Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 96: Knife block

And just as the curse of the Wolf King, when it fell, it seemed to prove that the wolf king’s words were not wrong. Ye Qi once again appeared in front of the remaining five legendary powerhouses on the other side of the bridge. - The coat and the lining of the hole on the lining are still there, but the wound inside is not at all.

All right? !

They were divided into two groups of legendary powerhouses. After looking at each other, they all saw their surprises in their eyes. Although they did not participate in the battle, the two arrows were shot and deeply penetrated. Ye Qi’s chest, and the whole scene of immersion, they have not forgotten, even vividly!

but now……

Strong resilience!

After the five legendary powerhouses were shocked, they were enveloped by a large number of swords.

Faced with the gray knife wind, the legendary strongmen of the four spring water cities, and a legendary strongman of St. Dege, are a little alert, they are worried about the possible back hand of Ye Qi; however, Even with this kind of alertness, when the sun's fire burns, they are still unprepared.

The white flame, with the burning heat that ordinary people can't imagine, instantly filled the body of the remaining five legendary powerhouses - one of them is obviously a legendary strongman with similar ability to freeze air, and immediately squirted from the whole body. The blue mist, but this does not stop the burning of the sun's fire, as if these flames are some illusory, there is no general.

However, the pain in the body is to tell them that such a flame is real.

"My frozen gas can't extinguish the flame!"

This legendary strongman shouted loudly, and just as his voice had just fallen, another legendary strongman immediately fell down. Crazy started rolling. But the fire of the sun is still burning. Not affected at all.

"What kind of flame are these?"

With the extraordinary strength and hard flames, looking for the remaining two legendary powerhouses to extinguish the flame method, while looking at the companions known for their flames.

"The fire of the sun!"

The legendary strongman who uses the flames of the city can't help but smile - and the legendary powerhouse that uses the flames is the only one that has not been burned by the fire of the sun at the moment; around his body The reddish flame formed a protective cover that was resisting the fire of the sun.

However, anyone can see that this red-red flame seems to block the fire of the sun, but more is swallowed up by the fire of the sun.

"God said that we are all sinful..."

The legendary powerhouse of St. De Ge. He fell to the ground and lowered his head deeply, praying; and with the sound of prayer, a layer of white light began to appear on his body, and the burning fire of the sun seemed to be isolated. It is burning on the white light, and the burn on his body is healing quickly.

The remaining three legendary powerhouses play their greatest abilities—although they can't resist the Sun Fire attack, they can alleviate their suffering.

Obviously, in the face of the existence of the same legend, the fire of the sun is still unable to make a deadly attack!

"[The sub-sun ritual. Yang Yan] fired the sun. It can only be a means of assistance - in the face of the legendary strong!" Looking at the situation in front, recalling the wolf The situation when the king faced the fire of the sun. Ye Qi thought silently; however, his movements did not stop, and the long-lost knives in his hands went straight down – a huge moon-like knife, and he rushed out. The legendary strongman of St. De Ge.

Undoubtedly, in Ye Qi's [blind bucket perception], it is very simple to want to distinguish one's strength and weakness.

At this moment, among the remaining five, the legendary strongman of St. Dege is the strongest - in fact, even among the ten people who appeared this time, the legendary strongman of the blood alliance tower In the calculation, the legendary strongman of St. De Ge is also the strongest; it is stronger than the killer leader of the sorrow.

And this is one of the reasons why he attacked the other party when he first appeared on the other side. The other party’s strength, the person who is the companion’s spring city and the meditation domain cannot be unknown. Therefore, when he When attacking each other, these people will only surprise themselves.

He thought that he had chosen the strongest one.

Therefore, when he slammed the West, the blade was able to pass the neck of one of the ten weakest legendary powerhouses.

And then the second time I chose the killer trio of the meditation area?

It’s even simpler – when the three forces rely on each other, the legendary strongman of St. Dege becomes the 'weakest' party. According to the choice of normal people, it is natural to choose the weakest. One side shot; almost the previous pirated version, these people's attention while searching for him, while placed on the legendary strong St. De Ge.

However, it was the effect of Ye Qi’s previous creation, but this time it was the bridge builders of these other shores who “organized themselves”.

For such a simple trap, Ye Qi naturally sees it at a glance, and, in order to make another surprise, he does the opposite and chooses the three-person group of the murderer, the most powerful combination on the field - Even if he was injured, Ye Qi did not want to fight in the next battle. There were three daggers hiding in the dark and aiming at his back.

Enemies in the Ming Dynasty and enemies in the dark, choose which one to remove first?

Normal people will know the answer.

As for now?

After two times of unexpectedly reducing the necessary personnel of the other party, the other party’s vigilance makes Ye Qi understand that if he wants to continue to surprise himself, he will only let him unconsciously fall into it - of course, if carefully arranged, such a The practice is still ok.

However, in the current situation, if Ye Qi wants to elaborate, the difficulty is undoubtedly quite large; at the very least, he can't be able to delay such a long time; even if [Dark Claw] has extraordinary hidden skills, In conjunction with the "shadow shuttle", it is even more unexpected.

But this is not Ye Qi's choice!

or. simply put. This choice is far less suitable than his current choice - especially when faced with a flock of birds.

Full 12 seconds of power. The eighty-four-foot knives of the sorcerer's magical, with a thunderous breath swept past the legendary powerhouse of Saint Dego, the white light, which successfully blocked the fire of the sun. Protection, under the five-fold attack power of Ye Qi, is simply unbearable.


Clear as if the broken glass of the glass came out, the protective cover of the white light was immediately broken into a little bit of light, and then the sorcerer’s knives flashed past – though The legendary strongman of St. De Ge has been dodging hard. But it is impossible to escape the established destiny.


The blood first emerged from the top of the head. After that, it was like the underground spring water was forced out by the pressure, and under such pressure, the smooth, mirror-like body of the cut was divided into two, and the body was turned down. Ground.

After passing the St. De Ge's wearer, the demon. The extremely knives have not disappeared. Under Ye Qi's intentional adjustment of the angle, the devil is extremely sturdy. After completing the initial purpose, the legendary powerhouses of the two spring waters behind St. De Ge were shrouded in it.

In the face of the huge knife rushing. The legendary strongmen of the two springs, a frozen air, a black negative energy appeared in their hands, madly screaming at the sorcerer's sorcerer's knives, wanting to stop the advancement of this knife; however, Obviously everything is so powerless.

Hey, hey!

One person from the top of the chest, with a neck, and the other from the bottom of the abdomen, divided into four.

"Ah, ah..."

The mourning sound emerged from the mouths of the legendary powerhouses of the two spring water cities. It has not stopped for a long time; the remaining two legendary strongmen of the Spring City, including the legendary strong who used the flames, could not help but hear it. When he trembled, he forced himself not to look at the horrors of his companions, but instead focused on looking around and searching for Ye Qi’s figure.

Yes, Ye Qi disappeared again, just like the previous two.

Sweat, the legendary powerhouse who uses the flames, squats in front of the forehead, and he does not have the slightest effort to wipe, but his eyes wide open and he looks around, and the legendary strongman standing beside him is also like this, but in In the depths of the other's eyes, there is a trace of fear - obviously, ten people in the same group, except for one who chose to stand on the sidelines, the remaining seven people who have been killed have already made him feel the fear.

And if the residents of the other towns are also there, such fears will inevitably spread quickly—because the scene at the moment is exactly the same as those told by the old people; every time they show up, they will be harvested. Once a life, every time you harvest a life, you will be strong.

However, the residents of the towns on the other side of the technology are no longer, but the bystanders are not without them. Those who have ulterior motives, the residents of the other towns left behind, Xiaoyue Wolf King and Swordsmen.

At this moment, the residents of the other towns with ulterior motives have completely fallen into the frenzy. They are whispering in a nervous way: "Red devil, devouring the devil of life..."

This whisper is low, powerful, and seems to be accompanied by a devout taste.

And when one of them fell to the ground, the remaining few were the same choices, so they fell to the ground, and the whisper in their mouth did not stop. On the contrary, the more pious, it seemed to be worshipping. In general, he always bows in the direction of Ye Qi.

While standing on the side of the Xiaoyue Wolf King, watching the movements of these people, they are full of disdain and swearing, but the real thoughts in the heart are only known to them; after all, tomorrow, the moon celebration It is it to fight Ye Qi!

In the face of the devil. Extremely sharp, it is thinking after shock.

"There must be flaws, such a powerful move, there must be flaws!"

In the heart of Xiaoyue Wolf King, this kind of discourse is repeated, and all the behaviors of Ye Qi before the emergence of the mind are always in front of the head stealth skills? Or is that special flame? Still the knife wind?

The options one by one appear in the mind of Xiaoyue Wolf King.

As for the legendary strongman of the remaining two bridges on the other side?

After seeing such a powerful knives come out, this battle has lost its final suspense; unless it is, at the beginning these nine people will be free to attack. There may be a chance. but now? Xiaoyue Wolf King does not think that the two legendary powerhouses have any cards to turn over.

In fact. It’s not just the Xiaoyue Wolf King who thinks this way. After throwing away the insane residents, the swordsman is the same idea. Even now, this savvy swordsman has a sly emotion. Standing in the same place, she kept saying: "'The extreme blade'? How could it be 'the extreme blade'?"

However, very soon. The swordsman returned to God as a disciple of Hotrell. She still has a good understanding of the teacher's 'polar blade'; although Ye Qi’s previous knife and her teacher’s 'polar blade' It looks a lot like it, but if you remember it carefully, it still has quite a difference.

First of all, her teacher's 'polar blade' is extended from the skill of [Light Blade], and therefore inherits the hidden feature of [Light Blade]. Therefore, it is more concealed.

Second. It is also the most important point - although this, the swordsman does not want to admit, but in front of the facts, she has to admit that the opponent's knife seems to be stronger than her teacher's 'polar blade'. Sharp.

"Is it improved on the basis of the teacher's 'polar blade'? It must be like this!" The swordsman's mind naturally adds everything. "The teacher said before that the Shak's dragon got him about The inheritance of 'the extreme blade', then on this, it is not impossible to change it!"

"Oh, I got such a big benefit, but it was like that for me..."

Inexplicable, the swordsman had a bit of resentment - but when she looked at the empty front, only the two warlords were also the legendary strongmen of Quanshuicheng, and the body of a place, the grievance It quickly dissipated, but it was a little more unknown.

When I think of these days, facing these guys, she and the teacher’s east hide Tibet. At this moment, after seeing these guys lying on the ground, her heart involuntarily appeared a sense of pleasure, and saw the rest. When the two warlord spring water city legends are strong, they are more comfortable.

She can remember how she and her teacher had been hiding in Tibet from the flames of the other party not long ago; even, in order to lead the other side, a follower of her teacher had to open a piece for them at the cost of life. The escape route - even after a few months, she can still hear the screams of the follower, and the disdainful coldness of the other party.

But now?

Looking at the other person's fearful look like a canine dog, she couldn't help but laugh at herself; especially, when Ye Qi once again appeared in the knife, the huge half-moon knife was swept away, 邋遢The smile of the swordsman is incomparably brilliant. Although it has the cover of the earth, it does not affect the bloom of such a smile.


On the other side, the Xiaoyue Wolf King once again saw the huge half-moon-shaped knives appearing, the straight cold screaming, the disappearance of a flash disappeared without a trace - it has decided that before the start of the moon celebration tomorrow, absolutely not Ye Qi will appear in front of him again; even if it does not admit it at the moment, but for Ye Qi, its innermost depth, there is already a trace of fear.

After simply cleaning the battlefield, getting unexpected magic crystals, and another [dimension bag], and a few pieces of magic items that can be called the top, after sighing the extraordinary power of the legendary town of the other side, Ye Qi turned to Walking outside the town on the other side - although after a battle, Ye Qike did not forget to fight outside the town on the other side, as well as his own friends; although he had already asked for the Red Copper Dragon Girl, if possible, Ye Qi will naturally go there.

And now, no doubt, it is ok.

However, when he turned and walked two steps, he was stopped in front of him, and the three people who had been worshipping had blocked the way.

"Red devil, devouring the devil of life..."

The other person's mouth chanted these things, so that he could not understand, and when Ye Qi was ready to go around, these three people crawled like this, once again blocking his face.

"Do you have anything?"

Ye Qi wrinkled his brow and felt the other party's unscrupulous fluctuations. He asked for his temper.

"Red devil, devouring the devil of life..."

In the same way, it is still so inexplicable that I don’t know why.

Ye Qi’s patience was obviously unable to continue listening to him. After a jump, he disappeared into the presence of three people and plunged at the door of the town on the other side.

"You wait! Wait for me!"

The shouts of the swordsman who came from behind did not let Ye Qi have the slightest pause.

The swordsman looked at Ye Qi, who disappeared in a blink of an eye. She confirmed that the other party could certainly hear her own shouts, but she still did this.

Unbearable, the swordsman is a lame, and a slightly wronged martyrdom.

"Ye Qi, you bastard!"

Ps second more~

Expertise Supplement (3) -

[Get special expertise: shelter from the secondary sun.]

[Secondary Sun Protection: You are destined to be favored by the sun in the sun; effect: In the sun or in a positive energy environment, the actual damage will be reduced by 35% when you receive damage ( Real damage, calculated according to the real damage, that is, throwing away the defensive spells, the magic and the armor worn, and the damage calculation after the defense of the sacred;) Features: Chaoyang Bathing in the sun After 24 hours, you will receive a special shield composed of sunlight to protect yourself from a fatal blow (must be in the sun, positive energy environment can be launched); cooling time: 48 hours. 】

[The radiance of the secondary sun: Your radiance will be like the sun in the sky, eternal, immortal; effect: sunshine and positive energy appear everywhere around you, even at night (this is a variable constant The effect, you can choose to turn on or off, without any time difference or cooling); characteristics: radiance. 】

[Glory: 1, after completing the three charges of Yang Yan (effective technique of three-yang yang characteristics), this effect will be obtained; restore 10% of physical strength, energy, and cure a level of injury (that is, severe The injury becomes a medium injury, and the minor injury is directly healed.) 2. After inducing the sun's characteristics, it will gain further effects; restore 20% of its physical strength, energy, and cure the two-level injury; A friendly army within 150 yards will get 50% effect. 】

Thanks to the prodigal sons wandering around the sea, the rewards of the x200 starting currency, sn, the wind and dust, and the 100 coins of the starting point.~~~ Decadence again Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~(To be continued.)

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