Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 8: Big task

After Ye Qi entered the room, there was no plan to conceal the prophecy of the chief wizard - unlike the speculation of the wolf, the prophecy of the chief wizard would not let him fall into an unfavorable state; The words of the wolf, the "prestige" accumulated by the Holy See in these years, is enough to make people fall into a very unfavorable situation.

However, Ye Qi will never say it immediately.

One is at your fingertips, and one gets through a lot of hardships.

No matter who you are, you will understand which one is more cherished.

Although Ye Qi only said a message, not an item, but because of this, it is even more necessary for the blood of the blood alliance tower to understand the importance of it - with the 'polar blade' Hortel For example, Ye Qi does not want to see such a collaborator again by his side.

Even if he is really kind.

Therefore, Ye Qi does not mind playing some small means to let the people who hear it pay attention to such news and become more cautious.

Some awkward responsibilities can be offensive and alarming.

And if it is the kind of responsibility that cannot be refused, although the resentment still exists, it also represents acceptance.

What is the biggest difference between a creature with wisdom and an instinct?

Don't say that you are using tools.

The orangutan is smart enough to know how to step on the stool and go to the high rubber.

The real difference lies in the choice.

That's right, it's the choice - one is often hanged in the mouth, seemingly upset. But they have to face the existence.

In fact, if you face a situation with no choice. And if there is a situation with choice, anyone will choose the latter.

As for the original upset?

Is that still something worth remembering?

Therefore, as long as there are reasonable reasons to make reasonable choices, no one will object, including those who are mixed. After all, they have wisdom that is not lost to human beings.

“How much do you know about ‘God’?”

Waiting at the top of the Blood League Tower. Ye Qi spoke; however, when the words were just spoken, the top of the entire blood alliance tower was smashed. Zilyan was even more screaming and smiled: "Ye, you are not going to joke? Those guys have long been Dead death, missing missing. No need to worry!"

Then, Zilyan sent out a heartless laugh.

However, only the laughter of Zilyan alone, the remaining four bloodline towers, even the same **** mixed blood with Zilyan, is a dignified face.

"Everyone. I said no need to be so solemn?"

Although Zilyan is mad, but this does not mean that Zilyan is stupid enough to be indistinguishable. Looking at the expressions of the four companions and Ye Qi, it obviously made a mistake!

"Dead death, missing missing - the latter is not dead!"

The fisherman sitting on the other side of Ye Qi said slowly, although the sound was a bit cold. But it is still crisp and moving, just like a thin spring from the heights. The ticking is on the pebbles; only the cold, frosty look on the face is really inaccessible.

Even, when Ye Qi sat next to the other side and looked at each other, he could feel the kind of chill.

For such a mixed blood, Ye Qi is no stranger - in the blood glory, Ye Qi has also seen some mixed blood because of the blood, can not completely control their own strength, always have such a glimpse of the atmosphere to be Leak out; therefore, Ye Qi, who knows the situation, does not think that the other party is deliberate.

Instead, he nodded and continued: "Yes, the disappearance is just missing!"

"No, let's say those guys..."

Zilyan said.

"The guys are still alive, at the very least, a few of them are alive!"

The leader of the Elven Blood is very sure.

"It seems that Lord Charles has a little understanding! So my words may be easier to believe!" Ye Qi looked at the leader of the other party and showed a smile on his face. "My message comes from the strongest seven in the world." Lord Rendell, the chief wizard of the wizard's hand - in the last meeting, he gave me a prophecy... about the prophecies of those guys returning, with the destruction of the land, and faith in their salvation, The rest will turn into dust!"

"Hey! The ridiculous disaster says!"

The leader of the Elven Blood snorted, and the top four bloodline towers were equally ugly.

Obviously, for the mixed-race, they have no good feelings for the existence of 'God', and they can be known from such a contemptuous name. Of course, this result was originally brought by the Holy See. But the Holy See's 'theology' is enough to influence and radiate to other 'spirits'.

After all, the Holy See is not to claim that their ‘God’ is the Lord of the Gods?

Even the ‘the Lord of the Gods’ regards the hybrid as a heresy, then what about other gods?

This result seems to have been doomed.

“Even if it’s ridiculous, it will become a reality – in the prophecy of Lord Lendl, it’s about six to nine years!”

Ye Qi shook his head and gave the time given by the chief wizard.

And this more specific time, let the five high-level towers of the blood alliance tower, while frowning at the same time - obviously, they will not doubt the chief wizard of the wizard's hand, the reputation of the other party, enough to let them choose to believe; and the same, They also don't need to doubt Ye Qi sitting next to them.

Whether it is Ye Qi’s sincerity or strength.

It is the best guarantee.

"Is the scope of the attack only in Lorante?"

The leader of the Elven Blood, after a moment of meditation, suddenly asked - after contacting Ye Qi's request, the leader of the Blood Alliance Tower immediately had a fairly accurate guess.

"Well, just in Lorante!"

Ye Qi nodded according to the content of the prophecy.

“How many people are there on Lorant now?”

The fisherman mixed his mouth and asked.

"More than 60 million!"

Ye Qi gave an uncertain answer - in fact. Such an answer is too difficult for Ye Qi; although every year the highest government will publish some statistics, but what needs to be known. These statistics are above the highest government jurisdiction, or can affect statistical data within the scope.

Qiulin District, Frost Forest District, Qiangyu District, Hailin District, Huangsha District... and Shenglin District are not within this range.

Especially in the Shenglin District, after the early days of the Freedom, there is no accurate answer to the population. Although the number of millions is the largest figure, no one can guarantee the final result. It can be 100% accurate. of.

And Chunlin District?

Remove Shak. The rest is still in the highest government statistics.

As for Shak?

A place similar to a tourist city, plus its own size, is unlikely to have a large population.

Therefore, even if Ye Qi counts the population of Shak into the statistics released by the highest government, there is no accurate statement, and the given answer is still a vague answer.

However, even in the face of such a small fuzzy answer. The top of the Blood Alliance Tower is also full of dignity.

More than 60 million people...

That is not 600,000, not six million, but 60 million!

And a complete, ideal half-plane, the population capacity is about two million - once this number is exceeded, the half-face may be in danger of collapsing!

simply put. To accommodate the entire 60 million population, you need 30 ideal half planes!

It is now more than twice the number of half-faces owned by the bridge on the other side!

What's more important is that the half-planes owned by the bridges on the other side of the river are accumulated after a thousand years of collapse after the fall of the wizarding dynasty.

In other words. Twelve and a half planes were smashed in a thousand years.

But now it is necessary to find thirty and a half planes in six years - whether it is the top of the Blood Alliance Tower. Or Ye Qi, will not choose a longer term of nine years; in fact, if you are considering the migration and more side events, and in order to be cautious, you need to subtract some time in six years. .

A thousand years and less than six years, even five years.

Two hundred to one ratio!

Anyone facing such a problem, his face is dignified is normal, and even without the collapse of yelling on the spot, it is a good mind.

"It's not that we don't want to help, but even if we do our best, I am afraid I can't do it!"

The leader of the Elven Blood, after thinking for a long while, said slowly.

"Try your best!"

Ye Qi said the answer in his heart.

However, just as this answer was exported, the system gave a series of tips -

[Battlefield Mission: Migration Open]

[s+ level mission: migration 1; bring more than 95% of the population of Lorant to the bridge on the other side; mission period: 2102 days]

[s+ level mission: migration 2; bring more than 90% of the population of Lorant to the bridge on the other side; mission period: 2102 days]

[s+ level mission: migration 3; bring more than 85% of the population of Lorante into the bridge on the other side; mission period: 2102 days]

[s-level mission: migration 4; bring more than 80% of the population of Lorant to the bridge on the other side; mission period: 2102 days]

[s-level mission: migration 5; bring more than 70% of the population of Lorante into the bridge on the other side; mission period: 2102 days]

[s-level mission: migration 6; bring more than 65% of the population of Lorante into the bridge on the other side; mission period: 2102 days]

[a+ level mission: migration 7; bring more than 60% of the population of Lorant to the bridge on the other side; mission period: 2102 days]

A series of s as a prefix task, let Ye Qi almost think that the system has made a mistake, but then understand that this is impossible; but, from the other side, it is reflected, the difficulty of these tasks - - Ye Qi does not have a task, and the evaluation of the system task will have a big mistake.

Although there are loopholes in it, it is generally fair.

One point to pay, one point to gain.

There is no problem in terms of deadlines, and Ye Qi’s guess is almost the same, less than six years.

There is no problem with the population, just a quantity that is marked.

Then naturally it is still possible to settle the problem of the half-plane of these people!

of course. According to the above tasks [s+ level tasks: migration 1] to [s+ level tasks: migration 3], the Shenglin District and the Qiulin District. Undoubtedly it will be another trouble.

As for the remaining [s-level tasks: migration 4], it indicates some privileged classes - obviously, it is not so simple to let those similar wealthy people give up and start again.

And when the population shrinks to 70%, the difficulty is undoubtedly falling in a straight line - of course, this is just a comparison.

This population base is undoubtedly caused by some difficulties in migration. Think about it, cross the entire Huangsha District and enter the town on the other side. This distance is not a thing for the existence of the mysterious side, but for ordinary people, it is definitely the experience between life and death.

Of course, what makes Yake even more concerned is the prefix of these tasks - the battlefield.

The last battlefield mission against dark creatures, but let Ye Qi know that the final battlefield evaluation will benefit - the legendary option; and if he goes further with his strength, will there be an 'immortal option'?

Must be done as much as possible!

Think of that possibility. Ye Qi’s heart naturally came out like this.

"Leaf! Leaf!"

Ye Qi’s thoughts were pulled back to reality by such shouts.


Ye Qi sighed and waved at Zilyan, and looked at the top of the four blood alliance towers around.

"It doesn't matter, Lord Ye Qi, do you know how to find and open a half-plane?"

The leader of the Elven Blood has no blame, but asks straight.

"Listen to listen!"

Ye Qi is very humble to say - face things that he does not understand. Once someone comes forward to guide, Ye Qi is very happy to show his humble side and respect each other.

Knowledge is priceless at all times.

Such respect is not cheap.

"I think you need to see it with your own eyes!"

The leader of the elf blood. Said this, then. Just stood up and walked outside the room, and the four mixed-race high-levels followed, and Ye Qi naturally followed.

The mixed-race banquet has been open outside, and after seeing his leader come out, he immediately stood up. Ye Qi and his friends and ladies are also like this.

"Everyone continues, we are just with Lord Ye Qi, to see the half-plane and the plane fragments!"

Zilyan waved his hand and explained it loudly.

Suddenly, the mixed-races took back their curious eyes and raised the glasses again; and Ye Qi and his party, but there was no thought of eating and drinking, all surrounded.

"If you are looking for half-plane and plane fragments, count me!"

The first to speak was the chameleon, the lady said straight, and the female cavalry chief stood side by side with her, and it was natural to say that it was not necessary.

The Rhines and Linda Northd also looked at Ye Qi with a prayer in his eyes.

And the little man and the big man, and Ava?

The first two straightened their sleeves and wiped their mouths. They stood by Ye Qi with a smile, while the latter was silent. Before the first two, they had already stood on Ye Qi.

From the winter forest area of ​​Herman, Tony, the grassland area of ​​Totor, Mudley is also eager to try, but then in the small man's sentence, was hard to survive -

"Where we all go, how can this make the owner feel good?"


Just when Herman, Tony and Totor, Mudley were full of helplessness and curiosity, Ye Qi took his friend and four ladies, and followed the line of the Blood League Tower to the town with the other side. Going on the huge floating platform of the transmission array; however, it is clear that it is not the final destination.

Just a transit.

In fact, whether you want to cross the bridge across the other side from that direction, you must come to this huge floating platform.

On the huge floating platform - here because of the existence of the transmission array, it was used as the central square of the bridge on the other side.

Therefore, the number is naturally not in the minority.

Most of the people gathered here are for some transactions or to go to the other side of the town.

Look at the stalls that are placed and the people who come in and out of the room.

It is precisely because of this that the arrival of Ye Qi and his party and the blood alliance tower immediately attracted the attention of these people - even those who have poor memory will not forget things more than a day ago.

The legendary powerhouses in their superiority in their superiority are killed like grass.

Undoubtedly, when they see Ye Qi, the pale face, they can see that such memories are unimaginable and profound, and will always accompany them in their dreams.

Of course, there will be no shortage of bold people in the Japanese glory.

At the very least, the young man who had previously shown stubbornness in front of Ye Qi was a cowardly guy.

"Sid! Sid! What are you doing with this guy? Come back, come back soon!"

The stubborn young man ignored the shouts behind him, and he followed Ye Qi behind him. His eyes could not find Ye Qi and his party.

As if to see something different, generally second more~~~

Decadence should be said loudly - although I don't hate drinking, I absolutely hate being drunk! ! !

Even if I knew something happened today, I had a little manuscript yesterday, but this state of dizziness is really uncomfortable! Do you know that the decadent has just turned the word 'the leader' into a 'grab of thunder', and it has been checked twice, only to react! !

Real hardship! !

Dear guys and beautiful ladies, in order to make up for the decadent subscription, rewards and monthly tickets~ The earth is a decadent, everyone must love to be decadent~~~

I would like to thank the prodigal sons of the four seas for the reward of the starting point of the 200, sn, x, Wang Xiucai, and the lost heart of the 100 hearts of the starting point. ~~~ Decadence again Thank you to all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~ to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.

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