Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 42: Peer

Two days later, Ye Qi, the big man, and the inanimate king went deep into the 900-kilometer position of the unexplored area of ​​the Qiang-gu area, and only a hundred kilometers away from the real core area of ​​the unexplored area of ​​the Qianguma area. The distance; in fact, coming from their original location, even if there is an unexplored area in the Thousand Marsh area, the danger will continue to increase, but no matter who it is, it only takes an hour or two. .

And it took a whole two days, of course, to make some preparations -

“Why do you want to rub the powder? They make me feel itchy!”

After the big man hit two sneezes in succession, he couldn't help but lick his nose and said that Ye Qi, who was on the side, also frowned a little unnaturally.

And look at their current dress will understand where these unnatural things come from.

The black high-necked trench coat is lined with a scarlet, and the four teeth are placed in the position of the canine. Of course, the more awkward is the powder.

From the faint aroma, Ye Qi is very sure, this is the fat powder for women's makeup.

And it is quite advanced, he smells more than once in the chameleon - and according to his understanding, the dedication of the chameleon in a certain salary surface represents a pile of Kimpton.

However, even though these powders represent a pile of Kimpton, Ye Qi is quite mindful about putting them on his face.

"Although they make our faces look pale, I don't think there is no other way to replace them!"

With the complaints of friends, Ye Qi went straight to the road.

"Although you are a hunter, you know the vampire very well. But as a vampire, I definitely have more say..." The inanimate king whispered as he walked in front of the road. "Our three current identities." It is a branch of the Cappadocia clan, a group of vampires themselves are seen as a gloomy, strange existence - they claim to be the 14th clan. But in reality, just a joke!"


A big man, obviously, has a familiar familiarity with this vampire clan, but he can't remember exactly where he heard it.

"The group of vampires who have worked with the Dark Wizard?"

Ye Qi, who is used to reading, immediately thinks about the source of this clan.

"Well, they have worked with the Dark Wizard. They are good at the spells of the undead factions... Although they are respected by vampires because of mystery and power, most of the time they are disgusted by other vampires - but we Thanks to such disgust, the degree of our suspicion is greatly reduced!"

The inanimate king nodded and then confirmed Ye Qi’s guess.

“What does this have to do with our rubbing?”

The big man asked the most fundamental and starting question.

"The corpse smell! To cover up the corpse smell!"

I glanced at Ye Qi, who was obviously guessing something. The inanimate king explained to the big man - in order to enjoy the cooperation afterwards, Alcatel did not mind to face his partner with a cheerful attitude, especially when this cooperation When the partner is strong enough.


This reason clearly convinced the big man. Similarly, Ye Qi did not object.

In the front, there is a ray of flame, but it is not a normal flame, but a miserable green. Let the night is full of strange and marvelous areas, more and more infiltrating, especially when in this miserable green, standing a pale, thin body, the man is more guilty. .

However, fortunately, whether it is Ye Qi or a big man, this scene has long been taken for granted.

In fact, when you become a true hunter. They have experienced more strange and horrible scenes than this, and this facet is enough to make their nerves exercise tough.

And this is exactly what every demon hunter’s elders want to see.

After all, more training will be dragged back by fear, only after getting rid of fear. It is only possible to let go of the pace and start real progress.

Therefore, this is a must for every qualified demon hunter.


The face was pale, his body was thin, and he had a eagle-hook nose. His face looked handsome and handsome.

Although it is only two words, it carries a strange rhythm like a poem.

Pretend to be a ghost!

Looking at the man who is very consistent with the description of the vampire, Ye Qi and the big man sneered at the same time, and then stayed.

According to the previous plan, this is the time to hand over to the inanimate king.

A scarlet-sized adult palm with two large-sized invitations appeared in the hands of the inanimate king, and then flew to the opposite man.

When the man received the invitation and looked at the name of the invitee family on the invitation, the pale face was obviously whiter - no doubt, Cappadocia’s deterrence against other vampires Ye Qi and the big man imagined to be much stronger.

"Welcome to the arrival of the three!"

Collapsed the previous arrogance, this vampire is respectful and respectful to a line of three people; however, the inanimate king does not care, just walked in front of the other side, and Ye Qi and the big man are also like, I did not pay attention to each other.

However, this did not cause the vampire's unhappiness. On the contrary, it was normal to look at its calm expression.

After passing the vampire of the 'gatekeeper', there is no real pass. In the package of the tragic green flame behind the other side, a dark, narrow corridor appears there, which should have brought a bright flame. After turning green, it made the corridor in front of it strange.

Walking in it is like walking to the land of the legendary dead.

After all, the land of the dead described in some literature and epic is such silence and is shrouded in horrible light; however, this is only a superficial phenomenon.

At the very least, in Ye Qi’s perception. There are no fewer than fifty vampires around, and more than half of the gaze is on them, and they are very cautious and careful to scan their every move - Ye Qi can guarantee if he has something out of place here. The action appears. Then these vampires will appear in front of them in the first time, giving them a stop.

The inanimate king apparently also discovered these vampires, or that it was itself in its expectation, so the pace of the inanimate king is still so steady. Even the frequency of the pace has not changed, and the face is still the same as the cold of the Cappadocia family at the moment.

As for the big man?

His performance at this moment is no more than the color of Ye Qi.

Although the big man is honest, it does not mean that the big man is stupid; and the honest and simple person always has a common characteristic, that is, the abnormal attachment.

It can also be said that it is a horn.

Under the premise of not hitting the south wall without looking back, the big man remembers that he wants to stay rigid and always has a kind of suffocation.

The former is doing very well under the efforts of the big man, while the latter becomes even more easy with the help of the inanimate king. A magical crystal contaminated with blood is now placed on the chest of the big man. In the pocket. And this polluted magic crystal releases a breath of negative energy at all times.

Even if a knowledgeable person goes to identify it, it is difficult to tell!

Therefore, the big man is basically flawless, even remembering that he wants to keep a dull big man and see the door that appears at the end of the narrow corridor. There is still no slight movement on the face, as if this is justified, or that it is already familiar and can no longer be familiar.

At this time, the sight of the letter here has finally disappeared.

Not only because of the recognition of the identity of Ye Qi, the big man and the inanimate king, but also because of other things - in Ye Qi's perception, the direction in which they came, several fluctuations are looming close.

Obviously, it’s not just them who come here.

Moreover, compared to their fake identity. These visitors are all vampires.

As for why there are so many vampires gathering here?

Of course it is because of the two goals of their trip!

As the only remaining fruit, two generations of vampires named after Vatican and Le Senba, two vampire clan, hold a family gathering like this every 30 years.

It is not just the two clan of Vatican and Lesenberg, but the thirteen clan of the entire blood. Even some of the more prestigious ‘flowers’ can participate – those who are not classified as the tribe of the blood tribe; they are either accidents or vampires of the thirteen clan of the bleeding family.

Of course, more are some of the products of mischief.

In a long and long life, anything can happen, especially when you still have power; therefore, among the blood tribes, even the secret party that adheres to the so-called commandments has a lot of lunatics. Not to mention the magic parties that do not put the commandments in their eyes, and the ambiguous neutral parties.

Therefore, every year, Lorant will have such a 'flowing people'.

They became them, and they became the dolls that needed time. Without any guidance and backing, they could only understand the hardships of the two worlds in the table - whether it was other vampires or The demon hunters will not let them go.

The former is because of the so-called blood pollution, while the demon person is out of safety.

After all, the vampire's 'migrants' are still 'vampires', and no one can be sure when they will injure people, especially when these 'migrants' are reluctant to give up their original lives and live with ordinary humans. It’s definitely not a trivial matter of what happened to a fish.

The beast that is driven by hunger is definitely safer than the vampire who is driven by hunger.

Therefore, if you encounter such a vampire, if the other party is still struggling, the demon hunter will bring the other person back to the central castle and enter the tower of thorns. If the other party has already reached out to ordinary humans, then they can only be executed. .

According to Ye Qi, the inanimate king was once a 'migrant' - even if there was no real expulsion, but the other party was thrown into a certain country in the country, guarding the situation of the mill, It is no different from 'flowing people'.

There is no family guidance. As a backing!

Even the ‘flowing people’ is not as good. After all, ‘flowing people’ has so-called dignity. The original party was quite seems to be captive, letting fight, insult, and silently endure, just for the ‘stable’ life.

However, no one thought of it when the other party broke out. It will be like this.

Ye Qi’s heart secretly sneered a sneer – there are reasons for it, and it seems that some very insignificant causes have caused the irretrievable situation.

For the killing of the inanimate king, Ye Qi is really aware of it.

In this regard, whether it is for the identity of the demon hunter, or for the ally as an inanimate king, he is happy.

The front door was silently opened from the inside, the vampires dressed by the two waiters made a gesture of asking - and saw everything inside, Ye Qi's heart naturally emerged two words: Resplendent and extravagant.

Crystal chandelier. The golden light under the scarlet blanket, and the three pillars that can be held together by the crystal and all the crystals, are all about the luxury here, especially when it is just a simple transmission room, in front of it. Everything is amazing enough.

"We need to make up ten guests to be able to open the transmission!"

but. When such words appear, everything in front of them seems to be flat again.

Whether it is because of lack of attention or because of other ‘shy’ reasons, Ye Qi has sent a sneering sneer in his heart.

The inanimate king is obviously not surprised by this. It pointed to the side and stood there with Ye Qi and the big man waiting for it; during this time, the vampire waiters brought some food. And 'beverage' - the former Ye Qi does not want to study what material is made, while the latter's **** taste makes him even more distant.

Fortunately. The vampires who came to the transfer hall before, there are a lot of disdain for everything in front of them. They don't look at those foods and ‘beverages, and they stand tall. Proud to stand aside; however, when I saw Ye Qi, the big man, and the inanimate king, the pupils in the eyes were shrinking, and the subconscious opened a distance.

Cappadocia, really awesome!

Ye Qi secretly smiled.

As for where the inanimate king gets the invitation from the other family?

In this regard, Ye Qi does not care, after all, according to him, the inanimate king is there are too many ways to let other vampires succumb.

The simplest is: strength.

The strong is respected, and among the vampires, it is definitely the most common rule.

Therefore, some rules that are regarded as 'precepts' have the title of ‘so-called’.

I think that the powerful vampires will never obey. Of course, their squats are not where they go. After all, they think that they are quite different from the real ones.

The inanimate king is truly powerful, so that the two third generations who are accustomed to being closest to the gods are not really afraid to tear their faces, even if the other party makes a similar move. There is no real strength, let alone make such a move, even if it shows a hint of such emotions, it is enough for the two three-generation vampires to make it into a meat.

Waiting, the door was opened again.

The vampire who came in this time was an ‘acquaintance’: the prince of the Vatican family and the two grand princes.

For the prince of the Vatican family, Ye Qi is no stranger, even as he said before, quite familiar – whether it is because of the inanimate king or because of his servant, Tucker van Gogh. Zhuo’s younger sister, he has met with each other and talked.

Of course, the process is not very friendly.

However, it is enough to let Ye Qi know very well how the prince of the Vatican family is a kind of existence - pure, with the existence of the **** supremacy.

To put it simply, the vampire is the perfect creature, the other is just the ants.

Of course, such a view, there are a large number of supporters in the vampire, just like the once-blood theory, in the era of freedom, it is still popular.

After all, this is not a complete mistake.

Therefore, the resulting incompletely wrong way will make people more and more confused, even confused - for example: Prince Vatican in front of him.

It finally became the creator of its own clan: Van Gogh.

But for the strength of the blood family, it will go close to the inanimate king, even if the relationship between the former and the latter is not harmonious, even the degree of hostility, the blood prince did not care.

From a salary point of view, it is definitely the simplest existence.

However, as a human being, even if it is a mixed blood, it has now become a 'half god'. Such a existence is a true enemy for Ye Qi.

For the enemy, letting go, it is obviously impossible.

Therefore, naturally, the prince of the Vatican family went to Ye Qi’s list of murders – in fact, the vampires who came here this time and attended the party were basically on the list.

When Ye Qi and the big man looked at the Prince of the Vatican family, the other party was also looking at them.

However, very quickly, the prince’s gaze shifted from Ye Qi and the big man to the inanimate king. After all, according to the position, Ye Qi and the big man played the role behind the Vatican. The role of two great men, and the inanimate king is equal to it.

Vampires, the value of identity, it is quite Therefore, when the Vatican family prince came over, it is left in the eyes of the inanimate king at the moment, as for Ye Qi and the big man?

Nature is deliberately ignored.

"Prince Cappadocia?"

The Prince of the Vatican family asked indefinitely.

Ps is too late today... sorry...

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