Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 99: Moon celebration

Hortelli eventually did not leave dinner with Ye Qi. The ‘polar blade’ took a bitter smile and left a sentence ‘I will bring real evidence before the moon celebration! After that, he left the room. For the words of Horter, Ye Qi did not care too much.

In fact, Ye Qi is not unaware of the key to 'immortal'; at the very least, the book of death by Merlin's young witch is the key to 'immortal' and is absolutely powerful. Put - just, the 'side effects' inside are also unbearable for ordinary people.

According to the wolf's words, it is 'to give up the existing life, and to face the new difference' - simply, it is the last choice for the desperate person; of course, the price is everything for him, including The soul is inside.

With such a glimpse of the previous car, it is difficult for Ye Qi to imagine which key to the 'immortal' that Hotrell found. Is it really harmless? Or with the "Book of Death", you must pay the price - if it is the latter, not only does not have any value, but also brewing countless troubles.

As for dinner with Hotrell?

For a middle-aged man, Ye Qi is not very interested in it; of course, it also includes the other female disciple who is like a wanderer.

After the sky was completely dark, the owner of the hotel walked up with a candlestick, and there was a child's arm thickness. The candle of nearly half a foot length could undoubtedly burn it all night; in addition to the candle, the owner of the hotel still Brought dinner - this is the command given by Ye Qi after the departure of Hotrier. He indicated that he would eat in the room. Instead of going to the lobby of the hotel. As for the reason?

Those who flocked to the town of the other side of the hotel lobby. It’s the best reason – Ye Qi is clear about their ideas. After all, the innkeeper has already had an accurate performance; therefore, Ye Qi just let the innkeeper replace him to give these people a clear reply.

However, these people did not disperse.

Instead, the more and more gathered - the kind of eager eyes and expressions, let Ye Qi naturally think of a scene like a monkey-like gathering, such a scene is not funny. Especially when you become the monkey.

Therefore, it is very necessary to transfer the environment for eating.

"This is the corn, potatoes and venison brought from the winter castle, and there are some special cooking wines. Although you don't drink alcohol, but the condiments, it should be irrelevant!" The innkeeper put down the lunch box from the inside. Two plates were produced - the corn was cooked, and the potatoes and venison were stewed together, and the cooking wine was naturally placed in the venison. Ye Qi only needs to move his nose to smell it.

Below the lunch box are a few smaller dishes with honey, cream and pepper.

There was no bread at dinner. The owner of the hotel explained: "Because tomorrow is the moon celebration, all the flour is collected to the head of the Terry, for uniform baking, in order to meet tomorrow's celebration!"

“What is the moon celebration in the town of the other shore?”

Ye Qi sat there and asked curiously.

The original moon celebration, also known as the Moon Festival, is the last big festival of the year; it marks the arrival of winter and the day when people sacrifice the dead – the grave will be blessed and a ceremonial ceremony will be held, people will talk about those The deeds of the lost people, until late at night, are mostly the treasures that buried those heroic deeds and buried underground.

However, after the sacred age, especially the free age at the moment, this moon celebration has been greatly different - although not as a religious ritual in the sacred age, it is not simply a sacrifice to the dead. At the celebration of the moon every year, Shake’s thorough development of the Daslik Grand Theatre invited famous artists from all over the world to perform and prepare the winners for the unusually rich gifts.

Therefore, in Shaq, the people who pay most attention to the moon celebrations are these artists, who compete for the victory and stage their performances.

In the case of Dude and Brown, it is the nightly carnival, beer, barbecue and grand parade. Under the rule of the highest government, every festival is similar, but it is because of this similarity that people Will completely give up the burden of the heart, look at the next day, people who are drunk on the street can get one or two.

As for other places, except for the Shenglin District, there are also different celebrations, but they are always inseparable from the carnival.

However, it is clear that the town on the other side is somewhat different.

"We need to pay homage to the deceased relatives, and then, to hold a contest, the winners will get a certain reward, then a grand party - the next day, everyone will give themselves a day off, the hardest people, too Nothing is wrong; therefore, tomorrow's food must be prepared; Lao Terry is still worried about meat and wine now; after all, meat and wine are more popular with young people than flour!"

The owner of the hotel introduced Ye Qi to the moon celebration of the town on the other side.


Ye Qi asked about topics of interest to him.

"Yes, one contest covers the entire town of the other side; in fact, at every festival, we will hold contests, midwinter, green grass festivals, midsummer nights, harvest festivals, and moon celebrations, not once. Exceptions; however, the competition for the moon celebration was disappointing to those young people!"

Speaking of the owner of this hotel, I looked at Ye Qi; immediately, Ye Qi smiled bitterly - no doubt, this time, people will pay attention to his duel with the Xiaoyue Wolf King, and even Even those who might participate in the contest are no exception.

"However, I think this kind of disappointment is short-lived and past-style. They are waiting for it now!" The innkeeper said with a joke, watching Ye Qi, who had already finished dinner, he stood up. Shaker Dragon, please rest well, I will prepare breakfast for you tomorrow morning! I wish you a good dream, good night!"

"OK, good night!"

Ye Qi nodded. Re-closed the door.

A celebration of the style of the other side of the town. Ye Qi only understood it a little after thinking about it - close to a special place on the other side of the bridge. Nature is to be respected by strength; therefore, some forms of fighting will be produced naturally, even to the entire daily life.

The environment has created the form.

For such words, Ye Qi will not deny it.

In the same way, Ye Qi will not be over-recognized - at any time, people always need to look at themselves and push away their own responsibilities to other people, things or things, and that is just to escape; Escaped words. Life may not be finished, but there is absolutely no ease in imagination.

Because, your dreams will always be exhausted in such an escape.

Dreams need to be persisted, and life is the same.

Ye Qi naturally has a dream. Of course, the lawyers and doctors who made the previous decision are not counted. The original dream is to protect themselves, and then become a protector, a friend, a lover, and then everything. People; the same is true now.

Such a dream. Ye Qi thinks that he will not change.

So, at this moment. Ye Qi began his planned cultivation again—the original [nameless technique], followed by the whimsical professor’s perception of the void.

[Perceived Nether] is Ye Qi’s own name, but there is no more meaning, but it is enough. After all, from the beginning, until now, he is perceiving the piece of his own void— - Although it is still impossible to figure out why this void exists, it belongs to itself, but it is true.

Ye Qi can really perceive it.

Whether it is [nameless skill] or [perceived void], it is extremely boring, far more than a hundred times more than a simple drawing training; compared to [no name skills] and [perceived void], drawing training It is a heavenly feeling. After all, it will let you have the shape and the pace, but the first two are sitting.

Although the perception is active, the body is motionless—it is as if you wake up in advance in your sleep, but the body cannot be connected and moved; the pain is naturally self-evident.

However, in order to dream, and his own life, Ye Qi chose to persist.

Just like everyone else.

Perhaps the first wave of drifting, with a hint of debauchery, and when these debauchery deposits, naturally there is no feelings - the heart of the strong, is not this perseverance?

Moonlight scatters into the room, Ye Qi sits on the bed, silent in the moonlight, his breathing is more soothing and long, and in the [perceived void], Ye Qi’s perception is at three golden spots. In the middle of the rotation - [secondary sun tribute], [secondary sun protection], [secondary sun radiance] three special feats, with an extremely stable situation exudes their own light.

Ye Qi, who is aware of wandering, can discern which specialty is which, although they show a very special state, but it is like reading literacy, Ye Qi instinctive feeling can be discerned; and the same, In Ye Qi’s instinct, there seems to be something missing from these three golden spots.

It's not the lack of instability that was broken before, but a foundation that is enough, but it can't be further lacking!

That's right, in this emptiness, Ye Qi can clearly feel the three special specialties of [Second Sun's Praise], [Secondary Sun's Guardian], and [Second Sun's Glory], which can be further, but I don't know how to go any further - just like when faced with an unfamiliar mathematical formula, you know that it can solve a certain answer, but you don't know the process and how to solve it.

Perceive the entanglement of Ye Qi, looking for a solution, but when the moonlight turns into sunlight, there is still no clue.

"Sure enough, I am a guy who fails math, it is difficult to have a breakthrough!"

After opening his eyes, Ye Qi laughed with a sneer, and picked up the knives on his knees and started another routine routine wipe – today is destined to have a tough fight. And what he can rely on is only the long knife in his hand.


From the dawn of the sunrise to the sunny morning.

The temperature in the other side of the town is rising rapidly, although it is far from the desert. But it is enough to make people sweaty; however. The people in the other towns are not at all concerned. Apart from being used to it, it is even more because today is a special day: the moon celebration.

Every year's moon celebrations are worthy of the expectations of the residents of the other towns, especially this year - although they had doubts about this expectation, but yesterday's battle, let them understand how their suspicions are. Superfluous; it is definitely a battle for more familiar people, more exciting scenes.

Although the town of the other side has a population of four thousand. But for people living here, people are already familiar with each other – who is strong and who is weak, almost no need to consider; but even if the strongest of them exist, and what they expect Compared with the battle of the Shark Dragon and the Xiaoyue Wolf King, it is not worth mentioning.

Didn't you see that the most powerful existence of the younger generation was only after being dismissed by the Xiaoyue Wolf King. Has been seriously injured and fell to the ground, has not recovered yet?

and so. For the competition of the moon celebration, the residents of the other towns are looking forward to it.

Of course, that was after the completion of some of the ceremonies of the Moon celebration - the sacrifice of the dead souls of the deceased, this is also a top priority, no one can forget.

In fact, for this commemoration, most of the people started to get busy after midnight yesterday; they did not go to the cemetery immediately, but took the relics of their relatives again and wiped them one by one; It's shiny and new, then loaded into an oak box – this must be used during the moon celebrations, and every household will be ready.

When the moon falls, they will hold such a box, stand in front of the tombstones of their loved ones, and begin the ritual ceremony. This ritual is not organized by the priests, but by the local elders who are highly respected by the locals. What lengthy sacrifices are needed, just a few simple words.

However, all the nostalgia is dissolved in these memories.

However, this is after the sun has fallen. Now, people are still doing their own things - rarely rest, sit and chat together, gather dinner; however, before completing the sacrifice, it is not allowed to drink; Other than that, there is no jealousy.

However, the residents of the town on the other side of the town did not feel as usual in previous years. All of them flocked to the only hotel on the town. Although the hotel could not accommodate so many people, it still could not stop the enthusiasm of the townspeople. - Even if they are sitting at the door of the hotel or on the street, they are extremely willing.

And the innkeeper who was told by Ye Qi, tried and explained it several times. After talking dryly, after seeing no effect, after asking Ye Qi once again, he gave up very simply. - Looking at the crowd gathered in their own hotel, the owner of the hotel felt helpless for the first time for more people.

Because, he is very clear, no one here is coming to patronize his business.

However, very quickly, such helplessness is gone!

When the first person took out the magic crystal as an exchange and inquired about the Shack Dragon, more people chose the same approach.

What makes the hotel owner even more happy is that the Shaker Dragon Master allowed him to do so.

The innkeeper’s voice suddenly sounded, and the innkeeper didn’t doubt it at all, or... he didn’t want to doubt when he faced the magic crystal that he couldn’t think of.

In this regard, Ye Qi could not help but shrug his shoulders - Ye Qi, who has [blind bucket perception], can completely guess the situation in the hotel lobby at the moment by virtue of the fluctuations; however, his attention is more on In front of Hotrell's body.

As stated yesterday when the other party left, he brought real evidence before the moon celebration—an unknown thing that could not be perceived in a special metal box.

Ye Qi felt a sincere admiration for the ‘polar blade’, but he pointed to the box in front of him and asked: “In the inside? Can it be opened?”

"Inside! Open here, no!"

Hortel replied truthfully.

"So, where are you going?"

Ye Qi asked.

"please follow me!"

Hortel walked out of the room, and Ye Qi followed closely behind it - since the other party showed his sincerity, Ye Qi would naturally fulfill the agreement; of course, he still needs him to check the box. After the 'things' in the middle, you can count.

However, Ye Qi does not think that Hortel uses such a thing to blind him.

This kind of lie that is broken is really unnecessary.

What's more, just this box that can isolate perceptions shows a lot of problems; at the very least, there is a 'thing' that cannot be known by others.

There were a lot of people in the hotel, but the departure of Hotrell and Ye Qi did not find anyone. The only Gronin who found Ye Qi’s whereabouts was kept quiet by Ye Qi’s gesture.

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~

Item Supplement (1) -

Item: Book: Furyka's spell book - the eye of Mao Mo.

Samikina's drive (the holy device)

Abigail Diary - Sixteen Wizarding Emperor's Magic Diary ~ ~ Firearms: m500 revolver upgrades azure blue roses (from the original large revolver m500, modified by Colt; need special match The bullets can be used to the maximum power.)

Cold Weapon: The Devil's Knife (The short knife given by the old John was broken and forged by the sacred tower tower, Blanc.)

Apparel: A number of pieces of gold-trimmed apostle windbreaker, similar to a set of damage to the magical equipment of the aunt's trench coat.

Jewelry: a silver jug ​​(a gift from the old John), a broken belt (a gift from a profiteer) negative ring

Holy device: 阎魔(长刀,日耀), bronze guardian (left bracelet, star photo; unloaded), green leaf (ornament, star photo) claws left glove, star photo; remove the blue Star mark (right glove, moonlight), wind wing (leather boots, moonlight) wizard's crown. Liege (legendary)

Special items: [high dimensional bag], [secondary bag] (storage), war horn is not yet to be continued. .

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