentry point in the town of Chaozhi.

However, after Libes and Sodick entered the town of Chaozhi, it became the site of the sandstorm bar, and other people in the town of Chaozhi Town generally did not approach.

And Ye Qi and his entourage came here, of course, not to monitor the town of Chaozhi, but to wait for the **** towers of the blood alliance tower - this is not the decision of Ye Qi and his party to make changes without permission, but before the blood alliance tower suddenly gave The change; such a change made Ye Qi, the little man frowned.

Sudden changes often mean accidents.

Now, they don't want to see any accidents. At the very least, before the moon celebration, such accidents can be avoided.

As for the post?

That depends on the extent to which the plan is going smoothly!

Ps New Year's Day ~~~ Second More~~~

For this chapter update rushed back from the hotel in a hurry - promised to ask those guys to eat a meal, those guys let people say ... really a bunch of friends...

And, the most important thing is that after the update is over, you have to drink...

The tears of the face are full of tears, and the monthly ticket, seeking reward, and protection! !

Thanks for the reward of the starting currency of sn10000, the reward of the starting point of the 200-year-old prodigal son, the reward of the starting price of the June snow 4200, the reward of the x100 starting currency, the reward of the frost-free flying frost 100 starting point, the wind and dust 100 starting points of the reward, the April day of the sea 100 starting point of the reward of ~~~ decadent again thank you all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~ to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.

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