Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 86: Under the distant guest

Ye Qi’s palm is placed on the other’s shoulder, so that the other party can’t move – because the location of the other’s 'sneak attack’ has given Ye Qi a more gentle treatment; otherwise, the other party will never be healthy. Standing in front of him.

Ye Qi looked up and down at each other.

The clothes woven from the leaves, the unkempt face, the invisible face, and the wooden spears before - everything shows the ‘original’ of the other's life; or... miserable.

After all, a legendary strongman who only has a raised front chest to be able to confirm the characteristics of the opposite sex, how to look like the original billionaires on the streets, become awkward; even more terrible - Ye Qi's palm The powerful force made the former golden knight suddenly stop.

Rush and stop.

Two very different forces took place on Ai Lu’s body, the feeling of tearing the body, so that the once golden knight could not suppress the snoring, and then a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. Obviously, this former golden knight has been hurt.

However, this kind of injury has made this former golden knight unable to attract the slightest interest. She despised Ye Qi in front of her, and the guardian that she has always insisted on. After being broken at this moment, she made Ai Lu’s eyes fierce. It is like a female wolf who has lost her cubs - not only fierce, ruthless, but also careless about her own life.

"Do you remember how to speak?"

Ye Qi faced such a gaze and asked indifferently - although such a gaze was fierce and ruthless, what did Ye Qi think of it?

An opponent who is keen on the spirit of the knight. Even fierce and ruthless. That is to install it. They can't do anything that is truly cruel—just like his wife, the female cavalry chief, who broke the mind's embarrassment, but still pursues the knight's set.

This is a process in which the gradient results in a result.

I am not in a hurry, of course, more because Ye Qi saw the result.

In this regard. Ye Qi can only shrug his shoulders to express his helplessness.

Fortunately, his other wife, wise enough, treats the enemy in a real sense of coldness, and because of this, the chameleon has enough status around him, even the female cavalry chief in most At the time, I will also ask her to discuss some things.

After all, in a considerable amount of time, one's way of thinking is fixed. It will always be so decadent.

Undoubtedly, the woman in front of me is such a rotten, solidified person.

Of course. Ye Qi does not think that there is anything wrong with this; in fact, if you can, Ye Qiba can not be bound by the knight's creed.

Well, this world is really a desirable place to be right.

However, it is clear that it is unrealistic for the mortal to become a **** in an instant. The authority of the superior, the product of the sway, will inevitably change because of the will of the superior.

Ye Qi saw this clearly.

Therefore, he put his own delusions in his heart; this is not a bad expression, but a cover for the self. The firearm has long been decaying in the long river of time, but other things always come out. The blade of the guillotine is also wiped from time to time.

The sharp and bright hair of the butcher knife must be the torture of the independent character.

Or... a simple blow is fatal.

Therefore, the more intelligent people have learned to hide with Ye Qi, and the more clever ones are trying to climb upwards. The stupid ones are watching the incompetent, the most stupid ones...

This is the woman in front of me.

The sneak attack does not seek a real deadly point, just wants him to lose a certain amount of action, and then persuade him to give up in the words of the knight.

Ye Qi almost didn't have to think about it, she knew what the woman in front wanted to do.

I have always forgotten the privilege of power and strength. This group of people is the most stupid. No one thinks it is wrong. Ye Qi is no exception.

However, he likes to deal with such people.

It’s not pity, let alone appreciating, just because of the safety of the other party. In this case, Ye Qi will never say to the female cavalry chief, because he is very clear, once he says it, the problem is absolutely It is fundamental; after all, the memory of the female cavalry chief is no worse, and they will not forget their relationship in Shaq.

Of course, Ye Qi said frankly that he was holding a little purpose at the time.

However, what followed was sincere and sincere - the kind of things that were affected by idiots did not appear, but Ye Qi always worried that such idiots would be fooled if they were cheated. Therefore, he stood beside the idiot, letting those who are close to the unpredictable purpose understand the sharpness of the knives.

Therefore, he does not mind giving a similar opportunity to a similar idiot in front of him.

Of course, this is already the limit, and there is no way to retreat again.

After all, there is only one female cavalry chief and only one chameleon. The same is true for the Rhines and Linda Northder; and that...

I thought of the existence that made him a headache.

Ye Qi decided to put it aside for a while. After all, the other party is still asleep. Wait until you wake up and talk about it. Anyway, it is just a family matter that can make a big deal.

"Yes, yes!"

Ai Lu looked at the man in front of him and replied - although in order not to let himself forget the prophecy, he kept the habit of talking to himself or talking to the stone every day, but this does not mean familiarity, but it has not been forgotten; Simple grammar is ok, even if it is stuttering.

Of course, more reasons are due to the goodwill shown by the man in front of him.

As a golden knight, Ai Lu can clearly feel any malicious and murderous, but the opposite man does not, on the contrary, the other side looks at her, the atmosphere is very strange.

Remember, disdain, pity?

This inexplicable feeling made Ai Lu shake his head and clear his own thoughts.

obviously. The other party is facing a sneak attack. It is also able to guarantee a conversation. Explain that the other party is not a cruel person, and may even be a kind person.

In the face of such people, always communicate well.

It’s better than those who don’t have the ‘belief’ in their hearts.

Therefore, the former gold knight, Ms. Ai Lu took a deep breath and prepared to say.

"If you let me give up here, please don't say it - because that's impossible!"

However, I have not waited until Ai Lui opened his mouth. Ye Qi interrupted the other side straight.

With the knowledge of the female cavalry chief, Ye Qi has considerable experience in dealing with such people.


The former Golden Knight lady looked at the people in front of me.

“Because there are more than 60 million people waiting for me to save – and here is the beginning!”

Ye Qi did not say such words in a sad and sorrowful tone, but only stated in a soft tone - talking to someone who adheres to the Knights Code. The first point is not to deceive; because, in the face of the facts, these stupid guys, I will think for you from your perspective.

"What, what? Sixty million people?"

Ai Lu made such an exclamation.

"Well, although it is impossible to accurately count, it is definitely not less than this number!"

Ye Qi nodded.

"What happened? Is it war? But even if the war that spreads to the entire plane should not be... Jihad?!"

Ai Lu asked questions again and again - for the legendary Ai Lu. The vocabulary of the plane, the astral and so on are already familiar, some of the original secrets. It also became common sense with the strength of strength.

For example, jihad!

Jihad is also known as the war of God.

It is because of the war caused by faith and the gods. The final result is that the gods will recuperate, and the other creatures involved in it are basically endangered.

Therefore, jihad is definitely a distorted thing.

"Yes, and it is a very special jihad. The gods who have gone far away are coming back again and seeing the dissatisfaction. They are prepared to erase everything with absolute authority and then start over... ..." Ye Qi said, showing a sardonic smile. "Only, the guys who are high above always forget something. Perhaps it is not a thing in their view, but because of some of the benefits involved, I can't give up those civilians - even if I want to go to war, I need a wide, unmanned battlefield!"

"You are a respectable warrior!"

Ai Lu, the former golden knight, said.

The reason is the warrior, not the knight?

Naturally, because of the ‘interest’ in Ye Qi’s discourse, the knight in the name of sacrifice does not account for the interests.

"So, here is what I have to!"

Without paying attention to Ai Lu's praise, Ye Qi's eyes looked at the other side. At the same time, he released his palm and gestured to the other side - the battle or the continued negotiation.

The former Golden Knight Ms. reacted after she stunned. She said with a palm in her hand: "We can talk about it."

Communication, human or all the essential skills that exist in all intelligent creatures.

The reason why it is necessary is precisely because of the charm of such words -

"I am the guardian knight of the Gothic Emerald Principality!"

Facing Ye Qi, Ai Lu, who is dressed in a leaf, has a standard knight.

It is different from the former Knights of Lorante, but the difference is not big. At least, Ye Qi is recognized; therefore, he responds to the other with the etiquette of the demon hunter: "Lorante Hunter Ye Qi!"


Ai Lu is a strange word.

“Receiving and hunting for dark creatures that endanger the safety of civilians – most of them are the kind that local governments cannot handle!”

Ye Qi explained it briefly.

“Is it similar to mercenaries and bounty hunters?”

"Similar, but with some subtle differences; the demon hunters are forbidden to shoot at civilians before they are harmed!"

"A different kind of rules, but very good!"


After a simple exchange, Ai Lu, the former golden knight, completely relaxed his support for Ye Qi, and his way of speaking became more like a friend.

In this regard, Ye Qi shrugged his shoulders silently - the idiots are like this, otherwise, how could he stay with the female cavalry chief.

"The Principality of the Emerald is facing a war. It is on the verge of a crisis. I also need this half-plane to make the civilians of the Pyongyang Principality a refuge!" After further exchanges. Ai Lu began to speak out, "But our population is only about 100,000, there is more free here; therefore, I think Nick Dagong will not mind your entry..."

"Lorante has no aristocracy, it is a parliamentary system, and all the titles have lost their functions! And it has been going on for two hundred years. Therefore, even the civilians of Lorante will not recognize the so-called Grand Duke. And the Grand Duke can't get the so-called people!"

In order to avoid some misunderstandings, Ye Qi said after the other party’s voice fell. For a nobleman, the population is a must, especially for some nobles with different minds; after all, the population represents productivity, soldiers, Taxation, even its own authority.

A population with a population of less than 100,000 and a government with a population of more than 300,000 is simply two concepts.

"The Nick Grand Council recognized it!"

Ai Lu thought for a moment and answered.

Out of the strength shown by Ye Qi in front. There is also the power represented by the other party. Ai Lu does not think that he has done anything against the knightly spirit with the kindness of Nick Dagong; to know that 'slavery' is just a person who has made a mistake. Not ordinary civilians.

Even the civilians of Lorante!

The former Golden Knight Ms. stubbornly think so.

"And, before the core here has been "controlled" by me, it will follow the scheduled trajectory to the springboard where I am now... So if the Nick Dagong wants to get there, it will inevitably cost more. - Please forgive me because I need to find more similar half-planets in the astral world. Magic Crystal has become a scarce strategic resource in Lorraine!"

Ye Qi said once again.

"Okay, we will find a way!"

Ai Lu nodded without comments.

After all, it is related to the life and death of 60 million people. No details should be problematic. It is necessary to carefully study it step by step.

At the beginning, when Nick Dagong faced the problem concerning the survival of the Principality, he was so careful and discussed with his own staff again and again; as a guardian knight, of course, she was also on the scene; therefore, Ai Lu I think Nick Dagong can understand this practice.

"And...hey, it's not about Roland, it's about Goethez!"

Ye Qi thought about it for a moment.


Ai Luyi.

"Do you know Hoxha?"

Ye Qi asked like this.

"Hocha!! This **** betrayal, where is he? I want to kill him!"

Ai Lu's 噌 的 站 直 直 直 直 直 直 直 直 直 直 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下

Although Ye Qi was prepared, she was still shocked by the woman in front of him. At the same time, he understood more clearly that the Hoxha was absolutely doing something raging; otherwise, the person who believed in the Knights’ Code, It is absolutely impossible to have such a performance; you must know that in normal times, they will not even say what they say.

"I can know, what did he do?"

Ye Qi asked Huo's relics and asked with curiosity.

"He is a wizard, Nick Duke's chief adviser, one of the most effective aides. The war broke out. In the face of war, he began to express his duties as the chief adviser and aide of the Grand Duke, but with the war. Carrying out... This guy actually took advantage of the time difference of the Dagong expedition, ransacked the collection of the Dagong family for hundreds of years, and made himself reach the golden level! My last order was to chase the traitor!"

Ai Lu said indignantly.

The words of the golden knight finally made Ye Qi unravel some doubts - the first is the note of the hidden letter, why is it so cautious, and the other's defense.

Undoubtedly, in the face of this knight character, absolutely will not allow such things to exist, will definitely chase each other.

And Hocha naturally does not sit still, must be strictly guarded.

As for another dead body?

Undoubtedly, it was the accomplice of this Hoxha--a looting of a treasure house of a Grand Duke for hundreds of years. Even if it was the chief adviser or the aide, there was no difficulty in it.

However, whether it is Ai Lu. Or Hoxha apparently did not expect that there would be a half-planet.

therefore. Some wonderful things happened.

Man is dead for money. The bird is eating and drinking.

Since it is possible to rob the treasury of the loyalists, it is not difficult for the two to kill each other. However, the other one is obviously anxious than Hoxha. It is strong first, but still has not escaped Hoxha. Counterattack - a counterattack of a sorcerer's death, absolutely not to be underestimated.

Even a purely mental rebellion is enough to seriously injure people of the same class.

not to mention. Hoxha was also planning for a long time, but he was not sure about the time; therefore, the same goes to the picture that Ye Qi saw.

"You killed this betrayal?"

Looking at one item belonging to Hoxha, especially when the robe appeared, Ai Lu couldn’t help it anymore, and asked for his surprise.

"They are the same!"

Ye Qi saw the surprise on the face of the golden knight. Immediately, she said everything she saw.

"There is still a strong gold level?"

Ai Lu’s brows wrinkled—obviously. Things broke her expectations.

"I have been fighting Hodha several times here, although he forced the gold level by a few items in the Grand Duke collection. But the strength is very strong, especially his spells, it has reached an order. The extent to which I can't prevent it - the genius of Hoxha has long been rumored in the Principality, and all people think that Horcha must be able to enter the golden level when he is 40 years old..."

Said, Ai Lu bite his teeth again, obviously, she once again thought of things that made her unhappy.

However, the next moment, watching Ye Qi, who had listened to it, the golden knight once again said: "Dagon also thinks this way, so he gave Hoocha the corresponding status - the inclination of resources and the improvement of fame. And Hoxha showed everything that matched it... but in the end it was frustrated by betrayal!"

“Can you describe me to another strong gold step?”

After that, Ai Lu asked Ye Qi.

"We are used to calling the legend... these are the relics of that!"

Ye Qi expressed the difference between the two sides in terms of strength, and then took out the remains of another corpse and described the other's appearance.

"The very ordinary kind, thrown in the crowd is not conspicuous, even in the blink of an eye will be forgotten!"

Ye Qi described and looked at the relics at the same time, and when the special dagger appeared, Ai Lu immediately glimpsed, and immediately asked: "Can this dagger show me?"

"of course!"

Ye Qi nodded and threw the dagger.

"This is the weapon of the high-definition king's shadow guard... Has Horcha already invested in the tyrant?"

Ai Lu looked at it and almost did not give up any details on the dagger. Then the golden knight sighed long.

With the sigh of Ai Lu, the face of Hoxa became clearer in Ye Qi’s heart.

The talents and talents of the other side are obviously beyond doubt.

However, it is even more obvious that the other party did not owe allegiance to the Nick Dagong. Of course, there is no loyalty to the so-called Gao Saiwang.

The other party is just a person who believes in himself.

Or... simply say that it is a person who relies on the right and left to speculate.

That is to say, he showed his talents in Nick Dagong, and accepted the olive branch of Gao Saiwang. Then, after finding an opportunity, he made a big profit and disappeared into the sight of everyone.

Perhaps, according to the idea of ​​the Horcha wizard, he will disappear for about ten or twenty years, and then wait until everything subsides.

However, he did not anticipate the high-ranking king's backhand.

It may be expected that he thinks he can cope with it, but the end result is the opposite - relying on Nick Dagong's resources to achieve rapid growth, with the help of Gao Saiwang, command several times if the gods help Fight, or plan for the first move.

Thereby getting more resources and growing again.

It was finally dead in the astral world.

Alternative farmer and snake?

Ye Qi thought of such an allusion, then quickly shook his head and asked Ai Lu in front of him: "Do you have a recent plan?"

Obviously, a legend that believes in the knight's creed is also a small boost for Ye Qi.

If you can, Ye Qi does not want to give up.

For Ye Qi's question, Ai Lu hesitated, although he believed in the knight's creed, but this does not mean that Ai Lu is an idiot, she certainly understands the meaning behind Ye Qi's question.

And the same she also has a slight heartbeat.


"You have already signaled you by your means... Your mission is complete - whether or not you guard this half-planet, after all, it is impossible to be touched by others now!"

Obviously, Ye Qi understood what the other person was worried about, and he said after a slight smile.

However, some words, Ye Qi is still retaining.

For example: the destruction of the Principality of the Emerald.

Ps second more ~ ​​~ six thousand words ~ ~

Today, 102,000 words are squandered~~ Ask everyone to give a subscription, reward, monthly ticket or something~~~

Thanks to the unnamed Heavenly Road, the 1888 starting point of the reward, the wave of the prodigal son of the four seas, the 200 starting point of the reward, the light and dark, the card activity, the lost heart of the 100 heart of the starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent again thank you for your support Brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued.)

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