Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 95: Waiting and winning way

The wind blows the flag, and the hunting sounds.

The pursuit of the eight-day glory, the coalition behind him, the snoring, and the death of Ella Dick and the two family Guards who are determined to die, are fortunate, especially for the Dick family. Miss, when she saw the dragon scale relief in front of the other's breastplate, the face had an indescribable complexity.

咔, 咔, 咔...

Fourteen members of the Knights of the Holy Dragon, striding toward the eight-day glory, metal armor boots, each movement will make a crisp sound, and such a sound, suddenly let the eight chase of the day Woke up, they looked at each other and looked at each other's eyes, and then one of the peaks of the Japanese glory came out.

"Who are you? This is our grudge with Dick and Thor!"

The chaser of the peak of the day, screaming loudly, and very cleverly changed a concept.

Although I can't see the origins of the fourteen people wrapped in the body, but the other party has suffered from the attack of eight of them. It is enough to explain their own strength. In the face of such strength, they certainly need to bring a trace. Be cautious - therefore, the practice for Hongyecheng was changed to target the family.

Although it does not seem to be different, it is enough to change the practice of some people.

For example: Knight!

These are the iron canned people in the Qiulin community. They often make things that are inconvenient. Even such people are now less and less, but once they appear, they are always It will be disgusting - because. They will hinder the greatest interest income: the sale of slaves.

but. Each of these has a very powerful knight. It is also the family of Qiulin District who do not want to provoke.

Do you say that there is no strength?

The families of Qiulin District never disliked slaves.

Of course, for the sake of safety, it is usually done directly - because a family has captured a number of cans that wandered in the Qiulin District. Finally, these cans flashed a large group of slave riots; The riots subsided, but the loss reduced a medium-sized family to a small size.

With such a foresight, the attitudes of the various families towards the knights have changed significantly again.

The strength is low. Kill directly.

Powerful, the family dispute as an excuse, so that the other party can not intervene.

This is very easy to use. After all, it is a group of iron cans with rigid brains; at the moment, in front of them, it is similar to the cans - although the cloak is pure white, the armor is with dragon scales and dragons. The relief of the claws is extremely beautiful, and it is more dazzling than the armor of the upper class of each family. However, this kind of body armor. And the iron cans in memory are almost the same.

The only difference is that there are no war horses.

Maybe already died in the previous explosion!

The chaser of the peak of the Japanese glory has comforted himself and added again: "If you have any loss in the previous misunderstanding, I am willing to represent my family and compensate you!"

The polite words are so polite that Ella Dick, who is standing behind, snorted, and the second lady of the Dick family, scornfully looked at the eight-day glory of the opposite, said: "A group of people who see the wind and the rudder ... the dog is right!"

"what did you say?"

The chaser of the peak of the Japanese glory has frowned and has not spoken yet. A Japanese singer behind him screamed.

"Are you jealous?"

Miss Di of the Dick family laughed.

"court death!"

The Japanese singer screamed, and with a wave of palms, he took a green mist and shot at Elaro Dick. Although there were more unscrupulous inserters in front of him, he was a Japanese singer. The dignity of the family, the old dignity of the family, and the desire to make him stunned and indifferent, is obviously impossible.

Even the rest of the Japanese glory days are eager to move, and the eyes of the members of the Holy Dragon Knights and the second ladies of the Dick family are watching as if the hunters are watching their prey.

However, the next moment, they are all cool -


The standard knight's sword, with a lightly squeaky sound, took a glimmer of light under the afternoon sun, bringing a **** awn.

The head flew high, and the green fog that had not yet been shot, it dissipated.

The strong man of the high level of the Japanese glory, so dead?

Under the sword, the body is different?

The remaining seven Japanese-level chasers, like the rabbits chased by the wolves, jumped backwards and instantly opened the distance with the members of the Knights of the Dragon. They looked at the Knights of the opposite side again and again. If you only suspected that the other party is strong, then any doubts are broken in the face of **** facts.

These knights are really powerful.

And, more importantly... there are fourteen people on the other side!

If these fourteen people are like the ones that were shot before... No, don’t do this, even if it is weak, they definitely have no way to live!

"Who are you guys?"

After pulling away a considerable distance in a flash, he was still the chaser of the peak of the Japanese glory. He asked again; but he probably didn’t even discover that his voice was unconsciously There was a tremor; the people around him were even less noticed.

These people have already been shocked by the sudden, amazing sword. Even the second lady of the Dick family is the same as the two family guards behind them. Even more surprised. After all, they are out. Outside the day of the pursuit of the day, the person who stood the nearest.

Such a sword, the slightest sword is not just skill, strength and speed, but sublimation to a certain degree, which is visible, but it is unexplained.

Alaro Dick reminiscent of the previous sword, the slight blur of her eyes - not the other meaning, just a single memory, because she can occasionally enter that state at some point. Although compared to the sword of the knight. Something is worse. But in essence it is the same.

However, it is good to have one entry once in a hundred times.

Far from this knight, I have really stood in this realm.

Moreover, she can be sure that, except for the knight who just took the shot, the remaining knights must have entered such a realm because of the angle they stood there. They are the most suitable angle for launching an attack. Crossing, but not obstructing, this kind of station is only suitable for one way: one hits the commandment.

Because, if you can't strike the commandment, the cross will inevitably lead to obstacles, so that the follow-up attacks will be lost.

"Who are these people?"

Alaro Dick’s heart is also secretly guessing that the dragon scales on the chest of the other armor are enough to make the second lady of the Dick family think.

"The Knights of the Holy Dragon!"

As a deputy head of the ministry, he came out and said word by word - this time. It was supposed to be spoken by the leader, Lions Havel, but the words of the adult who had been loyal to them had just come from the bottom of my heart. There has been a change in the original routine.

The head of the team, Green Knight Lions Havel stood in the ranks of the Knights.

The deputy head, appeared as an interlocutor.

In fact, for such changes, Lanes himself is eager for it – although the control of the body has increased dramatically because of the passage of time, some changes are still inevitable, such as: the characteristics of undead creatures; Normal standing and walking can still be normal, then once you speak, or if you have emotional fluctuations, your eyes will turn into a soul fire again.

To this end, Lions consulted Ye Qi.

And Ye Qi, there is no very good way to do this - after all, this is a problem of self-control, others can not help.

Although Lions gained extraordinary strength because of the change of the body 'sacred mark', but if he can, he still recalls the scene when he is a 'person', therefore, in order to be more like a person in Luo Rand survived, and he remained silent.

In the face of problems, more is to nod or shake your head.

Fortunately, the members of the Knights of the Dragon have already been eccentric about this. They are obedient to the silent head, the steady deputy head, except for the conviction; for example, this time, The voice of the deputy head had just fallen, and when they waved, the members of the Knights immediately rushed up.

There was no sword, just a freehand, as if it were a bundle of animals, and the remaining seven Japanese glory that had been pursued before that were tied up.

Of course, these days of glory will not be embarrassing, but the number, strength, skill, and ... the gap in equipment, they are helpless -

The thirteen members of the Knights of the Holy Dragon, except for the two are the ordinary Japanese glory, the three are the middle of the Japanese glory, the remaining eight are all the peaks of the Japanese glory, and the Japanese glory of the bridge on the other side, because The rules of the ruler of the other side of the bridge grew up in the endless battles of endless battles.

It’s completely different from these old-fashioned and respectful Japanese glory, just like the big trees that are honed in the snow and the small flowers in the greenhouse, even if their essence is the same at first, but in the years After the passage, the results are greatly different.

The Japanese-level chasers who were defeated in strength and skill were not without resistance. The two chasers of the peak of the Japanese glory had resisted, but when their attack fell on the knight, the moment The situation of being collapsed and absorbed has stunned the two chasers of the peak of the day.

Obviously, they have not seen magic items that can truly ignore their attack power.

As for why it is not a sacrament?

There will be no identical sacred devices. This is already the iron of the sacred instrument. Facing the fourteen identical armor in front of us, only those who do not understand the rules of the sacred will mistake this for the holy instrument.

However, it is not a saint, it is still amazing enough!

This level of defensive magic items is simply unheard of for them!

Of course, it is unheard of. If the armor created by the wolf is broken by such a puncture, even if Ye Qi does not sneer a few words, the once-famous **** of great face will be ashamed to be self-confident.

The process of being captured was very fast, the breathing was completed, and the coalition’s family watched the family’s old family become a prisoner of others in a blink of an eye. Suddenly. The turmoil is up.

"What we need is a communication, peace talks..."

The shout of the eldest son of the Nice leather family came from the Chinese army. However, it was quickly interrupted by a burst of fighting; this kind of fighting was also completed after a while, and then the entire coalition’s team began to retreat quickly, just as they rushed in general, and when they retreated Hurry.

As for those old prisoners?

Obviously, the upper class of those families. At this time, there was no courage to face the existence of more than a dozen Japanese-level glory--the Knights of the Dragons were recognized by them as all of them, and they were still standing on the Dick family of Hongyecheng; they did not see it. The only unlucky one in the last eight old families was because of the shot of the second Dick family.

This is really obvious!

However, these coalition forces did not leave completely. They stopped at about five kilometers. They did not camp, but simply took a break.

After all, in a sense. They are just vanguards.

The real big force is behind, once the real big force arrives. Don't say that it's a dozen or so, and even if you double it, they don't care.

Let the Dick family arrogant first, then they will not even cry too late!

All the family's superiors thought this way. Then, they all made a sneer, and the former dog-like appearance was swept away, especially after seeing the Holy Dragon Knights not chasing, even more for the enemy. I don’t know how to win the battle and ridicule.

The country is a country!

The superiors of each family think so.


"Why didn't you chase?"

The second lady of the Dick family also had such doubts, but she asked in a very polite tone - not because of the strength of the Knights of the Dragon, but because she guessed that the other person and the man Relationship.

"They are just chess pieces, the enemies we are waiting for, not them!" Nusti turned and said to the lady in front of him, after a knight's ceremony, slowly said: "If you don't kill the real enemy, the pieces It’s like weeds, it’s impossible to get rid of it...only they have some value!”

As a result, Nusti waved his hand and several members of the Knights came out and walked to Hongyecheng with their captives—these were asked by their grown-ups, and of course they would bring them back.

"You, you... why should you help us?"

Alaro Dick nodded and then asked with a slight nervousness - in fact, no matter what reason Nusti gave, the second lady of the Dick family would accept it; after all, she was most concerned The problem is now, the previous one is just an excuse to talk to the other party.

"It is an adult's command!"

Nushti replied naturally.

"Who is the big man?"

Alaro Dick became more and more nervous, and his voice trembled.

"The Dragon of Shaker, Ye Qi Daren!"

Nusti waited for a long while, until the voice of permission was heard in the bottom of his heart, he said solemnly; and just as his voice had just fallen, with a scream that the lady could not make, the second lady of the Dick family Then they rushed to Hongyecheng; and Nusti faced such a situation. In the end, the deputy head of the Knights of the Dragon Knight shook his head and headed for his own head.

The two deputy heads stood side by side, their eyes looked at the coalition forces in the distance, in the sound of the flag of the Knights of the Dragon, quietly waiting for the arrival of those real enemies - after all, Qiulin District Seven families, they have heard it!


"Are you sure?"

Evro Dick, the eldest daughter of the Dick family, the city owner of Hongyecheng, asked Ye Qi with a worried look - although she is very convinced that the man in front is strong, but she was born and raised in the autumn forest area. Luo Dick, the seven families in the depths of the Qiulin District are equally taboo.

Even saying that it is shrouded in shadows is not an exaggeration.

In the Qiulin District, any violation of the existence of the seven major families can not see the sun of the next day. This famous saying is Evro Dick, which has been heard since childhood.

Whether it is an individual or a family; whether it is small, like the previous Dick family, or a large family that is in charge of several cities, once there is a violation, then waiting for them is demise - for hundreds of years. always like this. There have never been exceptions.

These are like nightmare minions. Let every Qiulin District be frightened.

"Are you scared?"

Ye Qi did not answer straight, but asked Evro Dick in front of him. The latter nodded without hesitation. Although the big lady of the Dick family also had a reluctance similar to her sister, she would never be here. In front of the man, she is more willing to let her see her docile side.

Women, no matter what kind of woman, when faced with a man who really loves, some means will always be self-taught.

"You don't need to be afraid. Because your fear is from your unknown. Once you understand them, your fear will vanish!" Ye Qi smiled, he said, "just like I am carrying this holy The Dragon Knights came in the same way, just to make myself more mysterious and powerful - this is the advice Taylor gave me before deciding to go to the Holy Forest!"

“Ms. Taylor’s advice is very feasible!”

Evro Dick nodded again - she had heard about the woman next to Ye Qi. Especially Bernard-Taylor, a multi-identity woman, surprised her even more; of course. It is also because of the existence of this lady, she once again clearly defined her definition of Ye Qi.

After all, she has something that she can't give up.

The name of the family, glory, or ... Hongyecheng itself.

For a woman who is passionate about power, love is not indispensable. Although they are still cherishing, there will be choices.

It is like a chameleon. When Evro Dick learned that the other party was paying for Ye Qi, she asked herself whether she could do this and give up everything to follow Ye Qi. The final answer made the Dick family's Miss eclipse, and she also understood the gap between herself and her.

However, this is not a bad phenomenon.

At the very least, Evro Dick thinks this is a very good answer, one is very good answer for her and Ye Qi.

Although, looking at Ye Qi's calm appearance, Miss Dick's family is full of sourness in the bottom of her heart - she wants to ask Ye Qi very much, have you forgotten everything?

Of course, in the end, the lady of the Dick family chose silence because of her own shame.

The rest is just the resentment that comes from time to time.

When these resentments were captured by Ye Qi, Ye Qi could not suppress the light coughing a few times and began to turn to the topic: "This invitation to the Pope in the Holy Forest District is obviously with some special purposes, there. It will be a battlefield, a battlefield that is about the final change of the whole of Lorante. This is beyond doubt - so I have to minimize unpredictable things!"

“So, the seven families in the Qiulin District must be controlled to a controlled extent?”

Evro Dick asked slowly.

"Well, the top government or the mercenary organizations, the dark forces - they have a way for them to choose to stand on my side, but the seven families in Qiulin District are different!" Ye Qi nodded , said: "One of my elders once told me that if the mercenaries are the hyenas that smell the blood and the Kimpton taste, then the family in the Qiulin area is a group of vultures - they not only look at those Those who are dead are still observing those who are alive... greedy and insatiable, is their belief!"

"A very appropriate metaphor!"

The big lady of the Dick family, thinking about it with a low head, finally gave affirmation - face weak hours, infinite bullying, face the strong, bow down, and then wait for an opportunity to move.

Isn't this the vulture?

Moreover, once you are in real danger, the companion who has just preyed together is the best shield in an instant.

Vultures are really appropriate.

It is only... When the volume of any creature increases beyond the level of human imagination, there is only a terrible word left – and the seven families in the Qiulin District are undoubtedly like this.

It seems to be the vulture group, the strongest body, the sharpest claws, they are so conspicuous, let countless people watch, but under the watchful eyes of others, they are even more powerful - whether it is glory or arrogance, Or bluffing, the seven families of the Qiulin District can always exist in Lorante, not destroyed by the highest government, or annexed by the Holy See, this is an ironclad fact.

On the face of Miss Dick’s family, there was another worry.

"Everything just needs to wait and see!"

Ye Qi smiled again.

Some things, he could not explain to the big lady of the Dick family in front of him. It is also difficult to find out the reasons for the explanation; he only needs to know that the other party chooses to stand on his side.

because. Everything can be said with facts.


Missy of the Dick family. Nodded again.

The reputation of the strongest seven, the background of the Hunter Headquarters, made her understand that even if it fails, there will be no more losses. The seven families in Qiulin District understand how to deal with such people, they will have a choice. Instead of recklessly making things that make them regret for life.

After all, whether it is the headquarters of the Devil, or the Juggernaut.

It is not the seven families of the Qiulin District who are willing to provoke - the vulture is the vulture. In the face of foreign enemies, they can also cope with each other, but such a common response is also driven by interests. Intrigue is inevitable, and death is everywhere. Every year, how many families have been expelled from the depths of Qiulin District? ?

How many families have died in these years?

The number is all over!

If this is not the case, the autumn forest area may be another look?

Evro Dick thought about it; however, the voice that followed. But let her face change -

"Sister, sister!"

The crisp, loud sound was clearly passed into the hall. The footsteps in the hallway, even the thick blankets, could not be covered, showing the anxiousness of the footsteps.

Subconscious, the big lady of the Dick family, looked at Ye Qi sitting next to her.

"The coming will always come!"

Ye Qi shrugged and smiled helplessly.

"I don't need it, can I explain it to you?"

Evro Dick showed a very understanding and understanding side as a strong woman.

"Oh... or I will come by myself!"

Ye Qi slightly hesitated, and finally rejected this tempting proposal. He looked at Evro Dick and said with a smile: "I feel that as a man, I am quite bad now, if again If you evade it, it is not bad, but the dregs!"

"Although I don't care much about my reputation, the word **** male always reminds me of some unsatisfactory endings..."

Ye Qi’s smile was bitter, and inexplicably recalled the breeze, a large ship slowly passing through, bringing the ripples of the water.

Of course, the earlier memories were a blood-stained hatchet.


Evro Dick nodded and stood up and walked to the door of the banquet hall; however, the door was slammed away before the palm of her hand touched the door of the porch.



Alaro Dick helped her sister who had fallen over because she couldn't get away with it. Then, her eyes saw the Ye Qi sitting in the chair very naturally.

After that, it was nearly a minute of silence.

Evro Dick, who had already stood firm again, looked at her sister and shook her head helplessly - as the sister of Elaro Dick, she was of course very clear about what her sister thought. It’s for others, and for such an idea, Evro Dick won’t stop it.

After all, the current patriarch of the Dick family is her, she wants her sister to be happy, not the so-called family marriage and so on.

However, my sister does not like ordinary people.

Perhaps, that kind of ignorance that is unique to girls, and a little dream of a girl's time, but because of this, it will become infinitely beautiful, and people will expect infinitely - how many infatuated women are born like this. What? And what is the result in the true sense?

Evro Dick silently sighed and handed the eclipse to Ye Qi and his sister.

She has given up and will not participate in it any more. If she stays there, it will only be more embarrassing - even if it is family, sometimes it is not omnipotent.

The big lady of the Dick family, who took a light step away from the banquet hall, and slowly closed the door.

However, all of this, Ella Dick is unaware; although Ye Qi saw it, but in such a quiet atmosphere, some of them are difficult to open - Ye Qi never found out, will want to say, blurt out It is such a difficult thing. If you can, he needs a person to be present. Help him ease the atmosphere.

therefore. Silence is still going on. It’s more than a minute passed –

"You, are you Ye Qi?"

The second lady of the delicate Dick family asked, the words were stuttering, and the look was a bit of panic.

"Well, I am Ye Qi!"

Ye Qi nodded and wanted to show a smile, but at the moment, this smile is more of a twitching of the corner of his mouth, which looks ridiculous.

but. Alaro Dick did not look at it at all. Suddenly, after hearing Ye Qi’s answer, she thought of some other things—for example, when she met for the first time, the two sides were unfriendly, and then Something worse! For example, kidnapping each other's friends and forcing them to submit.

These things are like a raging river. I came out from the heart of Elaro Dick.

Before, she did not completely forget these things. It was just that she did not deliberately think about it; or that she did not associate Fes Dick and Ye Qi in everything, and when she was connected, there was no buffer in time to let her clear her thoughts.

Therefore, after one sentence, the atmosphere once again fell into the silence of the hustle and bustle.

"I am a person with Fes Dick... The situation at the time was a bit special - this is not my derogation!"

After Ye Qi hesitated for a while, he finally opened his mouth again. He thought that this kind of atmosphere like a needle felt would be the most unbearable memory in his life if he continued. Therefore, he chose the best demon hunter. Way of talking: cut into the subject with a single stroke.

"I, I know!"

Alaro Dick murmured, then, as if she was awakened by something, she took a deep breath and raised her hand to Ye Qi, shouting loudly: "Although between us, the relationship at the time To the enemy, but you have done such excessive things after disguising, I will not forgive you - now I am not your opponent, but I will catch up with you soon!"

This challenge book, containing the meaning of battle, was shouted out without the brain of Elaro Dick.

Later, some of the Dick family, who had reacted, turned and ran out, even ignoring the door.


The wooden door was broken, and the second lady of the Dick family disappeared at the end of the corridor, leaving Ye Qi, who had a bitter smile. The other party could escape and he could not.

Moreover, he foresaw that the trouble between the other party and him, the trouble has just begun.

"Hey, a cowardly guy, you need to talk about your own intentions from the very beginning, and then clearly tell the other party what your relationship with her is!"

With a disdainful sarcasm, the strange wolf drilled the land of the seal and appeared in the heart of Ye Qi.

"The culprit that caused everything, do you think you have any position to say this?"

Ye Qi snorted coldly - if he could, he absolutely wanted to violently slap the other side, even if he could not solve the problem, he could also eliminate the anger.

"My position? Naturally, standing on the highest point, overlooking the life and death of all beings..."

With a long laugh, the wolf said so.

"The person you need, I found it for you - the day of the Yao class, seven people, one more than the scheduled one!"

Ye Qi straight interrupted the other's long laughter, saying that - for captives, Ye Qi is naturally useless, he does not need ransom, nor is he a slave owner.

What is really needed is his contract companion.

"I already know, those young people are doing a good job - you have found such a helper, you should be grateful!"

The blame of the wolf is such a sigh, and then he said with pride.

"The benefits you give, and the troubles I suffer, are always proportional - under the two-two offset, I don't think I need any gratitude!" Ye Qi said with a cold smile, "although I will be within the half-plane The believer gave it to you, but this does not mean that I completely gave up. If I find that you have done something bad in it, our trade will be terminated immediately!"

"Fake sons and false sons... rest assured! I am very careful about my followers - they are my private property, my wealth, any loss, will make me distressed!" The horn said, a look of contempt, "I am erecting a situation of old gods, the loss is inevitable... but it will definitely be chosen. The right person. After that is the establishment of the new **** - this process will cost quite For a long time, are you sure you don't need to use the a plan we mentioned?"

Under what circumstances can there be faith and a firm belief?

In the midst of war, famine, and catastrophe, there is faith, and it is a belief that will spread at a mad speed; but the consequences of this are the population of nearly 15 million people. In the end, I am afraid that half of them will survive.

Even, there will be less!

There are no such things. Such adjectives are always followed by war, famine, and sorrow, fear, tears, and sorrow.

Ye Qi’s words, without the butcher’s half character, are doomed to fail to do such a thing.

He chose a more modest approach, one after consulting with his contractual companions. The latter was scorned countless times and called the plan of the ‘family’.

Not only does it take a lot of effort. More is a waste of time.

In the short period of a few months, the former can be as a fire of the stars, while the latter can be completed in one year, two years, or even longer.

The time limit given by the wolf is ‘at least five years’!

‘At least’, this prefix already illustrates the problem; after all, the second plan, everything takes time to ferment, and then it can erupt like a volcano.

There is nothing wrong with such a plan, and even more believers can be obtained. If it is in peacetime, the wolf is very happy to do so.

However, now is not the usual!

It’s imperative to go to the holy forest area, but there are millions of believers, believers who belong to its old rival, even if it is an awakened avatar, gaining the power of faith accumulated by these millions of believers. It is also enough to crush any existence, including it has not been completely unsealed.

Therefore, it is extremely unwilling to do so.

Too risky, but unfortunately, the contract of the soul allows the two sides to share only, without coercion, everything needs to be traded to complete.

It, Amon swears that there has never been such a thing that hates ‘fair dealings’.

"Kid, are you sure you don't need to think about it?"

The strange wolf asked again.

"No need, the decision has already been made, and it is futile to consider - not to mention, I am now facing the seven families of Qiulin District, perhaps they have no ancestors' glory, but the details are still I also need to be careful to deal with it!"

Ye Qi shook his head and said with a smile.

"A man who is barely awkward... Hey, no, do you have a sure grasp? Otherwise, with your character, it is impossible to be so calm!"

The wolf sighed, but the next moment, it suddenly looked up and asked directly.

For his own contractor, the wolf is aware of it, saying that it is timid as a rat is definitely filthy, but when it comes to being cautious and loving, it is absolute.

Such a person would actually forget his life and death and make a ‘Savior’ thing?

The wolf said nothing to believe!

Maybe there is such a noble person, but the wolf does not think that it is his own contractor.

In the face of such problems, Ye Qi did not answer, but a missed shot at the bottom of my heart is enough to explain the problem.

"Sure enough! Hurry up, what is the solution?"

The strange wolf whispered, and then quickly became a rush.

"I think such a top secret message will inevitably be a good price!"

Ye Qi shrugged and said with a smile - he did not want to completely conceal his contract companions. After all, the existence of the contract has already made the two sides' things impossible to completely conceal.

However, it is obviously impossible to completely confess this matter.

In particular, some of these specific situations are even more so -

Have you expected that this will happen?

Ye Qi silently said in his heart his eyes unconsciously appeared the appearance of teachers and profiteers.


Auntie! Auntie!

As far back as a thousand years ago, the old John and the profiteer who were in the snow and ice, sneezed in unison.

"It's so cold, so cold! This ghost place in the snow night is much colder than a thousand years!"

The profiteer is holding his own hands and complaining in a low voice.

Ps two in one chapter ~~~

Decadence code is worth 10,000 words... If you think about it, you still don’t have to divide it. Let’s put it together~

Thanks to the unnamed Heavenly Road, the 1888 starting point of the reward, the wave of the sea, the turtle0920200 starting point of the reward, the wind, the dust, the loss of the heart, the loss of the heart of the 100 starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent again thank you for supporting the decadent brother Sisters~~~(To be continued.)

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