Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 2: Convergence

[Cold weapon (legendary) +3]

[Cold weapon (legendary) +3]


Ye Qi, sitting on the back of Gronin, looked at the words appearing on the system's light blue screen, and then scanned the legendary level of cold weapons at level 69. Ye Qi’s eyes could not help. Slightly smashed up - the increase in absolute power will obviously affect the change of skills.

With the strength of 1 and the power of 10 as a simple sniper, the effect is naturally different. Even if the latter has some mistakes, it will definitely exert the attack power several times more than the former, let alone In the case of action specifications, the kind of attack power, the former is unmatched.

Just as the previous Ye Qi relied on the strength of the immortal level to cut off the mountain, the stimulating skills are still at the legendary level.

Of course, this does not mean that this is a way to quickly upgrade skills.

Even at some point, the opposite is true—the powerful strength that enhances the power of skill, but such a skill will inevitably have a limitation, and under such restrictions, the powerful strength will be limited and cannot be played. .

Although Ye Qi has not yet entered such awkwardness, Ye Qi has already had such a feeling of ignorance, especially when he faced a knife in front of the mountain, a kind of The feeling of being bundled with lead is born.

This feeling is very abrupt, but it is real enough.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Qi, sitting on the horseback, silently and whispered: "Is the improvement of skills?"

Then, he subconsciously looked at the remainder of his skill points: 111.

A skillful skill point for a skill. Enough to cope with the situation in front of Ye Qi; only. Ye Qi is thinking about the problem of the most profitable words - the feeling of being awkward before. But it didn't make him reach the point where he couldn't move. Moreover, after the knife was thrown out, his legendary cold weapon began to upgrade quickly, which was faster than his hard work.

Such an increase will inevitably give the body with the "body of the sun" more power.

If you take out that knife again.

Obviously, the same situation. It will happen again!

Such repeated cycles are enough to allow him to quickly reach a limit without relying on skill points, and after this limit, relying on the improvement of skill points is undoubtedly the most correct choice - although if possible, Ye Qi I would rather continue to accumulate.

But obviously, the current situation, such an idea is unrealistic.

Thinking about the invitation of the new Pope Iyeta, Ye Qi knew exactly what he should do.

That is not a welcome banquet. It’s a banquet for nine deaths!

With a sigh of smile, Ye Qi took a photo of Groning's neck. Suddenly, Gronin’s speed was once again faster, sweeping the sky like lightning.

At this speed, they returned to Hongyecheng at noon.

"Ye Qi adults, triumph!"



When the figure of Ye Qi, who was riding Groning, appeared in the sky above Hongyecheng, he had already learned about the residents of Hongyecheng, soldiers, and the guards of the two families of Dick and Thor. After a long time, the shouts were made at the same time, loud, deafening, and more neat.

So that Ye Qi jumped from Gronin's back and looked at the smile of Evro Dick who smiled at him with a trace of surprise; however, the eldest daughter of the Dick family is like any family. The woman saw her husband triumphantly, holding a towel, wiping the sweat that Ye Qi’s forehead did not exist, and the blood that did not appear on his body.

Even Gronin was treated with the most solemn treatment. The warm water with enough herbs was added, and the bright black fur was gently brushed with a brush. The horses were softly pinched. The hand on the belly, gently rubbing, let Gronin close his eyes comfortably, and also snorted from time to time.

From this perspective, Groning’s possession of the horse’s lineage is unquestionable.

Ye Qi stood next to the Dick family, and watched her orderly to Gronin... cleaning - thinking for a long time, Ye Qi still used cleaning to describe the words.

After a full ten minutes, when the Dick family’s servant, holding a thick blanket, appeared next to the two, the big Dick family’s singer took the blanket and covered it with Gronin’s body. This kind of 'cleaning' can be regarded as a paragraph; and Groning, who experienced such a service, suddenly had a good impression on Evro Dick, and from time to time he took the head and licked each other, apparently wanting to come again.

However, under Ye Qi’s eyes, he was only able to retreat to the side.

"A very smart horse! Is this the reason for the nightmare?"

Evro Dick smiled and waved at Gronin, and then he turned his voice and smiled at Ye Qi.

"Well, maybe! Groning is really different!"

Ye Qi nodded - in fact, Ye Qi did not have the slightest lie. When I first met Gronin, this one seemed to be at that time, but the black horse that looked like a violent one had a different horse than the average horse. The intelligence of the child, of course, there is such a violent.

Perhaps it was thought that, in the original situation, Ye Qi could not help but curl up the corners of his mouth.

“Congratulations, you will fall in the Qiulin District and return home!”

Looking at the corner of the mouth, Ye Qi, the Dick family's Missy, the wizard's dynasty, the most traditional etiquette of the lady, owed to Ye Qi.

“Unified Qiulin District?”

Ye Qi shook his head and did not admit it. He did not explain it. Instead, he asked the eldest daughter of the Dick family: "The ones before, is your arrangement?"

"If we win, we must have the attitude of the winner - this is essential for your future plans!" The eldest daughter of the Dick family has a positive face. Very solemn to say. "Your plan. It is enough to let any family object, so you must now erect your image. Only then will no one dare to oppose it - of course, the Hittite Mountains that are cut off will be the most powerful. evidence!"

“You might think it’s not good to do this... but every region has rules for every region – even if you’re over everything. But sometimes you still need to control their will...whatever you are What kind of purpose!” Looking at Ye Qi, who was slightly wrinkled, the Dick family’s eldest daughter’s heart was inexplicably relieved. She was glad that the person in front of him was not a cruel tyrant, but at the same time reminded him again. Man - because the Qiulin District does not need a benevolent.

Evro Dick looked at Ye Qi, who was thinking, gently pulling Ye Qi’s strong and powerful arm to the terrace of the Dick family’s inner fort. She stretched out the slender, white fingers and pointed at the following. The residents of Hongyecheng who are busy with the celebration for this big victory. Slowly said: "Have you seen them? They don't know why you did this, but they understand what you brought to them!"

"So. The celebrations have appeared. They celebrate the death of the enemy and their own lives. - Qiulin District, the original Qiulin District people, always so simple... It’s good to live, isn’t it?”

Evro Dick asked Ye Qi to smile.

"Yeah, it’s good to be alive!"

Ye Qi nodded silently and smiled.

The two stood side by side on the terrace of the Naibao Fort. The Dick family's guards stood far behind the two men. They were respectful and courteous, including the new Toll, who was the chief of the guards. They were all revered. Looked at the back of the look - although the battlefield of Hongyecheng has already made them understand the power of Ye Qi, but they did not think that Ye Qi really could destroy the seven families overnight and cut off the Greeks. Special mountain range.

You know, the Hitt Mountains, though not the special Hove Mountains.

But it is not a small mountain range. It is impossible for ordinary people to climb. It is difficult even for the apostles, the moonlight level, and the people below to climb. Even the sunrays also cost a lot. The strength; not only because of the steepness there, but also the snow there.

However, it is such a mountain that has been opened by a knife!

So, what exactly is this kind of knife?

Countless people are thinking about this problem. They are all imagining the wonderful and powerful weapon. In the end, their eyes are on the person who has pulled out the knife. The burning and crazy worship begins. Appeared; I don't know who started first, kneeling on one knee, and the noble head was also leaning down there.

Then, all the people are kneeling on their knees.

Oh, oh...

In the sound of the armor, there is no one standing outside the Ye Qi and Evro Dick on the terrace, and this phenomenon is like a plague spread, from the Dick family's inner castle to the Thor family. Neiburg, then the inner city of Hongyecheng, followed by the outer city.

All the people are kneeling on one knee.

"Congratulations to my Lord, triumph!"

Such an idea appeared inexplicably in the heart of Little Thor. Then, the instinctiveness gathered into the loudest voice, spreading in all directions.

"Congratulations to my Lord, triumph!"

In this kind of proliferation, countless voices have been added to it, and the sky of Hongyecheng has been resounded.

In the incomparably loud voice, Ye Qi’s glimpse again, when he smiled, the eldest daughter of the Dick family also took a step back and half-squatted, saying: “Congratulations to my Lord, triumph!”

"What should I say now?"

Ye Qi looked at the guards, soldiers, and civilians who fell to the ground, and then looked at Evro Dick with a smile in front of him, and smiled a bit, and asked softly.

"Please pick up!"

The eldest daughter of the Dick family quietly reminded Ye Qi.

"Please pick up!"

And Ye Qi, as the other party reminded, said with a stretch of effort, the clear voice began to surround the city of Hongye under special force.

"Grateful to the mercy and bravery of my Lord!"

It seems that the sounds of countless times have been rehearsed, and the sound has become uniform. At the same time, people stand up again, and people who stand up, Ye Qi is slightly relieved.

However, the sigh of Ye Qi, but did not find that the white big cockroach in Pandora's box, is shaking slightly; very small vibration, and very fast, almost instantly returned to normal.

In the same way, among the many people, a figure hidden in it also with a light smile, disappeared silently, including Ye Qi, no one found it, even she was secretly displayed. The same is true of the little toll of some small means.

Even now, Little Thor thinks that he is involuntarily saying such a discourse.

There is no doubt that anyone, even if it is Ye Qi’s inquiry, is also said by Little Thor, so that Ye Qi, who has doubts, has to temporarily put down.

Because, one hour after the start of the afternoon celebration, he only once again showed his way to the holy forest area, with the Knights of the Dragon and the small Thor.

As for Elaro Dick?

The second daughter of the Dick family had already set off with her own subordinates one day ago.

In this regard, the eldest daughter of the Dick family had to ask Ye Qi again.

Ye Qi shrugged and agreed.


Because of the Hove Mountain Range, Ye Qiyi’s planetary night was ahead of the road, and then passed through the entire Chunlin District and entered the Xialin District before moving into the vicinity of the gate of the Shenglin District: the Glorious Canyon.

At this time, it is already the morning of the sixth day.

In the range of about ten kilometers from the Glowing Gorge, Ye Qi took a shot of Groning's neck. Suddenly, the Groninger of the meeting fell in the air, followed by the Holy Dragon Knights. The head of the Holy Dragon Knights is of course very clear, if you continue to fly in the air, it will definitely be affected by the Hove Mountains.

There may be no danger, but the consumption of physical strength is certain.

Once you enter the sky above the Hove Mountains, you will definitely lose the ability to fly, and you will be fixed on the ground, even the legendary powerhouse in the extraordinary world.


The members of the Knights of the Holy Dragon have looked at the back of Ye Qi’s sitting on the horseback. After Ye Qidao smashed the Hitt Mountains Ye Qi, they are loyal Adults, instantly in their hearts, reached an incredible degree, even if it is the Hove Mountains, they do not think that they can block the footsteps of their adults.

From flight to walking, the speed did not slow down. On the contrary, it was a little faster - except for the two deputy heads who were able to fly freely because they entered the extraordinary world, the remaining members of the Holy Dragon Knights relied on The power of the armor is flying, not its own strength. If it is not because of the straight line, Ye Qi will definitely choose to walk in the beginning.

With the more and more entrance to the Glowing Canyon, Ye Qi's brow was involuntarily wrinkled.

Ps second more ~~~

This is the nineteenth volume of the ~~~

Thanks for the starting point of the reward (deprivation of the hand), the prodigal son of the four seas, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, the lost heart, the wind and the dust of the 100th starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent again thank you for supporting the decadent brother Sisters~~~(To be continued.)

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