Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 27: Ye Qi's speed 2 in 1

After the explosion, the debris of the dead body on the ground!

A superior wizard's [force field shield] can completely resist the direct shooting of the rifle within a distance of ten yards. However, this does not mean that the power of the grenade can be ignored. Even if it is added with [lifting resistance], it is impossible. After all, the grenade thrown out by the black market merchants is a high-end goods from Deli. Ice@火!中文

Unlike the general-purpose gunpowder-based grenade m60 or the infantry killer m72 grenade with a radius of twenty feet, the black-handed businessman just thrown out the grenade is a collection of m60 and m72 grenade, which the highest government calls m61. Special grenade - mainly to deal with special people and creatures.

And these special people and creatures, naturally without knowing, are the people and creatures on the mysterious side - there are naturally wizards.

In fact, when the m61 grenade was positioned, it was undoubtedly given high hopes by the highest government; however, with the deepening of the research and the huge investment funds, the plan had to be stranded again and again, even now, the so-called m61 The type of grenade is nothing more than a semi-finished product - after all, the positioning of the m61 grenade is doomed to its extraordinary and difficult.

But even the semi-finished products have the firepower that is not inferior to the chariots, especially after adding some special things, and even more, the power of these grenades is multiplied; whether it is facing the protection of the force field shield. Or some other special means can play their due role.

When the quantity is re-concentrated, its power is undoubtedly reflected.

Look at the appearance of the team's Sun Yao-level wizard who can see the blood -


The gunshots sounded, and the struggling Japanese singer was just standing up. There was a blood hole in the eyebrow, and then, with an unbelievable look, fell to the ground; apparently, the great sorcerer of the Japanese glory could not understand. I clearly blessed the [force field shield] again, why is it so vulnerable.

This is of course not the reason for the black market businessman's shooting method. Although his shooting method is not too good, it is far superior to ordinary people. However, it is at the level of proficiency, and it is impossible to break through a big wizard's [force field shield]. The ability to do this is entirely due to the particularity of the bullet.

With the special grenade of the m61, the armor-piercing projectile is also specially positioned.

Of course. This is also one of the treasures of the old Deli captain.

However, now the black market businessman can not sigh with emotion, after the shooting of the great sorcerer of the day, the invisible, immediately left the place.

Hey, hey, hey!

Call, call, call!

Suddenly. The magical light flashes. A piece of acid arrow, a flameball, or even a lightning strike hit the place where the black market businessman stood, almost an instant, where it was flooded with all sorts of magic.

Moreover, not only that, but the remaining seven teams restored the visionary wizards, and under the command of the large wizard who was responsible for the stationing, quickly made countermeasures - the dark wizards of the four teams stationed. Still standing under the hanging tower, the remaining three teams are scattered in pairs, with the warning magic as a dot, and began to sprinkle some crystal clear powder around and release the [detecting invisible] spells. .

Undoubtedly, whether it is those powders or [detecting invisibility], for the black market merchants at the moment, there is absolute restraint.

However, the black market merchants who are once again tumbling in the shadows are concerned with the four dark wizards who are stationed under the hanging tower. In his original plan, he wanted to seduce the other side to leave the tower. However, I did not think that the big wizard who was responsible for the stationing was not fooled at all, but instead became more vigilant.


The black market businessman and the demon of the heart discuss it - in fact, the first time I faced such a big scene alone, even if my heart has simulated various situations for countless times, but once it happens, the black market businessman is still unstoppable. Get nervous.

"it's up to you!"

Hagati said casually - as a contract demon with his own ideas, it does not interfere too much with his contractors, especially when the other party is doing very right.

With the support of the bottom of the heart, the actions of the black market merchants are becoming more and more neat.

As soon as he raised his hand, a black ball that had a strong glare before it appeared in his hands, and then flew out.

Hey, hehe...

In the crisp sound, the black ball flew away toward the dark wizards scattered under the hanging tower; and the dark wizards who heard the sound, the subconscious body was tight, they did not forget the glare just A scene that covers the eyes; if it is not such a strong light, under the cover of such a large number of people, even if a group of people encounter an attack, it is impossible to be killed in such an attack.


The great wizard who was in charge of the station kept a loud reminder, and had already put his hand in front of him, leaving only the gap between the fingers, and the other dark wizards; especially those dark wizards who were scattered to find, even more shocking. The speed, once again gathered once, formed a three-layered ring facing outwards.

Obviously, in the drill of this sudden situation, the wizards of the Dark Eyes not only trained once, but also saw the movements of the three stalwart sorcerers standing in the middle of the middle. Together, formed a purely defensive battle array, that [force field shield] instantly merged together, not only the three captains, but also the remaining players, 30 people [force field shield] When they are combined, they burst into a more dazzling light.

Just seeing such a light, you can understand the strength of its defense.

I am afraid that in the face of a volley of a chariot detachment, it can also support a moment. The three sorcerers who are responsible for collecting the sorcerer will undoubtedly have considerable confidence in this, and the big sorcerer responsible for the garrison also thinks this way; therefore, although there is a palm The occlusion, but they looked through the fingers to the close black ball.

That's right, it's time for this. The black ball just flew less than the usual distance.

It is enough to see that the Dark Eye Wizards are well trained.

However, even if they were trained to face the next situation, they could not help but frown. The black ball is still advancing. The sound of ‘啪啪...’ also came out with every contact with the ground, but when it was about to arrive, it suddenly disappeared.

Once again with the ground, after the bounce, it seems that there is an invisible black hole in the sky, and the black ball is swallowed up.

Faced with such a scene, all the wizards of the Dark Eyes could not help but glance.

At this juncture, a slight, but extremely clear sound appeared - it was a lighter metal landing sound. With such a landing sound, such things are also revealed in front of the wizards: round pulls; even if the dark eyed wizards are far from the Lorraine franchise, but not too much for Lorante Unfamiliar, especially the highest government weapons development.

So, they recognize what it is.

and. More importantly. The place where this thing appears - within the fusion [force field shield]!



One of the three great wizards in charge of the search was just exclaimed, and the explosion appeared again; compared to the last time, the effect of this explosion was more thorough, the explosion of gunpowder, burning The broken limbs of the coke are broken, and the flying around, the shining [force shield] does not play the slightest role.

After all, [force field shield] is not a level of defense like [shelter]. Once the formed force field is formed, it can only be external for the sake of defense.

Except for the three great wizards who were searching for it, they did not die. The entire team of wizards who searched for it was so devastated in the explosion.

Even the three great wizards in charge of the search were not in a good state at the moment - they escorted the defensive magic of the wizard's robes, they escaped in the explosion, but the ruined robes of the sorcerer were announced. This magic item has lost its effectiveness.

Coupled with the impact of the explosion at the moment, the appearance of softness on the ground is obviously the lamb to be slaughtered.

"Damn, that's a phantom! 5 team rescue!"

The great wizard who was in charge of the station immediately commanded, and at the same time, a crystal ball in his hand floated out of the air; apparently the one after another made him feel angry, and such anger made him unrelentingly shot - In fact, if he can, he does not want to do this. Once the planet is broken, his strength will undoubtedly fall by more than half, but he has to do so in the face of such an enemy.

Because this is his only chance to survive.

Not for the black market businessman, but for his boss, the legendary dark wizard Tuscott.

This happened here, the destruction of the four teams of patrols, if he did not show the greatest effort, then only wait for him to severely punish, and then death.

However, just as his astral ball rose, a black ball suddenly appeared on the ground, and then burst into a violent glare.

In an instant, the wizards of the Dark Eyes, whether they were stationed or rescued, once again fell into the white mans.

Obviously, the black ball that was considered by the Dark Eyes to be a phantom was not, but was really there, but it was hidden behind by the black market businessman, whether it was form or sound, it was hidden; And, when it comes into play, it plays a role.

In the eyes of the dark, the wizards, when their eyes fell into a white mans, the black market businessman who had been hiding in the side of the whole man, like a string of arrows, rushed toward the hanging tower and finally revealed the gap - he finally The goal is always the core of the '戮神' on the hanging tower.

Obviously, the big wizard who is in charge of the station also understands this truth. Therefore, although his eyes are white and cannot be seen, the astronomical ball in his hand does not stop the proper operation. Under the control of the big wizard, it immediately shattered, and the crystal clear silk thread emerged from the astrological ball, as if it were automatically positioned and shot toward the black market businessman who still hides in shape.

"Don't have to use this?"

The black market businessman heard the sound of the air coming from behind, could not help but slightly distressed from the [Dimensional Bag] pulled out a palm-sized golden statue - this is a statue made entirely of gold, lifelike carving The appearance of a bear; however. Not all the carvings were completed, only the upper body, and the lower body was still dissolved in the irregular gold nuggets.

"Ye, you must make up for my loss!"

With this in mind, the black market businessman throws the bear-shaped half-length golden figure behind him. The head did not return to the hanging tower.


The bear-shaped bust of the bear has just left the palm of the black market businessman, and it has sent out a shocking bear cub. Then, at a speed faster than blowing the balloon, it has expanded and almost reached a black bear in the next moment. To the extent that it should be, however, compared to the real black bear, this golden bear is more embarrassing and powerful.


Two golden giant claws were taken straight on the ground. Then, fiercely upward, the rocky ground within about twenty feet of the circle was thrown up by it, blocking the crystal clear thin line straight, and the rock slab that was obviously more than a few tons had quite Strong protection. The crystal clear thin lines did not penetrate the rock. After about half of the puncture, it was brought to the side by the force on the rock slate.


The golden bear that had just thrown a huge slate, once again hit the ground, stones of various sizes, as if they were hitting a catapult, and began to go to the dark wizards in all directions.

"Be careful, it's a mystery!"

The big wizard, who was in charge of the station, had to scream again and had to break the other side of the astrology ball again. Let the crystal clear thin line stretch out more and go to the golden bear. From the strength of the other side, the big wizard who is responsible for the station is very sure, except for the presence of the other, the fundamental No wizard can do effective damage to it.

In fact, the same is true.

A group of acid, flame, ice and lightning hit the golden bear. It was like throwing an egg on a stone. It did not play any role except to knock itself into a broken bone. Seeing this scene, the wizards of the Dark Eyes have taken two steps back in horror, especially those superior wizards. Obviously they have not seen such a powerful sorcerer.

The remaining three stalking sorcerers, though not as horrified, but the frowning brows represent the heart that they are not calm at the moment—most of the time, in order to be able to continue to operate, they usually choose to die. Wood, and the mystery, at most, the wood of choice is special, and then add some unknown technology; but like this, made entirely of metal, especially heavy metal such as gold, they are also the first to see .

As for rumors?

Among the sixteen emperors, the wizard emperor who was really good at using cymbals also used metal enamel; however, the metal is also known for its thinness and is not as heavy as gold.

However, this gold is obviously a very special gold, and the anti-magic degree does not seem to be worse than the rumors of several metals.

Of course, the three great wizards who are responsible for the station can also see the weakness of this flaw - unable to move.

That is obviously the existence of the base, which undoubtedly proves the fact that it cannot move.

"I dragged it, you go after the sneak attacker!"

The great wizard who was in charge of the station once again directed the crystal clear silk thread to the golden bear, and shouted loudly at the same time.

Suddenly, the three big wizards who were also responsible for the station immediately reacted from the scene of surprise, and began to rush toward the hanging tower - and the black market merchants at this time have come to the half of the 40-yard tower. Less than half the distance from the core of the 'God'.

"Damn, do you want to react so fast!"

The black market businessman who kept climbing climbed up and looked at the three big wizards who were chased up below. He couldn’t help but take a sip. At the same time, the palm of his hand once again reached into the [Dimensional Bag], and there was only one black ball left and Two m61 grenade appeared in his palm, but eventually the black market merchants put back only one of the remaining black **** - for the things they made, the black market merchants would naturally not cherish at this time. It’s not necessary, but it’s obvious that watching the big wizards who are holding up the three palms is obviously quite prepared.

When the use is no use, the black market businessman will definitely not take chances.

therefore. He chose the m61 grenade.


After biting off the pull ring, the black market merchants counted silently. When the ‘2’ exit, the grenade went straight out – the m61 grenade had a fairly quick response, compared to the 6-7 second reaction of the ordinary grenade. M61 is only three seconds.

boom! boom!

In the explosion of two gunpowder, the three figures were unstoppable and blocked.

Obviously, after real defense, in the face of the existence of the big wizard level, the m61, which is still a semi-finished product, can not play a real utility.

In this regard, the black market businessman is well-informed; however, it is only necessary to block the other party; at the very least, it can allow him to get closer to the so-called '戮神' core!

However, when the three big wizards were only used for less than a second, the distance between the two sides was once again brought closer. The black market businessman couldn’t help but shouted in his heart: "Why my magician can’t directly act on this hanging tower!"

"If you don't want your magical mate to be destroyed, this is the best choice - in fact, I think you should have some regular essentials in your [Dimensional Bag]; for example: explosives!" Gati said in a leisurely tone, "If you have explosives, I don't think you will be so urgent!"

"This kind of thing. Please say it later!"

The black market businessman turned around. I have escaped a [negative energy ray], feeling the cold and cold rays, and our Mori is almost speeding up with the roll-up - in a big wizard's [detecting invisibility], he has been The hidden body has already been revealed at this time, and under the radiance of the '戮神' core, it is even more 'shiny', and it is the same as the shining target.

In fact, the black market businessman at this time really became the target!

The two great wizards stood on the brackets of the hanging tower, and the spells in their hands kept motivating, causing the black market merchants to dodge; and more importantly, a big wizard took advantage of this opportunity to draw closer to the black market merchants. distance.

Almost when the black market merchant climbed the horizontal bracket with the core of ‘戮神’. The great wizard has already caught up behind him -

"Sneak attacker!"

The big wizard who caught up with Moore, looked coldly at the black market businessman who turned around.

"Honor, you see how beautiful the moonlight is tonight... If you don't mind, how about a drink?"

Morrie stepped back and tried to get close to the core of the 戮God, while talking about the marginal words.

The answer to the black market businessman is a lightning bolt – with the sound of ‘噼里啪啦’, this lightning is like a snake, entangled with the black market merchants.

"I think conversation is our solution..."

Morrie said loudly, rolling his body and avoiding the entangled [Lightning Snake], but it was clear that Morrie had done enough dexterity, but his left ankle was still wrapped up carelessly. Stayed, the electric light suddenly ignited in the moment of entanglement.

The black market merchant's body suddenly trembled, and the ankle was even more smelly.

Hey, hey!

The gunshot sounded at this time. Although the whole body trembled, the bullets were still accurate. However, the ordinary bullets facing the big wizard level [force field shield] are obviously not enough to see, the two warheads are invisible. [The Force Shield] has a piece of shackles and is getting slower and slower.

Eventually, it stopped and fell on the bracket of the hanging tower.

Hey, hehe...

The collision of metal and metal gives a crisp sound.

"Useless sneak attacker!"

The big wizard looked at the warhead on the ground, and then looked at the black market businessman who was entangled by his own "Snake of Lightning". He said very disdainfully, and at the same time, shook hands; immediately, Mori was like a rag doll. Beat it up and down.

Hey, hey, hey!

The dull blows, the black market businessman's mouth hangs blood, and the bones and internal organs of the whole body are subjected to endless shocks - Mori can be sure, if it is not Haggati who helped him transform his body, then he is now I have already died in the hands of the other side.

However, even if it is a modified body, it will not be far from death.


Once again, Morrie hugged the bracket of the hanging tower, and then the whole body slipped. Just enter the bracket, especially the left ankle is a homeopathic flip, let the electric light of the [Snake of Snake] entangled on the steel bracket - the metal is conductive, everyone knows, however. Obviously, the electricity produced by the Snake of the Light is not in this category.

Therefore, seeing the behavior of the black market businessman, the big wizard smiled more and more disdain, and when he saw the gun in the hands of the black market businessman, he even sneered out.

"Do you think it is useful?"

Hey, hey!

Two shots were made for Molly’s answer, and the other side’s crushed [force field shield] was the best answer – the two stunned bullets were not ordinary bullets, but in the true sense. The armor-piercing projectile is the same as that used by Morrie before; however, compared to the opponent who was seriously injured before. This opponent is in good condition.

It was because of this integrity that he had to choose the way he had previously paralyzed his opponent.

Of course, being entangled by the "Snake of Lightning" is definitely not in Mori's plan.

However, it seems that this is not intended. Make the whole plan smoother – at the very least. In the face of his shooting, the big wizard did not mean to dodge.

The first armor-piercing projectile penetrated into the invisible [force field shield], and then proceeded at a rapid speed; the big wizard immediately found that it was wrong and wanted to dodge; this time the second armor-piercing projecter followed the collision. After the first armor-piercing projectile, after the muffled sound of '砰', the first armor-piercing projectile penetrated the invisible [force field shield] at a faster speed.

Of course, the penetration is not only the [force field shield], but also the head of the great wizard who uses the [force field shield]; the powerful impact of the two armor-piercing bullets. Straight, the head of the great wizard is like a watermelon. Even if the wizard's robe on the other side responds, it can't really change the result.

"I think it's very useful!"

The other's body fell straight from the hanging tower. Mori looked at the fallen body and said it quickly, and quickly climbed to the core of the 'God'. The injury to the left foot made Mo At this time, it is more inclined to use both hands, especially on the hanging tower consisting of 'x' shapes. The flexible hands are obviously better than the injured legs.

However, very quickly, Mori had to stop - in front of him, the two great wizards did not know where to appear, and the big wizard who floated the asteroid on his head behind him Look at him with hate.

Under the hanging tower, the golden bear-shaped magical couple has been completely shattered at this time.

After looking at the two big wizards in front, and then looking at the big wizard behind, Morrie couldn’t help but smile: "Three, I think we are a little misunderstood?"

The one who answered him was the spell of the three great wizards.

However, the spells of the three great wizards have failed!

Morrie, who was squatting above the hanging tower bracket, drilled past the gap of the bracket's 'x' before his words fell. Then, like a gymnast, his arms were quickly and flexibly climbed. After feeling the pain caused by the explosion, burning and corrosion behind him, Mori not only did not slow down but was even faster.

Until he turned over, he fell on the core of the 戮God.

"do not move!"

Morrie was screaming loudly on the half-high crystal; let the three great wizards just move and stop.

"Now, you are going back to the stand!"

Subconsciously touched the fleshy back, and Morrie shouted with a twitch.

Suddenly, two of the three great wizards retreated, and the other big wizard who was suspended from the planet was a bit hesitant.

"Come on, or I can't guarantee that I will do something!"

Morrie yelled again, the big wizard who was suspended from the asteroid, and began to retreat helplessly; but only he knew that a thread from the asteroid was already in his shape. Block and climb along the bracket towards the black market merchant.

It only takes a second to make this abominable sneak attacker die.

However, Morrie looked at the three great wizards who were retreating, but he was a strange smile, and his body slammed to the side.


The three great wizards shouted loudly, but couldn't stop Morrie's action - driven by his body, the core of the 'God', which was firmly fixed on the bracket, fell straight; and Mori Then in the moment when your body is about to float. Once again grabbed the underside of the bracket.

“I like this kind of rack with lots of gaps and very solid!”

Looking at the falling core of 戮God, Morrie shouted loudly.


The time goes forward for about half an hour or so.

With the five subordinates of Tuscott, slowly appeared in front of Ye Qi who just entered the dock area, looking at the gauze in front of Ye Qi's chest. The leader of the legendary Dark Wizard, could not help but laugh -

“It’s really awkward, the dragon of Shaker! However, under the influence of ‘God’, you can still do this step, which is really worthy of praise!”

Saying, the leader of the legendary Dark Wizard has a slap in the face.

啪, 啪, 啪...

In this place where there is no smoke, such applause is undoubtedly very harsh and frowning; and Ye Qi’s reaction is more direct – [cursive surgery] +8 temporary agility, perception, and then Once opened, [the radiance of the secondary sun]. Start the [Second Sun Praise] to increase all attributes by 10%, and then open the characteristics of the sacred weapon [Chemical Wing] [Chemical Feather].

In this so-called '戮神' magical array, although there is moonlight, it is impossible to excite the characteristics of [the sigh of the secondary moon]; therefore, the attributes of Ye Qi have always maintained their own state. And did not enter the blessing of the moonlight; however. It was not important for Ye Qi at the time.

After all, the less you can see, the better.

However, it does not matter now.

At this moment, Ye Qi’s [power] [Agile] was suppressed at around 23, and [perception] was suppressed to the extent of 18; however, when [cursive surgery] was digitally displayed, [Agile] immediately returned. It is 31, and the full attribute +10% of [Second Sun's Praise] is only a basic attribute, but it also adds the [Agile] attribute to 33, plus the characteristics of [Chemical Wind Wing] Times.

Immediately. Ye Qi once again has nearly [Agile] of 35.

Although it is still a lot worse than its peak, but in this suppression, it is Ye Qi’s card. After all, in the eyes of Tuscott, Ye Qi at this time is already a glory. Not as good as it exists.

Of course, this is not the whole of Ye Qi -

[mountain. landslide]

[Avalanche: the difference between the physical quality - (power + agility) / 2-3, as a temporary bonus, you can choose to increase strength or agility; when you choose strength value, physical strength increases by 280%; when you choose agile bonus, Get temporary +12 armor; duration: 1 minute / 2 levels; cooling time: 12 hours (when the characteristic landslide is triggered, the expertise is forced to enter the cooling automatically; if the tenacity has cooled, the duration of the characteristic landslide is reduced to one-half , the cooling time is doubled.)

The characteristics of the landslide determine that the more powerful the physique is, the more attribute points can be obtained.

At this time, although Ye Qi’s [physique] has not increased, the change of [power] [agile] is extremely obvious - usually when [power] [agility] is 29 points, [landslide] can be obtained. [Power], [Agile] 5 points when adding value.

At this moment, it is 11 points (37-(23+23)/2-3).

"Choose agile temporary bonus!"

Ye Qi made a choice without hesitation.

Suddenly, the 35 [Agile] became 46 points.

Such a figure is obviously beyond the scope of the legend, and it is the first time that Ye Qi has achieved such a speed.

Therefore, when the voice of Tuscott had not fallen, he found that Ye Qi had disappeared, and then it was a scream.

One of the legends behind him has been beheaded.

Then the second one!

The third!

It was not until the third legendary dark wizard died that Tuscott had reacted - not how slow Tuscott's reaction was, but Ye Qi at this time, the speed is so fast that ordinary people can't react. To the point.


In the unbelievable face of Tuskote, a defensive spell appeared around them, and the remaining two subordinates hanged back and forth around Tuscott, being defensively spelled by that layer. Shrouded.

"Shack's Dragon! Why are you not being suppressed?!"

Tuscott is almost crazy – this kind of madness is understandable, just like seeing a box with silk and a beautiful bow, and there is a scream in it, but when it’s broken I opened the ribbon and opened the box, only to find a lion inside.

Moreover, it is the kind of extremely hungry.


In the muffled sound, the layer of defensive spells consists of shields that look like water, and the sharp knives are cutting the magical force field.

"You are suppressed! Your strength is suppressed!" Tuscott looked at the blade that was getting closer and closer, and suddenly yelled loudly; he looked at Ye Qi’s eyes, and he said: "Your strength is suppressed, agility, perception, and physique should be suppressed...but, you are showing agility now - is this your card?"

Ye Qi did not answer the other side's question - he did not have such time in this so-called "戮神".

The force field constructed by layers of defensive spells is cut and penetrated, but before the last layer of the magical field that exudes a different luster, the knives can no longer advance - or more accurately It is said that under the blessing of Ye Qi at the moment [power], it is impossible to move forward.

"Your cards are not unlimited - it will have time constraints, so let's wait!"

Tuscott was very confident in his defense, and he stood there watching Ye Qi, and behind him, two legendary dark wizards began to curse the spells - obviously, they would not This is a passive beating, not a counterattack.

The acid and negative energy rays in his hand spurted like a water spray gun on the fire truck, letting Ye Qi pull back; however, after leaving the scope of such a spell, Ye Qi did not stop, but instead came The farther away, the direct figure disappeared and disappeared -

"This is running away?"

The two legendary dark wizards subconsciously whispered; but then they shook their heads.

At this time, the two legendary dark wizards would not think that the Shaker Dragon would choose this approach; after all, the two sides are already in a state of endless life.

The current situation is not inferior, and no one will retreat.

"Build your defense with all your strength!"

Tuscott said that he didn’t want to, and immediately, after the two legendary dark wizards looked at each other, the newly born arms broke out again with layers of blood fog and joined the original. In the force field of the spell defense; a layer of demon red light, suddenly rises.

The different radiances and colors show the difference.

In the distance, the edge of the dock area separated by '戮神' is five kilometers away from the three legendary dark wizards of Tuscott. Ye Qi stands on the beach on the margin, and the black wings behind him are high. The high rises, then, a violent wave, the golden sunlight rippling from his body, immediately, blends with this black.

Formed a touch of dark gold.

When that, a few still black wings fluttering with the flow of Ye Qi the whole person has turned into a dark gold arrow straight into the three darkness of Scott wizard.

Yes, Ye Qi also knows that his current strength is very low.

However, the same Ye Qi is more clear that under the unprecedented 46 points [Agile], his speed has reached an unimaginable level.

At this time, he only needs enough distance!

A distance that can completely change this speed into power - Ye Qi is grateful to his high school physics teacher.

At least he remembers the speed multiplied by the quality.

Ps two in one chapter ~~~

Weekend ah~~~ 颓 照 努力 努力 努力 努力 努力 努力 努力 努力 努力 努力 努力 努力 努力 努力 努力 努力 努力 努力 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the heart of the lost 200 starting point ~~sn, x, Xuanyuan Yuhe, Liu Jinyu 100 starting point of the reward ~~~

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