Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 28: Under the change

When the big man was stepped back, the little ones, including the three tower owners, were forced to retreat by the remaining golden knives. There was no special skill, just such a punch. But such a punch contains absolute power!

It is a kind of transcendence that is extraordinary, similar to immortality, but with some different powers.

It’s not exactly what a small person can compare with –

"Dallan, be careful!"

The little man who had just been forced to retreat, shouted loudly.

The priest with the knife who played against them turned around in the air and rushed toward the big man, and the same knife priest who had previously played against the big man rushed to the big man.

Before and after the pinch!


The huge fists of the big man who leaned over the body were hammered to two golden knives with knife priests. The latter two are still so non-flashing and the big man should have a fight; the air has emerged Stacked ripples, the big man has retreated four steps in succession.

More importantly, there was a trace of wound on the big man's fist.

When two objects of the same texture have a larger volume, a larger bearing area, a smaller volume, and a sharper, especially when the latter has a large force, the damage is often the former; the hammer is struck. When nails are needed, there is a point on the nail that can be stressed. The same is true.

"They handed it to me!"

The big man suddenly shouted like this, letting the little man who was ready to come and help, and so on - in the hearts of everyone, the big man is always so honest. Others say that they will not really oppose it. Like this appearance, including the small man and Ava, it is the first time they have seen it.

However, this does not hinder the trust of the young man and Ava to his friends. They immediately waved their hand and prevented the closeness of the three six-towers; including the tower of the sacred object, the three towers face each other. At the same time, they chose to stop their steps - as a demon hunter, they are willing to believe in the tacit understanding between their companions.

"The breath of your body. I feel annoying!"

The big man raised his hands and glanced at the tiny wounds. Speaking sullenly, such a voice can almost clearly hear the Shenshan radius within ten kilometers; the same residents of the Shenglin District also heard very clearly; however, these residents are turned a deaf ear, still in There was a prayer in unison. As if everything in front of me does not exist; or. All they could see was the figure in the air that day. Everything else is nothing in their eyes.

The power of strong faith, like springs, is always flowing toward Ye Qiyong. Let Ye Qi squint his eyes - he already knows about the situation at hand, and his contract companion is explaining to him incessantly.

"There was finally a divine nature!"

In the heart of Ye Qi, Amon started with such words.

“Divinity? Is it the change in my perception?”

When Ye Qi wakes up from the shackles, he checks himself in the first time, and the most attractive thing is that there are three golden spots in the perception space (the sub-sun tribute, the secondary sun refuge) The light that belongs to the majesty of the sun, which is formed by the radiance of the secondary sun, becomes a sun-like flame in a flash.

"Otherwise, do you think that you are truly immortal now!"

Amon squinted, Shi Shiran said - it has an indescribable sensation for constructing such a space of perception for its own contractors in advance; not only the change in the strength of the contractor, but also because of it. How accurate is the vision to be able to find out that his contractor can certainly do this.

After all, after entering immortality, whether it is the choice of the 'Warrior's Road' or the 'Witcher's Way', the ultimate goal is such divinity.

With such a divine nature, everything can become logical; whether it is to build your own priesthood with the power of faith, or to devour the priesthood of other gods, it will be easy - of course, this is only in mutual In comparison.

"I can perceive the changes!"

When the mind was immersed in the newly-emerged sundial, Ye Qi quickly understood his own change, and he was able to perceive the sun-like flame in the perceptual space, which is still changing and changing. The source of the source is from the sky; the power to accelerate change comes from...

Ye Qi subconsciously bowed his head, watching the countless beliefs under the mountain of God begin to shoot at himself and integrate into the body - so that directly using the power of faith, Ye Qi is the first to see; and each The power of faith that fits into his body will make him feel the steady flame of the sun-like flame in the space.

"This is just the beginning. I want to finish it completely. You still have a long way to go!" Amon said with a hint. "If you succeed, I don't mind sharing my authority with you!"

"This kind of sharing, is your empty check?" Ye Qi disdainfully said, "You know, the guy who is in charge of the sun now, has nothing to do with you!"

"Now it doesn't matter to me, but if you perceive the sun's priesthood, it will definitely attract the attention of that guy. It will definitely be unbearable... You are sure that without your help, can you completely deal with it?" Although Meng has a human-like law body, but that tone is still like the previous rogue, "If you can completely deal with it, I don't mind, give up the priesthood completely!"

"There is only one sun, how do you share with me?"

Ye Qi’s question, obviously, he has already admitted Amon’s words.

For, this old opponent of Amon, Ye Qi is not sure now, this is a fact - when there is a sun-like flame in his perception space, this extra divinity makes him very keen to grasp him. The gap between him and the real **** at this moment is definitely not something that can be remedied in a short time.

What's more, the cause of the incident was originally because of Amon. He is not willing to take all the hatreds for the other party for such a thing.

Of course, he also needs enough benefits.

For the existence of Amon, Ye Qi thinks that he does not need to be polite.

"It's very simple, we can allocate it according to the quarter and month - the seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, twelve months, enough for us to distribute!" Amon said that the problem is simple, and at the same time, continue to say, "you in the four seasons Which one do you want to pick?"

"Which one? I think the two are more suitable!"

Ye Qi will naturally not be satisfied with a quarter. Half and half are the best distribution options now.

"This is not fair to me!" said Amon. "This should have been mine. I have already given out a quarter of it to you, enough to show my generosity!"

"Yes, this should have been mine. I have taken out half of it. It is enough to explain my generosity! Don't take it for me to face your old opponent!" Yaki repeats Amon's Discourse. He explained: "Look, I am now acting as a bait, but I am just acting. You should not treat me as a real bait!"

"In the face of your old opponent, when it is bound to shoot, you will certainly shoot, even if it is for your own sake, after all, you and I have a contractual bond, it is difficult to divide - of course, we It is also possible to lift the contract; I think this is not a difficult thing for you now?"

Before, Amon’s old opponent abandoned the scene of Iyeta, and Ye Qi was firmly in the bottom of his heart.

In the character of Iyeta, when doing one thing, it is absolutely impossible to recklessly forget to sign the contract; but after signing the contract, it is still abandoned, and some of these things are naturally worth pondering.

At the very least, Ye Qi understands that the contract is not so secure when it reaches a certain level.

In other words, when the strength gap between the two sides is too large, the power of the contract will be implemented in another way. The weaker party may die, but the more powerful party should have other ways to replace it. Make up the treaty!

"I think the existence of this contract is a good thing for us!" Amon did not mention the matter of lifting the contract, and it directly agreed with the previous Ye Qi's proposal, "I think we can continue the previous topic. - half and half, but which half do you need? Spring and summer or autumn and winter?"

In the face of the initiative of the strange wolf, Ye Qiyi - Amon's words, it is clear that the choices inside will definitely have different results.

However, after only a slight thought, Ye Qi thought that this is inevitable - for example, although the winter sun is still warm, but it is affected by the cold wind and snow, not as strong as the summer sun; however, The heat of summer also causes a little dissatisfaction, just like the praise of the sun that melts the snow and the spring, and the sacrifice of the sun during the autumn harvest.

Every year, the rich harvest festival, Ye Qi will not forget.

"Winter and summer... I don't need it!"

Ye Qila grew his voice, saying this; and after such a voice fell, Ye Qi seemed to be able to feel the anger from the other end of the contract.

However, without waiting for the real outburst of anger, Ye Qi continued to say: "I choose spring and autumn!"

"I said it is to choose spring and summer and autumn and winter!"

Amon is obviously more vocal.

"We just said half and half, and you said that spring, summer and autumn and winter, did not deliberately emphasize spring, summer, autumn, winter ... I think it is ineffective!" Strong words for Ye Qi, nor Unfamiliar, he said slowly with a smile. "Or you think we choose another plan - I can give up one of the spring or autumn, but you need to compensate me with summer and winter; after all, only one change Second, I can feel that I am not suffering!"

"You are arrogant!"

Amon said sharply; however, this is only the beginning. In the next moment, Amon will once again become happy with the color. It says: "My dear contractor... Oh, no, it’s a contract companion! We went through together. With so many things, you can't do this - our common growth can be exchanged for maximum strength, not because of the nuances of a small matter!"

"I don't think I'm thinking about it, but some are not honest enough - if I choose summer and winter. Will you still be like now?"

Ye Qi smiled and asked, suddenly let Amon be speechless.

"So, I think if you want to re-allocate in spring, summer, autumn and winter, I need some compensation, what do you think?"

Ye Qi once again asked.

"No problem, this is of course!" Amon nodded again and again. "I can do my best to help you within my limited scope!"

“First, I need knowledge about divinity, priesthood, and everything you know about this!”

Ye Qi proposed his first request - for divinity and priesthood. Although Ye Qi knows and is much more. But there is still an incomplete place, and letting him supplement it is obviously a rather time-consuming and laborious process; far from it, starting from Amon.

"No problem. After that?"

Amon was very pleased to promise that such knowledge would not be worth mentioning at all. Used to exchange for a longer-term future. Nature is very cost-effective.

"Secondly, I need everything about the sun, everything. Do you understand?"

Ye Qi stressed, but this time Amon is silent.

Obviously, this requirement is embarrassing compared to the previous one; after all, there are too many things that need to be touched, from the most basic divinity to the application of divine power, in all aspects, It will even touch on some of his, this is definitely not something that can be easily agreed.

"I will not change the conditions, the same, I have no interest in you!"

Ye Qi reiterated, at the same time, he guessed what Amon was worried about.


Amon finally nodded in a difficult way, and then quickly added: "The next condition, preferably the last one, and can not be so excessive!"

"Of course, I am very contented!"

Ye Qi’s answer immediately made Amon snorted, but Ye Qi did not care. “My partner has fallen into embarrassment, and now I am temporarily unable to act; so...”

“Need me to help them?”

Amon waited until Ye Qi finished, and asked; at the same time, it seemed to find a chance to fight back; however, before Amon was saying something, Ye Qi immediately said: "Not to help, but to compensate me. One of the conditions!"

"Okay, okay! Can we choose now?"

Amon frowned. In the end, he no longer hesitated on these issues, but asked him straight.

"Of course, I choose autumn and winter!"

Ye Qi nodded and gave his choice.

Just after Ye Qi made a choice, suddenly, countless information poured into his mind; even Ye Qi at the moment, involuntarily appeared a trace of embarrassment.

Similarly, there are big men who are embarrassed -


In the roar of an explosion, the big man retreated backwards and again, and a long wound appeared under his ribs. The blood spewed out. Immediately, a **** rain appeared near the mountain.

In the previous collision, there was still no change in the golden knives with the knife. It was the direct way of fighting, but another golden knives with a knife priest was in the collision of the fist and the fist. A sudden turn between the sudden, came to the big man's ribs, gave the most direct attack.

The little man who watched the battle changed his face, but no one screamed; after all, in such a face-to-face battle, such a sudden change is not a sneak attack, at most, it is only one. A strategy for fighting.

This kind of combat strategy is very simple.

But for a big, straight big man, it is very easy to use - a person's personality will affect his fighting style, which is beyond doubt, just like the little man's strange and varied, Ava's Blocking and control are dominant, and there is very little real killing.

The way the big man fights is like this, there is no extra change at all.

This kind of fighting encounters those who are not as powerful as him. Naturally, there is no problem, only the life that is suppressed is left, but once a person who is not weaker than him is encountered, the loophole of the fighting method will appear. - Simple and easy to see through!

"Dallan, don't die!"

The little man shouted loudly, but the big man in the distance seemed to be unable to hear the general. There was no focal length in his eyes, as if he had fallen into a shackle.


Seeing the big man like this little man and Ava is changing his face again - they are very clear about the character of their good friend, the easiest thing to do is to dig the tip of the horn.

If you don’t touch the south wall, you don’t look back. It’s about people who are still flexible.

When I touched the south wall and continued to touch, I said that the big man is such a thick and straight person.

So, in the next moment, when the little ones and others saw the two golden knives with the knife priest rushing to the big man, and the big man still shook his fist like that, they couldn’t help but jump into the scene. In the middle, this kind of fighting is prevented from continuing. A battle that has no suspense and suspense is obviously not suitable for continuing.

However, just when the little ones and others are ready to move, when they haven’t moved, the field is unexpectedly mutated—

The two golden knives with knife priests, bypassing the big man's fists, were aimed at the big man's ribs, the sharpness of the rapid opening, as if they were announcing, they want to be big The internal organs are pulled out in general.

However, it is at this time!


It was as if a sharp long knife cut the sound of the cowhide and appeared inside the body of the big man. Then, everyone was dumbfounded to see two rotating sarcomas under the ribs of the big The two sarcomas became the two arms that clenched their fists in the next moment.



The two newborn arms squatted on the two golden knives with knife knives that broke into the ribs, giving off a soothing noise.

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I took my notebook and ran to another convenience store in the street to recharge it... In the friendly smile of the owner, after I bought the water and drinks of the 20 oceans, I rushed to the notebook, but unfortunately Wireless network... decadence can only be transmitted by mobile phone...

Desire again, seek genuine subscriptions, rewards and monthly passes!

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, the lost heart, the wind and the dust, the 100 coins of the starting point, and the rewards of the starting point. Thank you for all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued.) )

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