Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 13: Unexpectedly

"This is a complicated matter... I think we are still looking for a place to sit down and talk about it!"

The tall Ted showed a helpless smile and then pointed to the central castle in the distance.

"I think this is a good idea!"

The branch of the Xia Lin District on the side also proposed.

"of course!"

Ye Qi nodded. Obviously, such repeated proposals are telling Ye Qi that there are some hidden secrets; it is not suitable to be said here.

Ye Qi jumped back on the horse, swayed at the small Doug in the distance, and Ksor waved his hand. Then he looked at the guardian and said with a smile: "Continue to keep your vigilance, it is a very Good quality!"

The guardian Teddy nodded. He originally thought that he would be reprimanded. This is one of the lightest punishments. Ted does not think that he is aggrieved. After all, his rudeness has already explained Everything; but the ultimate confrontation is not reprimand, but appreciation.

This made Ted have some reaction, but after Ye Qi had gone far, the guardian had only returned to God and shouted: "Thank you!"

The voice was clearly passed to Ye Qi’s ear. Ye Qi did not look back, just smiled and said: “This is a very good guardian – cautious, careful, and alert enough!”

"Ted is a very good person!"

Ted nodded the road.

Such an evaluation, the guardian did not hear, he just silently watched the disappearance of Ye Qi's back, and then, this secretly thought: "This is the ... the real Shake dragon?"

The guardian of the tower. Was awakened by a burst of laughter. When he saw the smiles of the young people with a slight smile. I couldn’t help but converge on my own thoughts and said loudly: "You guys, I think we need to practice today!"

Immediately, a mourning was heard.

"Instructor, you can't do this!"

"You are also gone!"

"Yes, instructor, you are also distracted!"


"I am also distracted?" The guards asked, the young people in front of them nodded their heads together. After he scanned the lap, he said, "Then I will punish myself - give you a sparring!"

"This, how can this be!"

"Instructor you should supervise us!"

"This is a big bully!"


The reactions of young people are not the same, but the meaning is quite clear - although these young people are eager to win, they are quite smart in the face of opponents that are impossible to defeat; no one wants to beat Isn't it? Unless he has a special hobby!

"Do you want to be a big man of Shaker, such a strong?"

The Guardian waited until the young man’s shouts and stopped, and then asked.

"miss you!"

The young people shouted together.

"So... I will give you the first lesson - the heart of the strong!"

The guardian said in accordance with the original plan - of course, compared to the example he set. At the moment, there are more practical examples in front of you.

"Of course, if you admit that you are a scorpion, you can still come and - I will not accept the withdrawal once I open the lecture!"

The voice of the guardian was gradually tightened.

"Is there an exit?"

Silence and tenacity appear on the faces of young people – competing for strength is not necessarily negative. At the very least, this time can have a positive effect.

The guardian’s mouth was slightly upturned and instantly returned to normal, so that every young person present did not see it. He immediately shouted: “So... start!”

Afterwards, from the morning sun in the morning to the sunset in the evening until the moon appeared, there were only beatings and snoring in the mud pits - of course, these Ye Qi did not know, after entering the living room of the Central Castle He began to frown; because the things that counterfeit goods were much more serious than he thought.

That's right, that's those - not one.

“When the first appeared, was it in Dude?”

Ye Qi looked at Spedo, the lazy Xia Lin division president. At this time, the look was very serious. He threw the jug to the side. He said clearly: "About a day after the moon celebration. ——The name of your newest strongest seven in the world, when you started to spread on the mysterious side, a... oh, a guy who looks like you, looks like a god, went to the highest government and met with Mr. Desa. The mystery, and then took away two million Kimpton; after that, when Desa was returned, I found out what was wrong, and then contacted me!"

Speaking of this, the branch of the Xia Lin District, could not help but smile bitterly: "In the face of two million Kimpton's huge money, I can only escape to Dude to take refuge!"

"Oh, I really want to know the inauguration experience of the secretary!"

Ye Qi chuckled, but there was more disdain in the smile - he can even imagine what kind of scene was at that time; one side was pretentious, one side deliberately pleased, this kind of street tricks can be fooled. At the top of the highest government, Ye Qi has only a trace of contempt that cannot be hidden.

According to the highest government system, it is only necessary to follow normal procedures. Such a thing is impossible to happen - and the reason why the normal procedure is not followed is that the secretary ‘omits' such a link.

"He should be interrogated now - a bunch of guys with sick minds!"

Spedo said, and then gave the evaluation - the evaluation of the president of the Xia Lin division is of course to talk about those who interrogate, and the discerning person can see that the secretary is also one of the victims, but they are not holding each other. Put it; of course, there is a more innocent victim of him.

At the end of the day when I thought of my leisurely leisure, at the end of the moment, the depression of the branch of the Xia Lin District was like the millennium cold wave, swept the whole body, making him straight into the sofa, subconsciously twisting. I opened the jug and poured a few mouthfuls.

However, Ye Qi can be keenly heard. In the jug. It seems to be loaded with... water.

"My property, including the bar, has been temporarily detained by the highest government - the toll is still paid by President Desa!"

The branch of the Xia Lin District shook his head with a smile.

"What role did you play in it?"

Ye Qi asked - according to Ye Qi's knowledge, if there is no certain evidence, Spedo really participates in it, and the highest government will not do this.

"The guy's assistant is 'I' - I have seen the photos, if not I confirm that I was already drunk and dreaming. Then it is really me!" The president of Xia Lin District touched himself a little rough The face, smiled bitterly: "I don't remember my mother and I said that I have a twin brother - Stoic is just a cousin!"

"One me, plus one you - seems to be well-documented!" Ye Qi smiled and laughed. "It seems that this fake goods is very familiar with the mysterious side of things, at the very least, for the demon hunter." Very thorough - and, getting the news so quickly, is well-informed!"

"This is one, what's the rest?"

After Ye Qi nodded, he continued to ask.

“The rest are in the Tallinn, Qiulin, Chunlin... basically except for the current camp in the Bay Area and those places where the crisis is heavy. Wherever they are – and it seems to be a good agreement. In general, almost after you defeated the Wolf King, these guys appeared together!"

Ted took the words and narrated everything he knew. The smile on his face was helpless.

"Well, can you tell me how much loss?"

Ye Qi gently licked the temple - he found that things far exceeded his expectations. From the narratives of Ted and Spedo, this is definitely not a personal act, but a premeditated plan with a group nature; This group is not only well-informed, but also has one or two guys who are good at camouflage or disguise others.

It may be a person like the chameleon, or it may be a doctor. Since nine nights are free to change the appearance of others through surgery, Ye Qi believes that others can.

"More than five million Kimpton, there are more antiques, magic materials can not be counted for the time being - their goals are some people who know the mysterious side, but do not know you, so the harvest is very good!"

Ted reported a slightly vague number.

"Don't catch any of them?"

After Ye Qi was silent for a while, he continued to ask - he has gained so much gain, and the most likely thing is to stop the work, and even such a wealth is enough for a group of 50 people to be a good life; With similar abilities or doctor's skills, they can make a face-lift.

Simply put, if you don't catch a valuable person, these people may disappear in an instant.

In the face of the vast, Lorante, it is basically impossible to find those who have the ability to change their glory.

"I caught some, but..."

Ted again smiled bitterly, and even some did not know what to do. Finally he stood up and said, "I think you still follow me to see it!"


Central Castle, the land of the six towers.

The only place where the prisoners can be held is the tower of thorns. On the edge of the six towers, there is hardly anyone who is willing to approach, even if there is no negative energy, but the feeling of coldness is It can't be dispelled, even if the tower owner has a sunny smile.

"Yeah, look at your imitator?"

Modred, the thorny tower owner who looks very young, is standing in front of the door of the thorny tower and smiling at Ye Qi.

"Yes, Master Madeleine!"

Ye Qi respectfully greeted - Ye Qi is all aware of the change of the female cavalry chief, the face of the sun-faced smile in front of him, and it is because of this understanding that he respects The other party; not to mention, the other party's age is enough to obtain such respect.

"Peng will take you there - I need to go to a meeting!"

Modred put his hand and pointed at the tower of thorns behind him. Then, passing by with the group, Ted and Spedo were all present.

When the owner of the thorny tower left, the three talents continued to advance, and. Ted slammed the door of the Tower of Thorns - this is a not too tall door. Made entirely of steel. Only one person can pass; in fact, Ye Qi did not see it for the first time, and even crossed the period as a 'prisoner'.

However, compared with the last time, the door is more and more old, and the rust on it is enough to explain everything; however, the kind of '砰, 砰, 砰' has the heavy weight of Ted’s knocking on the door. The muffled sound. It means that it is much stronger than it looks.


On the upper side of the gate, one can only reach into the gap of one finger width, and a pair of eyes appeared, and began to look at Ye Qi three.

"Penge, it's me!"

Ted said like this.

However, the owners of those eyes obviously didn't pay much, and they were still on the tour until they saw Ye Qi, and it stopped.

"Shack's Dragon Adult?"

It seems to have forgotten the oil on the engine, and the rusted gears rub against each other.

"it's me!"

Ye Qi nodded.

Oh, yeah...

After the gapy window is closed. The door slowly opened, after a slight pause. In a more squeaky voice, the door that only allowed one person to pass was completely opened - Peng Ge, the guardian of the tower of the thorns, the man who served as the guard, had a gloomy face, strong The body shape, close to Ted's height, makes him reveal a special sigh of relief from the whole body.

"follow me!"

The guardian of the tower of the thorns, after a low sentence, turned and walked inward; and when Ye Qi three also entered, the door behind the door '砰' sounded several times faster than when it was opened. The speed is off.

"I never like it here!"

Walking in a narrow corridor, even if there are some torches with light and heat, but the branch of the Xia Lin District still frowned and said - in fact, any demon hunter, or with the demon Those who do the right thing will not like the tower of thorns, especially when they start to go down.

The Tower of Thorns is the only one of the six towers that has only one room on the top floor - its architectural complex is only underground.

It was cold and damp, making Ye Qi seem to enter the tomb again.

And the tyrannical, cruel, full of grudges cursing in the ear is like the most cruel curse in the world - in fact, Ye Qi has not entered here, the last time he was shut down, the confinement was only It stopped at the upper level, far from deepening again.

Therefore, in addition to the darkness, Ye Qi did not have more impressions of the Tower of Thorns.

As for now?

This impression is undoubtedly deep enough - the corridor side is spacious, because you need to walk in the middle, otherwise, the palms that protrude from both sides will catch you.

The masters of these palms have no mercy or beg for mercy. They just hope that they will scratch a piece of flesh and blood from your body - or, hold on to you tightly, and then bite a piece of oneself; in short, if you don't want to be injured, Just walk in the middle of the road left by the jailer.

"It's best to be behind Peng Ge!"

Ted reminded him to go deep into the grounds of the Tower of Thorns, Ye Qi and Spedo.


Spedo shrugged his shoulders without any objections.

Ye Qi, nodded, and then looked and walked - the curiosity of the Tower of Thorns and the confidence in his own strength, so that Ye Qi has the ability to satisfy his curiosity.

There is only one person in each cell, and the cells are not next to each other, but separated by about five yards, and the distance is staggered - simply, not only the adjacent cells, but the prisoners cannot Communication, even if it is face to face, is impossible, because, in prison, you can only see walls.

Is it preventive?

Ye Qi secretly thought - as a prison-like building, the most worrying thing is the prisoner's riots and jailbreaks, and this design obviously minimizes this possibility; unable to know, can't communicate, nature It is becoming a single force, and everything becomes simple.

After all, it's easy to deal with one, or it's easy to deal with a group. This is a very obvious multiple choice question.

As for shouting?

Looking at Peng Ge's unrelenting whip in his hand and slamming those outstretched arms, Ye Qi did not think that it was a simple matter.

As for other methods such as paper strips?

In the absence of air, only in the cell, and a meal a day, something like paper does not exist.


Going down one more level, at the stairway, Peng Ge said, and pushed an iron door at the same time - each floor has such a flashing iron door, thick and sturdy, the key is only in Penge or The thorny tower is in the hands of the Lord.

Compared to the two-layer cage, there is no doubt that it is much wider. There are tables and chairs, and the prison has become a traditional square cage welded by a single iron column, except for the people in the cage. There are also other guardians of the Tower of Thorns - it is obvious that it is impossible to be completely busy with Peng Ge alone.

However, in the same way, among these people, Penge is the leader -

"Penge adults!"

Several Guards shouted and greeted Ted.

Obviously, Ted’s popularity is quite good; however, when the guards’ eyes look at Ye Qi, they are not so friendly.

Undoubtedly, these guardians have misunderstood again.

"This is Ye Qi, the real Shak Dragon!"

Ted had to stand up and explain to the guardians of the towers of the thorns.

Suddenly, the guardians of the thorny towers took back the unfriendly look and said with a very respectful attitude: "The Shack Dragon!"

However, the same sardonic voice came from inside the cage -

"A traitor!"

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~

Subscribe, reward, monthly ticket ~~~ (to be continued.)

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