Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 5: reward

Black and black, colliding with each other.

One side of the teeth dances like a group of people dancing.

The party is in order, just like the army.

Such an obvious gap, in the absence of a fundamental change, everything becomes simple - under the command of the Shadow Knight, the shadow servant and the shadow warrior quickly destroy those black monsters; each time the enemy, Enemies, even Ye Qi, a layman, can see the highlights.

Zilyan is even more admired.

"Your few subordinates are definitely tactical masters!"

Zilyan looked at the shadow knights who controlled the whole world in the distance, and did not blame himself for the praise. In fact, he is not the first time to say this. In this short period of time, Zilyan is already the first. The words of the same praise were spoken four times, although each statement was similar.

However, it also shows enough sincerity - do you still expect a hybrid like a big man, the tongue is like a small man, the profiteer usually pulls out the flowers?

"They are born knights!"

Faced with such praise, Ye Qi smiled and nodded—the shadow knight, which is different from the lower-order shadow servant. This is the commanding power of the shadow creature. The style that is forbidden is enough for any general to feel Envy; because only such soldiers are the soldiers they most expect, especially these soldiers do not need training at all, and they are not afraid of death.

Of course, this will only exist in the shadow creature!

The shadow knight is a kind of higher section in the shadow creature. The natural pressure makes the low-level shadow creatures choose to obey. It is completely instinctive - Ye Qi has asked the Shadow Knight. It was unexpectedly unexpected. The answer is also reasonable; in this regard, Ye Qi, who originally used the human mind to "set" on the shadow creature, not only laughed a few times.

Obviously, the original Ye Qi complicated the problem.

However, being good at thinking is not always a bad thing - at the very least, at this moment, Ye Qi, standing on the side, can already confirm these black monsters at this moment, which should be the failure of the leader of the former genre to make those black knights; That kind of almost the same breath, fluctuations. There is also the way the rafts behave, which is the best proof.

However, the failure does not mean weak!

They are just some of the deficiencies in some respects, or, more simply, they are not suitable for Delik's own use - for example, more violent, difficult to control or only instinct, but not the slightest ability to cope.

The black creatures, in the face of hundreds of thousands of orderly attacks on the shadow creatures, instinctively made them choose to escape - black fog. Just like the safest base camp, let these black creatures turn around. I retired to it and enjoyed the protection of black.

The same black shadow creature, under the command of the Shadow Knight, quickly retracted - straight, withdrawn to Ye Qi, lined up, really like the regiment square, suspended there .

"what happened?!"

Zilyan looked at the one-sided battle, and there was such a change. He couldn’t help but be surprised. However, it is clear that the mixed-blooded perception is not very powerful. It cannot be distinguished by the black mist layer. Cover up the crisis afterwards.

"Go back a little!"

When Ye Qi grabbed the cloak of the other party, he withdrew from the scope of the original ladder and stood on a transit platform. In Ye Qi’s [blind bucket perception], a hidden wave was gathering in the black mist. It is the same as the fluctuations of those black creatures, but it is more powerful.

Not only is Ye Qi able to perceive it, but the Shadow Knight can also perceive it, even faster than Ye Qi. At the moment, they are all removed from the Shadow Knight No.1, and the remaining nine Shadow Knights have formed. [Shadow Battle Array], the shadow fog with a radius of more than 150 yards is rapidly forming.


Zilyan looked at the Shadow Warrior formed by the Shadow Knights, widening his eyes and incredulous martyrdom.

"You are judged as a tactical master. If you don't fight, you are not too bad!"

Ye Qilu said with a smile.

"Yes, but this... too, too..."

Zilyan pondered for a long while, and did not think of a suitable word to explain what he wanted to express at the moment - obviously, for this **** mixed-race, this kind of thing should be completely human; even if it The earliest origin should be from the orc side, and the same.

After all, history has long been overwhelmed.

However, afterwards, Zilyan did not entangle him again. When it saw something emerging from the black fog, the **** mixed blood was a wrinkle, and his face was dignified: "This...something, no Good deal!"

This is a black paw, which is very huge in terms of human eyes, and... weird - the part of the wrist is more than ten yards in diameter, the claw is more than twice the diameter of the arm, and the arm part is It is quite slender, even half the diameter of the wrist.

Therefore, the whole black giant claw looks like a sacral arm with a palm - anyone who sees this giant claw will think of this kind of thing in this first moment.

Of course, this black giant claw is not only that - if it is only this, of course, it will not make the legendary mixed blood of the extraordinary world frown.

On the huge black claws, at the position of each claw tip, there are some black vortexes floating at this moment, and these vortices, when the giant black claws appear, begin to emit negative energy like [negative energy rays]. Things, and, very fast, if the shadow creature is not a negative energy creature, then at this time, it will definitely be a heavy loss.

Of course, what's more important is that this black giant claw shows the breath – the breath of the superb legendary powerhouse.

"What is this?"

Zilyan looked at the huge black paw - the body it thought was not in front of it, it was such a huge black paw; simply said. This huge black paw is a complete existence; a weird feeling. It’s inexplicable to feel incomprehensible like Zellyan’s infernal mixed blood.

In fact. There aren’t many things that make Zilyan feel uncomfortable, and this weird huge black paw is definitely one.

"The spell of the undead school, plus some alchemy and a monster made up of accidents!"

Master level [mystery knowledge] and expert level [alchemy] make Ye Qi have considerable recognition ability, and quickly find the weakness of this monster - his shadow creature may not fear the other side's attack, but think It is obviously difficult to destroy the other side.

Even if it can be eliminated, it takes a long time to be a prerequisite.

Ye Qi does not intend to continue to wait.

Therefore, in his shadow creatures ignore the negative energy of the black giant claws. And when I shuttled back and forth, Ye Qi shot -


The squeaking sound of the knives broke the black and black silence, and then the blue knives crossed the air in a row.


The white sun fire appeared like this out of thin air, and the black giant claws were wrapped in it.

It was like a fish that was thrown to the shore. The black giant claws began to roll back and collapse, looking for the ‘water source’ – the black mist behind it.

but. Looking back at the knives, the knives flashed across the fragile arm of the other side.

Immediately, a weird snoring appeared like this. It is like a cow, and it contains pain.

This huge black paw is divided into two, and with this change, its defeat is just a matter of time!

As if to prove the general, when Ye Qi received the knife and the white flame was extinguished, the Shadow Knight No. 1 flashed through the claw attack, and the half was the entity half and the virtual shadow blade directly stabbed. Wearing the wrist part, the huge claws were nailed to the ground; and the remaining nine shadow knights who formed the [shadow battle array] at this time, the shadow mist around them tumbling like waste water.

Countless shadow creatures seem to be infused with stimulants, and in an instant, they are swarming.

After that, it was like an ant swallowing an elephant--the kind of snoring that sounds like a cow, and it sounded again and again, but it was a shadow creature that was silent, but a deadly shuttle.

There is no sound, no cheers, and in the face of victory, the shadow creature has its own way -

Shadowed servants one by one, once again born out of the shadow warrior.

They leaped into the air, bowed to Ye Qi, and then joined the queue that belonged to them.

In the shadow warrior below, it is a more crazy gesture to rush to his own trophy!

"the host!"

In this kind of battle, suddenly, the Shadow Knight reported to Ye Qihui through the contract: "The number of shadow servants has exceeded the limit that we can control. Please make some knights out!"

[Shadow Knight: 10; Shadow Servant: 3011; Shadow Samurai: 17351.]

Looking at the numbers given by the system, Ye Qi asked: "Each of you can only control three hundred shadow servants?"

"Yes, Master! This number floats between three hundred and three hundred and fifty - but if you want a flexible command, each shadow knight will control the number of shadow servants to around three hundred!"

Shadow Knight answered on the 1st.

"So, above you?"

Ye Qi thought, then, suddenly asked.

In fact, this is not the first time Ye Qi thinks or asks this question. However, no one shadow knight has given the corresponding answer; this time, it is the same, Shadow Knight No. 1 indulged for a moment, as if It is also thinking, but the answer is still disappointing: "Master, I don't know!"


Ye Qi, who had been psychologically prepared, sighed softly in the bottom of his heart. Then, immediately contrasting the situation in front of him, he pulled out three hundred shadow servants, and once again merged ten shadow knights.

In the black, the three hundred shadow servants are like rolling black smoke, quickly approaching, tangled together, and then turned into a group of deeper, deeper darkness - the shadow knight's appearance is not slow, even Quite fast, almost done in the blink of an eye. They are like real knights. On one knee, he bowed to Ye Qi. Later, after entering the battlefield, the shadow blade in the hand brought a sword mans with a false change.

And all of this, naturally falls in the eyes of Zilyan -

"Your subordinates, it seems to have evolved?!"

The Hell of the Blood League tower, pointing to the ten shadow knights who came out of the new, exclaimed in a loud voice.

"Battle. It is the best catalyst!"

Ye Qi shrugged and smiled.

"So, how long do we need to continue now?" The **** **** of the Blood Alliance Tower refers to the black mist that is shrinking and dimming, twisting his neck and asking, "The negative energy in these black fogs makes me very Comfortable, it is like taking a bath when someone throws soap!"

"I am used to washing one person!" Ye Qi said with a joke, then he pointed to the black in front of him: "However, this is not ordinary negative energy. Some special things have been added - of course, I can't Resolve. Need to be more in-depth; as for the duration? Soon!"

Ye Qi said very quickly, it was really very fast. After about a minute, there were more than 10 shadow knights in the shadow army, quickly cleaning up the area that was originally covered by black - '大军' is What Eryan said, when it saw that nearly 20,000 shadow warriors began to roll in the sky, they decided this.

Of course, Ye Qi just shrugged his shoulders—although the number could be called 'military', but the thought of the shadow warrior's weakness, such an 'army' is obviously not worthy of the name, completely related to those that have appeared in history. It is common for the riots of the army as a riot.

If you really want to call it an army and replace all of these shadow warriors with shadow servants, it’s almost the same!

Looking at the shadow creatures in the system, the shadow servant quickly recovered because of the shadow knight, and beyond the original number, Ye Qi smiled slightly - if it is really as he guessed, then this situation does not seem too difficult to achieve .

"It's very ordinary!"

Zilyan looked at the darkness of the platform, which belongs to the shackles of the meditation domain. It undoubtedly showed a slight disappointment - in fact, anyone who saw the 'land of the famous meditation' was only a few stone houses. After that, there will be such an expression; according to Zilyan’s previous slogan for the shackles of the meditation on the peace and the day of the work, even if there is no such secret, it should be like **** on earth.

but? At this moment, after a detailed inspection, the stone house here is just an ordinary stone house. There is no secret road or secret market. Apart from some necessities of life, nothing is left.

Of course, even more doubtful about Zilyan is that it did not find anything about the 'plane anchor'; compared to other items, it can enter the half-face and position of the genus The 'plane anchor' of the surface fragments is undoubtedly a concern.

Although Zilyan is not coveting things, it does not mean that Zilyan can tell Ye Qi calmly that he can't find it - perhaps, this is no problem for the average person, but for it, It is really difficult for a strong person, especially when there are other mixed blood acting as a guide, in the case of St. De Ge, Quanshui City is quite rewarding, and it is nothing here...

At the thought of the horrible situation, Zilyan speeded up the search, and the movements became bigger and bigger. When it came to the back, it was like dismantling the house. However, it is not a matter of looking for things. -

"How can this be?"

Zilyan smacked the red scalp, which had no hair at all, and he was puzzled and turned around in the ‘land of the genus.

And Ye Qi is a slight smile, straight through the fluctuations in the [blind bucket perception], toward the other side of the floating platform that is not too big or too small.

There are no buildings such as stone houses, and the ground is extremely flat. The existence of some 'targets' and 'dummy's illustrates the fact of the 'training ground' here. Before, Zilyan also searched in great detail. Here, only those 'targets' and 'dummy' are simply at a glance, and there is no need to look at them.

Of course, in case, just in case, Zilyan not only searched these 'targets' and 'dummy', but also pulled out these 'targets' and 'dummy' from the sturdy soil; However, there is still no discovery.

"Ye, I think there must be some places in the stone house that we have not found. We should search it carefully again!" Zilyan once again set his sights on the stone houses and made suggestions; and, with good intentions, reminded the leaves. Odd: "There is nothing there, I just got..."

However, the words of Zilyan have arrived with the action of Ye Qi -

The target, the several arrows on the dummy, and the flying knife were taken down by Ye Qi. Ye Qi straightly pulled out the arrow of one of the arrows and then smashed it by hand.

Immediately, after the special pigment was erased, a special, non-glare light appeared in the hands of Ye Qi.

"Position anchor!!"

Suddenly Hell mixed blood made an exclamation.

Ps first more ~~~

The decadence of hard work was diagnosed as periarthritis of the shoulders... pit! ! ! Really huge pit! ! !

After an afternoon of decadence, wondering if your life is too decadent, you will develop all kinds of bad habits - hey, listen to the doctor's instructions, and then go through the night and night, decadent, this needs to be quit, otherwise, the body is really It will be broken.

Decadence originally thought that I was young and my physical quality was good. I always kept my heart on it. Now I really need to change it!

In the future, you should have a healthy schedule and daytime codewords! !

Of course, the periarthritis of the region will not let the decadent ‘golden body’ be broken. This month, let’s continue to say more and more words~~~

Therefore, tears of tears for this month's guaranteed monthly ticket! ! ! There are also rewards, subscriptions! ! ! To be continued. .

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