Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 15: In their respective battles

\"What exactly are those guys?"

The big man who came to the foot of the mountain of God recalled what he had encountered before, as if he was a black deacon, with the knife and priest blocking, still with no solution.

\"It combines the characteristics of the victims, but it retains considerable reason...hard to deal with!\"

Ava also expressed his own opinion - and it is not a trivial matter to be able to make the silent Ova, to express opinions.

In fact, when they moved forward quickly, the obstacles encountered, and seriously speaking, for the moment they are, of course, not too much problem; but this is only for them, once they encounter strength Insufficient, or just an ordinary star, the words of the moon-level apostles, will inevitably cause great harm.

And the basis of the composition of a force is undoubtedly the star-level, the moon-level combat power.

As for the date of the day?

Perhaps, compared with Ye Qi and his party, it is nothing, but in various forces, it is still high-end combat power; even the headquarters of the demon hunter is no exception.

As for the bridge on the other side?

According to the record total population is less than one thousand, the original legendary level exists about thirty.

However, this is only a record. The population that actually exists, according to the re-statistics of the swordsman, is only less than three hundred.

And those original legends are even more dead and wounded under Ye Qi’s blade.

But even then, it has already been accumulated by Lorante from the end of the dark age. The accumulation of nearly a thousand years is only a quantity that is enough to prove the value of the Japanese glory. After all, it has broken away from the glory of the day. Level, only has extraordinary, and even immortal possibilities.

Under the sun, although it is not an ant, it is similar.

In the same way, to reach the level of the day, you must experience the star-level, moon-level, which is a process. Indispensable; therefore, each organization attaches great importance to the appearance of the apostles; each ignores The organization of the apostles is not short-sighted or ignorant.

It must not last long.

As a friend of Yaki, Ava naturally hopes that his good friend's majesty can have a longer-lasting existence; let alone those young people, most of whom have a good relationship with him - compared to the honesty, the raft The big man, hey, the little man who is not serious, the silent but not old-fashioned Ava, is obviously more popular with the young people of Ye Qi. Especially when Ava began to study various medicines. These young people are more willing Go see Ava.

Because. They are always able to get the best treatment and embarrassment.

And Ava’s silence does not mean that he is indifferent. In fact, Ava is a very enthusiastic person. He is not good at expressing.

Therefore, if you say that you are leaving respect for Ye Qi, what is really welcome is Ava.

And such a welcome is not untargeted. At least, after encountering certain situations, Ava first thought of these young people.

\"It's hard to deal with, it doesn't mean it's hard to deal with - as long as we solve the big troubles in front of us, those troubles are no longer troublesome!\" The little man pointed to the top of the mountain and smiled and said; When the voice just fell, the brows wrinkled up, and at the same time, without a trace of rushing to friends, Little Thor and the Knights of the Dragon Knight made a gesture.

Suddenly, everyone. They were secretly guarded and looked at the top of the mountain.

Everyone present, the weakest and the newest, also had a strong eyesight. Therefore, their eyesight was quite sharp. They saw the head of the original Holy Knights who were nailed to the rock wall outside the clock tower at a glance, and stood in the bell tower. Iyeta inside; of course, what makes them more concerned is the tower of the thorns that is slowly descending from the mountain.

How is this going?

Everyone’s heart asks indiscriminately, especially the big man and the little Thor, who are scratching their heads. After all, in their view, the thorny tower lord is undoubtedly one of his own strengths, why and Ieta Does this opponent have nothing to do with it? And there is no rescue for Tozan?

This is really incredible in the eyes of the big man, Little Thor.

However, even the thick big man, Little Thor, found something wrong at this time, they did not suffocate, just looked at the little man.

‘Don’t act rashly, let’s go and see, everyone’s vigilance! ’

4. With such a gesture, the little man walked out slowly and greeted the owner of the thorn tower.

\"Medred Tower, your situation, it looks a little too good!\"

The little hippie smiles and looks at the thorny tower master not far away, and then deliberately staggered the view of Iyeta on the bell tower, with the thorny tower head in front of him squinting - although the thorn tower tower is very weird Whether it is personality or temper, it is somewhat unpredictable, but the other party is definitely not a bad person or a person without principles.

This is what Ye Qi once said. The little man believes in his own friends. Similarly, he also believes in his own eyes.

Because, he clearly saw the struggle in the other's eyes, and even the compatibility of the sunshine that has been maintained, has disappeared at this time.

If something is not happening, the little man will say nothing.

\"I'm very good!\"

The thorny tower tower answered coldly.

However, such an answer made the little man affirm his own guess. His face was still hippie and smiled. He missed his head slightly and shouted to the bell tower on the top of the mountain: "Ieta. [,!] Pope, you are right. What did the lord of the thorns of our thorns do, how did he lose his smile in the past?\"

There is no positive question, enough to make those who follow the rules scorn.

However, this is not a big deal for the little man. He asked, if someone else answered, he would earn it; if he didn't answer, he wouldn't lose a piece of meat; why not buy it? ?

Merchants are born, even if the strength has reached an extraordinary situation, some habits can still be changed.

This time, it is clear that the little man has earned -

\"Nothing, I just accidentally found the body of the mother of Modred, and then one accidentally revived her; then I thought that my contribution and return were disproportionate, so I will be the mother of Modred. Closed in a special protective cover, give her limited air. Then, let Modred fight with you!\"

Ieta did not conceal his own practice, he said very calmly.

Of course, such a calm, no one can feel the malice, especially the Mordred as the person in charge, this time the blood vessels in front of the forehead have collapsed, angry with a heavy breath, so that A towerer with a young face. It is like a hairy bull at the moment.

\"So. Will you promise to release the mother of Lord Modred?\"

The little man glanced at the thorny tower tower in front of him, and asked again in the distance.

\"Of course, I said, I just want to see a good show, as long as I am satisfied - then I will let go!"

Ieta is talking about the condescending.

\"The bottom line you are satisfied with. Or... How can you satisfy you?"

The little man continued to ask.

\"Anything that needs me to answer is really boring--you can start, I am already impatient!"

Ieta did not continue to answer, but seemed to be impatient with a wave of hand.

Suddenly, the brow of the little man is a wrinkle - no doubt, the situation is very bad now, when the mother of Modred appears in the hands of Iyeta, Modred is absolutely unable to play all the fighting power, even It’s also a matter of inaccuracy.

The only way is to rescue the mother of Modred.

However, Ieta is obviously very embarrassed, he did not give any so-called 'standards', that is, there is no 'standard', satisfaction is not satisfied by his own.

And such a result will undoubtedly force Modred into a dead corner, kill the companions of the same camp, or be killed by the companions of the same camp; or ... the two sides of the battle, all killed!

According to the performance of Ieta at the moment, Datong is very convinced that the last possibility is the ‘good play’ that makes the other party satisfied.

\"You are a jerk!\"

The snoring of the big man rang at the foot of the mountain. He wanted to rush to the mountain at the moment; but, before he moved, he was waved by the little man.

\"Don't be impulsive, that guy is now angering us, let us make unforgivable mistakes!\"

The little man said the thorn tower in front of him - the little man can be very sure, now anyone is on the mountain, the above Ieta will immediately kill the mother of Modred, and then, thoroughly 4. Modred, who has stood on the edge of the cliff, pushes a cliff named Despair.

If you can, the little guy doesn't mind fighting anyone.

However, he definitely does not want himself to be used by others to engage in war with some people who do not want to fight. This kind of love hurts, the enemy's quick things, only once in a lifetime, the small one is already suffering.

As for the second time?

The little man looked up and glanced at Iyeta on the top of the mountain. The keen eyesight allowed the little man to clearly see the other party’s interesting look. After a cold cry in his heart, he took back his sight. Take out the dagger at the waist and point to Modred, saying: "Come on!"

Without any answer, the main tower of the thorns rushed straight up.

The long sword used by the Lord of the Thorn Tower is a very common long-form sword. However, there is no knight's sword because of the charge of the assault and the spurs; therefore, the whole sword is lighter, so The speed of the sword is completely reflected in the moment of the main attack of the tower of the thorns.


After a gust of wind flashed, the small instinctive retreat, the long hair in front of the forehead was cut off by the sword wind.


The big man and Ava shouted in fear, and Iyeta, who stood on the top of the mountain, applauded and chuckled and said: "Medred, your sword is even faster! However, What I want to see is not your fast sword, and your ability? End this battle, know your mother can't last long!\"

This includes the words of stimulating killings, the big man at the foot of the mountain, Avaton glared at Ieta, especially the former, the anger of his heart made his eyes start to redden – the thick big man is hard in the true sense. I hate a person, but he only discovered at the moment that he is so hateful of the guy on the top of the mountain.

The contemptuous attitude of the other, the vicious words, and the kind of instinct that makes him instinct.

\"hold on!\"

Ava pulled a big man's arm, and a touch of green on the other arm, flashing away; the big man glimpsed, then. Nodded silently.

And when I was preparing for Ava and the big man. [,! ], the little man in the battle is completely falling into the wind -

Sword shadow layer, Jianguang Huohuo!

The little man’s left-handed and right-handed dodge, as for the counterattack? It’s not even once.

What a small man is best at is undoubtedly a variety of toxins, as well as the restraint of the undead, undead creatures after the body is transformed.

And what dagger and flying knife he used?

Daggers have a positive attack, but because of their shortness, weight, etc., they are used more in sudden attacks or in freehand combat.

The flying knife is a means similar to a sudden attack.

In the face of a positive attack, the means of sudden attack was confined to a considerable extent. The means of attacking the little man was greatly weakened.

Of course. More important is: strength!

Although the small man has entered the extraordinary situation and become a legendary strongman, compared with the old legendary strong six towers, there is definitely a certain gap; plus the small man is transformed. For the immortal The undead creature's natural enemies are generally gram. Sex. When he faces the same level of legendary powerhouse, he will be weakened involuntarily.

After all, those touches that are like transparent silk can play the role of toxins, but without being restrained, the thickness of these transparent threads is obviously not enough. Even if they are used, they can't recover the current disadvantages; of course, more The important thing is: the choice of the road.

Because, because of the transformation and the use of food. Although the small man entered the extraordinary situation, but the small man who is a legendary strongman does not have a real choice of 'Warrior's Road' or 'Witcher's Road', that is, His application of toxins is still at the level of the day.

Or. to a lesser extent.

To this extent, when faced with an opponent who is below or restrained, the little man is naturally unfavorable.

However, in the face of an enemy of equal strength and ‘toxins can’t be used, the little man fell into the wind almost instantly.



Another fast sword flashed, this time the small man finally caught the sword, the erected dagger blocked in the attack direction of the sword shadow.

However, after the gold and iron symphony, the small man has retreated a few steps in succession - obviously, on the simple power, the small man can not face Modred!

At the moment when the little man retreated, Modred followed closely, and the sword waved -


A trace of blood appeared on the shoulders of the little man. If it wasn't the knife that was thrown out, I am afraid that the little man at this time has already penetrated the heart.

\"Good job!\"

Ieta once again raised his hand.

And the big man at the foot of the mountain, Ava and others are tightly biting their teeth, staring intently at the battlefield ahead.

\"Oh, sure enough, it’s the Lord of the Six Towers!\"

The little man touched the blood on his shoulders, and he admired it. Then, with his left hand flashing, a flying knife appeared on his hand—not immediately thrown out, but held tightly in his hand. .


The main tower of the thorns wrinkled his brow, and then the sword was attacked again.

However, compared with the previous one, the speed of this time is obviously a level that has reached a level that the small man can keep up.

Therefore, in the next few minutes, the two sides became irrelevant.

In this regard, Iyeta smiled and did not make any remarks - for Ieta, he did not want this battle to end so quickly. On the contrary, if the duration lasts longer, he will I like it very much; after all, only when time is running out, the desperation that collapses will be what he wants to see.

The battle is going on at the foot of Mount Kinabalu, and inside the mountain of God, there is also a battle -

Holy prison.

After entering the iron gate, Lehmann did not wait for the so-called exchange, but a sudden attack.

Of course, this sudden attack is not absolutely sudden for Lehman. In his ability, he has seen everything he has to experience.

Therefore, he easily escaped the arrows from the door.


The continuous arrow nailed to the iron gate and made a loud sound. One third of the arrow, all of which did not enter the iron gate, showing the power and speed of the arrow.

If it is not an unknown prophet, even if there is considerable vigilance, it will be in a hurry.

\"This is what you call exchange?\"

Lehman sneered at the same expressionless assistant - in fact, Lehman had no trust in the prison governor of the prison.

The reputation of the other party is enough to let him know what he is doing.

It is the most appropriate adjective to seek skin with the tiger.

And the so-called exchange?

It is very natural to understand that this is just an alternative way of seeking.

\"This is just a test!\"

The assistant said stiffly.


Lehmann chuckled, and the sword in his hand waved, and he smacked the other's neck with a cold man.

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~

This chapter is decadent and good for staying up late yesterday, because today is a bit of a thing, it is estimated that it will be quite late... So, the second chapter is estimated to be delayed a bit...

.[,! ]

However, decadence will definitely not break even more, at most, it is to step on the update!

On the weekend, the decadence is still busy, ask everyone to give some encouragement~~~

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