Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 32: In faraway places, familiar people

Ye Qi’s conversation with the Northder family chiefs took about twenty minutes, after which the father of Fletcher personally sent Ye Qi out of the gate of the manor—

"Do not worry, I know what to do!"

Father Fletcher stood by the carriage and looked at Ye Qi, who was on the bus, solemnly said.

"So, please come here!"

Ye Qi smiled a dagger.

After that, the carriage slowly opened in the whip of Regus, the apostle leader of the Northed family. Regus, who served as the driver, had no complaints or dissatisfaction. He respectfully drove the carriage and continued to enter. It stopped in front of the gate of Langburg.

"Thank you, Lord Shack!"

Regus looked at Ye Qi who jumped out of the car and said with sincerity; for the thanks of Regus, Ye Qi certainly understood what was going on; therefore, he said with a hand: "Fletcher is a strong man. Even without me, he will cheer up!"

"Uncle Fletcher's strength is unquestionable, but your kindness, the Northder family does not dare to forget!"

After another ritual of the North German family's apostolic leader, he transferred the carriage and drove back to Northder Manor - for the apostle's leader, whether it was the reconstruction of the Port of Saskatchewan or the adjustment within the family, He needs to be involved; if it is not because Ye Qi’s identity is special, he will not take time out of this busy schedule, let alone be a driver.

Looking at Regus, who was far away, Ye Qi turned and walked into Langingburg with a smile - whether it was the previous Lanting Fort or the newly rebuilt Langeburg, it was not suitable for a carriage. Fortunately, he is not far from the destination. And now he has enough good mood and walks back.

The previous talks with Father Fletcher were smoother than I thought. Almost after Ye Qi finished, the Father Fletcher agreed.

In the face of such a situation, Ye Qi expressed his surprise - in fact, facing a slightly old-fashioned father. He prepared quite a lot of rhetoric and wanted to convince the other party, but the other party was straightforward to agree. The feeling of this punch on cotton was not good.

Facing the doubts of Ye Qi. Father Fletcher gave a note with a smile - the Northder family, the ancestors who had inherited and inherited the entire Bay Area and the Grand Duke's title; the front of this note is just the glory of some Northder families. History is nothing special, but in the second half there are some things that surprise Ye Qi.

For example: predicting the emergence of the sacred age, and... the return of the gods.

When I saw this note, Ye Qi did not hesitate to guess the true identity of the Grand Master, who was not able to achieve such precision in the blood of the prophet; in fact. The prophecy of every prophet is a fragmented picture, even. It is just a feeling.

At all, it is impossible to be so accurate.

‘We are descendants of Poseidon, so we are special – even if the ancestors have fallen. But in the face of those false gods, the banner of the sea is still in our hands! ’

Father Fletcher gave an explanation in such a discourse.

And Ye Qi thinks of Linda, the difference between this lady, which gives him a bit of understanding - of course, more because. The unclear relationship between the two made Ye Qi quite biased.

This is really normal for Ye Qi.

Or do you think that you should be ruined?

Unfortunately, Ye Qi's note can't be customized. For a person who will protect friends, relatives, and lovers, the words of the righteousness and annihilation are impossible.

What's more, Ye Qi's friends, relatives and loved ones will never make such a disappointing thing.

Whether it is the female cavalry chief, the chameleon, the Rhines and Linda North, or the big man, the little man and the Ava, they all have their own bottom line, especially the female cavalry chief and Ava, the former with the knight Virtue requires oneself. Although the latter is silent, it is a natural life that cares for everything around.

Even Mori, who is a black market businessman, is a biased and neutral presence from the bones.

Of course, if there is money to earn, Morrie does not mind shifting slightly toward evil, but the offset is absolutely limited.

In this regard, Ye Qi has considerable confidence.

Therefore, the only thing that is likely to be a disappointing thing is his two extremely unreliable elders.

The two things are undoubtedly not done.

What's more, what is certain is that the two who are now temporarily disappearing are definitely doing something that they don't know.

Hope is not something that is not reliable!

Ye Qi touched his chin and smiled involuntarily.


Just when Ye Qi sighed, his teacher, the sword saint, with his good friend, the old Ward, was squatting, like two thieves, and touched an old castle in front.

"I don't recommend that we drill the waterway again!"

The profiteers suggested, and pointed to the coats and shoes that were covered with mud on the fingertips - don't expect the sewers of the wizarding era to be like, stinking mud, dirty mice, the main theme in the sewers at that time, It is also evasive.

"And, if we go in like this, even if we can avoid the body shape, we will be found out with the taste!"

After moving forward for a distance, I watched the soldiers of the two castles guarding the appearance of the soldiers, and the profiteers said again.

"So, what should we do?"

Old John faced his chattering friend and couldn’t help but rolled his eyes.

"There, there!"

The profiteer pointed to the place where the lights were lit, the noisy voice and the sign, indicating that it was a pub.

"I don't think that's a good place to go - we are now searching for the winds of the next day and the Cavaliers, not looking for alcoholics!"

Old John stressed, though. He shook his nose, apparently betrayed the most authentic idea of ​​the Juggernaut - although he is a Juggernaut, but also a drunkard.

And if you ask him, choose between a Juggernaut and an alcoholic as a title, the latter is undoubtedly his last choice.

“The pub has always been the best place to inquire about the news – especially in the territory where there is no curfew!”

The profiteer smiled and said. The route of progress has been changed.

Snowy Principality (Snow Forest), because of the climate, a variety of spirits have become the favorite here, up to the snowy night, down to the civilians. They are all addicted to alcohol - things that can withstand the cold and make people happy, how can they not be loved by people?

Even the wizards of the Snowy Principality will not refuse to come to a small cup before going to bed.

In fact, if you don't want to meditate and stabilize the spell model, they will definitely have a drink - this is the character of the snow-covered Principal. The change can't be changed.

When the old John and the old Ward both took the mud off, and the snow wiped it, try to get rid of the stench. The two pushed open the door of the pub, and immediately, the sound inside was filled with heat and wine. The two men took a deep breath involuntarily, and the smile on the face was familiar to everyone in the pub - the smile of the drunkard.

And this kind of smile is obviously the unimpeded proof here. After the bar, the fat boss, with a bucket of spirits, laughed and shouted: "Welcome our new friends, everyone toast!"


People in the pub. The wine glasses were held high, and then they began to simmer.

"Give me and my buddy one bucket at a time! The rest is for everyone present, one cup!"

Old John was struggling for his position before entering the tavern, but once he entered the pub, he obviously wouldn’t consider the other. After a bang, a Kimpton fell in front of the boss. .

"Okay, gentlemen!"

The fat boss laughed and threw two basketball-sized casks from the bar to the front of the old John and the profiteers, and then the biggest casks on the bar were opened and the stoppers were opened; In the muffled sound, more wine scented out, and the people in the pub couldn’t wait to go there.

Although most people are drunk, but John's words before the guests, they can hear clearly.

"Tel a new friend!"

When everyone filled the glass, under the leadership of one of them, everyone raised the toast again; of course, this time including Old John and Old Ward, especially the former, the one-piece one-piece Drinking, immediately, attracted the cheers of everyone in the pub - in the late night, gathered in the pub and did not go home, and people who drink a drink, no matter what else, one thing is certain.

That is, love to drink.

In fact, the entire pub, including the boss, is a group of alcoholics who love to drink; but all the alcoholic must have a characteristic - love, especially after seeing people who can drink.

"Who wants to drink a few more buckets with me?"

Therefore, it is entirely conceivable that Old John said such a thing, the lively scene in the entire pub.

Happiness is not enough to describe the situation at the moment. If you want to say something, it is completely a chaotic look, especially when the old John has even dried up ten barrels, the owner of the pub, this is recognized to drink. When people were crammed, the atmosphere almost reached its peak.

"Come on, come on, have a drink!"

The owner of the pub once again pulled out the stoppers on the bar with a half-height barrel and shouted at the drunks in the pub.

It seems to be in the oil pan, poured into boiling water.


The entire pub has entered a crazy rhythm.

The reason why the drunkard is annoying is that it is because the drunkards who drink more will make trouble, whether it is crying or laughing, it is very embarrassing.

What is even more annoying is undoubtedly a group of alcoholic people.

The guards who guarded the Snowy Night Fortress saw the drunks who staggered out of the pub, frowning instinctively, and when they saw them walking towards the Snowy Night Fort, the brows were tighter. Locked together - obviously, although they like drinking too much, they don't like to drink, but they drink. And play crazy in front of yourself.

"Bundle these guys and throw them into the cell to wake up!"

A captain's appearance of the guard came out, just looked at the situation in front of him and went straight to the order. Obviously, for him, such a scene is too familiar, and familiar with it, there is no need to think at all. The point of ordering - whoever needs to face three or four times a week. It will become very familiar.

Incidentally, the guard of the guards is worth a class every other day.

However, today's situation is obviously beyond the expectations of the bodyguard captain.

His well-trained men. It was turned down by a group of drunkards. It was not the kind of blow, but the entanglement. It was like a child fighting, falling to the ground and entangled.

Suddenly. The guard's face changed color, and he shouted loudly: "Bastard, are you guys drinking too!"

Remove. In addition to this possibility, the bodyguard captain could not think of other possibilities - and such a thing is not the first time.

In fact, I went to drink on duty. Especially the night shift, almost become the default rule of the Snow Night Fort.

After all, the cold wind of the night snow night castle, that is the real ice cold bones.

As for the enemy attack?

Please, those aliens who were honored by the lord of the sorcerer, who had been honored as early as eight hundred years ago, were driven out of Lorant, and all that remained were specimens, experimental materials or slaves.

And between the various territories is completely banned from infighting, or otherwise discovered by those who are under the guise. It is definitely a dead end.

As for the role of guards?

Of course it is to prevent those beasts and the **** prisoners and robbers who are ignorant of the mountains.

However, even the most powerful prisoners and robbers are absolutely impossible to attack a city with high walls and fortresses; let alone the snow-covered night, the remote and prosperous Lorant.

I am afraid that even the beasts are picky and unwilling to come.

Therefore, the rules of the Snow Night Fort are not strict, even, it can be said to be loose; plus the snowy night Grand Duke seems to have no thoughts in such a place.

Therefore, the entire snow night castle is considered to be very loose.

Not only is the easing between the upper and lower levels, but also the external easing - even some prisoners who have committed less serious crimes can be treated fairly.

Of course, such a thing can't be done, so that the guard of the guard in front has the slightest thought, and he is now filled with anger -

If he is a well-trained man, even a group of drunkards can't beat it? The first one who didn't believe it was him.

Later, between the drunks, he found two guys in military uniforms, and the familiar face was undoubtedly his men.

Obviously, the two soldiers followed the tradition of the Snow Night Fort.

"Asshole, I have to teach you guys!"

The captain of the guards angered toward the two sides who were glued, and behind him, the guards were laughing and laughing, and even a few of them still wanted to participate in it - anyway, they were finally reprimanded by the big public, and then After being abstained from drinking for three days, their benevolent grandfather will never severely punish them.

Although it will be a little uncomfortable to be abstained from alcohol for three days, what is it compared with the excitement in front of you?

As soon as several of the bustling guards stepped forward, they suddenly discovered that the guard captain had been overwhelmed by the ground and was still drunk by a drunkard.

Suddenly, not only these guards, but also the remaining guards.

They absolutely don't believe that their captain will be overwhelmed by a drunkard, then...the eyes of these guards look at the barrels of the drunkard, and everything is obvious.

Subconsciously, these guards glanced at each other and then swarmed.

"Come on, have another drink..."

With such a whisper, Old John was taken out of the crowd by the old Wodra, and it was very smoothly turned into the snow night castle. Old Ward looked at his friend's eyes and looked confused. He couldn’t help but be ready. Snow water splashed on the other's face, and shot again and again: "Wake up, wake up!"


With a hint of drunkenness, Old John reacted after a few seconds. He looked around and surprised: "Hey, we came in!"

"Do you remember what you did before?"

Old Ward stares at his good friend.

"Are we not drinking? Before, at the pub..."

Juggernaut answered his friend with a slight guilty conscience.

"In a nutshell, it has caused everything outside. Is it what you can do? Isn't it a decision to move?" Old Ward shot his forehead and felt the pain of bursting from the temple. He said: "Isn't it enough to be cheated by you? Why should I believe in a drunkard!"

"The result is not bad now! And, I am going to the pub, but you!"

Old John plausibly said something.

"Reassured, I swear I will never do it again!"

Mistakenly estimated the profiteers of the friends' wines, I swear by the pain.

"So, should we go to see the snow-capped grandfather now?"

Old John didn't care about his friend's ‘tough’ appearance. Turning around and looking for the road to the Grand Duke room - this is a more traditional castle, so the room and the dark and damp seem to become the characteristics of the castle, plus the temperature of the frost forest, the cold also joined I got there.

to this end. The old fortification of the old fortified castles could not obscure the chill.

"Go here!"

Standing on a ramp in front of him, the old John just looked at it slightly and chose the direction on the left; the profiteer did not hesitate to follow up - although after drunk, the friend was quite unreliable But once you wake up. Then it is the most reliable companion, no matter where it is, it is extremely reliable.

I have encountered four rampages in succession. When Old John once again turned into a corridor, and this corridor has a slightly luxurious decoration, it undoubtedly shows that the identity of the people living here is noble.

And the six guards on both sides of the corridor are more, explaining everything.

Remove the snowy night. I am afraid that no one can enjoy such treatment.

"One person!"

Old John made a gesture and disappeared into the same place - outside the castle, worried about being found and could not use force, but in this castle, there is no need to worry about it.

Almost at the moment when Old John disappeared, the three guards in the corridor on the left were soft to the ground.

When the old John stood in front of the slightly expensive gate, the profiteer also smiled and walked over. Obviously, the three guards on the right side of the corridor were also caught in a coma.

"There is a warning magic and a trap magic!" The smiling profiteer looked at the door, and said that, at the same time, his fingers swayed slightly. "Okay, everything is solved!"

In the hands of old John, the door opened silently.

However, a shining sword mans appeared in front of the two, and, very quickly, stabbed in the throat of old John.


Although this kind of swordsman is quick, in the face of ordinary people, it will definitely hit a must, but in the face of the old John, the free-lost Lorraine Juggernaut is obviously too far away; almost no effort, Old John clamped the other's sword with two fingers.

And, the slightest effort has taken over.

The people in the room obviously didn't feel like this, and a spell of voice rang like this.

However, neither the old John nor the old Ward did not care, the two Shi Shiran into the room, the old Ward then closed the door, this turned around.

Then, the finger swayed again, and immediately, the spell sounded abruptly.

The owner of the room felt the broken magic, although he wanted to stop it, but no matter how she opened her mouth, a word could not be sent out.

"Reassured, we are not bad people!"

Old Ward said with a smile, but the owner of the room was more vigilant. The other side retreated backwards until the other side of the bed, and took another long sword from the wall. The sword pointed at the old Ward; the latter, immediately raised his hands, indicating that he really did not have the slightest malice, at the same time, his fingers once again pointed, the candle in the room lit up like this.

Bright, flooded in this room.

That occupies about one-third of the bed in this spacious room, showing that it is a bedroom, and the desk and some documents on the side indicate the diligence of the owner, even before the break, do not forget to deal with official duties, and then Coupled with the previous attack, it is able to explain the vigilance and courage of the owner.

Except for the slight difference in strength, everything shows that the other party may be the wind of the next day or one of the Cavaliers!

However, such an idea. When the two saw each other's faces, they were all missing.

"This, this is not, the woman and woman of Ye Qixiaozi..."

The profiteers who have always been eloquent, this time the tongue is knotted.

"shut up!"

A loud reprimand was spoken from the mouth of the owner of the room—obviously, under such extreme surprise, the control of the profiteers failed.

"I am the master of the Snowy Night Principality. The eleventh generation of Snow Night Grand Duke, Lily Pendragon!"

A blond girl in a white pajamas holding a long sword, with a hint of anger in the emerald eyes, looking directly at the two uninvited guests in front - although it is just a fight, but she can be sure. The strength of the other side is quite amazing. The middle-aged man who has Losacao and is still with alcohol is obviously a very powerful swordsman. Although her swordsmanship has not yet been finally recognized, she can only rely on her fingers. The person who caught her sword. Its strength is undoubtedly terrible.

As for the other one?

Although the face looked sly, but before the other party silently lifted the magic of their own arrangement, and let themselves directly lose their voice. Obviously it is not a small role; if you want to do the above, no one can do it except for the extremely respected masters throughout the snowy night.

Usually encounter such an enemy. She needs to be ready to go to war.

Now, there are two...

At the bottom of my heart, there was a trepidation, and without excessive stay, she was expelled. The sword in her hand was more stable, pointing to the two, the firm and stubborn look. Old John couldn't help but frowned.

image! so similar!

It can even be said that, apart from the hair color, the girl in front of her eyes is exactly the same as her lover, especially the firm and stubborn appearance, more like passing through time and space, standing by the female cavalry chief.

Faced with this unexpected situation, Old John subconsciously looked at his good friends, and faced with the old John's inquiry, the profiteers couldn't help but smile bitterly – before entering the Snow Night Fort, old Ward thought of any possibility, success, failure, etc. He thought of it, but he did not expect to encounter such an accident.

"Cough, dear snowy night, we don't have any malice - you should be able to perceive our strength. If we are really malicious, you will not stand here safely!" I don't know how to do it. Dealing with the profiteers, only able to ease the atmosphere first, he said: "You see, not only you are now intact, even your bodyguards, but it is just fainting - of course, the fight under the castle And it won't be serious where to go!"

"In the face of those who fall into my bedroom day and night, any words are pale and weak... Do you think I will believe what you said?" The snowy night with the female cavalry chief has nothing to do with it. As she moved, her eyes patrolled back and forth, and the long sword was getting tighter and tighter, apparently looking for a direction from the old John or the profiteer.

As for crying for help?

Not to mention whether the guards can deal with the two people in front of them, just the following chaos is enough to make her guards have no fighting power.

"If I am safe this time, I must let them go to the prison to stop drinking!"

In the snowy night, Dagong secretly vowed in his heart.

"I think facts speak louder than words!"

The profiteer said while squinting at his friends. The tacit understanding that had been formed for decades made Old John understand what his friends wanted to do. Immediately, a flash appeared in front of the snowy night. I took the other's long sword and put the sword on the other's neck before the other party yelled.

When Old John completed all of this, the profiteers also carried the six fainted guards into the room.

"Look, we are telling the truth!"

The profiteer shrugged his shoulders and said.

"What do you want to do?"

Snowy night, Dagong looked at the fainted guards on the ground, and the long sword between his neck, the voice of low voice - the other party is stronger than she estimated, even powerful, so that even if it is placed in the king It will also become a fairly famous swordsman, not to mention her lonely snow-free country.

And if you can be a partner with such a swordsman, then the other party...

The subconscious snowy night looked at the profiteers, and the latter immediately showed a smile and expressed his kindness.

but. This does not make the Snowy Nights relax, but, the same, the Snowy Nights understand that it seems that they cannot pose any danger to these two uninvited guests, even if the respected masters come together. No, the speed of the middle-aged swordsman. Already explained everything.

To this end, the snow night Dagong had to re-select.

However, in order to show that this is not her own compromise, she once again said: "If it is a threat to my subjects and trample on my honor, you do not have to speak. Even if you die, I will not compromise with you!"

"No, no, how can we do something like this?" The profiteer said again and again, "We originally wanted to ask you about the whereabouts of two people, but now..."

"What happened now?"

Asked the grandfather of the snow night.

"Now there is a little accident. Very small accidents... So, my friends and I want to discuss it!"

Said, the profiteer went out of the room like this. Old John also put the sword on the side and flashed out of the room.

“What is going on here?” The profiteer glared at his own swelled temple, saying with a slight sigh, “Why would I feel so weird!”

"I am the same!" Old John nodded. I agree with my friends and then ask again: "What should we do now?"

"The wind of the next day and the whereabouts of the Cavaliers, I think we can't find out - this is the same snowy night with Els, I can't do it anymore... If your baby apprentice knows I put a peace If the girl whose lover is exactly the same becomes an idiot, it is estimated that he can really cut the knife and cut me!"

The words of the profiteers are full of helplessness.

"therefore we……"

After nodding again. Old John, who knows his temperament of his disciples, looked at his friends.

“So, we have to borrow some food and clothes for the guys behind us!”

The profiteer immediately excused.

Waiting is torment, this sentence can not be understood for the former Lily Pandragun - because the busy snowy night of the day can not stop, let alone wait for someone.

Therefore, when she first tasted such a taste, the frowning brow and the breath that was so short because of the restlessness seemed to prove the correctness of the sentence - for the speculation of the two uninvited guests, she There have been some eyebrows, and it is because of this kind of eyebrow that she is more and more anxious.

After all, according to rumors, the other party should be the murderous executioner.

Although, as a grandfather, Lily Pendragon does not really hear the rumors, but the same she should be cautious, will not let her ignore such rumors.

Therefore, standing in his bedroom, the snowy night, the public quickly started the brain, in order to figure out how to deal with each other.

However, this kind of purposeless thinking is obviously useless. At the very least, after John and the profiteer returned to the room, she still had no choice. When faced with absolute strength, the function of the ingenuity was always The limit is pulled low.

"We need a coat of 1,000 people and enough food for three months!"

After returning to the room, the profiteer converges on his own smile, said the right color.

"that's it?"

In the snowy night, I was stunned by the old John and the profiteers. After guessing the identity of the other two, this request was simply what she expected, and the remaining ones she could not anticipate. It was her previous thoughts.

"Of course, if you are willing to give more to the Grand Duke, we will never mind!"

The profiteer once again restored the smile.

"You are not kidding?"

The snowy night of the Grand Duke glanced at the two, and finally, looked at the old John's body - apparently, in the snowy night, the silent, determined swordsman is more worthy of believing.

"No, this is our request!"

Old John nodded.

"it is good!"

The snowy night, the straight path promised - this result has already exceeded her expectations, can simply solve this matter, and did not hurt any of her concessions, this for Lily Pendragon It is really a good thing; but, the same, the Dagong does not intend to do so for the end of the transaction.

At the very least, you can't be a prisoner.

"Everything you need, I will be ready for you in one day... But. You said before, I want to find two people here..." Snowy Night glanced at the two men and asked slowly: "I can ask, who are they?"

"It is definitely not you anyway!"

The profiteer obviously knew the plan of the snowy night, and immediately screamed with no anger: "A little girl will marry sooner or later, don't be so competitive!"

This kind of snoring has not been concealed. Therefore, the snowy night heard clearly; but, when the female grandfather wanted to refute, the old John had pulled up the profiteer and disappeared into the room, leaving only the clear words. ——

"Tomorrow is at sunset. At the valley of the 30-mile snow castle outside, you can put things there!"

"My promise will never expire!"

Faced with this kind of embarrassment that seems to be unbelievable and deliberate, the snowy night snorted, but the next moment she thought about it: "Who are the people they are looking for?"


When Ye Qi walked back to his own bar, the demon hunters waved to him. Or simply lifted the glass, especially the one that he first met in Langeburg. He shouted at the taller barrel of the half-man, shouting to him: "To make a cup for our Shaker Dragon." !"


"I think I should put you on the unpopular list - you have owed me about 954 Kimpton now!" Ye Qi picked up the books handed by the black market merchants and turned over. After a while. Against the heroic hunter of Hillier, he said with no anger.

"Hey, has it been so much?"

Hillier scratched his head and then. I took a shot of my own knives and laughed: "There are more bites, I will pay off, it will be a little longer! Everyone said, isn't it?"

"Yes, that's right!"

In a series of echoes, a louder laughter sounded.

Look at the hilarious hunting devil. Ye Qi turned and handed the book to the black market businessman, whispered: "Adding the guy's credit amount to ten points, the interest rate is two more points!"


The black market businessman's eyes lit up, and immediately, he took out the pen and wrote it on it.

Then, looking at the demon hunters who were still drinking in the bar, the black market businessman immediately saw the devotion of the gods with the believers and asked: "Do you still need alcohol?"

"of course!"

The hunter of the Bay Area headed by Hillel immediately shouted.

The black market businessman, immediately, moved out of several barrels, directed the singer and Tiger to carry the past - the two young men looked at the drunk guys with pity.

Obviously, they are still selling money.

After all, what are the contents of these barrels before, they are clear – the price of selling water out of the wine, and still more than several times the price, they are really pitiful.

However, what does this matter for them?

To know that their pocket money has always been linked to the turnover of the bar, therefore, such a sad attitude, the next moment is gone, the smiles of the two young people have begun to become pious, and repeatedly asked: " Do you still need drinks? We have a good wine from the Northder family!"

"God and Tiger have done a good job!"

The black market businessman who left the bar and walked with Ye Qi to the ground, smiled and said.

"Are you with a broken young man, always a sense of accomplishment?"

Ye Qi rolled his eyes and continued to walk.

"I just let them recognize the reality and cruelty of this society - not to mention Their travel, don't you need Kimpton? I give them a chance!"

The black market businessman smiled and answered the plausible words.

"Well, I thank you for your guidance to young people. Now, can we go and see our captives? I hope you have a place where they can learn in this respect too!"

Ye Qi said as he walked, and the black market businessman who had just provoked the words, immediately, bitter face and did not speak - obviously, he did not complete what he had previously called ‘everything to me, can get it! 'Promise of.

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