Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 108: One vs twenty two in one

The curse of the 'Curse' was miserable and resentful. When he picked up the dagger again, the whole person looked like a poisonous snake that was squatted under the bulging ditch and continued to wiggle. The body, but bloody, the tight skin, under the barb of a root, was peeled off straight.

Of course, the teeth that are full of venom are still sharp and abnormal.

Almost at the same time, the legendary powerhouses in the extraordinary world of the bridge on the other side of his side, stepped back two steps - obviously, they did not want to get involved in their 'companion' and Ye Qi Between, in such a battle; after all, no matter whether you win or lose, there is no benefit to them.

"Shack's Dragon, you will regret everything you do!"

The 'Curseur' Roth Vaughan’s voice is like a mournful bell in the cemetery, beginning to reverberate in the night sky – behind him, Qi Qi retreats two steps from the bridge of the other side of the legendary powerhouse They frowned at the same time, and once again, they stepped back and almost stood together with Kosika, who was accumulating strength.

Compared with these legendary powerhouses, the residents of the other towns were falling on the ground when the "cursor" Ross Van Got spoke again, curled up and shivered. - This is a biological instinct, it doesn't matter if it is strong, it is like a strong mouse. After seeing a cat, the instinctive reaction is general.

"I don't think I will regret it, at the very least, when facing you... I don't seem to regret it!"

Ye Qi's left hand rested on the handle of the knives, and walked slowly, and the bell at the shank gave a crisp sound. The curse of the previous blame was firmly pressed - the latter did not disappear. It's just a comparison with a crisp bell. The sound suddenly became smaller.

'The Curse' Ross Vanette looked at Ye Qi, the eyes full of grievances, began to appear surprised; however, he quickly shouted again: "Your heart, liver, lungs, kidneys ... as if Worm like!"

After the sound fell, Ye Qi’s footsteps did not stop, and he continued to move up slowly. It seemed that there was no problem at all.

"Your skin is starting to fester!"

"Your eyes lose their light!"

"Your limbs are going to be broken!"

"Your head is cut off!"


A sentence that is more vicious than a sinister word from the mouth of the ‘curse’. The legendary powerhouses standing behind him frowned, some of them unnaturally twisted their bodies; and the residents of the other side of the town, who were farther away, began to cry, full of fearful crying, almost It was a piece of practice in an instant.

However, for Ye Qi, there is still no slight influence. He continues to move forward; at this moment, the distance has been less than ten yards from the 'cursor' Ross Van Gogh; Kesi behind the other side The card is only about fifteen yards - obviously. Such a distance is unfavorable for Kosika, which has not yet completed the ‘war battle’ arrangement. The consultant’s brow slightly wrinkled and went to the side of the ‘curse’, Roth.

"Your strength, for the Shaker Dragon..."

"Enough, Horico! Do you want to be cursed by me?"

The 'curseful' Ross Vaughan interrupted the advisor's words and stared at the other person, while the latter refused to look at the 'cursor' and said: "The facts have already appeared in front of me. You can't do it alone; we need to follow the instructions of your majesty!"

Undoubtedly, the name of Kosika is very top-notch.

After Horico moved out of Koscika, the ‘curseman’ apparently hesitated.

Such hesitation is undoubtedly what Horicco needs. The consultant continued: "Your ability will not be denied because of an opponent's failure... After all, it is the dragon of Shaker, his dragon. There must be something in the blood that we don't understand!"

Such words are obviously full of comfort.

Moreover, it is quite effective.

"Horric, this time only!"

The ‘curse’, Roth Vaart, said that he was ready to return to the ranks; however, it was clear that they instinctively forgot one person, Ye Qi.

For an enemy with a strange power, Ye Qi absolutely does not want the other party to be safe.

"Hey, do you really think you can leave safely?"

Ye Qi felt that the worm-like power in the body was fading, and could not help but sneer. Before, Ye Qi was not harmless, but because the [Witches' Crown. Liege] was constantly offset. Injury; from the time he separated from the other side's bondage, the other side vomited blood, Ye Qi roughly understood the use of the other side's strength.

As the wolf said, first hurt yourself and hurt others!

Of course, there are still some gaps in the subtleties - the power of the other side is obviously with the power to swallow; undoubtedly, those who die under the other 'curse' will become the other's fertilizer; if not In the way of using the strength of the other party, I have already known how many times I have died.

However, corresponding to phagocytosis, it is a counterattack.

Just like the way the other party's power is applied, after you hurt yourself, if you don't get the supplement of swallowing, you will hurt yourself even more seriously; or, simply, if you can support it under the curse of the other person. Then the other party has only one dead end!

[Energy replacement. Treatment of severe injuries]

After Ye Zi finished speaking, he made a choice straightforwardly; immediately, the strange power that was originally fading, under the influence of the "Sorcerer's Crown. Liege", was like a small scorpion submerged by the sea. The board is generally gone, disappearing without a trace.


Just after the strange power was overwhelmed by the power of the Sorcerer's Crown. The opposite ‘curse’, Roth Vaart, spurted another blood.

Compared to before, this time the blood is more spurted.

And, more than that, after the blood is ejected. The ‘curse’’ Roth Vaart immediately settled on the ground. The skin of the whole body is like a sore. It began to fester; and his eyes were surrounded by pustules at the first moment. After a while, pus was flowing out.

The limbs were cut as if they were cut by the sharpest blade, and they were straight and broken. At this time, his head could not begin to swell up, just like blowing a balloon.

Finally... oh!

Brain spray!

The nearest Horicco was too late to defend. Waving the cloak behind him and blocking most of the red sticky material, but there is still a small amount of brain pulp splashing on him - although as a legendary strongman who has experienced countless wars, I have been accustomed to blood stasis and broken limbs, but this does not mean that he is not disgusted in his heart; let alone, this is not just a resentment in the heart.

There are more deployments that were originally part of the strategic plan.

To know that the ‘curse’, Roth Vaughan, has a very important role in their plans, and it is an inseparable part, but it has died here.

Horric, who frowned and frowned, pulled off his cloak. After wiping the outer coat on the place where the brain was splashed, throw the cloak straight to the side. Looking at the opposite Ye Qi in a bad look; however, very quickly, this kind of face is not good, it has eased a little.

"The dragon of Shaker, do you think you have a chance of winning at this moment?"

Horico suddenly asked.

"What do you think?"

Ye Qi put down the left hand on the handle and untied the buckle between the scabbard and the belt, so he held the scabbard with his left hand and the right hand with the shank.

"I think that your impulse is not a complete solution!"

Horico looked at Ye Qi’s movements. Obviously, there was a misunderstanding. He pointed to himself and the people behind him. He continued: “We have occupied an absolute general trend, and you are nothing but stubborn... ...just like the arm of a car, the end result is not only the arm but also the broken bones of the car!"

"If you don't try, how can you know the final result?" Ye Qi smiled. "The technologist, Lord Horiko, are you right?"

"It seems that you are not ignorant of the bridge on the other side!"

Horric, who was named, gave a slight glimpse and then laughed the same; the former Pope’s adviser once again looked at Ye Qi and asked: "Since you know my title, then you must Understand what I am doing?"

"Of course, delay time!"

Ye Qi nodded directly.

"Then you cooperate like this..."

Horico picked up his eyes and looked at Ye Qi with suspiciousness.

"Yes, I am also delaying the time!"

Ye Qi nodded again.


Horico was shocked, but Ye Qi had already acted when he hadn't waited for him to react -

阎魔. Extremely!

The huge half-moon-shaped knives were pulled out with the scabbard of the sorcerer's knives. With the thunder and lightning, with an endless sharp edge, rushed to the Koscika - yes, from start to finish Ye Qi’s goal is to be the former pope; whether it is against the 'curse of the man' Roth Vaughan, it is close to the distance, or dialogue with Horrico’s adviser. 】Capacity, the ultimate goal is Kosika.

For the existence of a legendary peak, it is not inferior to the existence of the Wolf King, not to mention, the other party itself is one of the strongest seven of the previous generation, which is enough to explain the strength of the other side; Once the other party borrows the power of the battle, once again breaks through...

Ye Qi asked himself if he was not sure, and could block the other's footsteps.

After all, the comparison between ‘immortal’ and ‘legend’ is compared with the glory of the day and the level of the moon, and there is a greater distance, which is completely different in level, and is not arbitrarily compensated.

Of course, Ye Qi also does not think that the other party can directly enter the 'immortal' - if, in that case, the original wizards, the battle against the "spirit" will not be at a disadvantage. But, the same, able to fight against the gods, then the contact with 'immortal' is affirmative.

According to Ye Qi’s own guess, it should be similar to the “new”.

And this is obviously enough to deal with him a 'legendary', not to mention that the other party is not just a person - each one is a helper in an extraordinary situation. If you separate, Ye Qi does not think that there is much trouble. But once they are brought together. It is a rather troublesome.

For the existence of battle array. Ye Qike does not think that only Ke Sikai and the nine people behind him can be composed - the reason is that it will start with Kosika first, just to concentrate on the strength of the advantage, and to crush him directly; As the Horric said.

He seems to be the arm of the car.

However, in the same way, the existence of such an arm is always ignored.

At the very least, on the list of the swordsman. The ‘technical’ Horric, who was marked out, did not really regard him as an opponent; or... when he made an opponent that could be crushed.

And this is really good news for him.

The specific performance is this, and the one that comes out is [阎魔. Extremely 斩] -

Hey, hey!

Two of them are almost indiscriminate, and among the remaining eight people guarding Kosika, two burly men with absolute height and size jumped out, and the two stood up seven feet high. The giant sword with a wide foot appeared in the hands of the two from behind.

Heavy sword. With a sword wind that tears the air, it rushes to the huge knife.

Hey, hey!

The dull sound. Two burly men who danced with the giant sword were shot and flew in this way, and the giant sword, which is obviously not the best in the hand, also cracked.

However, the huge knife was blocked.

This slightly blocking, for ordinary people, that is simply useless, but for a group of extraordinary legendary powerhouses, it has an extraordinary role.

Sword wind, knife mans!

Flames, ice!

Stone pillar, poison gas!

It seems that the hodgepodge began to appear before the huge knives of the 阎 . 斩 斩 , , , , , , , , , 巨大 巨大 巨大 巨大 巨大 巨大 巨大 巨大 巨大 巨大 巨大 巨大 巨大 巨大 巨大 巨大 巨大 巨大 巨大 巨大 巨大 巨大

The legendary strongman holding this tower shield does not have the shape of a burly stalwart. Even the intertwined normal person is a little worse. However, this face is ten feet high, four feet wide, and the thickness is more than a slap. The tower shield is showing the extraordinary strength of the other party.

‘Shield Holder’ Robben!

Among the materials given by the Swordsman, one of the key characters is compared to the 'cursor' Roth Vaughan and the 'skilled person' Horiko's peers - not only because of his strength, but also In the extraordinary world, there is a high section, and more importantly, the shield in the other hand is a sacrament.

The sacred instrument of the day.

A legendary powerhouse, plus a holy device that can echo.

No one knows more about the strength of such a combination than Ye Qi, after all, he and the knives are such a combination.

嗤, 嗤, 嗤...

Under the huge half-moon-shaped knives of the [阎魔. Extreme], those sword winds, knives, flames, ice, stone pillars, and poisonous gas are all like the fog under the strong wind, and they have dissipated.

In particular, the three legendary powerhouses that use flames, ice and poison gas are hit by a huge knives, and they squirt a large mouth of blood in midair, especially those that use poison gas. The legendary powerhouse, when falling to the ground, fell into a coma.


After that, [阎魔. Extremely 斩] huge half-moon-shaped knives, without stopping, hit the huge tower shield on the ‘Shield Holder’.

The kind of loudness is mixed with dull metal sounds, just like picking up a sledgehammer and hitting it on a steel wall. The huge tower shield that was originally dull, in a huge half moon with you. After the collision of the knife, it is a blue-black light that flashes. In a moment, the huge tower shield, wrapped with Robben himself, is like an amber of alternative color.

吱, 吱, 吱...

The huge half-moon-shaped knives and the blue-black ray from the tower shield are like a wrestling force, and they emit a harsh rubbing sound; the body of the Shield Holder is constantly retreating, but he is Very clever, leading the knife to another direction!

That's right, it's guiding!

Ye Qi’s eyes narrowed and his eyes fixed on the shield—obviously, such ability is one of the abilities of this sacred tower shield, and the previous protection is another ability; after all, the shield itself Ability, naturally, it is impossible to deviate from the role of protection.

However, this ability to guide the attack is really beyond the expectations of Ye Qi.

吱, 吱, 吱...

The harsh voice continued, and the Shield Holder Robben retreated. Even if he put his legs in the sand, he was stuck in the sand. It is also impossible to stop the enormous power given in [阎魔.极斩]. Two deep gullies, opened by his legs, are getting deeper and deeper.

Obviously, this ‘Shield Holder’ is still guiding the power of [阎魔. Extreme].

And, continue to slant down.

Unloading force...

The other party’s move made Ye Qi’s eyes flash a glimpse of the ergonomics – if he had guessed before, he was sure at the moment. The skills that the other side is learning are completely the real skills of a 'shield holder'; they are not so-called names, but they have long since disappeared in the history of Lorante, those who claim to be the 'fortress' 'castle' Skills.

In the memory of [Dragon's Heritage], such skills are not uncommon.

After all, the purpose of the development of these techniques was originally to ‘slayer’!

In the history of Lorante, there is never a shortage of brave and heroes - although they are not going to end where they are going, but no one can deny what they have done.

but. Obviously, the ‘Shield Holder’ in front of it does not have a complete heritage – shield. Just protection, guns, is the real weapon of attack, and the weapon to achieve the ultimate victory.

Without the ‘Dragon Gun’, it’s obviously not a true ‘slayer dragon’!

It is just a ‘guardian’.

However, this does not deny that the other party is strong.

Even, the ‘Slayer Dragons’ are even stronger – after all, the ‘Slayer Dragon’ needs to consider the offense, and the ‘Shield Holder’ only needs to be defensive.

Just like now -

boom! ! !

The huge explosion, after being introduced into the ground by the 'Shield Holder', made a fierce popping sound, and the yellow sand on the ground rushed up, just like the numerous pythons with numerous bodies below. In some places, the yellow sand collapsed directly into the sky, causing a sandstorm for the bottom.

When the buzzing sound disappeared, the 'Shield Holder' Robben jumped out of the sand - although it looked gray and ragged, but the whole person did not have too many injuries, the only thing that can be seen The loss was also a little embarrassing when walking, but it quickly returned to normal.

After Ye Qi’s strongest blow, 19 of the other party, except one seriously injured, including three minor injuries including Robben, none of them died.

And such a result, no doubt makes Ye Qi frowned.

Also frowning, and Horiko, the former pope's adviser, apparently could not accept such a result; in his expectations, they should be in a more favorable position, at least the damage will be It’s the right thing to do it; instead of now, it’s the result of a serious injury to the cursed Roth.

As for minor injuries?

With the superb physique of the legendary strong, such a minor injury, does not require any wound medicine, only needs enough rest to be able to recover; even, in some cases, it will not affect the battle; therefore, it will not It is calculated by the 'skilled person'; he will only calculate the lost power.

Obviously, such calculations did not satisfy the former Pope's adviser—even, in the heart of the former Pope's adviser, he had the idea of ​​self-blame.

He has clearly learned the strength of Ye Qi, but he still has such a big loss, indicating that he has the idea of ​​deliberate and underestimating the enemy - for a good consultant, not only needs to have a keen mind, but also Need to have a heart that is good at discovering and reflecting.

Horico is undoubtedly such a consultant.

"Roben, please help me ‘entertain’ Lord Shack!”

In the same way, the inner self-blame did not make the former Pope's adviser become hysterical. He still calmly arranged everything else, instead of going to the front – obviously, Horiko thought that he was present. In one line, only the 'Shield Holder' Robben can be blocked by Ye Qi.

"Okay, Mr. Horico!"

'The Shield Holder' squats with his huge shield, and his body is dexterously blocked in front of Ye Qi, who has no action. No one can imagine a person who is not tall and can be as big as that. The shield, like a monkey's dexterity, makes Ye Qi's brow wrinkled again.

The reason why Ye Qi did not act is to think about how to remove the ‘guardian’ in front of him – he is very clear and wants to maximize his attack. The other party must be removed; otherwise. Even if it is the last time [阎魔. Extreme], its effect will not exceed the previous one.

not to mention. [阎魔. Extremely 斩] is not without the use of the number; in the face of the apparently near completion of the 'war battle' Kosika, there is no such strong attack means, as a card, Ye Qi is naturally not assured.


'Shield Holder' straightly inserted the huge tower shield into the sand in front of it. The edge of the tower shield and the sand rubbed, and the sound was uniform, just like the metal cutting sound; Ye Qi looked down and looked at it. The edge of the tower shield is clearly the sand that is being crushed. Can't help but blink.

Undoubtedly, the performance of the other party is proof of the other party, not without attack power - although, most of the time, this kind of attack power will not be used.


Ye Qi played a wave, and a gray knife rushed straight toward the other side, hitting the huge tower shield without fancy, and then broken straight; however, it seemed to be a signal. In the next second, more than a hundred knives of wind rushed to the ‘Shield Holder’.

Not just the front of the ‘Shield Holder’. There are left and right sides, and... behind.

This embarrassing knife wind, under the control of Ye Qi, seems to be alive, showing his own edge with an incomparably flexible posture.

However, even with a flexible attitude, facing the blue and black light that the tower shield once again emits, it is obviously useless - able to withstand the characteristics of [阎魔. Extreme] and even the [Scratch] [斩] The sacred tower shield that can resist all can't be shaken by such a slight 'knife wind'.

Ye Qi does not expect such a 'knife wind' to work, he wants to get the results he wants.

"Sure enough, when the light began to flash, the whole body of the shield was defended! But..."

Ye Qi looked at the knife wind that was attacked to the other side and behind him. He was crushed by the blue-black knife, and his eyes were cold and his whole person had disappeared.

When Ye Qi appeared again, it was already on the top of the ‘Shield Holder’.


In the loud sound of the sheath, the knives with a sharp flash, straight down.


The knives and the other side of the tower shield collided with each other, like the sound of Hong Zhong Da Lu, began to reverberate in the desert of this night, under the bright moonlight, bursts of yellow sand flying, brought a burst of desolation.

The attack was blocked, and there was no dejection. On the contrary, his mouth was slightly upturned, revealing a smile.

"Your shield can't stop the attack from top to bottom!"

Ye Qi said with great certainty.

"so what?"

The 'Shield Holder' replied with a sigh of relief, with a lot of confidence in his tone--in fact, Robben, who knew his weaknesses, had already deliberately strengthened his defense against weaknesses; and after strengthening, he thought he was not There will be any more problems; it is an ironclad fact that the attack of the other party can be blocked smoothly.

However, the next moment...

Robben found himself too arrogant.

The strength of the opponent's knife is getting bigger and bigger, and the kind of strength like the tide makes Robben feel extremely uncomfortable, especially when the other side uses the scabbard to start the impact, even if it is, he can't It was completely removed, and, obviously, the other party did not intend to leave his shield like this; instead, he wanted to suppress him by strength.

"How can I lose to my strength?!"

'The Shield Holder' bites his teeth, the muscles of the whole body begin to swell high, and a blue rib that is harder than the wire appears on the arms of his shield, as if it is the low voice of the beast, It is like a thundering sound, and it spreads in all directions with the ups and downs of the 'shield'.

In either case, it is showing that the Shield Holder has begun to use its full strength.

However, such a 'full strength' seems to be insufficient for Ye Qi, and the ‘Shield Holder’ has bent his legs at a faster rate than before.

However, this is a very favorable situation for Ye Qi, the next moment is broken!

After all, the other party is not alone!

Silently, the former Pope’s adviser appeared behind Ye Qi, a fine sword like a fancy show, like a poisonous snake, stabbing the back neck of Ye Qi, and a narrow blade of the left hand. The long knife is with a sharp blade to break the air and stab the back of the heart.

A quiet voice. A strong voice.

obviously. The latter is the cover of the former. Or the former is the follow-up of the latter.

When Ye Qi had to pull out the defense, he found more singularities - the fine sword can be bent at will, and the narrow-blade long knife is straight like a long gun.

Hey, hey!

After the two magical swords and the other's fine swords and narrow-edged long knife quickly intersected, Ye Qi had to retreat again - 'Shield Holder' has recovered from the exhausted state, once again rushed Up; in fact, not just a 'shield holder', before using two giant swords, burly. At first glance, it is a brother man, and it has appeared again.

However, this time, the two hands are no longer a giant sword, but a hammer - two hammers directly over ten feet, the handle is slightly shorter, looks strange, but can not let anyone smash the warhammer .

Hey, hey!

With two evil winds, the two warhammers are divided into upper and lower, straight to the head and lower abdomen of Ye Qi who has just retreated; it is like a fish in the water. Ye Qi went straight from the middle of the two warhammers; not only Ye Qi drilled in the past, but also Horiko, the former Pope's adviser. Also followed by the drilled, and the narrow blade of the knife in the hand, suddenly spurs forward, pointing to Ye Qi's throat.


The knives and the narrow-blade knives collided and glued again, and the other's fine swords, this time around the corner, turned the knives and narrow-edge long knives The twitching sword flower swept to Ye Qi's eyes; at the same time, the 'shield' who wraps around Ye Qi, the shield that is lifted high, suddenly squats.

Obviously, this is the only offensive means of the Shield Holder.

However, because it is the only means of attack, it will be even more alarming. Anytime, anyone who is bent on studying one thing is the most terrible; whether he is an ordinary person or a genius.

For a time, the front and rear sides of the attack, so that Ye Qi is in the most dangerous situation - back, the shield of the 'shield' is definitely not good, if you go forward, the 'skills' The sword is already eager to try.

As for the right?

The two burly legendary powerhouses, apparently like a wall, blocked the retreat there.

Ye Qi, looks like... no way to retreat.


The shield of the Shielded Shield was smashed on the sand, and the vibration of the ground was enough to show how much strength he used.

However, the 'shield' who just made a full-strike attack is retreating at a faster speed; not only the 'shield holder' did not attack Ye Qi, but even the attack of the former pope’s adviser, Lost the role it deserved - just as the two completed a perfect front-to-back attack, Ye Qi suddenly disappeared from their attack line of sight!

Using the scabbard as a link, Ye Qi straightened himself to stop between the hammers of the two handles, and then the whole person passed the hammer between the hammer and the handle and appeared in the warhammer below. Below, directly facing the sand; the whole process took place between the electric and the flint, and even the two legendary strongmen holding the warhammer did not react.

The quickest response was the former Pope’s adviser, the ‘skiller’ shouted: “Ash brothers, flash...”



The voice has not yet fallen, and a knife shines out, drawing a perfect circle, with a touch of blood, and four legs that have been cut off from the calf.


And this is like the signal of Ye Qi's counterattack. A sharper knife light shines under the warhammer. When the two hammers fall, they come out and point to the chest of the ‘skiller’.


The knives of the knives slammed into the narrow-blade knives of the other side, and the powerful spurs made the 'technical' retreat one after another; and just as his sword was just ready to be lifted, a ray of lightning suddenly appeared in him. Flashing in front of him, even the opportunity to respond to him is not, the ear is a thunderous current sound.

It’s awkward!

The blue-violet current surrounds the body of the 'skilled man'. After he fell to the ground, he obviously didn't believe it. The siege he designed would be 'smashed' by the other side in this way; it should have been the best 'resistance'. The two helpers turned out to be the biggest obstacle.

Looking at the shining knife in front of him, Horico couldn't help but smile.


Just when the knife is about to fall. There was a roar of the shielded person in the distance. after that. It’s just like a beast-like running sound –

Bang, boom, rumble!

The ‘Shield Holder’ held the shield flat, and the whole figure was hidden behind it. It was like a rhinoceros with a hairy madness, rushing toward Ye Qi.

The huge tower shield, from blue black to pure black, clearly indicates a considerable crisis.

The fluctuations from the [blind bucket perception] made Ye Qi very simply give up the underarm knives and turn to the knife. Straight to the ‘Shield Holder’.

Of course, falling down to Horiko, Ye Qi will definitely not leave it alone. He straightens his leg and slams back. The 'skilled person' is like a broken kite. The blood flew backwards.

Then, it is the collision between the magic knife and the tower shield.


Like the explosion of tons of explosives, the cries of the people in the presence of the screams, even the residents of the other towns were black, fainted on the ground.

"my power……"


The shout of ‘Shield Holder’ has not yet fallen. A fierce drink belonging to Ye Qi rang.

And with this loud drink, the knives suddenly burst into a different brilliance - belonging to the characteristics of the knives themselves [Feng Rui no match]. In Ye Qi’s determination to be like steel, the knives are executed faithfully; in fact, such execution is not particularly easy for Ye Qi and the knives, even with the communication of [nameless skills]. the same.

This is also the reason why Ye Qi continues to use the [nameless technique] to sense the knives every day. He believes that this is a lack of discipline and communication. As long as he persists, he will surely achieve the level of the arm.

From the current situation, Ye Qi’s speculation seems to be correct!



In the inexplicable flutter of the blade, the 'shield' who held the same holy-level shield was smashed, and the huge tower shield was thrown high and then fell into the sand, and the 'shield' himself After rolling down the sand, it was wilting; obviously, if there was no tower shield as a buffer, he had completely died at the moment.

However, the same was also hit, and ... Ye Qi!

I don’t know when it’s in the position of Ye Qi’s standing position. At this moment, I’m looking at the **** Ye Qi with a smile. Slowly, “Is the Shak’s Dragon? It’s doing well!”

Ps two in one chapter ~~~

Spell supplements -

[Ngerdeath is a terrible or deadly magic; effect: kill any creature, exempt success can avoid the effect of death, but still suffer 3d6+1 / level damage (up to +25; every 1 damage) A full blow to the cold hand of ordinary adults)

[Corrosion: With special built-in death, there is a strong internal strength: effect: agility, perception +8 (enhanced), +8 natural armor, get false life 1 time / 10 days, can no longer cast other dependent rot Spell; duration 1 minute / level

[Lightning Ring: 8th-level spell; Exemption: Reflex 1/2; Casting Time: Instant; Duration: 3 sec / 2 level; Effect: Generate current around yourself, gain 20 electric shock resistance, generate 2 lightning beams every 3 seconds (Strong currents cause 1d6/level electric shock damage to creatures on the path; and can ignite objects, melt metal) to attack enemies, or release the lightning ring energy to produce 8 lightning beams at a Sajiman's Ice Blade: Eighth Spell; Exemption: Reflex; Casting Time; Instant; Duration: 1 sec/level; Effect: Blade-like ice crystals fill 10 feet square/level, creatures in the area move 1 Feet subject to 2d4 damage + 1d6 + 1 / level of cold damage, must be reflex detection; otherwise it is frozen; in freezing, the speed is reduced by 1/3, and lasts for 24 hours. 】

Two-in-one chapter ~~~1w word big chapter ah~~~ 颓 满 满 求 求 求 求 订阅 订阅 订阅 订阅 订阅 订阅 订阅 订阅 订阅 订阅 订阅 订阅 订阅 订阅 订阅

I would like to thank the prodigal sons of the four seas for the 200 starting point of the reward, sn, x, and Wang Xiucai 100 starting point rewards ~~~ decadent again thank you all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~ (to be continued.)

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