Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 100: Under the dead

Hey, hey!

The squeaking noise came from the layers of white bones, and the cracks of the legend began to appear and become more and more under the tremendous power of the legendary powerhouse. If this development is followed, then the Qing Knight’s Before the long sword squats, he can get out of trouble, even with the same companion who is struggling behind him, causing another attack.

However, the next moment, after the more white bones in the local area, the face of the legendary strongman changed; not only because these bones are more rigid, but also because the negative energy of a strand invaded his body. Within, although very rare, but the feeling of cold and frost, but this legendary strong feels extremely uncomfortable, so that his resistance, involuntarily weakened a lot.

At this time, the blue knight's hands and knights are coming!


The blood was sprayed several feet high under the pressure of the chest, and the skull flew higher. Even when it fell on the damaged steel floor, it fell straight and fleshy, making it difficult to distinguish the original face.


The other chose the road of warriors, the legendary strongman who was trapped in white bones, shouted loudly, and had a rabbit sorrowful sorrow, and more was panic--because, with the death of the legendary Belurus, it was natural To him; facing death, even the legendary strong, will fear.

Even worse than ordinary people.

Because they stand taller and look farther, they have already seen more good things, and if they can, of course, they will not give up.

Therefore, facing death. The legendary strongman shouted loudly -

"Solo. Hurry to stop him!"

Such shouts. It spread throughout the battlefield and landed in the respective camps of both sides.

Both the coalition side and the Hongyecheng side, both sides were shocked by the unexpected scene. They simply forgot to shout, but they watched the scene of the battle in front of them.

The five remaining family members of the seven major families on the battlefield do not need to be reminded by the trapped legendary family. Every effort has been made to start the rescue - every legendary powerhouse in an extraordinary situation is scarce for the seven major families, almost irreproducible resources, of course, it is impossible to be killed by the enemy.

However, the effect... is not satisfactory!

The flame, as a natural enemy of negative energy, has a very good effect whether it is facing the undead or facing other negative energy attacks.

However, at this time it is useless.

Although, the momentum is huge. But the actual effect is like a frosty thing - because, the blue flame. These ordinary flames are being swallowed up.

"My flame is swallowed!"

The family of the Charles family loudly reminded the people around them.

"My toxins don't work either!"

The old family of the Benny family then shouted.

"My steel is alienated and can't stop it!"

Then came the old family of the Harlan family.

The shouts of the three old people made the trapped legendary old man look pale. He looked at the blue knight who was slowly approaching. He couldn’t help but shouted again: "Solo, Harrison, can you have no way?" ?"

"hold on!"

Soro, the first to manipulate the old man of the undead, shouted like this.

The rest of the Harrison family’s family did not answer. His eyes glanced at the battlefield, as if searching for something. Then, suddenly, his eyes locked on a piece of steel that was broken, and suddenly he made a loud noise. The arc flashed in his hand. In an instant, a spear composed entirely of lightning appeared in his hand and was thrown down.


Lightning strikes the sound of the ground, leaving everyone to look at it.

The old family of the Harrison family laughed innocently: "Found it!"

With this discourse, a layer of translucent shroud shimmered in the hollow that was bombarded, and other members of the Knights of the Dragon appeared.

Obviously, before this family of the Harrison family was looking for other members of the Knights of the Dragon.

With the appearance of the members of the Knights of the Dragon, the remaining families of the seven families flew up after they were old-fashioned – the most familiar means for those who made and firmly maintained the 'ruling plan' of the Qiulin District. It was nothing more than a 'hostage'; therefore, after seeing the actions of the Harrison family, I immediately understood it.

"Catch them!"

"They are weaknesses!"

Such shouts appeared almost instantly in the mouths of these legendary old men, and they also showed a touch of joy on the old face of the trapped legendary family.

"Are you still obsessed with killing me? Don't you worry about your men?"

Such discourse is almost instinctive in the mouth of the legendary old man, and when he sees the layers of white bones on the ground, after moving, the words in his mouth are more: "We can talk about one now." Talk, after all, we all have the 'handle' of the other side, and it’s definitely not a wise choice!

The Qing Knight is ignorant of such discourse. It seems that the removal of the undead has blocked the other seven family members of the family, and they are indifferent to the general.

"What are you doing under your hand?"

The second daughter of the Dick family looked at the Qing Knight's attitude towards his own 'indifferent care', immediately slammed, and then asked subconsciously to Ye Qi.

The anger in the tone, even the people standing on the side, can be heard clearly.

However, for this anger, the people present did not agree too much; simply, there was sympathy, but did not agree -

"This is a last resort!"

Old Thor even sighed and said, he looked at the battle on the field and said: "If you don't want to be a cage bird, you can only fight like this!"

"Cage in the cage? What do you mean?"

The second daughter of the Dick family, the young lady who is always far from the family, obviously does not know some rules about the internal rules of the Qiulin community.

There is also a sigh. The eldest daughter of the Dick family. come over. Pulling his sister's arm and whisperingly explained: "The seven families of Qiulin District will never allow their dominance to be threatened. Therefore, any strong person who is beyond the control will be killed. - Take the family as a threat, let the strong who surpassed the mortal make choices; no matter what the choice is, it is a dilemma. It is unacceptable!"

"What kind of choice?"

The second female brow of the Dick family wrinkled. Although she didn't care, it didn't mean she wouldn't guess. Now, a very bad premonition appears in her heart.

"Submission or death - the former, the slave contract makes you live like a dog, the latter family is dead with you!" Old Thor explained, "The rebel is never lacking, but more is obedience, Because they were imprisoned by a cage called a family, just like a bird in a cage!"

Speaking of which. Old Thor’s face was full of hatred. Then, he quickly said the things that the Seven Family had done, representing the great achievements of the great achievements.


The second daughter of the Dick family, after listening to it, said this.

"It's just a bunch of bastards!"

Old Thor is in line with the saying.

"What was your family?"

The eyes of the Dick family's second daughter looked at the old Thor - although far from the core of the family, but this does not mean that some of the traditions of the Irailo Dick even Qiu Lin area do not know; for example, the inheritance of the surname, this for Dick For the second generation of the family, it is no stranger; only, the original woman, most of the time will not think about it.

"Well, our Tor family had a glory in the depths of the Qiulin District... and shame!" Old Thor nodded, said in a difficult tone, and then, with a touch of sadness on his face, "You can imagine us." The legendary patriarch of the Thor family is willing to be a slave to the Harrison family in order to continue the family?"

"Life is better than death! Life is better than death!"

Old Thor’s palm suddenly clenched.


Little Thor looked at the excited old Thor and immediately came over.

"It's okay, little Thor, you have to remember the 'home' that Lord Ye Qi once said! Remember, remember!" Old Thor was obviously stimulated by memories in his mind, in a mad tone and His son said, then, he looked at the battlefield in the distance, shouting loudly: "You must resist! You must resist, otherwise you will die like death!"

The sound of the old Thor was mad, and it continued to ring in the city of Hongye until the second daughter of the Dick family had a hand knife, let him faint.

"Stupid big, take care of your father!"

The second daughter of the Dick family told the little Tol, who was helpless, and went to Ye Qi in the latter nod. - At this time, on the battlefield, the rest of the seven families had begun to protect the Knights of the Dragon. The hood, the blast of bombardment, all kinds of overflowing energy, even after standing in the city wall of Hongyecheng, let people cautiously dodge, but more people are with a strong shock.

It was shocked by the battle in front of him, and it was shocked by the secrets of the seven families in Qiulin District.

For those people living in the Qiulin District, even the guards of the family, the guards of the city, they have never had the chance to know the 'ruling plan' of the seven families of the Qiulin District; and now, in the true sense of the sense, the feeling Naturally, it is unacceptable.

The Japanese glory and the need to look up, but the legendary powerhouse in the extraordinary world above the Japanese glory, will become a dog?

This is something that people in Qiulin District can't imagine and accept.

Similarly, the second daughter of the Dick family in the Qiulin District is unimaginable and acceptable. Even her heart has more feelings that ordinary people can't imagine; after all, she is now at the level of the day, and the strength The growth rate has not stopped, and it is still growing in an orderly manner.

Therefore, above the level of the day, for her, there is considerable confidence.

Even, she used to think that when she stepped into the sun, she made the whole Dick family a great shock. Although Alaro Dick had guessed that the seven families would exist above the Sunshine level. However, she never thought that the other party would be such an attitude to the legendary powerhouse in the extraordinary world.

Signed a slave contract and became a dog-like existence?

This idea emerged from the heart of Elaro Dick, with a timid chill. And more is anger. Like the flames, the magma is burning anger.

She is definitely not willing to be that kind of existence. Even if it is dead!

Such shouts echoed in the heart of Elaro Dick. At the same time, the second daughter of the Dick family opened his mouth and shouted in the direction of the battlefield, saying: "Charles, Soto, Berru, Harlan, Soro, Benny, Harrison, you bastard!"

The sound is melodious. Under the support of the strength of the Japanese glory, such a snoring was immediately spread throughout the battlefield, not only the battlefield of one's own side, even the camp of the other side's coalition forces heard clearly; everyone looked with stunned and unbelievable The second daughter of the Dick family.

The wise men of these people think that the snoring of the daughter of the Dick family is irrational and impulsive!

And some of the smarter people think that the second daughter of the Dick family is crazy!

Someone who is smarter is ridiculed by the Dick family's second daughter!

Only Ye Qi, who is slightly blindfolded, secretly nodded his head -

In the face of a powerful enemy, the battle that cannot be avoided in itself, what more needs to be returned?

It is not as good as the other, and it still has a chance of one in ten. Pray for the pity of the other person, this will only make your one-tenth of the odds disappear without a trace.

Far from being as good as it is. Abandon all battles!

Take one-tenth of the chance in your hand, and then give the other person a heavy blow!

Ye Qi knows very well what kind of person he is. Therefore, every time he avoids contact with strong enemies, even if he touches, he will have a layered arrangement and a set of plans; however, this is not the case. When he is faced with no choice, he will choose to give in.

Being cautious and giving in is two different concepts.

The former is for victory and the latter is for giving up the final victory!

Just like his contract companion said: ‘Fate? what is that? Is called the goddess of fate, they can not grasp things - but one thing is confirmed that it wants not to be laughed at, you clenched his fist, it dares to laugh at you, you're severely beat it, beat When it sees you waving your fist, you will run away! At that time, you have mastered the fate! In this case, although it is serious to say that it is biased, but Ye Qi is very much in agreement with the statement that his contract companion said.

Therefore, he looked at the second daughter of the Dick family and smiled: "Since you shouted out, then there is no fear! Because, you have no way to retreat, the battle of breaking the boat, not you die or I die - do this Are you ready? Are you timid in the face of death?"

"How timid? How is it possible!"

The second daughter of the Dick family, said hard, and relentlessly slammed: "Your men are already dying, don't you worry?"

"Of course not! Know that on the battlefield of countless deaths, Lions Havel is extremely powerful, even me, can't ignore his power - because he has experienced death, is familiar with death, and is manipulating Death, although he hates death!"

Ye Qi smiled and replied.

In the face of such an answer, the Dick family's second daughter is somewhat unknown, so the Dick family's eldest daughter does not understand, and Little Thor is even more puzzled, and the people around do not understand.

Only, the next moment, everything that happened on the battlefield, let them understand -

The legendary old man who was beheaded, stood up again.

Silent, without a head, but did not hinder him from locking his target, it was like a sharp arrow rushing into the air, dragging the old family of the Charles family who was spraying the flames from the air, a burst of bones In the sound of the fold, the old atmosphere of the Charles family quickly disappeared.

This sudden scene has made the battlefield quiet, even if it is the home of the seven families who are constantly attacking.

In particular, the old man who was always 'persuading' the blue knight was shocked by the scene before him.

Originally, he thought that because his own 'persuasion' had an effect, this guy would stop and not move, but from the current results, the other party only relied on his 'persuasion' to delay the time; at the same time, he saw The blue knight, hidden under the helmet, the burning fire of the soul.

Even with the cover of this special armor, the fire of the blue-blue soul has become so dazzling at this time.

"You are holy..."


The voice did not finish. I was interrupted by the big sword that was left behind. Like the last legendary strongman. The skull flew again and the blood was sprayed.

However, the body did not fall, even if it was separated from the bones of the bones, it stood firmly; and, not only that, not far from the family of the Charles family who had just fallen down, the Belru family should die early. The old family, once again stood up.


The Charles family’s old walk. There was a burst of rubbing sound on the bones, and then, quickly, the body shape of the cockroach returned to normal, but the blood between the nose and mouth, the pale face, and the silent eyeballs showed the other It is not the fact of living.

Three dead bodies and three legendary dead bodies stood behind the blue knight. As his mind moved and moved forward, the remaining four of the seven families were panicked. I couldn’t take care of the rest of the Knights of the Dragon Dragon. I hurried back.

Step, step, step...

Green Knight. With three legendary squadrons marching forward, the four legendary old men are stepping back and forth, and no one can think of a situation where the game is almost a seven-on-one. At this time, it has become a four-on-four.

Moreover, it is obvious that one morale is like a rainbow, and the other is falling into the bottom.

"This is what you said to manipulate death?"

The second daughter of the Dick family looked at everything in front of him and couldn't help but ask Ye Qi.


Without denial, Ye Qi nodded.

"It turns out that it is just like fighting. It can be more powerful and the enemy will become a friendly... This ability is simply fantastic!"

The Dick family's second daughter did not resent the praises - for the people in the Qiulin District, it is obviously not a jealous to manipulate the dead bodies; after all, except one of the seven major families is a spell of the infertile school, in the Qiulin District The family that studies the undead school is like a river.

Even in the bloody, chaotic era, the witchcraft of the undead school, in the eyes of the various families in the Qiulin District, is a compulsory existence; until the Holy Age, after the Holy See began to grow up, such a situation began to change. But the change is only on the surface, in the dark... still is my own way.

Especially in the Holy See, an expedition was launched on the Qiulin District. After the failure, such a self-sufficiency became another tradition in the Qiulin District.

Of course, this is also the beginning of hundreds of years of war in the Qiulin District.

It is obviously impossible to rely on the power of one side to compete with the Holy See that was in the middle of the day. Therefore, in the beginning, it was the last fight of all the forces on the battlefield in Qiulin District except the entire Holy Land. Fortunately, the combat coalition won the victory.

If not, the current Lorante is already a veritable ‘God country’.

However, the price of victory is also heavy. In the two hundred years of the sacred age, other forces on Lorant, wrapped in the kings and grand princes, mostly hide in the Qiulin area to recuperate, outside the Qiulin District. The power, whether it is an individual or an organization.

They were all named after the Holy See.

If there is no such name, waiting for you is the ‘here trial’.

It was not until the end of the sacred time that the war in the Qiulin District was temporarily closed to the passage, but it was only because of the coveted face of the larger part of Lorante.

The forces of the parties, another game.

In the end, the product of the compromise of the Free Age emerged, and unexpectedly thrived, and it has been at the end of the 252th anniversary of the moment.

However, such changes have not affected the Qiulin District.

Because, in that battle with the Holy See, the influence of the various forces here is too deep, and no one can give up. Therefore, it has become another platform for the Freedom to thrive - any war can be here. Occurs, but outside the Qiulin District, it is forbidden.

The seven families in the depths of the Qiulin District have no objection, and even are willing to do so. The war is beneficial to their rule.

The eyes of the highest government are placed in the more prosperous places such as the Bay Area, and there is no way to take care of the backward Qiulin District.

The Holy See has been unable to expand, and it can only be guarded by its own holy forest.

As for the devil?

Except for some families of the demon hunters, most of the demon hunters did not express their opinions, and they showed their own order in this respect.

of course. This kind of order. It is another kind of confusion.

It is like Ye Qi at this time. Facing the question of the second daughter of the Dick family, he slowly shook his head and said: "It is not the ability, but the user is excellent! Of course, the ability is also essential!"

Consistent, in line with the words of the demon hunter - not a direct negation, but also a lack of direct affirmation.

"Is this the power of the St. Mark?"

The second daughter of the Dick family did not delve into the language disease in Ye Qi's discourse, just watching the Qing Knight step by step. The enemy stepped back and couldn’t help but ask.

Although the legendary family who had been killed had not finished the sentence before, everyone present was aware of what the other party wanted to say.

Holy, only the holy mark.

"Not all, there are others who help!"

Ye Qi’s eyes were in the protective cover, and the face of the Nusiti, who was not shocked, could not help but smile. From the current situation, the Knights who were crowned by his contract companion were qualified. of. Know how to use your own strengths to face the enemy without being confused by the endless violent attacks of the enemy. And ultimately laid the foundation for victory.

This performance has even reached excellent.

Of course, in order to avoid the smug face of the strange wolf, Ye Qi insisted that this is only qualified.

"They are using the battlefield?"

The second daughter of the Dick family looked at Nustis and his entourage in the protective cover. Some of them were not sure about it. The battlefield, every family in the Qiulin District will be involved in one or two, because that year-round campaign, the battlefield for each For the family, it is indispensable; even the heirs of some families show excellent talents and will receive extra rewards.

Therefore, even the second daughter of the Dick family knows how to fight.

However, in her cognition, this battle is a bit strange - first of all, there is no such special position; she has never heard of a line of battles; secondly, the most important, the power The breath did not appear!

As everyone knows, the most important thing for the battlefield is to make power a process that can be 'transferred', to achieve the goal of relying on quantity and weakness.

However, what she saw, but no such power.


Ye Qi replied vaguely.

He could not explain the existence of the wolf to the second daughter of the Dick family in front of him. Naturally, it could not explain that this special force relied on the contract to form a battle.

Naturally, such a vague answer, the dissatisfaction of the Dick family's second daughter, she looked at Ye Qi with a bad look, and only responded to her sister's pull - she thought it was nothing to say, it seems There are no conditions for establishing an application, although the most important step has already begun.

However, the words of the former Fortress in the city, obviously the most important step of time has been erased, even if it has happened, can not say anything at this time - perhaps with a delicate, but the Dick family is also quite self-respecting, and It was this kind of self-respect that made her cry out.


There are both unwise, impulsive, and blaming Ye Qi.

And Ye Qi heard it, but pretended not to hear it, or... he needed to thank the seven families that were incompetent in the darkness of the seven families.

"St. Marks? Really amazing!"

In such a cold voice, several figures quickly came out of the shadows and stood by the four old legendary families.

"Harrison patriarch!"

"Charles chief!"

"Benni patriarch!"


Continuously exclaimed, as these figures showed their true faces one after another, they appeared one after another. The superiors of the various families of the coalition forces fell to the ground on one knee at the first time and lowered their heads. Although they really want to see clearly with the seven family leaders, but the position is obviously more respectable of the appearance of the family, but the rationality of the heart, let them choose such a gift.

To take a look at it and die, it would be too worthwhile.

Even in the depths of the Qiulin District, the elders' parliament of the seven major families is so mysterious and the same.

Curiosity, killing cats, and similar words in Lorante.

The seven patriarchs of the seven families, and the other seven old family members, a total of fourteen people stood by the four old homes, the seven new homes. They looked at the four people with an indifferent look. The latter bowed slightly with shame - although the identity was special. But this does not mean that mistakes can be waived.

In fact, the authority of the elders' parliament is based on its 'justice and strictness'.

"As a punishment, I am willing to leave the Elder Council!"

"me too!"

"And I!"

The four legendary families said with meticulousness, and suddenly the surrounding coalition forces were in a state of utter dismay; obviously they were all surprised by the decisions of these old families; after all, the elders’ meeting represented the right, but they could not be reached. Now give up and give up, this is really...

Compared with the families of the coalition who did not know what to say, Ye Qi was crying out – giving up the seats of the elders meeting. What is this? The legendary powerhouse is still a legendary powerhouse. There is no trace of wear and tear. With strength as a support, everything will not change. Even if there is a change, the family members who are still in the elders' assembly will not agree.

Simply put, the Elder Council is a fool to fool people. And the seemingly fair parliament, in essence. Everything is for the rule of the seven major families.

Obviously, it’s not just Ye Qi who sees this.

The eldest daughter of the Dick family, the old Thor is sneer again and again -


The old Thor, who was waking up from the coma, has returned to normal at this time. He looks at the show of the seven big families in the distance.

Obviously, such a voice cannot escape the perception of those superb legendary powerhouses.

Afterwards, an old family immediately looked at the city head of Hongyecheng. A black light appeared in his hand. However, he had not been shot yet and was blocked by the Qing Knight.

The black light was blocked by the blue smoke in the hands of the green knight, and the two sides collided and disappeared without a trace.

"It’s time to pack up your reptile!"

After the old man swept the old Tol of the city, he looked at the blue knight. He shook his robes slightly - it was a robes similar to the wizard's robe, but only appeared in the cuffs and other places. It is the family's family emblem. The staff holding the hand is different from the ordinary wizard's walnut, but a piece of white bone. The part of the head is a slap-sized hoe. This size is undoubtedly the baby. Only a child can have it.

And if there is more eyesight, it will be more clearly known that, except that the skull is a baby, the bone stick itself is also made up of the baby's cervical vertebrae, ribs and limbs.

"The holy mark who manipulates the power of the dead, I am the old family of the Soro family!" The old family of the Solo family, like the seven major families dressed by the wizard, said that his pale, bloodless cheeks appeared on the cheek. It is called a distorted smile. "You are very good, willing to be our family member of the Soro family?"


Such a word is exported, the coalition side, and the Hongye city side, the expression is different, the former with fear and envy, while the latter is red. naked. naked disdain.

People who have been told by Old Thor about a seven-family approach, if they believe in such a discourse, then it is really an idiot.

The answer of the Qing Knight is quite straightforward -


The blue flame spurted out to the old family of the Soro family; the blue color drowned the old man, and the coalition party exclaimed and drank.

However, the surrounding seven family clan and family members are indifferent.

Apparently, they knew that such a flame could not hurt their companions; and after waiting for the blue flame to pass, the Solo family once again appeared there unharmed, even without a broken corner.

"The flame of burning soul? Very good, but unfortunately no use for me!" The old family of the Soro family looked at the green knight, pale, wrinkled face, and a pity of look, and then With a sigh, said: "Obviously, we want to talk, but you do not give us such an opportunity!"

As he said, the old man waved his hand.

Suddenly, the patriarchs and family members of the seven major families around him surrounded the Knights of the Dragons very quickly—the Green Knights would naturally block.

Three legendary corpses, with countless blue flames, are playing their own power.

However, the deep black blocker's blue flame is also a legendary corpse blocking the legendary corpse, even. In terms of quantity, it has more than doubled.

what is this? !

Six legendary corpses? !

Everyone present was stunned by the action of the old Solo family - the bones waving. Six legendary corpses and shins appeared from the deep black.

Specializing in the Solo family of the undead school!

everyone. Once again, I realized that the meaning of this 'specialization' is a sorcerer of its own legendary level, with six legendary corpses and skeletons. This is completely beyond the combat power of ordinary legends; the same for Hailin There are some people who know the depths of the district, and understand why the Soro family, a family with few people, is called one of the seven families.

The combat power of this top seven legendary powerhouse alone is enough to explain everything.

However, it was when everyone was shocked by the power shown by the Soro family. A cry, if nothing happens - it is a kind of suppression of oneself, but still can not help, and finally the sound of nothing.

The coalition party did not know anything, but the Hongye City side looked at the old Thor who bit his teeth and silently shed tears at this time.


Little Thor yelled and hurriedly asked.

"That, there is your great-grandfather!"

Old Thor pointed to one of the six legendary corpses and skeletons that appeared on the battlefield in the distance. Weeping and talking.


The little Thor, who heard this sentence, was shocked and looked at the direction pointed by his father's finger. He saw a body full of carrion and a face that could not be discerned, while at the same time there was a stalwart figure - it was a portrait hanging in the attorney of the Thor family.

Long blond hair, rough but heroic face, with a smile, appeared on the canvas.

‘This is my grandfather, your great-grandfather, he is our hero! ’

Old Thor pulled the ten-year-old Tol, standing in the attic and pointing at the portrait.

'hero? ’

Little Thor, who was slow to respond, could not understand the meaning of the word.

‘With the heart of sacrifice, saved all of us! 'Old Thor did not explain too much. He stroked his son's head and said slowly: 'Little Thor needs to remember that the Tol family at the beginning is not great and noble, until your great ancestors appeared. After that, let all this change - he is the greatest and noble person! ’

Little Thor remembered very clearly that his father’s expression was desolate when he said this.

He couldn't understand the situation at the time. He only thought it was his own stupidity and could not understand it. But when he saw the ancestor of the carrion in the distance, he suddenly understood it.

The ancestors in the portrait were tall and strong, the blondes were flashing, the face was firm, and the smile was warm.

The ancestors in front of me are equally tall, but they are rancid, and the blonde has already lost its luster. The face is only left with white bones. As for the smile...

There is only resentment and unwillingness, and it is conveyed by the fire of the soul.


Like a wild beast, it appears in Little Thor's mouth, and the arc of the road begins to overflow from his body. In the dark sky, the dark clouds are more and more low, and a flash of lightning squats out of the air. Seoul.

In the flashing light, the blazing current wrapped the whole body of Little Thor. Then, a strange wave began to appear, causing the people around him to retreat for more than a dozen yards and vacate an open space.


Ye Qi looked at the little Thor in a strange way - he is no stranger to such a When he broke through the moonlight level to the daylight level, he experienced this experience.

However, Ye Qi did not think that Little Thor would break through to the Japanese level at this time.

However, such an accident is a good thing for the Hongyecheng side, and Ye Qi will naturally not stop it; therefore, after only glanced at it, he regained his gaze.

At the same time, the figure flashed and disappeared into the city.

Waiting for a long time, he can't wait!

Ps two in one chapter ~~~

It’s late for the decadence, and it’s two chapters in one. It’s said that it’s mid-month, and I’m asking for a subscription, a monthly ticket~ a reward~

Thanks to the unnamed Tiandao Happy 1888 starting point, the prodigal wandering around the sea, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, the lost heart, the wind and the dust, the 100th starting point of the reward.~~~ Decadence again thank you for supporting the decadent brother Sisters~~~(To be continued.)

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