Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 113: Longhua

The words of the Lord of the Spring City, the people who are agile in the field, are all at the bottom of my heart. Then, I look at the spring city owner who is wrapped in silver light and runes. Obviously, the opportunity of the other party appears, and Not random, but there are quite a few opportunities.

In fact, the owner of the Spring City is like this.

Regardless of whether Sussex succeeds or not, he will pick the most appropriate time to appear in the other side of the town - this is the plan he made before he got the 'immortal' key from Hotrell; Even after getting the key to 'immortal', the city owner of Spring Water City does not want to change anything.

After all, doing so can make the danger smaller.

You must know that from the last generation of the Holy See, he is a careful and cautious person. Any crisis will be far away. Without absolute certainty, he will never show up - although this will eventually make him lose the position of the Pope. But from now on, the former pope was taken to the limbs, and even the dog was stepped on his feet.

And what about him?

It is like a **** overlooking the earth.

Yes, it is God - after unintentionally inspiring the key to the 'immortal', Huck is extremely clear about his status.

The ‘immortal’ key made him know a lot of things that could not be imagined.

At the same time, he was also informed that his status is now a division of strength - the pseudo-god.

A prefix with aversion to him, but with a rather meaningful name; after all, even a 'pseudo-god'. That is also the ‘God’, and. He only needs to find the rest of the 'immortal' key, he will become the real ‘God’!

As for the demigod?

That is another form, and there is no relationship at all with his current state.

With a habitual smile, the city of Quanshui City unconsciously raised the body shape - this has nothing to do with attack and defense.

Just want to stand at a certain height.

In fact, making such a move is also based on his caution and care. His continuous beam attack has completely tested the strength of his opponent - perhaps, the opponent was really strong before, so strong that even Koska, who is comparable to him, has been slashed, but just now?

Undoubtedly, fighting with Kosika makes the other party too tired. I am afraid that even the 30% strength at that time is gone!

Although Koscika is even more embarrassed than a stray dog ​​at this time, Huck will never underestimate the competitor he once had. For the strength and power of Koscika, nothing is better than the city of Quanshuicheng. He understands more clearly; of course, there is also the way the other person does things, which also makes him have deep jealousy.

otherwise. Nor will it act according to the will of the other party after the other party has come to the bridge on the other side.

If it wasn't Hultril's ‘accidental joy,’ he would still act according to the will of the other party; because he knew the difference between the two sides.

Of course, now. Huck did not care at all.

The character who is even worse than the stray dog, he does not need to be scrupulous. He wants to pay more attention to making the other person's high-ranking character become the existence of stray dogs - the dragon of Shaker.

Because he needs proof.

Prove that between him and the other, he is the real winner.

However, it is clear that such proofs are so simple that they are so simple that they simply cannot afford to do their best – and the only remaining interest is more of a sense of look down.

It disappeared for a long time, and it almost made him look down.

And the feeling of almost disappearing made another thought in his heart -

"The Shack Dragon, willing to surrender to me?"

The owner of Quanshuicheng asked.


With the 阎 阎 knife as the shield, resisting the silver beam that sprinted to the front, Ye Qi’s face could not see any expression, but the right hand of my knives and the hands were shaking - in fact In the face of the first silver beam that could not be evaded, Ye Qi had already started holding the handle with his right hand. The left hand pressed the blade with the root of the four fingers and the thumb of the thumb, relying on the strength of both hands. Against the powerful force.

After the buffer is used as a buffer, this silver beam is only left, very simple impulse force, but even a very simple impact force, for Ye Qi, is quite unbearable - not technical The problem is a very direct level of the gap, or a simpler and more direct, attribute gap.

His highest attribute at this moment is undoubtedly [physique]. Under the blessing of [Bear Toughness], it reached a level of 41. As for the remaining attributes, the highest one is [Agile] and [Perception] with [Corruption] 】, the former 37, the latter 33; and [power] is still maintained at 29, the level of the legend is one step away.

If it is not the skill of the [barrier], the main attribute is [physique], Ye Qi has already lost in the first confrontation.

However, even if it persists.

There is only passive beating, and there is no power to take the initiative to fight back.

Of course, there is no way.

Whether it is the accumulation of attribute points, skill points, or just gaining expertise, Ye Qi has the capital to turn over; however, compared to these, Ye Qi is more concerned about the news - the news from the bottom of my heart, A message that makes him feel at ease!

Even in the face of the bombardment of Quanshuicheng, he is confirming the news.

Tried several times.

Ye Qi had an action until it was confirmed.

Just in the gap between the words of the city of Quanshuicheng, Ye Qi’s straight body flashed toward the red bronze dragon girl; or more in detail, the Kosika at the foot of the red dragon girl rushed over.

"Even if you take him as a hostage, you can't change back to your disadvantages at the moment... Or do you think that I am a kind-hearted person?" Looking at Ye Qi's movement, the city owner of Quanshui City obviously had a misunderstanding. "Know that Koska is just a cooperative nature for me - he can't stop me from doing more... even. Everything he left will be my turn to inherit!"

In the silver light, the spring city master overlooked Ye Qi, and then he saw the scene that surprised him - Ye Qi's hand in the magic knife, without hesitation, stabbed into the throat of Kosika, and then a wrist Rotating, the other's head was completely cut.

"I have to say. Your demonstrations are really stupid!"

The owner of Quanshuicheng City said coldly - the city of Quanshuicheng, who could not really understand the meaning of Ye Qi’s behavior, thought that this was only the behavior of Ye Qi’s simple demonstration.

For such behavior, the city of Quanshuicheng has considerable resistance.

After all, he didn't intend to let Koscka really die—know that these years' scorn for Kosika made him deep in his heart. The emotion called ‘retaliation’ has been brewing all the time; but now, when it is about to erupt, it is interrupted. This is like a city in the spring city.

perhaps. The feeling mentioned above, he has forgotten, blurred, but this does not prevent him from making some decisions under this, awkward feeling.

"Given your stupidity. I will let you know how serious the price of stupidity is!"

The silver field shines as if you have felt the heart of the city. After the rolling of the series, the true appearance of the spring city master was revealed. The appearance of the spring city master is undoubtedly surprising. The old appearance has disappeared and replaced. Younger face, long brown hair, narrow eyes, tall eagle hook under the nose, a thin pair of lips, in this silver radiance, has a different sense of holiness, but more concentrated is a kind Haze.

It is like a white snake.

Undoubtedly, this is the true face of the city of Quanshuicheng. Before that, the face of the kind old man was nothing but a cover-up.

Very good cover.

"However, you can rest assured that I will not let you die so easily... you will replace Kosika and live!"

At the moment, from the young face of Quanshuichengzhu, there is a sinister, stern expression that makes people shudder.

However, Ye Qi seems to have not heard the words of Quanshuicheng, and with a hand holding a magic knife, he stood there with a slight sluggishness -

[s-level task: accidental blocking 1; 'the dead strong' once again appeared on the stage of Lorante, in order to meet such a strong, let its gorgeous exit, is the most you should do Things; Kosika: 1/1]

[s-level task: accidental blocking 1 (complete); gain experience: 3000000.]

Congratulations, the character level has been raised to 24, and the legendary career has been upgraded to 5; your injury and energy have been fully restored; you have 14 skills proficiency, you can assign them arbitrarily...]

[The legendary career is upgraded to five, opening special expertise - humanoid dragon (the ancient dragon)]

[Human-shaped dragon (the ancient dragon) even if you still maintain the human body, but your body has already flowed the blood of the dragon; awaken the soul of your dragon; let those offenders tremble under your dragon Let's go! Effects: Dark vision (supernatural), immune sleep, paralysis, confusion, curse; all attributes increase by 30%; full energy and physical strength; acquired characteristics: super long spells, dragon's power. Duration 1 minute / three character levels; cooling: 1 time / 10 days;

[Extra long spell: Take the blood of the dragon, touch the magic net that has already collapsed, brand your own mark, form super-expert expertise; effect: all spell levels +1, special spells, level +2 (once Only one choice can be made, and once the humanoid is turned on again, it needs to be re-selected). 】

[Dragon's Wei: In the state of human nature dragon (the ancient dragon), your dragon's blood speciality began to play its due role; effect: all dragons' blood specialties get 40% true strengthening of the real dragon, marking the dragon's blood specialty, Get 60% enhancement of the real dragon (only one choice can be made at a time, once you turn on the humanoid again, you need to re-select)

Ye Qi’s sluggishness after viewing the information was obviously misunderstood by the city owner of Quanshuicheng. He chuckled and said: “Even if you regret it now... I will not give you a chance!”

"is it?"

Ye Qi raised his head and looked at the spring city owner at the top of his head. There was a smile on his face that made the latter feel uneasy.

"So, now. Do you think you still have the possibility of a comeback? You may have a hole, but when you fight with Kosika, I am afraid it has already been used up?"

The owner of Quanshuicheng City said with great certainty, and this calm tone made the uneasiness that he just raised from the bottom of his heart disappeared. Yes, the other party has no cards, and the previous attacks have become left and right, not to mention. now what? He is just in such a tone. It messed up my heart.

However, in my panic, let me make mistakes and find opportunities. This is too naive!

The thoughts in my heart are straightforward in the face of the spring city master.

Satire, disdain. More mixed is a contempt.

He lifted his left hand slightly, and the silver beam appeared again in his hand, more dazzling than before, and even a rune emerged from the light of the field and began to wrap around the silver beam. The scent of destruction. In this one is undoubtedly revealed.

Obviously, for Ye Qi’s disdain, the spring city owner once again changed his mind. He did not intend to let Ye Qi live any more, but to completely destroy the other side - because. He found that the other party was actually a threat, as if he was facing Kosika at the beginning.

And now. Koscika is dead, not even a dog before he died.

But what about him?

The perseverance of being above the sky is above the sky.

He definitely didn't want this kind of thing to repeat itself again. Once he thought that he might end up with Kosika's general end; Huck's heart would have a strong killing.

Ye Qi, must die!

"Do you know? You are in some ways, and I really seem to... but it is really similar to what I hate!"

The killing of the heart is so hot, the words of Quanshuicheng are incomparably soft, just like the story of a whisper in the ear of sleep.

"The metaphor of yours really makes me feel ashamed - I don't think I have reached the point where you are hated by others!"

Ye Qi said with a chuckle, while at the same time silently recited: "[Human shape dragon (upper dragon)]!"

With the meditation of Ye Qi's heart, the sudden silence around it seems to be in the midsummer night of the bustle, and suddenly entered the twelfth lunar winter.

Such changes, not to mention the residents of the other town, even ordinary people can find, not to mention the spring city owners floating in the sky at this moment.

Almost without any hesitation, the spring city owner will throw the light beam in his hand.

The beam of a layer of mysterious runes, when airborne, is faster and more powerful than any known arrows and bullets.

Even if it didn't come to the ground, the smell of ruining the earth would make everyone on the ground, including the red bronze dragon girl, start to change color and the body could not restrain the trembling.

However, the index finger of one palm was slightly buckled inside the thumb, and then forced forward.


A slammed wind hit and hit the beam full of runes.

This kind of slogan is so flat, inconspicuous, and even less than the knives that Ye Qiping used to pop up with the technique of "Swordsman". Facing the beam of the ruined atmosphere, it should be annihilated by the straightforward .

However, it was such a gust of wind that even after hitting the beam straight, split the beam into two.

It is like cutting a tofu, without any pause.


After being cut by the wind, the beam split into two, which caused a violent explosion; however, the sound of such an explosion and the subsequent snoring were too weak.


In the invisible airflow, the earth began to tremble, and countless yellow sands swelled like springs and flew into the air, just as the entire ground plane was pulled up by tens of yards in an instant; the starry sky at night was even more At this moment, it collapsed, and the vitality and destruction of the atmosphere, fell in a special way, toward the Ye Qi, which was wrapped in layers of gravel.

From invisible to tangible, emerald green with a touch of blue, dark black with a touch of deep, two breaths of light, entangled, starry.


Another huge humming sound, a shadow of black shadows in the layers of the curtain, began to slowly appear.

The feeling of heavyness, surrounded by the entire town of the other side in an instant, is like being in the deep sea, pressure, endless pressure, coming and spreading.

Under such pressure, the residents of the other towns were all kneeling at this moment - whether they were willing or not, they were on the ground at the moment; and the young guard captain wanted to get up. However, just as his body moved slightly, there was another roar in his mind.

It was after the imposing was imprisoned, angry.

If you play it again, it will definitely be torn!

This idea first appeared in the heart of the young guard captain, so that he did not dare to move again.

The red-breasted dragon girl closest to Ye Qi has nothing to do, even the inexplicable familiarity, once again deepened - although there was before, but this time, it is extremely clear.

This is, this is...

Feeling inexplicable familiarity, the red-bronze dragon girl's binocular color looks at Ye Qi, which is obscured by layers of sand.

Among all of them, the city of Quanshuicheng is undoubtedly the most difficult.

In fact, after the other party’s breath was locked, Ye Qi’s instinct could not be suppressed. Long Wei’s ninety-nine is flocking to the other side; also because of this, the other party is shaking slightly in midair at the moment, the silver The light is like layer after layer of protection, starting to flash again and again.

Those mysterious runes, in the first moment, began to rotate.

However, even if this is the case, it is only a slight insistence.

When Ye Qi wakes up from the sensation of that great power, the insistence of the other side is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket.

"Go down!"

The sound revealed from the layers of sand is not only loud, but also huge, and in more detail, it is like a dragon on the high ridge.


At this moment, the invisible airflow becomes a tangible ripple, layered and circled toward the city owner of Quanshuicheng, with endless Longwei, and... a very special atmosphere.


There is no image, no abstraction, but you can live without it all the time.

At this moment but turned into a huge wheel, straight to the object of the dragon.


The stalemate was broken in an instant, and the main road of the spring city fell straight from the sky, like a meteor impacted, even... there is a heavy thing than the meteor - the wheel of time.

Ps second more ~ ​​timing ~

It’s estimated that I’m still eating at this time... I’ve had a meal with Xiaobai, I’m not full; then, I’m going to eat a nightingale again~~~

The decadence that can eat five meals a day is an incurable fat man who eats food. Now, tears are all over the floor, and I want to subscribe, reward, and change my monthly ticket. ! !

Thanks to the prodigal son of the wandering sea, the x200 starting point of the reward, sn, Wang Xiucai 100 starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent again thank you all support the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~ to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.

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