Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 83: Fixed ‘astrometer’

Ye Qi never thought that he would repair the alchemy instrument in front of him in the most traditional way of wizarding. He was only a spectator. He was immediately invited after the old wizard discovered a good alchemy talent. Ye Qi certainly has no objection.

Although the expert level of [alchemy] is only good in the eyes of the old wizard, but in the eyes of other gray robe wizards is quite good, after all, except for Vails, Rothian and Steinden, Weston, Lutz, etc. A few gray robe wizards, the remaining gray robe wizard is a little stronger than Ye Qi.

As for those superior wizards?

It is far from the standard of Ye Qi in front.

"Really a very good talent, is the dragon a great talent?"

This is the admiration of several old wizards such as Steinden, especially when they face the learning speed of the topaz, this sigh is undoubtedly a sigh - for the Huangyu dragon to ask for alchemy The wizards did not hesitate and agreed to it with great pleasure.

However, the speed of learning of the topaz is really amazing to them.

In less than a week, the level of apprenticeship to the formal wizard was completed, and it was surprising where it was placed. Of course, it also made it easier for them to accept Ye Qi’s ‘genius’ theory.

Of course, as the party's Ye Qi, but know what is going on.

However, with such a cover, Ye Qi certainly can't say anything more, just in the face of others' praise, involuntarily shrugging his shoulders.

In this regard, the wizards are only doing the modesty of Ye Qi.

And every time the Huangyu Dragons saw Ye Qi’s shrug, they would cry out with resentment. then. Study alchemy in a more engaged state.

She wants to prove herself to the genius of the guy who hates her!

That's right. This is the most authentic idea of ​​the Huangyu Dragons - although it seems very ridiculous in others.


A crystal of only one-third the size of the fingernail's fingernail was placed in the liquid in front of it. Immediately, a burst of red iron was thrown into the cold spring water, and the sound was long. Ye Qi of the scorpion is staring at the crystal change in the round neck flask in front of him.

When it was slightly bright, Ye Qimeng raised his hand and took it out of the round neck flask with a long braid. Put it into another long-necked flask, and after finishing all this, Ye Qi took a long breath, and subconsciously wiped the sweat that did not exist on the forehead.

"well done!"

Lundl, the old wizard, kept watching everything and saw the whole process of Ye Qi soaking the crystal. He smiled and nodded and expressed his appreciation.

"It has failed twice. If it appears again for the third time, I think I will blush!"

Ye Qike did not readily accept such appreciation. It’s just a smile that looks at the old wizard – in fact, Ye Qiyuan is much more nervous than the one shown.

after all. At the beginning of his exposure to this 'work', he did not take it as one thing - with his current immortal level of strength, the control of the body has already reached an unimaginable level of ordinary people, therefore, Ye Qi I don't think I will fail after I know the change in the reaction.

Obviously, Ye Qi forgot the experience.

Even if you know all the reaction changes in it, when everything really happens, you will never let you have more advantages because of your knowledge, or even a little more nervous - Ye Qi’s first time. The failure, that is, when he saw the crystal fragments lit up, he subconsciously thought of light, and then the crystal fragments were extinguished like this.

It’s fleeting.

Although Ye Qi swears that he can smash dozens of knives in this fleeting time, he can't let the crystal fragments in his hand enter another long-necked flask - naturally, this is for Ye Qi. It is a big blow, especially when there is a survivor of the topaz, such a person who will not be left behind by Ye Qi.

"Do you know blushing? Hey!"

With such a snoring, the topaz of the Huangyu Dragon quickly put the same crystal fragments into the long-necked flask. For this process of testing eyesight and hand speed, I just stepped into the door of alchemy. The legendary topaz dragon is naturally the first choice; it is worth mentioning that the topaz did not fail once.

"The success of alchemy has failed, and there is no direct relationship with the strength of its own strength!"

The old wizard was very late, and then he picked up the long-necked flask, which contained no more than thirty pieces of crystal fragments—the pieces were used to make up the broken glass ball.

Crystal fragments with the shaking of the old wizard, these crystal fragments melted rapidly, and then formed a mixture of water and oil with the liquid inside, Ye Qi seriously looked at the old wizard carefully separated the liquid inside, did not dare to miss In the slightest - although the old wizard did not explain the principles of this process in detail.

But the hint of [+5 Alchemy] makes Ye Qi understand the importance of this process.


Huang Yulong looked at Ye Qi’s serious look and couldn’t help but screamed; however, her eyes did not leave any points—as a dragon, the intuition in the blood, let her look at the process without hesitation. And, tell her how important this process is.

In about fifteen minutes, the whole process is over.

In addition to the first separation, four purifications were carried out - assisted by Steinden and Weston.

And when everything is done, a 30 ml test tube filled with liquid appears in the field of vision of the people around you -


Pelos, who was also added by special exceptions, asked.

"Well, it’s basically done, and that’s the last fix!”

Vails answered the words of his disciples and took out the glass ball inlaid with dragon scales. For the setting of the dragon scales, the wizards negotiated for a long time and finally decided to stay. Not stripping; after all. This particular alchemy instrument is already very fragile. It is difficult to withstand a formal stripping.

If it really caused a bigger crush because of the stripping, even if it is the big wizard of Lundell, I am afraid it is very difficult to repair.

"place it here!"

The old wizard said to his disciple, and Fan Ersi immediately placed the glass ball inlaid with the dragon scale on a wooden pallet in the center of the experimental bench. Then, the breathlessness came to the side; in fact, the surrounding People, dragons, after seeing the actions of the old wizard. They are all afraid of the atmosphere, so they watched quietly.

A glimpse, translucent, liquid with a little bit of starlight floated out of the air, flew toward the glass ball inlaid with dragon scales, as if it had been meticulously compensated by a pair of invisible hands. crack.

The magical means, to put it bluntly, is a juggling-level spell [the hand of the wizard].

However, such a trick, in the hands of the old wizard, played the feeling that Ye Qi forgot to sigh - although he had the same spell, he wanted to be so delicate. Ye Qi’s self-question is absolutely impossible, especially in the end. The kind of manipulation that was turned into ten and repaired at the same time made Ye Qi completely give up the idea of ​​'comparing' with the old wizard.

Perhaps his strength is much stronger than the old wizard in front of him.

The real battle, a knife can make the old wizard in front of the death, but alchemy and other skills compared with the other side, but like his knife and the other side, is completely the end of the spike.

Suddenly, Ye Qi took a deep breath, and once again, he was alert to himself - your talent is just normal, your strength is only due to the initial luck, can not be forgotten!

After this self-warning warning was repeated several times, Ye Qicai calmed down everything in his heart.

Being praised as a genius, Ye Qi expressed his modesty, but in essence, he still has a little joy in his heart.

This is not arrogance, but human nature, or the inferiority of human beings.

Ye Qi, as a human being with the blood of the dragon, is no exception. It is natural to be praised and praised by others. If you have to be insulted to be happy, it is definitely something that some special lovers can enjoy. Treatment; just in this joy, it is clear that Ye Qi forgot something.

Fortunately, seeing the manipulation of the old wizard, Ye Qi remembered the forgotten point -

It’s too smooth recently, and I’m so obsessed!

It takes time to be vigilant. After all, now, I am only having the capital of resistance, not the overall situation!

The self-speaking of the bottom of my heart made Ye Qi once again return to the real state in the weekdays, and he looked at the old wizard who was completing the final step, and there was a little bit of perfunctory, and there was a real sense of seriousness. stand up.

Such changes, the wizards did not find, they are all concentrated.

Only when I looked at the repair experiment that was completed immediately, I saw it with the topaz who stared at Ye Qi.

"Pretend to be..."

Huang Yulong’s subconscious mind wants to be as sarcasm as before, but sees Ye Qi’s true sense of seriousness. The last word is not finally said; just bite his teeth and be more serious than Ye Qi. Look, watching the movements of the old wizard.

"All right!"

As the old wizard said such words, the people present were all sighed, and Fan Ersi walked over to the old wizard and helped the old wizard. Pelos took a bottle of blue and white medicine and came over. - A slightly pale complexion, an unstable figure, quickly recovered under the influence of this potion.

"Give me a pot of honey tea, definitely more than a potion!"

The old wizard looked at the empty potion bottle and sighed.

"If it's really useful, I will definitely bring it to you!"

Versace took the usual seriousness, and the answer was such that the sigh of the old wizard became more and more helpless, and his eyes looked at Pelos and Ye Qi, the former as the grandson of the old wizard, facing himself. The teacher’s stern eyes quickly fell into disarray.

As for Ye Qi?

Shrugging, indicating that his love can not help.

After all, the body of the old wizard, he knows - although the sweets are beautiful, people are lingering, but life is equally important.

"A group of courageous guys!"

The old wizard stood up and took out his long pipe. After reaching out and igniting, he spit out a thick smog against his disciple. In this smog, Vails is like a statue, motionless. Even the eyes didn't even blink; only his nose tipped.

"Teacher, there is honey inside, I need to provide you with another kind of tobacco!"

The words of Vails made the old wizard shouted with anger, then rushed to the outside with his own pipe, and turned back: "I don't think about it, I have been deprived of a lot of fun, if I am deprived again. My pleasure, I am going to die now, do you believe it or not?"


The old wizard finally retained his own pipe and a small amount of cut tobacco, but the beating of the beard showed the old wizard's bad mood at the moment.

In the same way, because of such a bad mood, the next restoration work was completely handed over to Vails and others.

In fact, the wizards are willing to do this. They all know the situation of the old wizard. If they can rest more, no one wants to disturb the rest of the elderly.

However, before the repair of the core parts, none of them have this ability -

"You have done enough!"

Hardly patted Versace's shoulders, Master Standen said, the people around him, including Ye Qi and Huang Yulong, nodded and advised to leave the old wizard room, and then looked like a wild fan.

"I just hate my carelessness at the beginning!"

It is obvious that the words of the people did not play any real role. Vails still felt uncomfortable for not being able to give his teachers a worry. The same uncomfortable was Pelos, the mixed-faced boy with a slightly dark face. With the sorrow that young people can't appear, it makes people at a glance.

"This heavy atmosphere...we are not in the final critical moment?" Ye Qi glanced at the wizards in front of him. He spread his hands and said: "The items that do not endanger others and last for life are not without... Even if Lorante doesn't, but other planes and half planes, isn't there? If the stars are so big, anything can happen!"

There are many ways and means to extend life, but the persistence of the old wizard has made this method rare.

However, it is because of this persistence that the old wizard seems to be more respectable. In this regard, Ye Qi does not mind discovering the life-threatening items and helping the old wizard.

Therefore, looked at the wizards who looked up, Ye Qi smiled and continued: "Of course, the premise is that we must quickly repair the 'Astrology' and let it function properly! I think... Is this not difficult for everyone?"

Ps second more ~ ​​timing ~

Today, the decadent friend got married, had a meal at noon, and hurriedly rushed back from the hotel to the code word; as a result, I stopped the electricity twice in the afternoon, it was really a lot of pits, and finally relied on the mobile phone code. Finished... Then, yes, when the phone code is over, call...


Is this a reminder of the decadent life that does not need to be explained?

In the evening, it was stolen at noon and was pulled back to drink, so the second is also timed...

Thanks to the unnamed Heavenly Road, the 1888 starting point of the reward, the seaborne wandering prodigal son, the turtle0920200 starting point of the reward, the sword heart i Tongming, the card activity, the lost heart of the 100 starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent again thank you Supporting decadent brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued.)

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