Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 8: Transfer

A special amount of energy poured into Ye Qi's body, and then it was quickly transformed, and then a hint came again in the system bar -

[Charm +1]

I always watched Ye Qi in the system bar, and I saw this prompt and I immediately saw it.

Obviously, the increase of attribute points is beyond the expectation of Ye Qi, but the added attribute point is [Charming], which is even more surprising for Ye Qi.

After all, according to Ye Qi's attribute distribution and growth, [charming] is the most important of the five attributes - not to go to business, to be a politician, what do I need [glamour]?

This is the first time that Ye Qi gave his answer to the attribute of [Charming].

Even if it is possible, Ye Qi does not mind, returning [Charm] to the attributes of normal people, and then placing the extra attribute points on other attributes, even if it is a discount, he is willing.

There is better than nothing!

Ye Qi was in the bottom of his heart, so he comforted himself. Then, the palm of his hand was once again placed on the statue wrapped in the power of faith.

Suddenly, the previous scene was repeated again -

[Discover special energy...]


[Physical judgment...]

【success! 】

[Can absorb...]

Tall 48 points, has already reached a [physique] that is beyond everyone's imagination, and played an unimaginable role at this time; Ye Qi did not feel the 'limit' mentioned by the profiteers - in fact Because of the special reminder of the profiteers, Ye Qi is even ready to use the point of the attribute points that have been accumulated.

only. From the current situation. It is still far from this level.

after all. Judging from his immortal level of perception, there is no dangerous feeling.

[Discover unknown energy rules...]

[Get special power transition options]


b. reading magic

c. Identification

d. Master's hand

Such a hint appeared in front of Ye Qi, and made Ye Qi’s eyes slightly squint – thinking about the uncertainty of the power of thought while considering the options in front of him; obviously, the power of faith is like Ye Qi The beliefs that are experienced are generally not even more reliable than the beliefs. After all, the belief illusion can still have a trace of search. But for the two attempts of the power of faith until now, Ye Qi did not find any rules.

Once is the increase in attribute points, once to turn the spell into feat.

During the period, Ye Qi could not find any so-called association; however, this did not hinder Ye Qi from making a quick choice -

"Select d."

[Mage's hand power change...]

[Get special expertise: the hand of secondary control.]

[Second Handling: Moves up to 50 pounds of items at a distance (in line of sight) (regardless of whether this item has a owner). 】

Compared to the [Mage's Hand], which can only move up to 50 pounds of unowned non-magic items, the [secondary control hand] undoubtedly has a qualitative change; however, you want to be truly involved in the battle. In the middle, it is still not enough; however. Ye Qi is not worried.

After all, he has a very good provider in front of him - though. He still can't determine the rules and he needs to bet on luck, but Ye Qi will never give up because he is gambling, especially in the case of the selfless dedication of the other party.

Therefore, the next absorption begins.


The land of the seal.

The wolf stunned and watched the change of his contract companion. It grew up and couldn't fit it. It could only be unconsciously screaming: "How is it possible? How is this possible? How did this guy do it? Why? Is it impossible to do this?"

A series of questions expressed the surprise of the wolf at this time.

For the ‘plan’ that the self-contracting companion once proposed – the blame wolf has expressed its approval, because it is indeed the best method so far.

Of course, for the skills that Ye Qi’s elders gave to the power of faith, the wolf also showed amazement - for the true genius, the wolf never sighs his praise; however, praise is praise, among them Some of the problems, the wolf will never be ignored; even, the wolf has already repaired it more complete.

As for why?

Of course, in order to be able to start a real big deal with Ye Qi!

To know that for those believers, although he has already occupied 30%, but the wolf still believes that he can then 'take' from his contractor.

However, this way of 'taking' must be a certain skill.

For example, when your own contractor encounters an unsolvable and important thing that needs it to come out... and the power of the faith of the guy in the Holy Forest area is undoubtedly the best opportunity.

The power of faith, want to absorb, is not so easy.

The corresponding priesthood and the kingdom of God are indispensable.

Therefore, even if you find the so-called method of absorbing the power of faith, for most people, it is not such a wonderful thing. On the contrary, it will be an unparalleled heavy burden - although 'the curse of God' 'It seems ridiculous to most people, but ridiculous does not mean that it does not exist.

The power of faith contains every believer, the most sincere prayer to the God of his own faith; there is doctrine, has his own understanding, and even has a desire - therefore, the complexity of the power of faith is absolutely beyond Imagine that anyone who wants to absorb, in the face of such beliefs, is undoubtedly putting other ideas that are not their own in their own minds.

Simply put, it is schizophrenia.

Of course, this is not the end result. If it is only schizophrenia, the wizards have quite a number of means to solve this problem.

The bigger problem is physical.

The energy level of the power of faith goes far beyond the imagination of mortals, anyone who absorbs this power. There will be a state of virtual uncompensated. Even a more direct counterattack. Even if it is the strongest of the immortal level, the absorption of the power of faith must be cautious.

In other words, if there is no corresponding priesthood or the kingdom of God, the gods themselves cannot directly absorb the power of faith. They also need their own priesthood and the transformation of the kingdom of God to be able to absorb the power of faith into the body. Or feedback to the kingdom of God. Let it be more complete.

Therefore, the wolf will recognize that his contractor will be in trouble, and this is the time for it to be shot.

Only, everything in front of him is completely beyond its expectations.

Its contractor can be so smooth, even more skillful than some weak gods to absorb the power of faith - it can be seen that some special things are completing the transformation for its contractors And this special thing is so illusory.

Make it completely impossible to start.

"What is this?"

Feel your own contractor to complement the complete method. It is also necessary to absorb the power of faith in front of the powerful and excellent way, and to wonder the doubts of the wolf. It made it so overwhelming; because, after many years, it has not been known, similar to the special things in the body of the contractor.

"Love of fate?"

In the end, the wolf sighed and asked like this; then, there was a very disdainful spit into the sturdy floor of the seal, and whispered: "I believe the fate is a fool!"

However, such drinking is not able to solve the doubts in its heart.

In fact, for his own contractor, it has accumulated too many doubts; only, such doubts are deeply buried in the bottom of his heart.

Now, some strange wolves that are unable to withstand it are silently thinking: "It seems that I need to have an open and honest discussion with my contractor!"


Lehman returned to the Glorious Canyon with the order of the new Pope Iyeta. At first glance, he saw the scarred archbishops and bishops with sneers in their hearts, but their faces were hung. With a bit of worry, he quickly stepped forward and asked: "What happened to you?"

"The heresy, there is a heresy attack on the Glorious Canyon!"

An archbishop who was covered in wounds but did not have the slightest blood flowing out, replied with a wheezing voice; and with his words, the wound on his body cracked again, with a hint of crisp sound, as if it were dry. The bark was violently broken.


Lehman’s advantage is his own surprise.

"It's Alcatel, the sinful heresy!"

Another archbishop, this answer.


Lehman, who was surprised, immediately looked around, but he did not see other existence except the demon hunter, the highest government, and so on.

"where is it?"

Lehman asked.

"Under our siege, I have temporarily escaped!"

The archbishop who spoke at the beginning spoke in a very proud tone. Even the dry, tree-like face had a strange brilliance.

Only the people around, except the people outside the Holy See, have uttered their own sneers in unison.

The inanimate king fled?

Who is the escape that just panicked?

If it is not the other party who has no intention of hunting these lives, I am afraid that you have already died without a place of burial!

Perhaps he felt the contemptuous eyes around him. The archbishop was a little embarrassed. He coughed and asked Lehman: "Is the order of His Majesty the Pope brought?"

"Well, here, sir!"

Lehman took out a golden scroll of sheepskin and handed it to the archbishop, but he was rejected. The archbishop shook his head and said: "Lehman head, now I can't read the wishes of His Majesty. Please let me know!"

Lehman hesitated for a while, but when all the archbishops and bishops around him spoke, Lehman nodded with a look of embarrassment.

Holding the golden sheepskin roll, Lehman turned and walked to the place where the demon hunters, the highest government, and others gathered.

"Lehman Head!"

The demon hunter, led by Blanc, greeted the reputable head of the disciplinary knight, just like the former head of the Holy Knights.

"Blanc Tower Lord, Lord Germond Tower, Lord Modred Tower!" Lehman returned to the ceremony. then. Turned. Greetings to the highest government and family representatives, "Diddes and Fletcher, Good Day!"

"Lehman Head, Good Day!"

Deides and Father Fletcher returned to the ceremony.

It can be seen that for Lehman, the two also have no objection.

"I came with the command of His Majesty the Pope... Your Majesty believes that any existence in the sediments of the years will be spoiled. This is a very normal natural phenomenon. No need for any investigation; therefore, everything is in accordance with the original Plan, please go to the mountain..."

After Lehman’s salute again, he opened the golden scroll of sheepskin and read it according to Ben Xuanke; however, he was interrupted before he finished reading it.

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

Still the archbishop who had too much blood loss, at this moment, he did not have any injuries at all. Jumped quickly from the ground and rushed straight to Lehmann. Grab the reel in Lehmann's hand.

"Hi Stephen, what are you doing?"

Lehman easily escaped the other side's grasp, frowning and shouting.

"The Pope, it is impossible to make such an order, he should not let go of these heresy and sinners!"

The archbishop named Stephen, shouted loudly, and then, again, grabbed the scroll again.

While standing around the Blanc and other demon hunters, Deides's highest government and Fletcher's family, dark mercenaries, etc., at this moment, all sneer.

Undoubtedly, the heresy of the Archbishop Stephen, the sinner, does not simply refer to the inanimate king. Obviously, they are included in it; and this kind of sneer makes the Archbishop Stephen only The blood poured into the face, and he yelled at Lehmann loudly: "Let me see the will of my majesty!"

"You have lost your heart!"

Lehmann took a step back and once again escaped the other side's grasp, frowning coldly, but the golden scroll in his hand was handed to the other side; almost can't wait, the Archbishop Stephen, I opened the scroll in my hand, and when he saw the above handwriting, he couldn’t help but shout loudly: "Fake, this is fake, this is your forgery, right? You are a rebel..."

Lehman's crisp hand knife prevented the rumor of the Archbishop Stephen. He pinched his partner and turned around. He bowed slightly to Blanc, Deides and others: "The Archbishop Stephen." It is not intentional. He just made an erroneous judgment because he was anxious! Please don't mind!"

"Of course, we certainly won't mind!"

Blanc shook his own jug and said nothing, though, he had just broken more than 80% of his teeth before.

“Can we move on? It’s been a lot of time here!”

The words of Deides are more direct - the two-channel Hofer Mountains have been opened, and it is obviously impossible to organize the entry of the two top legions of the highest government.

Therefore, such waiting is completely unnecessary.

What he needs is a more direct and effective result, whether it is given by the other party or what he sees.

"Of course, Dedicus!"

Lehman handed over His Archbishop Stephen to the disciplinary knight. He walked to the gateway not far away, and Blanc and Diddes lined up behind.

"In the gate, there is a threshold of God, you can go straight to the foot of the mountain!"

While walking, Lehmann introduced - in fact, only a slight adjustment, this transfer of the name of the gate of God can send everyone to the top of the mountain, not the foot of the mountain.

Of course, this adjustment, the destination is not what he said, the foot of the mountain - although this is what the Pope Ieta told him personally.

However, such a discourse, except for his alliance leader Ye Qi, Lehman will not be disclosed to anyone.

After all, as the head of the Holy See, the disciplinary knight, he knows what kind of attitude he should have to face people outside the Holy See.

Of course, Ye Qi also knows how to face this ally.

Therefore, Lehman is not clear. After entering the inside of the gate, Blanc just looked at the door of God in front of him and found a different place, and he turned to Jerome next to him. After a look at Modred, he remembered everything in his heart.

The special threshold of the **** that Ye Qi discovered, under the analysis of the Tower of Wisdom, found quite a lot of gains.

At the very least, some of the demon hunters can easily identify and use the Holy See's threshold.

“The threshold of God here, you can send up to 30 people each time...”

Lehman continued to say, but the words were not finished, but the meaning was extremely clear.

“I think we are better off on foot!”

Father Fletcher suddenly said, and such words are recognized by all family and dark mercenaries; even Blanc and Diddes have no objections.

"Do you doubt me?"

Lehmann continued to express his identity as a knight, and in the face of doubt, he issued his most direct anger.

Ps second more ~~~

Desperate this hardship, always encounter power outages from time to time... The only lucky thing is that some convenience stores around, there is electricity, decadence can only be a thick face to go there - and then, a little embarrassed, Just bought something.

However, standing code words are really uncomfortable!

Moreover, today 520, smashing the ground to roll for protection ah ~ ask everyone's love ah ~ subscription, reward, monthly ticket, throw it to decadence ~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, the lost heart, the wind and the dust, the 100 coins of the starting point, and the rewards of the starting point. Thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued.) )

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