Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 21: Kidnapping

Reborn Demon Hunter through train m/k/1751791.aspx For whom is this trap made for?

It’s natural for Ye Qi to look at the layers of squadrons composed of wizards. In the Gulf, it seems that except for him, no one can safely pass through such intensive patrols. Team; undoubtedly, the seemingly intimidating patrols formed by these wizards are also bait.

If it is someone that other wizard patrols can't handle?

The legendary wizards who are watching are obviously not allowed to do this.

[Blind Bucket Perception] Under the blessing of [Corrosion], let Ye Qi temporarily obtain the attribute of 8 to reach the value of 33, 'patrol' around - Ye Qi wants to find those legendary wizards who wait and see, however, The end result is regrettable.

Ye Qi can be sure that there is no trace of legend around Saskatchewan - even if it is good to hide, it will leave traces, but now the situation is not.

"Is everything inside?"

Ye Qi’s gaze is naturally placed on the port of Saskatchewan after being 'fuzzy' - if there is no outside or around, then it may only be inside; obviously, this trap is more strange than he imagined. At the very least, it is not the kind of trap that is on the 'traditional meaning'.

It is divided into two layers of 'outside and outside'.

Make the whole trap more hidden - when you see the other side coming out of it, the instinct will ignore the other, only focus on the other person's body, and then, when the other party returns, chase it up You will naturally fall into the trap.

Simply put, under the arbitrary control of the other party, the trap itself is directed at you alone.

Of course, this is not the worst case!

In the worst case, you know that this is a trap, but you still need to go up – in fact, the Dark Wizards are arranged like this.

Take the life of everyone in the port of Saskatchewan as a bargaining chip and let him make a choice.

No matter which one you choose, it is not a good thing for Ye Qi - go, fall into the trap of the dark wizards; not go, it is definitely a blow to Ye Qi's fame!

If it is before triggering that series of [S]-level tasks, Ye Qi will never really care about such fame, but now he has to think; as long as he wants to complete that series of [S] Tasks must be considered - obviously, to complete those [S] tasks, in addition to their own strength, fame is a must.

Put aside those forces.

The choice of the civilians is simple and even easy to be affected - a good man, a butcher, even if the good man is a pretender, and the butcher is the one who executed the most wicked criminal, but the former will definitely be civilian Dear, and the latter? I am afraid that it is too late to hide.

Therefore, if you want to convince the civilians, you have to do something practical.

And a person who has abandoned a city obviously does not have such beliefs - people including the Holy See will obviously not mind pushing for it.

And if the entire Saskatchewan is successfully rescued, and then the influence of the Devil's Headquarters, his plan will undoubtedly be more smooth!

There is no true hero, the compassion of the Holy One.

Ye Qi, who started from utilitarianism, looked at himself very clearly.

Of course, the rescue of the black market businessman is absolutely sincere. After all, with Saskatchewan, the vast majority of strangers, that is his friend.

Ye Qi, standing in the shadows, looked at the front of the port of Saskatchewan, which was like a bowl of 'force field shield', and thought quietly - even if there was no choice, Ye Qi He also believes that he should be rescued from a perspective that is more suitable for security considerations.

Time passed by.

[Blind Sense] The ripples in the swaying, uniform and rapid, without any flaws, seem to be an imperceptible perpetual motion, exudes its own breath, showing its own strength - but also Not found; but this discovery is frowning!

Ye Qi can clearly feel that the presence of ‘force field shield’ is increasing in breath and volatility.

In other words, the longer the time drags, the more unfavorable it is for Ye Qi.

"You can't wait any longer, you need to touch the dark wizards!"

Ye Qi confirmed that it was not his own illusion. Immediately, he was ready to go to Saskatchewan. However, just as Ye Qi had just emerged from the shadows, a team of people arrived in a hurry. The people of the Sid family!

The face of Father Fletcher, who is at the forefront of the team, has uncontrollable anger and humiliation - this is natural, as the most important territory of the Nosd family for thousands of years, in his hands 'lost' This is obviously a fatal blow to an old man who regards family honour as life.

At the beginning, such a thing happened in the sacred age.

The patriarch of the Northed family attracted the attention of the Holy See. After all the descendants of the Northed family retreated, with the original sea gods, the five red archbishops of the Holy See and the 20,000 Holy See army It was buried, so the patriarch was regarded as a hero by the patriarch of the Northed family.

Now, it is far from the sacred age, it is the age of freedom.

The name of ‘Sea God’s North has been restored for 252 years!

In these two hundred and fifty-two years, the Northder family adhered to everything in the Gulf District, especially the Port of Saskatchewan, which is regarded as the root of the Northder family. It has not lost at all; this is the Northder family. The pride, but at this time, it is the case that the port of Saskatchewan was 'taken'. Undoubtedly, this is humiliation for the proud Northder family.

Endless humiliation.

In Ye Qi’s [blind bucket perception], including the father of Fletcher, the people of the Northed family behind him, each of the fluctuations are exploding toward the surrounding - no doubt, The anger has already drowned their reason; from the sea gods who wore the fish scales armor, the trident, and the special aura, they can see it.

A steady stream of energy is gathering on the body of Father Fletcher, including the sea **** behind him, the apostle leader Regus, and the power of Remus.

From the high level of the day, to the peak, to the new legend, then the legend.

The breath of the strong is rising all the way, it is like riding a rocket; of course, if it is only a legend, it can not make Ye Qi move; after all, the legend of death under his knife has already reached double digits; What really caught Ye Qi was the crystal in the hands of Father Fletcher.

A crystal of mermaid shape!

On the top, Ye Qi seems to have sensed that it is the same as the silver round dish on his body; however, compared to the silver round dish on his body, this mermaid-shaped crystal is more intense and powerful. In addition, there seems to be a different atmosphere.

Similar, the breath of his contract companion!

That's right, it's similar to the smell that the wolf gives him – although it's a little thin, there doesn't seem to be any change in that essence!

"Sea gods... sea gods?"

Ye Qi whispered in a low voice.

With his own whisper, Ye Qi walked slowly toward the Father of the Northder family - but the father who took out the North's family card did not seem to find Ye Qi's approach, he All the hearts of the gods have been silenced in the hands of the mermaid crystal statue.

There, calling for the name of his ancestors -

"Emilia Northd! Please listen to my call!"

"When I am confused and helpless, you will be my guiding light!"

"When I hurt, death is, you comfort me with love!"

"So, in the face of confusion and helplessness, we will go forward!"

"So, in the face of pain and death, we have no fear!"

"We live on land, but we are descendants of Poseidon. We are the descendants of Poseidon and guard the entrance to the sea..."

Under the silent night sky, a special breath began to emerge from the mermaid crystal statue, and with words that only the summoner could understand, began to slowly blend into the body of the summoner.

Hey! Hey!

The wind that ordinary people can feel is beginning to spread in all directions. From the gentle breeze to the hurricane that is devastating, it is only an instant. At the same time, the bright moon in the sky is covered by a sudden black cloud. It is a dark cloud in the true sense, thick enough to create a suffocating dark cloud.


Between the thousand dances and the silver snakes, a huge flash of lightning that could swallow a house fell out of the air...falling in the hands of Father Fletcher, a trident of lightning consisting entirely of lightning In the hands of the old man, a group of crystal-like octopus-like octopus, which consists entirely of water vapor, appears out of thin air and then slowly falls.

When the eight-clawed crown fell on the head of Father Fletcher, the waters outside the port of Saskatchewan began to surge, and the waves of more than thirty feet were slammed on the banks, and then it was like A stealthy giant stood up from the bottom of the sea, and the huge waves began to rise at an unimaginable speed.


The huge waves covered the sky and closed the moon, and gathered around the port of Saskatchewan. Even the night sky was occupied by the waves; and the entire port of Saskatchewan was surrounded by the waves of the sky.

The people who saw this scene did not doubt that once the huge waves fell, the entire port of Saskatchewan would be drowned by huge waves.

The sorcerers who were patrolling had already landed on the ground before the lightning and thunder - the lightning rod in the sky was definitely not a good plan.

However, it is clear that these wizards did not anticipate the current situation. Faced with the huge waves of the sky, their faces began to pale - this does not blame their courage, in fact, any one facing Such a natural power will have such a performance; even if they can stand there, it is already a manifestation.

"Come out! You dirty, the invaders who occupy the territory of North's family, give it to me!"

Like the snoring of the thunder, with a layer of sound waves rushing toward the port of Saskatchewan, the dark sorcerers who were still able to stand patrolling were shocked for the first time, spit blood, and their feet slammed into the ground. It is like the existence of 'force field shield'; and when these dark wizards are about to come into contact with this shield, it is like the curtain on the stage play is pulled up.

A pair of invisible hands caught the dark wizards who flew back and fell slowly on the ground. A legendary dark wizard in an extraordinary situation walked slowly, black robes, and the edges were already On the ground, but did not bring any dust, a person's high staff, emitting blue-violet light, the white beard dyed and dyed also changed color.

"Can we talk?"

The legendary dark wizard of this extraordinary situation, speaking in the same tone as an acquaintance.

"Exit Saskatchewan!"

And the voice of Father Fletcher is just as hard as a cold sword.

"We didn't mean to occupy Saskatchewan!"

Once again, I approached here a few steps. The legendary wizard of this extraordinary situation suddenly found Ye Qi in general, with a false surprise smile, and pointed to Ye Qi, saying: "We are for this Lord of Shaker. Come!"

"Exit Saskatchewan!"

Father Fletcher did not go to see Ye Qi, so he said again, the tone is as strong as ever.

"It seems that we can't talk!"

After the sigh of helplessness, the legendary dark wizard sighed slowly and slowly withdrew two steps, standing on the edge of the 'force field shield', pointing at the light blue light, he slowly Asked: "The descendants of Poseidon, do you know what this is?" It seems that I know that Father Fletcher can't answer his words positively. The legendary Dark Sorcerer asks himself after his words have just fallen. Answer: "It's called '戮神'! Of course, this is the name given to us by these descendants, which represents the wishes of our ancestors - at the source of the darkness, the wishes of the sixteen wizarding emperors: sitting in the clouds, Kill the old god!"

"The war between the wizard and God, in the end, is not a winner... but, in the end, it is lost in the hands of those who are like ants. We are embarrassed to escape, find a foothold overseas, where we can breed. We lived; we drank the sea that could not quench our thirst, and ate the indigestible sea urchin... But we survived – survived the loss of using spells!”

The legendary dark wizard silently said - it was not his experience, but he felt the same.

"We used to be high, and we fell to the dust. The luxurious robes were covered with mud, and the white hands and old hands made up for it. But our proud head did not hang down - just for the **** gods and despicable stealers!" The legendary Dark Wizard, looking at the eyes of Father Fletcher and Ye Qi, with a sigh of sadness in his eyes, "The descendants of the gods, the descendants of the seven heroes... you are proud of your ancestors, Are you proud?"

"What can be proud? What can you be proud of? You are nothing but a product that you don't know - you sadly know what the gods have done? And you..." The legendary dark wizard looked at Ye Qi, Dao: "As with your ancestors, you are despicable and shameless. - Hero, do you have it?"

"That is the honor that only my ancestors can enjoy, but they are stolen by these guys--the real hero bears the nickname, the end of depression; the despicable villain, with the glory stepped on the altar... It’s a ridiculous history, the history of the winner’s writing, what is credible!”

"After all, the truth is only in the hands of a few people! And now, we have decided to publish this truth to the world - are you dirty people, are you ready?"

The legendary dark wizard slowly extended his palm and gave a slight grip; then, his figure began to float, and at the same time, fifteen figures around him slowly appeared in his Around, a bright line began to appear from their feet, bringing a burning flame in the dark air.

A moment later, in the huge waves of the sky, a huge sixteen-pointed star appeared like this.

Standing at the tip of the dark wizard, holding up the staff in his hand, chanting a curse that has not appeared in the millennium, the inexplicable power, began to suppress everything around it - even Ye Qi ~ www At this moment, I feel the weight of the mountain like the pressure on the body.

He tried to move, very difficult, but it was enough to act.

The right hand slowly rested on the handle, and the whole person stood in front of the bow, and a trace of Longwei mixed with the breath of [cold weapon (legendary)] began to gather on him - everything that the other party said Ye Qi does not really believe, but this does not prevent him from understanding how to do it.

On the side of the whole body, Father Fletcher made a misty stream of water, wrapped in water, and the thunder and lightning in his hand pointed forward. Immediately, the huge waves of the sky were pressed against the sixteen stars.

"Do you think this is useful?"

The legendary dark wizard standing at the forefront said as he raised his staff and spit out a sentence: "Law. Freeze!"

PS second more ~~~

I just don’t know why, I always connect not to go online... It’s restarting the computer, and I’m going to re-extract the cable for a long time... Then I’ll start uploading it again! ! ! Once again, for a long time, it will be the ultimate success! !

However, from the final result, the decadence of this character is still quite strong! !

Hey, the character is strong, the decadence is rolling, the subscription, the reward and the monthly ticket~~~

I would like to thank the prodigal sons of the four seas for the reward of 200 coins, sn, x, my lost heart, the swaying 100 yuan of the wind and the reward of the 100 yuan. Thank you again for all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~ (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to 4G Book City (m), reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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