Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 44: Return to the bridge on the other side

"Thank you!"

When Ye Qi returned to the wooden house again, the former head of the Holy Knights once again thanked Ye Qi.

"Let them leave, not a good choice!"

Ye Qi shrugged and accepted such a acknowledgment, and reminded the head of the original Sacred Knights - if it was not the other party's block, Ye Qi would never let the previous few people leave safely, whether it was the Holy See or not. The bishop, or the dark mercenaries who are essentially villains, must pay the price they deserve.

Fairness is relative, but the bottom line is certain.

Ye Qijian believes in this belief.

Of course, what's more important is that after the other party leaves, the troubles will be much more than the troubles caused by their disappearance; after all, after entering the frost forest area, more than one or two people will disappear. Even if the reaction is not correct, there will be enough time to prepare when searching again, whether it is to escape or to engage in war.

And now?

Ye Qi can be sure that at most, before tomorrow's sunset, there will be a large number of black dogs from the Holy See who will gather here. Once the identity of the former head of the Holy Knights is confirmed, then more people who belong to the Holy See are better. The swarming, the news from the Archbishop of House, made Ye Qi understand that Iyeta was bound to be the head of the original Sacred Knights.

Therefore, Ye Qi sent a sincere invitation -

"A large number of people belonging to the Holy See are coming, you are not willing to hurt them, but they are unscrupulous - you choose to hide, then I can provide you with a better place!"

"The bridge on the other side?"

The former head of the Holy Knights immediately guessed.

"Yes... is it better than you are alone here?"

Ye Qi said with a nod.

"Thank you, but... I have a reason not to be able to leave!"

Said the head of the original Holy Knights.

"I can't say the same?"

Ye Qi asked.


The former head of the Holy Knights nodded with a smile.

"Well, then you always need reinforcements?"

After Ye Qi turned a blind eye, he asked again.

"I want to solve it alone!"

The former head of the Holy Knights said very positively.

Facing such a stubborn opponent, Ye Qi is completely speechless—in the face of a person who needs help but is stubborn, even a good lobbyist is speechless. Because, no matter what you say, the other party is still choosing the one that he thinks is correct.

obviously. The former head of the Holy Knights in front of him is such a person.

However, the same. Ye Qi is also a rather stubborn character - although he will not persuade the other party again, but will do what he wants.

Of course, these words, Ye Qi is definitely not in the presence of the former commander of the Holy Knights.

"You want to stay here?"

Ye Qi transferred the topic and asked the other party's next arrangement.

"No, I will go deep into the frost forest!"

The former head of the Holy Knights shook his head and replied.

"You know. This passive hiding can't change anything!"

Ye Qi frowned slightly - although he had been inspecting the whereabouts of the other party in order to help him at a crucial moment, but the other way of doing this is not. Obviously, it is very inconsistent with the current situation; after all, the frost forest area is not the Hailin District, and even one-thirtieth of the Hailin District does not, and its biggest feature is the cold.

There are no beasts, dark creatures, and special plants. And after that vast area, it’s not too difficult to search the entire frosty area, especially when faced with the Holy See’s lack of manpower, as long as there are enough people, most Three weeks to four weeks. The entire frost forest area can be thoroughly searched.

After that, the opponent who had been chased for many days could only fight with the people of the Holy See.

However, in the idea that the other party is not willing to fight with the people of the Holy See, in Ye Qi, once the entire process of searching is completed, then the head of the original Sacred Knights has completely fallen into the passive beating.

Although the former head of the Holy Knights will be merciful, the people of the Holy See will not be there - with the order of the new pope, Ieta, plus the traitor of the former Holy Knights. 'The identity of these people in the Holy See will only face the former head of the Holy Knights with a crazy attitude.

The almost one-sided scene, Ye Qi only needs to think about it, there is only a weak sigh.

Stronger people, facing the endless offensive, only know how to defend and not attack, it is definitely the end of the fiasco, the only difference is only the length of time.

"I am sure!"

The head of the original Sacred Knights looked at Ye Qi’s expression as if he knew Ye Qi’s thoughts and immediately smiled heartily.

"I don't want to hear the news that someone was sent to the firearm!"

With such a sigh, Ye Qi stood up and bid farewell to the other side - he had already gotten the key pieces of the Doomsday and he had to get back to the bridge on the other side as soon as possible, looking for a useless piece of debris to open the so-called ' The gods of the twilight', look for the statue of his companion who may exist.

In the same way, he needs some manpower to help the former head of the Holy Knights.

Both the former and the latter need to be faster.

"Do not worry, no!"

The former head of the Holy Knights stood up and sent Ye Qi to the outside of the wooden house. He watched that Ye Qi, who was riding Groning, disappeared into the air completely, and then turned back to the wooden house.

"Ye, I am sorry... But, my father's last wish, I want to do it by myself!"

Looking at the burning bonfire, the former head of the Holy Knights silently said to himself.


Ye Qi went all the way to the west of the frost forest area, and did not enter the dry forest area, but went straight into the depths of the Huangsha area and entered the town on the other side.

"The Shack Dragon!"

In the town guards on the other side of the line, Ye Qi took Gronin into the transmission array, and when the light dispersed, he appeared in the bridge on the other side; watching Ye Qi appearing in front of him . As a squadron of the transmission line guard, he immediately bowed his head and did not dare to look directly at Ye Qi.

And then. When Ye Qi went to the station of the original spring water city, most of the bridges on the other side were on the peak. It’s all like this – obviously, after a while in the past, Ye Qi’s power is still in the hearts of these people; of course, the reason is that Ye Qi’s breakthrough in Lorant’s The news is undoubtedly also here.


Quanshui City is in front of the station. The little man smiled and welcomed his good friend - before entering the bridge on the other side, Ye Qi had already let the shadow knight who stayed in the bridge on the other side to inform.

However, I did not see the big man and Ava.

"Dallan and Ava?"

Ye Qi walked toward the inside of Quanshui City and asked naturally.

"Ava is making potions. Dallan went to help... Hey, the rich resources of the bridge on the other side far exceed our imagination - those things that disappeared in the wizarding dynasty, there are many here!" The little man replied, tone Then I was quite excited. "Do you know? When I saw the falling moon grass (a very effective raw material for detoxification), I almost couldn't believe my eyes. After all, these things are in the wizard. The price of the last plant in the city also requires two standard grades of magic crystal, but in front of my eyes, it is endless!"

“It seems that our harvest is great!”

Ye Qi smiled and looked at the excited appearance of his friends.

"Well. It's very big - all kinds of rare materials, enough to make anyone crazy!" The little man nodded his head, and the excitement on his face could not be blocked. "I seem to have seen countless golden glitters." Don't fly to us... Hey, or magic crystal!"

"If I can, I still like these rare materials to escape those Kimpton and magic crystals!"

Ye Qi said with a shoulder.

“Yes, yes, these rare materials are the most valuable, they are priceless and market-free!”

The next moment, the little man reacted and nodded.

"How many magic crystals do we have now, have you counted them out?"

Because of the existence of the astrology, Ye Qi is now most concerned about the stock of magic crystal.

"The standard level of magic crystal is almost countless, and the standard high-level magic crystal is more than 100,000 - there are still some places that have not been completely cleaned up, otherwise this number will only increase again!"

The little one explained in detail.

"More than 100,000 standard high magic crystals?"

Ye Qi took a sigh of relief when he heard the number reported by his friend.

“Do we need these now?”

The little man looked at Ye Qi with doubts.

"I need it very much, you will not forget the reason why I left the bridge on the other side this time?"

Ye Qi asked, and then, to see the little man's expression, immediately, the accurate information obtained by the old wizard, and the existence of the astrology were all informed to the friend.

"Use once, a thousand standard high magic crystals? Isn't this 40 million Kimpton?"

After listening to the little man, he was stunned. Looking at Ye Qi’s look was a bit sloppy. Obviously he was confirming to Ye Qi whether it was true.

"Well, that's right, just like you calculated!"

Ye Qi nodded and affirmed the idea of ​​a friend.

“Before, I also thought that we were already rich and embarrassing, but now it seems that it is just like a mirror. The high standard magic crystal of more than 100,000 is just a hundred times the cost of using astrology... Coupled with the odds of finding those facets and half-planes, I think we are far from accurate enough!"

The little man looked at Ye Qi with a smile.

“Yes, so when Lord Lundl comes, we should have more preparations!”

Ye Qi nodded.

"It seems that the speed of statistics has accelerated, I hope to have more gains!"

The little man stunned his forehead, and then, as if he had thought of something, smiled and said: "Congratulations, how is the feeling of immortality?"

"feeling good!"

Ye Qi shrugged and said, and explained in detail what he could confirm - the power of the stars.

"The power of the stars requires special induction?"

Some little people don't understand.

"Well, and it's quite a sensory ability to do it - at least to the point of similar applications. For example, if you see the sun, you feel the fire. You have to use the fire!"

Ye Qi nodded very positively and gave a simple example.

"So? I think I can't do it!"

The little man raised his hand. The transparent silk thread spread out from the palm of your hand, like a water grass at the bottom of the water, slowly swimming.

"I chose the 'Warrior Road', and the road to immortality, and the 'Witch Road'... I think you are very suitable for this road!" Ye Qi looked at the special silk thread and said seriously: " Just develop the ability you choose to the limit, and I don't think it's so difficult for you!"

"This is of course!"

Listen to the encouragement in Ye Qi's discourse. The little man immediately laughed; then, the straightforward proposal: "Let's go to Darlan and Ava? I think we need a good party once!"

"Party, of course I don't object, but I can't do it now - I still have some things to do!"

Ye Qi has no choice but to spread his hands.

"You also have things? Why do I always feel that I am alone?"

The little man glimpsed and said awkwardly.

"Of course you will not be idle, whether it is to count the task of 'inventory', or..."

Said, Ye Qi will be the head of the original Holy Knights. Simply tell it again.

"give it to me!"

The little man said this, and then, when he couldn’t wait, he left the station of Quanshuicheng. Obviously, the task of continuously serving as a treasury, Datong had already been bored; if not for no suitable reason. It’s already a long time ago; now, supporting the former head of the Holy Knights is certainly a good reason.

And just after the little man left, Ye Qi was also preparing to go to the hustle and bustle of the meditation area. The swordsman held a pile of sheepskin rolls and walked over to him.

"Adult, this is the document you should check and sign now!"

At this time, the swordsman had already recovered the appearance of a slightly cold look when he first met. Although the clothes and the body were cleaned, the clothes were still slightly broken.

"what are these?"

Ye Qi looked at the sheepskin rolls on the table, which was higher than him.

"On the reform of the bridge on the other side, we must re-plan and build, and ... the opinions of the residents living on the other side of the bridge!"

The swordsman said slowly.

“The opinions of the residents living on the other side of the bridge?”

Ye Qi repeatedly asked again - for the reform of the bridge on the other side, it is necessary to re-plan and build it. Even if it is to prepare for the future migration, the first two are also prompted to plan, but for the end One, Ye Qi's brow dispels a wrinkle.

He never knew when the 'residents' of the bridge on the other side would have such a bright master.

Under the rule of the former pope, these 'residents' have always been obedient, and even a superfluous word can't say it.

"What are those opinions?"

With the thought of the bottom of my heart, Ye Qi asked.

The swordsman quickly separated the opinions of those belonging to the 'residents' - occupying about half of the total number of sheepskin rolls.

Ye Qi straightly picked up the top one and showed it up; there were not many things written on it, only a simple one: abolish the original duel rules.

In this regard, Ye Qi is not okay.

This rule, which was once left by the Pope, has already had his mind abolished; otherwise, it will be chaotic until the ordinary people enter the bridge on the other side.

Darkly nodded, and Ye Qi took the second sheepskin roll and frowned immediately.

Dear Shake Dragon, the other party begins with this, telling a story that makes Ye Qi sneer, simply summing up a sentence, they need more resources, resident, and because of this, Support Ye Qi's rule over the bridge on the other side.

And then the third, fourth...

Until the last one, more than half of them are such requirements.

"Do you know who is the head?"

Ye Qi leaned back in the chair and looked at the swordsman as a disciple of 'The Extreme Blade' Hotrell. He had a very famous opponent on the other side of the bridge. It is impossible to not know such a thing, and Even if they don't know, those sponsors will invite her.

As for why it is confirmed that there is an initiator?

If there is no real leader, then these people will definitely not make such a request together.

Similarly, the so-called 'residents' of the bridges on the other side of the bridge seem to have not recognized the reality.

"Or, what do you think I will do with these things?"

Looking at the silent swordsman, Ye Qi asked again.

"Please give me some time, I will handle these things well!"

The swordsman said this.

"There is only one chance. If you fail, I will shoot it myself!"

After Ye Qi finished speaking, he waved his hand at the swordsman, and then he looked down and thought.

Looking at the thinking of Ye Qi, the swordsman slowly withdrew from the small hall, and then, quickly walked toward the fountain of the city destined to go ~ Lord Glotel! ”

A Japanese glory was waiting under the stairs of Quanshuicheng. Looking at the swordsman who came out, he immediately greeted him and respectfully performed a ceremony.

"How do you say that?"

This day's glory was in the ceremony, and after standing straight, he asked carefully.

First more ~~~ Timing~~~

This is the first, and the second, if it is 11 o'clock in the evening or later, it will be late... At 3:30 in the middle of the night, I didn’t get the 10,000 words today, just half... ...

Originally said, when I was asleep, I got up early; as a result, I blinked at eleven o'clock. Today, although the weekend, but decadent things are still one after another... So, quickly climb up and clean up For a moment, go to work first...

The second chapter comes back at night and gets it again!

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