Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 62: Field of the sun

The five glory levels belonging to the bridge on the other side are sitting in the eccentric hall of Quanshuicheng. They look at each other and smile, but this does not hide their respective uneasiness - at dinner time yesterday, they Received a notice from Glottel, let them come here to 'collect'.

For this so-called 'collection', the five Japanese glory levels simply don't know what it is, and what happened to the bridge on the other side in the recent period, their inner shackles are enough to make them restless; therefore, even between each other I don't know how to say hello as usual.

"Each of them are inclined to stay on the other side of the bridge, they are not willing to leave, and they have their own families, but because they have taken into account the original regulations, there is no child's daylight level; their character deserves our peace of mind, and loyalty requires A longer test... they are the ones that match your choice!"

The swordsman stood by Ye Qi and took a deep breath, giving the final answer.

Ye Qi is sitting in the secret room of the eccentric hall - Quanshui City is not lacking such a secret room. The Huck is obviously a very favorite to spy on other people's existence. After Ye Qi took over the bridge across the other side, Quanshui City found him. The organization with the most rooms, even some bedrooms have similar secret rooms.

However, after holding the happiness of Huck, Ye Qi can now show up the people he is about to choose. Yes, the five people in the eccentric hall are selected by Ye Qi, and they are managed by the swordsman. The assistant of the bridge on the other side; in fact, the number of people he originally selected was several times that of the moment, but after being screened by the swordsman. Only the five now are left.

Those who have the ability but are unruly are excluded from the first time - although Ye Qi gives these people opportunities. But they did not pass the test given by the swordsman, or simply chose to give up... the unruly person, it is too normal to speak out, isn't it?

What was then ruled out were those who were superficially obedient, but still secretly dissatisfied, or guilty of speculation - the elimination of these people took a long time for the swordsman, and even the test of this choice of assistants was around Set how to exclude these people.

after that. Among the remaining people, the Swordsman once again ruled out.

After excluding those who are either unsociable or incapable, the rest are the five.

"Show me this gentleman!"

Ye Qi’s gaze patrolled, and then, casually pointed out one of them.

"Sangtang. From the other side of the town, there is a wife who is also from the other side of the town - his talent is not high, but in order to complete his father's wishes, he surpassed others and with his wife on the other side of the bridge Meet each other, at the floating platform in the D1 area. Have a happy family!"

The swordsman introduced.

After Ye Qi took over the bridge on the other side, for the convenience of identification, the bridge across the other side was removed from the floating platform outside the central square and the blood alliance tower, and was divided into five major regions of aBcDe, and then. According to the specific situation, we began to differentiate the cells in it. This kind of division is not divided into other components, which are completely divided by the direction and the degree of floating platform.

"These five gentlemen have a similar situation - they love their wives, families, and they all want to have children, but they hesitate because the bridge on the other side was originally able to enter the rules of the day." In fact... most of the families on the other side of the bridge are like this!"

The swordsman then added, added.

"Well, they are initially qualified. Then, they need further tests. Have you arranged?"

Ye Qi nodded and did not look directly at the swordsman, so he asked.

"They will get a task of temporarily leaving the bridge on the other side in a while, and then there will be some accidents - these accidents are enough to test everything in their hearts!"

The swordsman said that he handed a folder to Ye Qi.

"give it to you!"

After a brief review, Ye Qi agreed to such a test - sudden attack, captive torture, such a test of the person's means, although somewhat old, but absolutely has its extraordinary; without any special ability Ye Qi is not able to come up with a better way.


The swordsman squatted and turned away from the secret room and appeared in the partial hall.

After that, the swordsman and the five Japanese-level talks, Ye Qi did not have much interest, he was already bored with the formulaic conversation, not to mention that under normal circumstances, he did not have that kind of I will look at the bad interests of others, especially those that are in his grasp.

After leaving the secret room, Ye Qi returned to the room belonging to him in the spring water city, took out the Pandora's box from the [Advanced Dimensional Bag], and slowly opened it - not only with those immortal keys, but also with several pieces. The sacristy found in the bridge on the other side.

Obviously, Ye Qi has found another role for Pandora's box to remove the hidden breath - to load the sacristy and bring it into the [high-order pocket]; to know that because of the particularity of the saint, it cannot be loaded at all. [Dimensional Bag] and [Advanced Dimensional Bag] can only be carried with you.

Moreover, not only that, with the loading of the sacristy, Ye Qi also discovered another use of the Pandora's box - the extended space, the seemingly less inside of the box, but with a similar space folding way, a foot There are adult high-handed giant swords that can be easily placed in them and do not occupy any place.

Undoubtedly, Pandora's box has an interior space that is beyond the imagination of Ye Qi.

And until now, Ye Qi has not tested how big this space is - because of the lack of testing items!

Except for the 'immortal key', the Pandora's box, it was impossible to load other items. Ye Qi tried to put a common weapon into it, but it was resisted, even if it should be inserted into it. Will be 'spit' after a while, whether it is 'immortal key' or 'saint'. It's not so easy to get, so. Until now, Ye Qi still did not test the internal space of Pandora's box.

Now, of course, Ye Qi is not trying to test the size of Pandora's box. He has picked up the immortal key belonging to the Sun King. The perception of [nameless skill] quickly penetrates into it and feels the mystery. This should have been The thing that was done long ago was started three days later.

Naturally because of his contractual companion's additions and modifications to the wizard's Osto notes—although Osto had considerable power and wisdom, but guessed out of nowhere. There is still quite a paradox, and Ye Qi, who lacks experience, can't tell, but the wolf can not lack experience.

As one of the ‘necessary’ compensations, the blame wolf offered to make up for and modify the technique for Ye Qi.

In this regard, Ye Qi is naturally very happy.

In the same way, the strange wolf Ye Qing did not disappoint Ye Qi, not only to make up and modify such skills on the basis of the original. It is also integrated into the special skills of Ye Qina: [nameless skills] - according to the wolf, although it will take some effort, but the harvest can avoid the biggest consumption, and let ' The residual power in the immortal key is kept at maximum integrity.

Simply put, reduce unnecessary waste. Let Osto put forward the idea of ​​extracting the part of ‘immortal key’ that tends to be part of itself.


The golden light was filled with Ye Qi’s line of sight in a flash. When Ye Qi’s eyes were adapted to the golden light, even if it was known that everything in front of him was an illusion, it was still shocked – a huge temple like a pyramid. Standing in the air. It radiates soft, warm light, just like the sun; millions of tens of millions of believers kneel on the ground. A dense piece of it, at first glance, is the devout back and the voice of prayer.

"Is this the plane where the Sun King used to be?"

Ye Qi looked at the costume that was completely different from Lorante, listening to the words of other civilizations, silently thinking.

Just like an immersive movie, Ye Qi looked at the temple that belongs to the Sun King, from the eclipse to the rise across the entire plane, and the collapse of the building after an expedition, the most devout Believers have turned into a flame of faith and dedicated everything to the Sun King.

However, more believers were plundered by other gods earlier.

The war between God and God is undoubtedly cruel.

Cruelty is coming, not that you are dead or that I am dead!

From the beginning of the believer, to the priest, to the temple itself, after being burned by the war, only the ashes were left; and the high-ranking Sun King was just lucky to escape.

The reason why I was lucky to escape was because this escape was just the beginning of a bigger disaster - watching the golden figure, the wings, and watching Ye Qi, who was watching everything, upturned; even though his The contract companion always tells his own past, just like the old man's usual memories, but when the other party is really as strong as the other person said.

At least, the Sun King was suppressed by death.

The war between the two suns in the sky was only less than a day, and it was the curtain. His contract companion was the ultimate winner. After picking the spoils, he threw the Sun King at dusk. In the land, regardless of it; and the gesture that seems to be littering, it suffered the curse of the Sun King.

In the face of such a curse, his contract companion gave the other person a slap in the face, and everything became clean.

After that, it was the Sun King’s battle and recovery in the dusk of the gods. It was very boring; however, Ye Qi was quite eager to see it – he found that the other side had quite weak melee skills, the golden bend The knife is far more powerful than he has seen.

However, it is clear that some situations have also noticed such a situation.

A bright figure appeared again in front of the Sun King and plundered this ability!


Ye Qi looked at the bright figure and couldn't help but sneer—when his contract companion had fought the Sun King, this represented the existence of light, but it was far away, even appeared. I dare not appear, but now I am willing to go out and search for the gesture of the spoils. It really made him feel what the so-called 'brightness' really represents.

After that, the Sun King fell into a considerable embarrassment. The ability was largely deprived, making it bleak throughout the battlefield, only able to sneak on the edge and stealing; until the real battle of the gods broke out, the Sun King slowly recovered its power. It was plundered by the generality, and it began a similar approach. Although it was unfamiliar, the effect went well; at the very least, after the battle of the gods came to an end. Its strength has recovered more than half, and it occupies the top of the twilight of the gods.

Until he appeared.

When the knives fell, the whole illusion came to an abrupt end, and Ye Qi returned to his room again -

[Discover known energy rules...]

[The body of the sun meets the known energy rules...]

[full attribute +1]

[Get special expertise: the field of the sun]

[The field of the sun: where the light shines, it is your field; effect: You turn the sunlight and positive energy within ten feet around you into your field, in your field, every attack of you Both will increase by 100%; the attack you are subjected to. Will be weakened by 100% (not real damage); acquired characteristics: Sun Jin Yu, Li Yang, brilliant. 】

[Sun Golden Feather: absorbs sunlight in the field, positive energy is 1 to 1000 golden arrows to attack the enemy (the arrow will not weaken because of the number of digits, each one is equivalent to 15% of your attack power) With the characteristics of the sun's fire, when hit by two or more arrows, it is considered to trigger the Sun Jinyan); Front: the other party has touched and entered your field; Sun Jinyu ignores water and chill , ice and other environments; for negative energy, causing 400% damage]

[Glory, brilliant features already exist... Yes/No fusion characteristics? 】


Ye Qi did not think about it and chose a positive answer.

[Liangyang: After bathing in the sun for 6 hours. You will receive a special shield made up of sunlight to protect yourself from a critical strike and counteract 50% of their true damage (must be in the sun, positive energy environment); Cooldown: 18 hours 】

[Glory: 1. After completing the two recharges of Sun Jinyan (effective technique twice Sun Jinyan characteristics), this effect will be obtained; restore 18% of physical strength and energy. And heal two levels of moderate injury (that is, a severe injury becomes a minor injury or directly healed); 2, after inducing the characteristics of the strong sun. Will get even further results; restore 40% of their physical strength, energy, and cure a fatal injury; and the friendly forces standing within 150 yards of your circumference, will get 60% effect. 】

“Is this the field?”

Ye Qi scans the effects of the fusion of features, and then his eyes are directly placed on the special expertise called [the field of the sun], it is clear that those characteristics illustrate the significance of this feat itself, not to mention its own In the name, the word 'domain' is taken.

It’s just a very simple question that appears in front of Ye Qi – is he now choosing the 'Warrior Road' or the 'Witcher's Way' or both?

Of course, for the increase in attributes, the strength of the specialty, Ye Qi is very satisfied, even if this is what he expected.

The golden light shrouded in the radius of ten feet, Ye Qi's figure was hidden in the gold, and a very special feeling came to the heart of Ye Qi: control, a thorough understanding of the control!

Unlike the perception, or the feeling of [blind bucket perception], Ye Qi at the moment can clearly see everything within a radius of ten feet, whether it is front, back, left or right, or above the head and feet. Very subtle feeling, Ye Qi slightly closed his eyes and felt it all.

In the same way, he once again recalls the appearance of the Sun King fighting with his contractual companions - they not only have an advanced level of the field: the Kingdom of God, there seems to be a body similar to the body of the stars, and whether it is melee, It is also a technique for far attack; it seems that those so-called gods did not separate the 'Warrior's Way' or the 'Witch's Way'.

Naturally, for such doubts, Ye Qi asked straight to the contractual companions of the heart -

"That is of course!" The wolf naturally said, "The so-called 'Warrior's Road' and 'Witcher's Road' are just the boundaries that you humans have divided themselves. There is no relationship with us... We value Is it your own path, the power that extends out and the application of these forces, as for others?"

Speaking of this, the wolf does not care, pouting, and then continue to say: "What do we do?"

"But you didn't say it before, the extension limit of the choice of 'Warrior's Road' and 'Witch's Road' is immortal..."

Ye Qi frowned.

"But, I didn't say that immortality is a god!"

The strange wolf blinked and revealed a sly smile.

"You are deliberately misleading!"

Ye Qi wrinkled his brow, the lock was tighter.

"I didn't mislead you, but you are misleading yourself. What's more, this situation is really very suitable for you humans... Of course, your monster-like guy is not applicable!" Speaking of it, but what he thought of when he talked about it, his face suddenly became strange; it asked his contractor: "Do you not feel strange or uncomfortable now?"

"Of course there is no I feel great!"

Ye Qi answered truthfully, and then, it was a cold cry. "I think we need to talk about something. At least, you should mislead what you call 'not deliberately', explain it to me, and some of them are misleading. I have 'something!'

Ye Qi bite the pronunciation of several of the words, but the wolf is laughing.

Ps was just returned, and it was a night without sleep... This chapter is also coded out when I eat at noon...

The bitterness of hard work seeks a genuine subscription, reward and monthly ticket before going to bed~~

Thanks to the unnamed Heavenly Road, the 1888 starting point of the reward, the wave of the prodigal son of the four seas, the 200 starting point of the reward, sdicsn, nxcx, the loss of the heart of the 100 hearts of the starting point ~~~ decadent again thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~ ~~(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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