Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 37: Murphysto Felice

Chapter 37—Mefiesto Felice

The dense vines, with the unique warmth and dampness of the Qianguma area, wrapped the original remains into a mountain bag, and the dark brown soil covered the original bright marble.


Ested took a sharpened wooden stick and picked the vines in front of him, revealing a downward passage. The layers of stairs were covered under the moss and became very slippery. The man on the top couldn't help but frown. The big man once again licked his boots and whispered: "It feels so bad, just like the vomit of those guys in the pub!"

"Dallan, your metaphor is very image, but... if you can, we should not mention these things as well!" Once the Ranger Andy, this time put on his armor, although I can see this The armor has gone through countless battles, and the tinkering does not know how many times, but its owner undoubtedly cherishes it very much. Therefore, it can also appear on the battlefield instead of in the storage room, allowing future generations to pay tribute. .

Therefore, after listening to the metaphor of the big man, Andy couldn't help but frown.

"Ha ha ha, this is just the beginning!"

And Esd, the old hunter, made a big laugh, and the pace became faster and faster—and the leeches and mud that appeared later proved that the old hunter was not empty.

The leeches leaked from the rainwater are not deep. They have not been to the feet, but the mud is enough to cause the ankles and calves to be swallowed. In order to move forward quickly, Ye Qi and his party obviously have no other choice. Smashed the past; however. Compared to that kind of direct contact. Ye Qi is floating in the air.

After reaching an extraordinary situation. Being able to fly is one of the biggest features.

Although such flight speed is affected by many factors, the slower floating advancement is possible in the presence of every extraordinary situation.

However, this is only Ye Qi.

Both Esd and Andy may have such strengths at the beginning, but now they are only able to be down to earth, and the special features of the big man are that he can only choose to walk; Seriously, none of them will be worried about such difficult difficulties, and perhaps only Andy complained twice because of his armor.

In the dark, damp, muddy underground corridor, Ye Qi and his team walked for about twenty minutes, and the light appeared in sight.

"There is the first stop of our destination, there are guards of some temples, everyone is careful!"

The two old men, Esd and Andy, who acted as guides, reminded Ye Qi and the big man. Then, Ye Qi waved his hand to stop the two old men from taking the lead. I took the lead and went out.

For Ye Qi, I have reached my destination. Then he should take the shot -

[a+ level mission: destroyer; here is a surprising presence, but it does not have the glory of the past; Murphyst Felice: 0/1.]

When you see those lights, the system gives such a task prompt.

[a+ level] task prompts, indicating the identity of the other party, and the 'no glory of the past' in the food explanation gives Ye Qi some accurate guesses; perhaps the other party was once a powerful existence But now? It’s just that.

As the strength increased, the task prompts also showed some changes. From the initial [b], it was a lifetime of death. Until now, [a] is only a little difficult. Ye Qi clearly understands everything, as if It is the flow of water flowing through the palm of the hand, the kind of caress, but without leaving traces.

However, the residual moisture is a testament to its existence.

Step, step, step...

The saint boots, the "wind wing" stepped on the more dry slate, the footsteps were so clear, and the buzzing sounds in the distant light proved the change of the temple guards -

A black robe, empty eyes, and clearly trimmed hair illustrate the identity of the other monk.

Unlike the Holy See's gods, priests, and monks, although they were once active in Lorante, the monastery that was hidden everywhere was relished, but as time went by, in the chaotic, **** age, These monks who are good at fighting with hands are gradually withdrawing from the stage of history.

The darkness that raged in history made these monks unable to enjoy their peace.

Some of them became knights of the nobility, and some became nobles themselves, and some became the first hunters.

Of course, the current Demon Hunter has some doubts about this statement.

After all, there is no record of these things, just some legends; however, some people are convinced; for example: Heli Byron, a little famous among the demon-hunters - he is not an apostle It is just a high-level demon hunter, but he is not inferior to the apostle's fighting power.

According to him, he used the skills left by the monks.

However, Ye Qi can be sure that even if Heli Byron sees the monks in front of him, there will never be any intimacy - the normal negative energy, the negative energy and the neck. It is like a fish-like trace, which shows that these seem to be monks, the essence is the essence of dark creatures.


There was no language conversation. When the guards of these temples saw Ye Qi, they immediately screamed the beast and rushed toward Ye Qi.


The gray wind swept over, the snoring stopped immediately, and the rest was just a gray ice sculpture.

Obviously, when Ye Qi's full attribute reaches a new height, [Frost. Freeze] has become simple and easy to deal with these low-level levels.

To put it simply, as long as the full attribute cannot reach the sum of the attributes of Ye Qi, then the existence of everything [completely frozen] is a dead end.

As for the state of entering [completely frozen]?

The physique of Ye Qida 54 is definitely not comparable to these creatures; let alone. If Ye Qi wants to play with some means. It is entirely possible to use the power of faith to bless - although [the power of faith] can only bless and catalyze any expertise and skills related to the sun. But this does not mean that it cannot complement other types of expertise and skills.

The easiest way is to rely on the influence of the Sun's body on the physical attributes to achieve other ways of influencing other feats and skills.

Of course, if you can, Ye Qi still wants to find the "Faith of Faith" that meets other specialties, that is, to condense other "divineness" or to obtain other "God".

After all, complementing each other is a very good choice, but the same line is obviously better.

The appearance of gray ice sculptures proves that these temple guards completely died; however. Soon, more temple guards once again flocked to the general appearance.

And their end is already doomed!

Two old people, Esd and Andy, stunned and looked at the ice sculptures that had lost their lives in front of them - their expressions were still in front of them, as if they were eating people; but they were such expressions, but they were They are solidified on their own faces, and obviously they have lost their lives when they have not expected them.

If it's just one, Esd and Andy are not so surprised, after all. As long as they are fast enough, they can do the same. But in their vision, all the temple guards are like this, how can they not be astonished?

In particular, they saw more temple guards than they expected, and then the next moment became the appearance of ice sculptures, and the horror in their hearts was unstoppable -

Is this the power of ‘God’?

The thoughts of the two old people could not help but come up with such an idea.

However, they apparently did not expect, or subconsciously forgotten the fact that Ye Qi’s [the priesthood] was the 'sun'.

Among the three, only the big man did not care, holding the shield of the sacred in his hand, the big man carefully blocked the possible fish that leaked the net - after all, after coming out of the dark, wet corridor, it was A very wide, like a platform-like environment.

Although the current enemy only appears from the front, the big man will never think that only the front will have enemies.

As if to confirm the guesswork of the big man, when another group of temple guards were frozen by Ye Qi’s finger of [Frost],

Behind them, underneath the dark, wet passage that came out, a void began to distort, and then a huge beetle-like thing appeared, and the car-sized beetle squirted as soon as it appeared. A cone of flame.


The burning flame wave instantly drowned the position where Ye Qi and his party stood; however, the next moment there was a flash of light in the flame.

On the shield of the holy sac, the light of the inch of the passage not only blocks the devour of the flame, but also makes the temperature of the flame become like a breeze.

Then, after a finger full of [Frost Interest], the beetle that spewed the flames once again stepped on the footsteps of the former temple guards and became an ice sculpture.

"Have you ever encountered this thing before?"

Ye Qi pointed to the beetle ice sculpture not far away, and looked at the two old people; Esd and Andy shook their heads with certainty, saying: "No! We have only met the guards who are like monks. And, and, not much has been encountered so far...about about a third!"


Ye Qi silently nodded. Then, his eyes looked at the void in the distance, and said faintly: "Do you still want to hide?"

The perception that was blessed by [the power of faith] for a moment made Ye Qi 'see' something.

With Ye Qi’s questioning, the three men, including the big man, suddenly became nervous and gathered around Ye Qi and looked around.

However, it is clear that they found nothing.

After about three minutes of silence, the old ranger asked in a low voice: "Is it because of the loose seal?"

"It’s a little worse than we thought... the seal seems to be opening a corner!"

Ye Qi said like this, then, step forward, and just when Ye Qi’s footsteps just fell. Ye Qi’s whole person disappeared in front of the three.


The three people shouted subconsciously.

but. It was quickly interrupted by a series of laughs -

"Ha ha ha... stupid humans. I know that my seal is about to be opened, and I dare to come here to die! It's stupid!"

This kind of laughter echoed on this platform, but no figure appeared.

"Gsg, is that you?"

Esd and Andy heard the familiar voice and asked loudly.

"The despicable guy has been killed by me. Now it's everything that Mephisto Felice is in control of here. Everything here is...Bastard. How is this possible?!"

The slightly sultry voice, with a deep contempt, but quickly this contempt was replaced by horror.

And just in its snoring, in the position where Ye Qi disappeared, a smeared golden color began to overflow like a flowing water. Then, the entire virtual platform was like a glassware falling from a high altitude. 'After the sound. Broken; then, the sense of weightlessness appeared on the three. And when everything is back to normal, the scenery in front of them has changed to another look -

A sandy beach, a small lake, loungers, and a middle-aged man on a lounge chair...

"I haven't seen Ace, Andy for a long time!"

The man lying on the chair waved at the two long-lost partners.


The two old men were surprised to see the men on the loungers. They had guessed countless times and saw what their friends would look like again, but they never expected it to be like this; after all, in their numerous guesses, Sig, the decision-maker of the tower, will definitely be treated with unparalleled misery, but everything in front of him seems to be a holiday...

what on earth is it?

The gap between the two men's hearts was so straight that they didn't know what to do; but the big man didn't have such an idea. He looked around and looked for Ye Qi's figure.

However, except for the three of them here, there is only the Gusg, the tower leader in front of the decision.

"Hello, may you ask if..."

The unskilled big man looked at Gesger in front of him. The latter obviously knew what the other party wanted to say, and immediately nodded: "The one will come out soon..."

In fact, Gusg's voice has not yet fallen, and the golden light shimmers again, and in this golden light, Ye Qi's figure goes straight.

Ye Qi, who came out, waved his hand at the big man and the two old men, looking straight at the man in front of him, and slowly asked: "Are you Gesger or Murphysto Felice?"

"Now what you see, of course, is Gesger!" The tower leader of the decision said very positively. Then, there was a hint of helplessness on his face. "And the voice that was heard before is Murphysto Feili. Sis!"

"Yes, it's me - Murphysto Felice!"

After Gusgro's low and deep voice, a chilly, trembling, fearful voice suddenly came out of the man's body, causing the surrounding comfortable temperature to instantly drop to the point where ordinary creatures could not exist; What is even more remarkable is that the white air that is mixed with the flames slams out from the man's skin and pores. The flames that envelop the white air flow are like the sharp arrows that are shot. Ye Qi, four people, and the place where the arrow flies past, all of them are frozen.

However, very quickly, when a touch of gold appeared, the flame with the frozen state stopped the pace of advancement; and when the smashing flame appeared on that day, the exclamation again appeared -

"Impossible! This is impossible! The theft, you guys!"

The voice from Gusg's body, with a hint of horror that cannot be concealed.

Hearing such a voice, Ye Qi frowned, but his gaze was placed more in the shape of the flame but not the slightest temperature, leaving only the cold energy from the depths of the soul of all things.

Very special.

The fire with the sun is the two extremes, but there is a trace of other things.

However, it is clear that such observations are short-lived. Just a moment later, the voice in Gesger’s body rang again: “The wind of the next day, you think you can beat me once you defeat me. My second time? Tell you, here, it will be my home... I will pull you into **** and let you completely sink!"

The white icy flame instantly began to jump rapidly. The next moment, a thick smell of sulfur began to spread from it.

Everyone, including Ye Qi, seems to have heard a squeaky noise.

It seems to be the rush of thousands of horses, and the shock of the stars falling at the same time, and then a red-red river begins to wrap around.

Sulphur River!

The most marked existence in hell!

Obviously, Mephisto Felice is not joking; but, in the same way, Gesger will not sit idly by -

"and many more!"

The tower of the decision-making tower said Then everything around it was restored to normal again; and naturally, the roar of Murphysto Felice sounded the next moment: "Gsg, are you a despicable reptile, dare to stop me? I want you to understand what the true meaning of pain is!"

With such words, a touch of white with a red flame instantly wraps Gusg's body.

"Mefisto Felice, you know, this is useless!"

The main voice of the tower of the decision-making tower was plain, but Ye Qi was keenly aware of the brows of the tower of the decision-maker.

Ps today is decadent and this has been blacked out... It has stopped since the morning, until now... It’s hard to take a day off and feel the hardship again...

The decadent dragon and the tiger jumped to the ground and asked for protection again~~~

Thank you for the reward of the starting point of the 200-year-old prodigal son, and the reward of the 100-starting coin that you lost.~~~ Decadence again Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~(To be continued.)

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