Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 5: aisle

The sound of the sheath is extremely loud, and it is not too shocking to say that it is deafening. What is more attractive is that the blue half-moon knives have not entered the Nafp mountain range three times.

"Evil... Lord Shack, what are you doing?"

The cardinal appeared in front of Ye Qi in the next moment, loudly shouting, and even subconsciously shouted out the word "Dragon"; however, the cardinal who responded extremely fast, in a word exit After that, the original title was changed instantly; however, the face of the cardinal was still ugly.

That kind of anger and resentment can be seen even by an idiot.

Therefore, even in the face of Ye Qi's reputation, the cardinal is screaming.

"Nothing, just practice the knife!"

Ye Qi smiled as if he was talking about something that was not worth paying attention to.

"you you……"

The cardinal trembled and reached out, his fingertips trembled up and down, as if it were the kind of candle in the wind; but, the next moment, the cardinal returned to normal, his face was not the same. Look, but between words, there is more to say that it is worthy of intriguing meaning.

"The miracle of the Hove Mountains, is the Lord of the Shacks the first time to see it?" he said.

"No, the second time; only this time, 'seeing' is more clear!" Ye Qi shrugged his shoulders and shouted at the little man not far away: "Datong, let's pack up and get ready to go." After all, the Pope Iyera is still waiting for us!"

"His Lord of the Shack, you see this miracle again. Do you have any thoughts or feelings?"

The cardinal looked at Ye Qi Gu’s appearance. The more my heart is determined, my own guess. In a tone that is somewhat inconsistent with his identity, chasing: "Is your knife a bit blunt for the Hof Mountain?"

When such words are exported, the demon hunters, the Knights of the Holy Dragon, and the people watching the hustle and bustle are brows, and anyone can hear the slightest provocation; however, compared to the former with a brow In the case, the latter is frowning. The bottom of my heart is also with a hint of sneer.

Such sneer rises from the bottom of my heart and then emerges on their faces.

It’s not uncommon to see a big man’s eye, especially when the cause of this thing is not provoked by them. When they are just as a wall view, such a sneer is even more brilliant. After all, what else is better than laughing at a big man, not having to worry about revenge, is it better?

And the cardinal who was not inferior, at the moment of discourse. Some regret it - he once again thought of some rumors about Ye Qi; however, faster. An idea that is more adventurous, but is very likely to get great benefits, comes out of his heart.

If you can make the evil dragon in front of you ugly, then your majesty will definitely look at me!

After such an idea emerged from his heart, it was like the fire of the stars could be unstoppable like a singularity--Is it not because of the lack of superior ability that I was assigned to act as the 'inspector'? ? When I thought of leaving the mountain, the sarcasm in the eyes of the same eyes, the ridicule on the corner of my mouth.

The heart of the cardinal seems to be torn.

It hurts, and it is **** pain, which makes him try to become a decision.

"The Hove Mountain Range is a miracle of our Holy See. It guards us and is not attacked by unbelievers and heretics... Even if you are the strongest of the world, the same is true!" Deeply took a breath, the Cardinal I began to talk about my own words, and his voice was involuntarily raised. Not only the surrounding, but even the other side of the Glorious Canyon can be heard clearly.

These forces, who are waiting here, are not part of the Holy Forest, and after hearing such a voice, their faces are different -

The shaking of the Blanch jug was stagnant, and Jerome’s face was worried, and Modred was still the smile of the sun, without any fade.

The most powerful of the highest government, Dides, was as silent as ever. Mortier and Lilith looked at each other and their brows were wrinkled.

Father Fletcher in the Northder family stood up, took a few steps, and sat down without a sound; some people behind him were either looking forward or silently laughing.

However, this is far less direct than the Holy See.

These loyal dogs under Yetta, the bishops and archbishops in red robes, all sneered out, and the laughter in laughter is obvious.

Only Lehman with armor stood there without saying a word, as in the rumor, maintaining the character that a knight should have.

"Blanc Tower Lord, the Shak Dragon you have been waiting for has come, and it has brought us such a big surprise!"

A red archbishop walked straight out and looked at the leader of the demon hunter, with a burst of laughter and loud words.

"Yeah, it's really a big surprise!"

Another red archbishop also said, and when the words had just fallen, the archbishop of red couldn’t wait to laugh, and such laughter undoubtedly infected the archbishops and bishops of all the churches present. The laughter of the great archbishop and bishop gathered together, and the voice was so loud that the people around it heard it clearly and passed back to the other side of the canyon.

Blanc didn't talk, he twisted the jug and poured it again, and Jerome was looking at him, snoring at the nasty guys in front of him - in fact, if you could, Jaymont De will definitely wave his fist, let the guys who laughed at Ye Qi in front of him, understand what is called the big punch of the sandbag, and how severe the pain of such a fist on the person.

However, like Blanc, he also knows that it is not suitable for shooting here.

Otherwise, his good friend, Blanc will not rely on drinking to cover the ugly face - others can not see clearly because of the cover of the jug. But Jimmond, standing next to Blanc, can see clearly. His friend's face is dark and dark.

leaf. What the **** are you guys?

The involuntary Jerome, the tower of the athletic tower, stunned. In his cognition, Ye Qike is not an impulsive, chaotic person. Unlike the other teacher, the other is quite cautious. And like to leave enough people to backhand; and such people, should not make such a thing right!


Thinking of it, Jerome’s eyes looked at the Hove Mountains.

only. There, the Hove Mountains are still like that, with the ordinary people can not perceive, but it is real, and unquestionable special.

Even Jimmond’s perception is still unable to cross the Hove Mountains and sense the outside world; everything is telling that there is no change in the Hove Mountains.

In fact, not only is Jemond alone sensing the Hove Mountains, but people close to Ye Qi are sensing the Hove Mountains. Everything was as perceived by Jerome, and they did not find any difference; and such a move was discovered by the archbishops and bishops.

Immediately. The laughter is even louder.

At the entrance to the Glorious Canyon, the loud sound came from the canyon and passed through the long canyon, so that the loud laughter lost the sorrow and sorrow, and the rest was only sharp and harsh.

Hearing such laughter, the people at the entrance to the Glorious Canyon have changed their faces, especially the face of the demon hunter. It is even more ugly.

Even the big man who is full of greatness on weekdays, this time is also a short-sighted look at the canyon - if not Ava and the little man next to him are holding him, I am afraid this time, the big man is early I rushed through the long canyon and gave the guys who had laughed a fat meal.

"We have to believe in the leaves!"

The little man comforted the big man like this, but the hesitation in his eyes clearly showed that the little man’s heart was shaking about his own words. Then he looked at Ye Qi’s calm and self-confident appearance, and could not help but in his heart. It’s a bitter smile – from a long time ago, even when they just met, he was very clear that his friend was a guy who looked like modest and sinister.

However, such a reluctance is always hidden very well, even if he is a friend of Ye Qi, he has forgotten.

Until now, the defense broke out.

However, compared to other people, a small person who is a good friend has another kind of calmness - since it has already happened, then what happens, what can't be changed, starts with things that can be changed.

"Ye, are we going to enter the Shenglin District now?"

The little man asked like this, the tone was peaceful, as if nothing had happened at all; the big man and Ava also reacted quickly, and their eyes looked at Ye Qi.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

Ye Qi replied with a smile, and his gaze still looked at the Hove mountain range in front of him - [perception] opened to the limit of Ye Qi, clearly seeing the deepest part of the Hove mountain range, that smearing change; In the previous layers, the extremely special strength is different. In these energy lines, which are like the open big net, the three knives are cutting like scissors and moving toward the most core position.

At that core position, the power that erupted from these energy nets was exactly the same as the current, washing three knives.

Every scouring will make the three radiances of the 阎 . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , All the energy lines along the way were cut off by the three knives.

Undoubtedly, these energy lines are similar to the magic inscriptions in the alchemy array, and the core is similar to the magic crystal that starts the alchemy array.

Only compared to the ordinary alchemy array.

The 'Alchemy Array' that hangs over the entire Hove Mountains is too large and delicate. Even if Ye Qi observes the whole day, it is only a part of it, but it is such a part. I have benefited a lot – the expert level of [alchemy] has been raised from 8 to 20; if it is not for the sake of time, Ye Qi will continue to investigate.

However, this is for Ye Qi. It is enough.

At least. He is very clear. To destroy the peculiarities of the Hove Mountains, you only need to destroy the core; but such core destruction requires skill – unlike the simple rock of the Hittite Mountains, you want to destroy Hoff. In the case of the mountains, it is impossible to slash like this. It is necessary to start from the energy nodes of the 'Alchemy Array' and destroy enough energy nodes. The amount achieved makes up for the quality and then points to the core.

Thereby achieving the ultimate destruction purpose.

As for the 'Alchemy Array'?

Ye Qi did not find a better way to call this the existence of the entire Hove Mountain Range. Therefore, after a slight indulgence, he still chose the title of 'Alchemy Array'.

After all, observing here, the alchemy skill level is improved, that is a fact.

Now, the three-way knives have cut off more than 80% of Ye Qi’s expectations. Simply put, the remaining 20% ​​of the nodes are cut off. You can face that core directly—in fact, for this core, Yech has been able to determine that ‘it’ is harmless after nearly a day of observation.

It should be, similar to the core of the wizards' 戮 God.

It has quite a lot of energy, but if there is no reliable way, it can't be played at all.

Therefore, it is worthy of Ye Qi's attention, that is, those energy nodes like net pockets, as long as these energy nodes are broken, everything will become easy.

At this time, it is not destined to be a long time, just wait a little patiently.

However, some people obviously don’t think so -

"His Lord of the Shack, do you want to pay tribute to the miracles of our Holy See? If so, I hope that you will enter the Glorious Canyon and reach the Holy Forest and then pay respect; after all, today is the last of the restrictions of the Pope. One day, if you don’t enter in time, the Glorious Canyon will be closed!”

A faint sarcasm, as if the city people stared at the country, the white cardinal who heard the laughter, it seems to be infinitely encouraged, and some have forgotten to look up, look at Ye Qi’s eyes, It became a bit unscrupulous; it seems that the shadow of the Shaker Dragon has been completely erased from his heart.

However, in the subconscious contempt of the big man, the cardinal is a neck-necked, sinful nature exhibition.

However, as if to think that such behavior is a little lost face, the cardinal immediately rushed to remove other people outside Ye Qi, and shouted loudly: "Do you want to consume it here? You know, At sunset, it’s the end... Don’t you want to enter the Holy Forest?”

After that, the cardinal turned around and walked toward the gate of the Glorious Canyon. While walking, he thought in his heart: "That **** is not like human heresy, why is the eyes so terrible? Right, So tall figure, must have the troll or ogre bloodline! It must be like that, otherwise why is it so tall!"


The sound of the clear voice, Ye Qi waved his hand to his partner, subordinates and the demon hunter who was preparing to go, and turned to the Hove Mountains.

"His Lord of the Shack, is there a problem with your eyes? The entrance is..."

The Cardinal also wanted to ridicule one or two sentences. However, his words had not been finished yet, and he was interrupted by a bumpy bump and a deafening roar.


Countless rocks rolled down the Hove Mountains, with countless gravel, splashing layers of smoke.

It can limit any flying, hard and incomparable, and the Hov Mountain Range, which is as high as a thousand miles, begins to collapse. It is like a piece of tofu cut by a knife.

"How is this possible?"

The cardinal looked stunned at everything in front of him, he muttered to himself, and then wanted to shout something loudly, but was overwhelmed by countless dust in the next moment, with countless gravel. A burst of sorrow, the dull stone and the collision of the body rang.

Of course, there are bursts of screams and broken bones.

Naturally, the former is definitely the main theme.

"Finally understand why this guy is thrown here as a 'checker'!"

The little man snorted and patted the palm of his hand because of the stone, and smiled and walked behind Ye Qi to the open passage.

Ava, the big man also took a look of smile ~ ~ tightly followed up.

The St. Dragon Knights, as always, swaggered, and the pure metal boots stepped on the ground and made a powerful sound; whether it was mud or stone, it was flattened one by one, especially those larger stones. In the attack of the deputy head of the Knights of the Dragon, it became a smash, and then it was stepped on by the members of the Knights of the Dragon.

When the accompanying demon hunters once again stepped into the newly opened passage, they have already become a avenue – although some places have required professional people to make detailed modifications, but the narrowest places, side by side through the carriage It is not a problem, and in the widest place, this number can be doubled.

Several lone hunting hunters looked at each other and each other's eyes flashed with joy and a clear look.

Then they all smiled and hurriedly chased toward Ye Qi in front.

And the dark mercenaries and rich people who were blocked out, after half a face, did not know who was the first to open the head, almost swarming in.

Ps first more ~ ​​(to be continued..)

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