Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 102: Departure. Secret treasure?

Ink and bone powder, reconciled with their own blood - for Ye Qi, the first two are not a problem, whether it is his [Dimensional Bag] or the Dick family's inner castle at the moment, these things are very common. There is no need to look for it deliberately; however, its own blood is quite troublesome.

The immortal level of [physique], tough skin, strong resilience, such an advantage, when the need for blood, let Ye Qi headache, just like the blood refinement of the last refining [the wizard's crown. Liege] Love is average, this time is also true, even more difficult.

After all, the physique at this time is not as strong as it was at the beginning.

In the end, in order to speed up the whole process, Ye Qi had to use the knives - and the original knives were quite resistant.

Because it is a saint from the hands of Ye Qi, the knives and Ye Qi can basically be regarded as ‘one body’.

Self-mutilation, unless there is a problem with the brain, no one will do it.

Therefore, Ye Qi had to pacify the knives again with [nameless skills], and finally completed the work of 'blood taking'; and then, everything went smoothly - expert level [alchemy] and master level The mysterious knowledge makes Ye Qi quite comparable to some real big wizards.

Although it is impossible to delve into some spells, there is still no problem in drawing an alchemy matrix.

According to the memory of the old Solo family, Ye Qi completed the alchemy matrix perfectly, and there is no difference in the memory of the other party.

after that. It is the body of a seven-family heir. Put it in this alchemy array.

Although Ye Qi thinks that there will be no problems. But to be cautious, he still chose a safer approach, starting with a simple one -


When the corpse was placed in the middle of the alchemy array, Ye Qi immediately shouted. Suddenly, the blue knight standing on the side, the palm of his hand stretched out, and a ghost shadow wrapped in a blue flame appeared inside the room.

The shadow and the corpse on the ground are generally the same. Nature illustrates the connection, or more directly, the soul, the soul of the corpse on the ground.

This soul, from ignorance to sobriety, was just a breath of breathing. When it discovered the alchemy array on the ground, it suddenly began to struggle.

However, in the face of the blue flame, this natural enemy of the soul. Its struggle is so powerless.

And along with, Ye Qi's hand in the feather pen in the alchemy array several times outlined. After the Alchemy Array was completely launched, the soul was instantly absorbed into it.

The mourning of the soul is more and more cold.

But neither Ye Qi nor the Qing Knight have the slightest pity - this is just a bad report!

In particular, the reason why the Green Knight is willing to help Ye Qi is to punish those who are guilty of the soul and the deceased; otherwise, according to the principle of the Qing Knight, even if it is an enemy, it will not play the soul and body of the other.

After a few seconds, the bodies in the alchemy array began to move.

Ye Qi took out the contract that had already been prepared, branded on the other's body, watching the disappearance of the contract text, and the connection between the heart, Ye Qi nodded with satisfaction.

Obviously, because of the help of the Green Knight, the most troublesome part was removed, and the process of making the corpse was much easier. According to the old memory of the Solo family, the other party ensured the integrity and obedience of the soul. Every time you make a corpse, you are careful.

However, even if this is the case, there are fewer successes and more failures.

After all, no matter how many instruments and articles are helped, it is impossible to compare with the ability of one's own ability; just like the soul in the blue flame, the blue knight can bring pain to the other party, but it does not hurt its roots!

Of course, you can also let the soul fly away with the will of the heart.

Everything is in the heart.

And this is the benefit of power—the reason why the apostles are different from ordinary people, isn't it because of this ability that gives them strength?

Or is it that ordinary people want to be apostles, isn’t it just to be strong?

For the pursuit of power, Ye Qi does not oppose, or even agree; because, he is pursuing a powerful road; only, for the sake of power and blindness, Ye Qi will not do it, but in the blind Touching some bottom lines that are unacceptable to ordinary people, Ye Qi is disgusted.

Perhaps, Ye Qi will not directly look for such a person as a Taoist, destroying each other.

However, if the other party appears in front of Ye Qi, Ye Qi does not mind directly killing the other party; or, more severely, let the other party eat the consequences.

For example: the application of the seven families to the corpse.

The legendary powers who were killed by the seven families, or the legendary powerhouses who signed the contract, saw that the former family was a waste of the seven families, while the latter still had a little bit of reassurance - even the despicable, even became a god. It is also impossible to obtain respect; just like this description, the seven families have long been suspicious of their own rule for their own rule.

They doubt everything.

Even the doubts that should not be doubted; for example, the legendary powerhouses who signed the contract.

Therefore, the corpse appeared like this - proposed by the Seven Majors, a special kind of undead school completed by the Solo family, combined with the existence of martial arts.

You can retain most of the strength in front of you, and you don't need the magic crystal drive, but there is no undead characteristic of undead; in short, in the battle, even if you don't extinguish the soul of these corpses, you only need to smash each other. The head, these corpses will also die.

Moreover, because it is controlled by people, it is impossible to achieve its own response; therefore, the weakness is quite obvious.

However, this does not erase the power of the corpse; after all, if the raw materials produced are legendary, then the finished product is legendary!

In Lorante, the legend naturally needs to look up.

not to mention. This legend is once again bound by the contract. It’s just a good thug. Especially in the Qiulin District, this special place does not oppose the undead school!

Although Ye Qi has the confidence to sweep away all opposition in the Qiulin area, Ye Qi will never mind if someone helps, but in order to ensure the safety of these people. Some bodyguards and thugs are a must - after all, except for a few individuals, the strength of the Moonlight class is too weak. If you are in danger, I am afraid that there is no such thing as a rebellious force.

Ye Qi is in the Qiulin District, but there are quite a few allies below the Japanese level.


Convert the bodies of the seven families into corpses and proceed in an orderly manner.

One hour before dawn, the eldest daughter of the Dick family entered the room - slightly light makeup. Wearing a soft, softly lit pajamas, Evro Dick gently pushed the door open with a hint of blush.

The green knight who has completed his mission. At the moment when the Dick family's eldest daughter entered the room, he turned and left, leaving the room to Ye Qi and the other party - although he is now similar to the undead, undead, but this does not mean that he needs to be undead, undead. Standardize yourself.

In fact, most of the time, the Qing Knights regard themselves as people.

Therefore, Ye Qi, who regards him as a person, will have considerable respect; after all, even his servant cannot understand his approach.

As a person, of course, you need to understand the ethics and shame.

Therefore, the Green Knight who walked out of the door, let his subordinates straighten, and extended the scope of the station to the original ten times.

And he himself and his deputy came to the inner castle.

In this regard, Nusti has no objection. I am very happy to do so. He walked beside the Green Knight and smiled as he walked. "We have already been far away. In doing so, Ms. Taylor asked. Can also mean that we don't know!"

"The lady's wisdom will look at your best disguise! So, I don't agree with such a proposal... let's be honest!"

When the Qing Knight heard the name of the chameleon, the whole body could not help but feel a stiff, and then, as if nothing had happened.

In fact, for the loyalty to Ye Qi, the Qing Knight did not have the slightest resentment. The people around him did not feel resentful or disgusted. However, there was only one exception, that is, the chameleon, the look that was viewed anytime, anywhere. As if I had an insight into everything, it really made him feel uncomfortable.

When a friendship was learned, the green knight’s uncomfortableness became more and more intense.

Lions Havel believes that he has enough knight conviction, but this does not mean that he is willing to see a woman who beats her.

In particular, this lady, from time to time because of certain things to practice, learn, and he did not hesitate to knock him down to the ground, forced to ask some things, he almost began to doubt his life.

"Yeah, let me be honest!"

Nushti saw the rigidity of his body's body - even if it was wrapped in armor, it was still obvious; and he was deeply aware of it; after all, the first communication was directed by his leader. The second is him, then his subordinates.

Every time, he made him feel unbearable.

“Actually, adults are not easy!”

The deputy head of the Knights of the Holy Dragon suddenly said.

"Well, I am very happy that I am single!"

The head of the Knights of the Holy Dragon expressed his position.


And when the deputy head of the Dragon Knights left the Dick family's inner fort and started patrolling the periphery, there was something happening in the refining room, let Ye Qi summon the old Thor and set off. The time, back a few hours; of course, Ye Qi is very bright and straight, he said that it takes a lot of time to teach a woman to manipulate the body.

In this regard, the old Thor, who sat in the hall and waited for several hours, expressed his understanding, especially after he got a body as a bodyguard. He was even more convinced that he completely believed in Ye Qi. Words.

"Ye Qi adults, the depths of the Qiulin District, is like the roots of a dead tree!"

After being familiar with the manipulation of the corpse in a few minutes, in order to cover up his cockroaches, Old Thor coughed. I immediately started my own story. "It's not just intricate and ruined - it can be used for any item or resource, as long as you have the strength!"

"However, the seven families are firmly grasping the end of the interest chain, any benefits, or that, no matter who benefits, they need to get the 30% that they get. Send it to the castle where the seven families are located - any concealment People, once they are discovered, it is the disaster!"

As if recalling something, the old Thor sighed and continued to say: "The castle of the Seven Great Family is located in the inner city of the city of Kuhlin. It is different from the outer city. It is defensively guarded and guarded by various magical fields. Even if it is close to the Sun Yat-sen, it will be discovered. Killing! If you want to get close or enter, you can only get a call from one of the seven families!"

"However. For the Ye Qi adults, it is not a natural thing!"

Say, Old Thor thought of the previous scene, immediately, easily laughed - the ability to strike the death of ten legendary powers, obviously do not need to pay attention to these.

"Do you know that the seven families guard the treasure?"

Ye Qi, while comparing the memory of the old family of the Soro family, nodded his head - from the memory of the old family of the Soro family, Ye Qi can be sure that the old Thor did not hide the slightest, these are already outsiders. The limit of knowing, and some secrets, even the old family of the Soro family do not know.

Or, to be more precise, the memory is sealed, even if Ye Qi can't read it by [magic creature]; for example, the treasure of the seven family guards.

"Oh... this treasure, I don't think it exists!"

After a sigh of relief, Old Thor said this.


Ye Qi looked curiously at Old Thor.

"Because from the collapse of the wizarding dynasty thousands of years ago, this legend has appeared, but until now, no one has seen it in the true sense... and the original form, the seven families have said such lies, it is obvious - They need more people to go to the Qiulin District! And as time goes by, such rumors are obviously not needed, but the seven families will never clarify for their faces, so the rumors of this treasure have been Spread to the present!"

Old Thor said his own reasons. For such reasons, Ye Qilu nodded with approval.

The collapse of the wizarding dynasty thousands of years ago, the death of the sixteen wizarding emperors, the whole of Lorante formed a situation of no ownership, the war broke out frequently; and in order to protect themselves or more rapid development, belonged to the sixteen emperors A seven-family family naturally needs some means.

And what is more secret than the secret treasure left by the wizarding dynasty?

Faced with the outsiders who heard the news, they can pull together, kill those who can be killed, and can't win, and kill them. If they are allowed to go to the guest, let the other party enjoy everything, then look for opportunities.

In Ye Qi’s mind, he can almost see that it was only one of the seven major families, and how to develop rapidly, forming the seven families that are well known in later generations.

For such an approach, Ye Qi did not give any evaluation.

In order to survive, such a thing is not a shameful thing. It is far from being as despicable as the seven big families at the moment.

However, for the old Toll's words, Ye Qi only agrees with some of them and cannot fully agree.

Of course, Ye Qi will never say it.

"Thank you for your advice!"

Ye Qi said this.

"It's my honor!"

Old Thor quickly got up and gave alms.

After that, Old Thor left the Dick family's inner fort, with a knight in the armor, and returned to the castle of the Thor family.

Looking at the old Thor, who was in a hurry, Ye Qi stood up and left the hall. The other party wanted to eliminate the traitors of the family. Ye Qi certainly would not stop, and the same, would not participate in it; The corpse is already giving the other party the greatest support.

If there is more, it is not suitable for the identity of the other party.

Of course, Ye Qi will also inform the other party very clearly. Because of the contractual relationship, everything that the corpse sees and hears, he can see, hear, and even block and change the other’s orders—something , placed on the bright side, far better than hiding.

Just like the old Thor who heard this, not only did not have the slightest concern, but also showed considerable agreement.

The gap between allies and strength is enough for anyone to change their original intentions -

This old Thor is no exception.

Even the other party mentioned his son in seemingly unintentional times during the conversation. Ye Qi also understood what the other party was for.

In this regard, Ye Qi did not have a direct statement, but also defaulted to some of the words of Old Thor.

"grown ups!"

The little friend who stood outside the hall called his only friend, it was awkward.

"If you are not used to it, you can continue to call my name!"

Ye Qi said with a smile.

"But I am your servant now, if you call your name directly..."

The look on Little Thor's face became more and more awkward.

Undoubtedly for Little Thor, the friendship and the identity of the family are really difficult to choose; however, for Ye Qi, it is not a thing, he continues to smile: "There are other people you call me an adult ~ www. When no one else, call my name!"

"Okay, leaf!"

Little Thor scratched his head and smiled thickly. Then, following Ye Qi, he walked outside the inner fort.

In the small square of the Dick family, the eldest daughter of the Dick family has been waiting for a long time.

Ps second more~

At noon, I ate a bad stomach, ran the toilet for an afternoon... The legs were soft... The time of the code word was greatly extended, and all kinds of helplessness, especially now there is a burning tingling of the boiled chrysanthemum!

Really, let me go!

In the middle of the month, the bitterness of hardship, ask for a subscription, reward and monthly ticket.

Thanks to the prodigal sons floating in the sea, the reward of the starting price of the turtle0920200, lam2006, the lost heart, the wind and the dust, the 100 coins of the starting point, the rewards~~~ decadent again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~ Continued.)

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