Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 11: Branch point on the line of destiny

With the proposal of the lord of the sacred tower, the crowd looked around, but soon, there was the first individual action - a representative of a dark mercenary chose to stand in the thorn tower Behind him, afterwards, there are more dark mercenaries and more than half of the family representatives.

Father Fletcher did not go over, but stood by the main tower of the sacred object, expressing his opinion and expressing his indignation at the departing family representatives; however, there was no One person will care - between the family, this is the main interest, everyone is commonplace.

Those rich and bodyguards also made choices and stood firm on the highest government side.

Faced with the danger of life, they have such a choice, it is completely normal, and choosing others will be surprising.

After that, all the people looked at the little man.

Or, it is Ye Qi and his party - Ye Qi, Duo, and the Dragon Knights. They are definitely a force to be reckoned with. The previous battles have clearly expressed the fighting power of these people. If you can, Everyone will not give up.

However, the results are not determined by the will of these people -

"You, your choice, I give respect... And, I think each has its own reason! But I also have our choices, and I hope that you will also respect them!"

After looking at the ‘Yeqi’, the little man stood up as a representative.

"What do you mean?"

Deides asked quietly.

As the leader of the highest government, he does not want such a new force to go; in fact, he very much hopes to get the help of Ye Qi and his party. And before again. He is confident that the other party will not choose another. At most, it is like other hunters, neutral.

However, it seems that it is beyond his expectations.

"We have an appointment with Lord Tozan and must leave early!"

The little man said with a little helplessness.


Deides was indulged. He saw the head of the original Sacred Knights on the first day of the opening of the Glorious Canyon and greeted each other. However, after entering the canyon, he did not See the head of the original Holy Knights; Diddes has also wondered.

However, such doubts are not lasting.

After all, in his view, Tozan, the head of the original Sacred Knights and the Holy See itself, are inextricably linked. It is too much trouble to get rid of all of them. It is better to give up. Then, waiting to see the final result, it works.

but. He apparently did not think that the other party would have an agreement with Ye Qi and his party.

In this regard. Dides has maintained some doubts, but the rumors that he once worked in the Frost Forest area have been heard by Dude, and he cannot completely deny it.

Deides, who was hesitating, looked at Blanc.

"Hunter is always free, no matter when and where!"

The tower of the sacred tower is very calm.

"It seems that I have enough peers!"

The main tower of the thorny tower said this, but the voice just fell, and was interrupted by a small man.

"I don't think you are misunderstood by Lord Modred. We definitely don't want to give you the meaning of your peers. After all, we have a contract, we must have a quick march!" The little man with a helplessness, toward the competition Tata Lord shrugged. "And your speed is too slow!"

"I am too slow?"

The main brow of the thorny tower was wrinkled, and the next moment, including the ‘Ye Qi’ sitting on Groning’s body, vacated.

The flash of the breath made the thorny tower towerer's eyes look.

More than five extraordinary, the rest are the atmosphere of the Japanese glory, which is quite amazing, and even more amazing is that even at this time, he can not tell what kind of realm Ye Qi's breath has reached.

Similarly, the shocked one is Dedes. He has a rough guess about Ye Qi’s strength because he has handed over his hand, but he never knows that Ye Qi’s side is amazing and has such a powerful force.

As for the family, the dark mercenaries?

Choosing silence at this time is undoubtedly their best choice.

Only Blankie’s smile didn’t matter, and Jerome stood aside.


"The Blanca Lord is really a big deal!"

With the help of the small torle flying by the armor of the Holy Dragon Knight, he said very much in midair.

"Yeah, Blanc is one of my most respected people!"

The big man nodded and agreed. In fact, before he became a formal hunter, Darlan often worked in a shop called the Sword Hammer Weapons Collection, earning some necessary living expenses. The owner of the store is the tower of the sacred object.

Therefore, the big man is quite familiar with Blanc; in private, there is no need for respect between the two sides.

"Blanc Tower Lord, deserves to be respected - just because he can see the immediate situation!" The little man smiled. "The highest government, families, dark mercenaries, and our hunters, are themselves There are conflicts of ideas and interests. Even if they are twisted together, they will collapse because of certain events and at critical moments. It is far less like moving apart like this!"


The big man scratched his head and looked at his friends if he didn't understand.

"Dallan, do you want to ask the difference between the master of Blanca and the owner of Modred Tower?" After seeing the big man nod again, the little man explained: "The differences between the two tower owners are true, but absolutely no As if it looks so serious, their differences are only about how to identify those who are in our company, who is the one who really needs to be protected, and which one is the chess piece that the pope secretly!"


The big man and the little Thor are a glimpse. Obviously, the two did not think of this.

"So many rich and dark mercenaries have received invitations. Perhaps they have considerable fame. Even if we are tired of dragging our trip, it is enough to make us feel a headache. But if I am the pope, I am absolutely It will be done more thoroughly. After all, it is easy to compromise the castle from the inside!"

The little man smiled and said.

"The family and the dark mercenaries who want to go quickly to the mountain of God must be the ones who want to have a glimpse of the truth; and those who stay in the world must hide some people who are unconcerned!" The little man continued Said, "Of course, there may be some errors, but this does not require us to worry about it - the two tower owners, will definitely do better than us!"

"What we need now is to quickly rush to the mountain!"

He took a deep breath, and the little man said this.

Obviously, the so-called "convention with Tozan" is not an excuse for a small person to come out. It is real.

At the moment when the speed was speeding up, the big man looked at the ‘Ye Qi’ who was sitting on the back of Gronin. I grew a breath: "Fortunately, I don't have to stay any longer. I always worry about what kind of accidents will happen and I will be discovered!"

"So, you are an honest man in Darlan!" The little man pointed to Ava, said, "Look at Ava, even if you are nervous, you will keep a constant silence, so people can't see clearly what he is. What are you thinking about - this is a good camouflage, you can try it!"

"Or you just learn about Datong and think of yourself as a shameless guy!"

The silent Ava said in a light tone.

"I don't want to face? Isn't this here?"

The little man touched his cheek and said it in a serious way.

Suddenly, a series of laughter rang, and the happiest laughter was the big man. For the honest big man, the innocuous joke between the companions always made him happy, because it made him feel Everyone and family are generally familiar and more lively.

As for the little man and Ava?

The former has no skin and no face, it does not matter at all; the latter will accept it frankly. After all, although it can talk to animals, it is far less direct and comfortable than people.

After a short joke, the speed of the pedestrian suddenly accelerated, pointing to the direction of the mountain, flying quickly.


Under the mountain of God, the road shone with light, as if entering the ladder of the "Heaven", the former head of the Holy Knights, Tozan, was standing there.

Or is it waiting.

He arrived here six days ago, but he did not see Iyeta. He was only sent by a red archbishop. He needed to wait for the followers to arrive before he could see Iyeta himself. Then the Archbishop of Red arranged the room, food and water for him.

However, Tozan did not accept, he stood here and waited quietly.

At the moment, it is already the afternoon of the seventh day. It is only four hours away from the sunset. All he needs is four hours.

This is not a difficult thing for Tozan, who has been waiting for six days.

However, a riot from Mount Kinabalu made the Tozan, who was waiting quietly, frowned.

"What happened above?"

Tozan turned his head and asked the disciplinary knight standing beside him.

Under the mountain of God, two groups of disciplinary knights are stationed all the year round. Most of the time, they simply maintain the order; however, after the appearance of Tozan, naturally there are other tasks.

The captains of the two disciplinary knights glanced at each other and did not give Tozan directly a reply. Instead, one of them ran toward the top of the mountain - as the guardian of the mountain, and everything should happen to them. .

After only a moment, the captain of the disciplinary knight ran back with a big change.

"what happened?"

Another captain of the disciplinary knight looked at the face of the big change, subconsciously asked.

"The regiment and the head of the group are dead!"

The captain of the disciplinary knight who went to check, the voice said intermittently.

"What? How is this possible? How can the head of the group die? Who is the hand?"

The waiting captain of the disciplinary knight also changed his face. He asked in an unbelievable tone.

"The head of the group is suicidal... because His Majesty the Pope used the head of the group to set up a trap for the outsiders who came to the Holy Forest. The head thought that he was an accomplice and violated his own way of the knight. Suicide in prison. It!"

The captain of the disciplinary knight who went to check is obviously quite clear about the whole thing. I said it one by one.

And wait until the disciplinary captain finishes. The disciplinary knights present were all one, and silence began to spread among them.

The repression of death makes it impossible for anyone to open their mouths at this time.

Some disciplinary knights held their weapons tightly and there was a deep resentment on their faces.

It must be said that Lehman performed as a knight's character, which is so deeply rooted in people's hearts - although there is a struggle, even if it is an enemy, it will show respect to a real knight. Not to mention his subordinates; the knights standing beside Lehman were honoured to be able to fight side by side with Lehmann when the dark creatures invaded.

These were originally ordinary guardian knights, and all of them became disciplinary knights.

Very coincidentally, one of the two teams of disciplinary knights was the original apologetic knight.

His embarrassed fall to the ground, the weapons and shields in his hands fell to the ground, and then, even the rolling climb to the mountain of God; and the two captains of the Cavaliers. Just want to say something, but was blocked by a tall figure -

"Respect for the heart. It is like faith, no offense, stop!"

Tozan lowered his head and looked at the two captains of the disciplinary knight in front of him, saying one word at a time.

As the former head of the Holy Knights, Tozan certainly heard of Lehman's name, even after he left the Holy See, Lehman's name was introduced into his ears from time to time.

It is not how strong the strength is, but the character and behavior of the other party. It is worth transmitting.

Turning around, Tozan stepped toward the mountain of God. Although there were still four hours, he couldn't wait to hurry up and finish everything.

"Lord Tozan, what are you doing?"

The two captains of the disciplinary knight screamed loudly, and the palm of his hand gripped the long sword at the waist.

"A knight's departure, need some passers, don't you go?"

Tozan did not turn around and asked as he proceeded.

The remaining disciplinary knights met for a moment, and finally, the leading captain of the disciplinary knight walked slowly toward the mountain, and behind them, the disciplinary knights followed.

On the mountain of God, the bishop Vallejo looked at the body of a good friend with grief. The back relied on the stone pillars of the cathedral. The low crying came from the surroundings. Obviously, not all the disciplinary knights went. The front line, in some places still need to be guarded by these disciplinary knights.

As for the holy knights?

As early as two months ago, it disappeared without a trace.

"Lord Tozan!"

The appearance of the former head of the Holy Knights attracted the grief of the presence, a disciplinary knight shouted in surprise.

"I didn't have the slightest malice, just came to see a real knight!"

Tozan looked at the silent body, even though he had too much blood loss, but the face was still strong, the long blond hair lost its luster, but in the afternoon sun, there was more. .


The long sword at the waist was unsheathed, not for attack, but just before the shield, the former head of the Holy Knights was kneeling on one knee, he said one word at a time -

"We are committed to protecting the weak!"

"We are committed to ignoring power!"

"We will fight for justice!"

"We are fearless in the face of sacrifice!"


It is not the so-called vow of the disciplinary knight, but the true oath of the knight; the one-on-one reciting of the one-on-one reciting, these oaths that he almost forgotten; the disciplinary knights around, some immediately Learn the appearance of Tozan, sigh on the knees.

Others, after hesitating for a while, also joined.

The rest, but a step back, prayed in his own way that the knight's departure - this behavior is not wrong, because this is caused by faith.

The whispered vows are transmitted only in a small area.

However, the power brought by the oath can be beyond any territory.

The knight, who has followed the dragon and mixed blood to the outside of the Glorious Canyon, called the ‘sacrificial’, heard the vow, and after the power of the oath, it saw everything.


Silently, the knight named ‘sacrifice’ whispered these words.

Then, a special force overflowed from its body, turning into a wave of undulations, passing through the entire Holy Forest and falling on the mountain of God.

Too much blood loss, ‘Lehman’, who had already died, his fingers moved abruptly.

This moment was discovered by Vallejo, who was holding his friend's corpse, and he whispered, "Lehmann?! Lehman?!"

And the subconscious hands flashed to heal the holy light.

However, the Holy Light just appeared and was broken up by Tozan.

"Do you want him to really die? He has too much blood loss and can't bear any stimulation! Go to a doctor, they should have a way to make Lehman really better!"

Tozan said to Vallejo.

"Okay, sir!"

Bishop Vallejo nodded and picked up Lehmann's body and ran towards the transfer room—the Holy Forest only believed in magic, so there were no doctors.

Before those disciplinary knights who had a low oath of vows were facing each other, and finally, they chose to follow up.

The rest, the disciplinary knight who insisted on his own beliefs, looked at each other with doubts.

Because, they can be sure that the previous Lehmann was truly dead, and both the vitality and the life have completely disappeared.


"Is this the legendary miracle?" Tozan said with a smile, then turned and looked at the figure in the distance. "Are you right? Iyeta."

Ps first more ~~~

After lunch, I had a box lunch... After three copies, I was still a little hungry. Then I touched my pocket... I finally chose to drink water...

As a carnivore, drinking water and cheating, decadent feelings burst into tears... crying decadence, ask everyone to support! ! To be continued

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