Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 30: Half god

The flames are getting more and more flamboyant, as if they are to be filled in Ye Qi’s entire perceptual space. However, Ye Qi does not care at all – there is a deal with Amon, and he is aware of the sun. After everything, Ye Qi at the moment is very clear about how he should continue.

His perception extends like a tentacles, relying on the ladder of the power of the bright faith, steady up - in the outside world, it is a bright ladder from the sun, it is like the mountain The bright steps are average, but in comparison, the latter does not know how many times the former is worse!

This scene also moved the three six-tower owners and the distant Deides, Lehman.

For the "God to Say", they have read the ladder to heaven, but no one would think that it is true - a group of scholars who are obeyed by interests and threats, plus a group of fanatical religious madmen The books they compile, as long as they know a little about the dark world, will not believe.

However, from now on, it seems that ... "God said" is not without reason!

At the very least, there will be such a scene when ‘Feng Shen’!

Subconsciously, everyone's eyes looked at the ladder leading to the sky and the sun, and then looked at the ladder down the mountain.

Instinctively, people gave a sneering cold noise.

Contrast, always gives people a clearer understanding.

In the mountain top of Mount Kinabalu, no one has any more remarks. They listened to the uniform prayers at the foot of the mountain. Facing the incomprehensible scene, except for a few hearts, most of them began. Shake; however, such a shake, there is still a considerable gap from the true faith.

However, this does not prevent these shaken people from posing a proud appearance to claim that they are different. At any time, there will be no such people anywhere, and they may have already recognized them. But their appearance is still a look of disdain.

Fortunately, because of the existence of the small man and the Knights of the Dragon, they did not disdain, to prove how 'wake' they are, and to find more 'awake' people, once again prove their 'like-mindedness' 'And 'unity'; however, even if it is impossible to express such a sense of superiority, they are still standing silently together, making the world drunk, I am sober.


Jerome looked at the faces of these people in the distance and shook his head. Make a few laughs; then. The demon hunter in the distance made a gesture. Turning his head again, he looked at Ye Qi; in fact, except for the owner of the tower, he looked at the distance, and the rest of the people were looking at the direction of Ye Qi.

As for those ‘a proud person’?

What are they doing? Pretending is always pretending, never understanding what you have missed – don’t expect someone to remind you when a real opportunity arises, because he can’t wait for everyone to know, only he understands what it is, and thus Hold this opportunity firmly.

However, there are also honest people who will be willing to help.

but. This help is only limited to the own camp.

After the hunters saw the gesture of the main tower of the athletic tower, they immediately converge and pay attention to it, all of which are directed to it—although for the sake of strength. They simply couldn't understand what was in front of them, but it did not prevent them from portraying them firmly in the mind of the Tower of the Athletics.

Or pray in earnest, or concentrate, or be unclear, or pretend to be proud...

It is in this kind of surround, Ye Qi's perceptual tentacles touched the golden sundial that represented the sun in the sky that day; just touching it, Ye Qi felt a pain, burning pain!

Although Amon reminded him, such pain is far more painful than in the language narrative.

The white steps suddenly brightened, and Ye Qi used the power of faith to put a layer of defense on his own perception of the tentacles - although this would make the perception decline, but when it is not really close, this method, but It's the only way; after all, once you miss this opportunity, you have to work several times and dozens of times more than you do now.

The birth of ‘divineness’ is impossible to meet, even more rare than the priesthood.

After all, the priesthood can be plundered, but the 'divineness' needs its own sentiment; even if the 'divineness' will eventually become a priesthood, in the face of a ready-made priesthood, choose a 'deity' that is just beginning, all The existence of the latter will choose the latter.

Because, for you, is the most powerful.

A **** who manipulates the cold and frost, has a fire-related priesthood - such a picture is not only ridiculous, but also sad.

The scenes that are completely bound by the priesthood will definitely make the other side of the ability and the priesthood feel that life is not as good as death.

At this moment, what Ye Qi has to do is to let the 'divine' that he gave birth begin to change to the priesthood. This process is undoubtedly long, but under the support of many beliefs, this time will be greatly shortened; What he needs to do is not a complete change, just open a gap!

After all, the original priesthood that existed there belonged to his contractual companion Amon.

Although at this moment, the opponent’s old opponent is imprisoned and refining; however, the core part still belongs to Amon; and this is why Amon will catch up straight before – the other The damage is far more serious than they think. The kingdom of the country is stripped and the power of God is scattered. This state is not much worse even if it is not degraded.

Even compared with the newly unblocked Amon, this is a lot different. Even after nearly five hundred years of recovery, it just means that it looks a bit powerful.

In essence, it is a paper tiger.

Therefore, Ye Qi is very confident in the pursuit of his own contract companions.

Similarly, his contractual companion is also very confident that he can open the ‘gap.’

Regardless of the purpose, Ye Qi did not want to fail. Therefore, the perception tentacles of the layered defense package, in the next moment, once again touched the golden sundial.


This seems to be the sound of the steak on the pan, only the one that Yaki can hear, the layer of defense on the tentacles. Like the snow and ice in the sun, it melts rapidly; however, while this glory melts, more defenses composed of the power of faith are placed on the tentacles of perception.

This is obviously a tug-of-war -

However, one party controls freedom and support is strong; the other party is instinctual and has no support!

Therefore, after about twenty minutes of street, Ye Qi is wearing a layer of defense. Finally on the golden sundial. ‘Knock out’ a corner.

Suddenly. All the heat that rushed to Ye Qi began to disappear, and it was a kind of intimacy.

It seems that the feeling of using the avatar is general, but it is somewhat different. It seems... more close.



Just as Ye Qi’s perceptual tentacles 'knocked' off the corner of the golden sundial, the golden figure that was somewhere far away suddenly spewed a blood, making its injury more serious, and the golden glow of the body Is on the verge of collapse -

"Damn Amon! How could it break the seal l egg!"

The golden figure seated on the body and made such a roar; however, just a moment later, the golden figure calmed down.

It is very clear, although it relies on the implementation of the arrangement, and the practice of breaking the wrist. Temporarily escaped the pursuit of the other party; however, finding the place with the ability of the other party is only a matter of time.

"You can't stay any longer, you have to leave!"

As soon as this idea appeared, the golden figure grabbed the cage next to him. Ignore the persuasion of the pope in the cage, and it disappeared without a trace.

And just in this golden figure disappeared less than three seconds, Amon's figure appeared here, it looked up and down, and freely incorporated this into his own imprint.

Suddenly, it disappeared.

In the black starry world, there is no boundlessness. Amon’s body floats in it, exudes the glory of the sun. After its contractor knocks on the old opponent’s 'blocking', it instantly grasps it again. At the core of the sun, I re-entered the throne of the Sun God.

Uh... exactly half the throne.

In the spring and summer seasons, the sun **** king will be worthy of the name.

As for autumn and winter?

At the thought of the embarrassment at that time, the anger of Amon’s heart rolled again. Of course, such anger is not issued to his own contractor. The two sides are fair trades, there is no anger, at most, some small complaints plus some Small means only.

The object of its real anger is the old rival it is chasing.

If it is not the other party, it will not be sealed, and the wife and son will not fall. It will still look down on the living beings with his family in the clouds, and everything will be so beautiful.


In anger, hatred began to appear, as if the oil poured into the fire, making the former burn more vigorously.

However, Amon would never let his reason be overwhelmed by anger. It restrained, let calmness appear in his own heart, and then began to look for the whereabouts of his opponent.


Ye Qi sat in the tent of the temporary camp. Even if he didn't need to perceive, he could feel the burning sight of the surrounding area after passing through the cloth. It was not only curiosity, inquiry, but also a strong embarrassment.

Whether it is the former or the latter, Ye Qi can only shrug.

The previous Ye Qi didn't care about this, and now Ye Qi certainly doesn't care; but there are some people who care about it -

"Yeah, are you now damming God?"

The big man snorted and asked - the big man sitting in the corner of the tent, in order to make the tent have more space, he had to curl up and let the little man and Ava sit in; and Little Thor And the people of the Knights of the Holy Dragon, it is said that nothing can be squeezed in, even if the tent has been built to be large enough.

Fortunately, however, they are not doing nothing.

In order to block some inexplicable people, the Knights of the Dragon and the Little Thor are acting as guards, patrolling around, prohibiting anyone from approaching.

Maybe they are not dangerous, but they are annoying enough.

Under the acquiescence of the three six-tower masters, the demon hunters also joined the patrol team, but the three six-tower owners did not immediately visit Ye Qi.

Obviously, now is the time for Ye Qi to communicate with his friends.

Although the heart is unwilling, they are undoubtedly behind - for this. There is nothing dissatisfied with the Lord of the Three Pagodas, even if it is the cold-hearted Modred. Perhaps after becoming the Lord of the Six Pagodas, they have long been accustomed to the way of hunting the devil.


Ye Qi took a moment to answer and answered.

However, for such an answer, the big man is obviously unclear. So he scratched his head and wanted to ask again, but he did not know how to ask.

Fortunately, the little man sitting next to him was guessing something.

“Is there a limit. Is it still incomplete?”

The little man lowered the sound. Asked in a voice that only four people can hear.

"Incomplete. The power of the sun that I am in charge now is only valid in the fall and winter. Once I have left these two quarters, the power will be greatly reduced..."

Ye Qi shrugged and explained.

"Do you have an impact on you now?"

The little man asked about it.

"No. In the fall and winter, my strength will be greatly enhanced, but at other times, I am still me, without any weakening!" Ye Qiyi waved his hand and replied, "So, now I only It can be regarded as a half god! It is not past the winter. Do you have any wishes? Pray to me, maybe I will reach it for you!"

It was said to be serious, but the next moment, Ye Qi himself was the first to laugh.

"God is not omnipotent. Not to mention half a god!"

The little man turned his eyes and leaned back to let himself pose a more comfortable posture. He continued to ask, "So, what about the next plan? Is this half complete, or?"

"This half is already a foregone conclusion. I don't want to change before there is an accident; so...after that, I want to go to the Thousand Marsh area!"

"For the Gusgta Lord?"

Ye Qi’s voice just fell, and the little man who had just laid down stood up fiercely—for the evil spirits that the hunters had encountered in the Chima area, the little man, the big man and the Ava are All know; and, in the first time, I was dissuaded from Ye Qi.

However, now, whether it is a small man, a big man and Ava, will not discourage Ye Qi.

After all, the situation at the time and now is already different.

At that time, Ye Qi was nothing but a legend that could not be immortalized, but now Ye Qi has already been sacred; even if it is only half a god, it is also God.

What's more, it is still in the winter.

"I don't think I need to continue to wait any longer - although the winter sun is converging, it will still help me!"

Ye Qi said with a smile.

"This is a good offer!"

After the little trio looked at each other, he shrugged and pointed to the outside of the tent and asked, "Do you need me to call in the name of Lord Blanc?"

"my pleasure!"

Ye Qi replied.

After the small three people temporarily left, suddenly the whole tent became empty, and at the moment before the arrival of the three tower owners, Ye Qi looked at his system bar carefully.

[divineness: the sun]

[Miege: Sun Autumn, Winter]

[In the fall and winter, when believers pray, they can gain more faith; and any expertise and skills about the sun will be doubled to a maximum of 100, according to the conversion of faith. 500; can choose from it, but can only be maintained in an attack, defense or auxiliary behavior, once it has changed or continues the next round, it needs to be re-buckle; at the same time, you can use the power of faith to catalyze any expertise about the sun, skill】

[The power of faith: 6420]

It is not a very complicated introduction, but it is a radical change; the simplest is the blessing of the power of faith, whether it is the "body of the sun" or "the majesty of the sun", "the field of the sun" will be affected - Among them, the power, agility, physique, and perception of the Sun's Body are 15 bonuses. If you pass the transformation and blessing of the power of faith, the highest is 5 times, then it is the bonus of 75.

With his highest attribute [physique] at the moment to list the column - 54 + 54 x 75 = 94.5, according to the system conversion, this is completely beyond the imagination.

The power of the gods is self-evident at this moment.

Even if it is just a behavior, an action, let the mortal left a shudder...

However, the same powerful, but in the spring and summer 尴尬 尴尬 - even if Ye Qi has not experienced, but the feeling of changing from a tiger to a worm is absolutely uncomfortable.

Of course, this can be made up.

After all, his divinity and priesthood at the moment are only about the sun, and others have not yet joined; the sun is incomplete, but the others must be complete.

If there are other divine additions, it will certainly make up for his shortcomings at the moment.

However, the trigger of divinity is obviously not what you want to have...

Ye Qi sighed a little in the bottom of his heart, and set his gaze on the power of faith; obviously, because of the appearance of [divineness] and [the priesthood].

[The power of faith] This abstract concept has also been realized by the system.

Not only the specific figures have been clarified, but also the detailed use, far more than the previous Ye Qi's use of profiteers' skills, to take advantage of luck.

Of course, the same is true for the divine and the priesthood as the 'sun'. The direction of transformation, catalysis, and blessing of the power of faith can only be inclined to the 'sun' rather than the previous development. However, compared to the unknown guess, Ye Qi is more like this accurate However, the same, this also makes Ye Qi for the new [divine], [the priesthood], More ideas.

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