Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 70: Under the waves

The residence of the night was not in the floating city, but in the castle under the floating city - this castle was transformed by a wizarding wizard's wizarding tower. In short, it is also capable of floating. The castle, except that after the legendary wizard died, it became the outpost of the wizarding monks who received the outsiders.

"Master Ladi, Joe, welcome!"

As the person in charge here, the Moss superior sorcerer welcomes Ye Qi, but the person in charge of the bridge on the other side of the bridge is in general, and the other party is also on the face of Master Ladi.

As for Ye Qi itself?

Although the things in Nadati town have been rumored, he has really participated in it, but the strength of the ‘official sorcerer’ is still subconsciously ignored.

In everyone's perception, this is only because of the 'Leddy Pharmacy', the battle of the position of the governor!

The governor of the Feng De family, the Reed Master and the Master Ledi are the protagonists.

As for ‘Joe’?

It’s just a young man with luck and misfortune.

In this regard, Ye Qi did not have any dissatisfaction, and even a slight sigh of relief - at this stage, the less he is valued, the more he will achieve the desired result at the last moment.

When you peeled off the appearance and suddenly saw the tiger's skin, the scene, countless people will be surprised and admired.

In the wizarding dynasty, such surprise and admiration is undoubtedly the best pass.

Perhaps there is a hint of luck in this.

However, facing such luck. Ye Qi will not refuse.

After gesturing to the Master of Ledi, who was talking. Ye Qi turned and walked toward the reception of the old castle - of course. Ye Qi is not trying to arrange things like a room. His goal is to put a newspaper in the reception.

Compared to the newspaper that has been two weeks behind in Dati Town, the newspaper just printed here is undoubtedly very attractive to Yaki.

At the very least, he was able to find some information he needed.

For example: the witches are used as jokes, the so-called 'civilian resistance'.

However, it is clear that there is no such news in this newspaper - except for the fact that ‘Ledi Pharmacy’ is actually related to him. In the newspapers divided into eight sections, at most, the appearance of some new pharmacy and alchemy items was recorded, and there was no news about ‘civilian resistance’ or ‘the gods’ battle (twilight)’.

"The former should be wrong in time... I remember that the books in later generations have a clear record in the late summer of 992, which affected the riots of the entire wizarding dynasty. It should have been right in 994, and now it is 990 years. In summer, there will be more than two years before such a beginning, and four years later will officially declare the end of an era! And 'the land of the gods (twilight)'..."

Ye Qi could not help but shook his head. If the latter was wrong in time, then the latter was concealed.

Only the cover of the wizard's tops. Only then can such news be unknown.

As for how to cover up?

Ye Qi put down the newspaper in his hand and looked up at the old castle - well known. This was a remodeling of a legendary wizard's wizarding tower, and the legendary wizard was unfortunately lost in an unknown area that explored the astral fifteen years ago.

Such a message, for ordinary wizards, naturally there is nothing wrong with it.

The danger of the astral world cannot be denied by anyone.

However, it is too unfortunate to have the unfortunate loss of the alchemy items such as the ‘Astrology’ ‘Locator’.

Obviously, such unlucky people are not limited to this one.

In the last two decades, there have been at least twenty legendary wizards who have died and disappeared because of the exploration of the astral world. Almost every year, and about ten of them were killed because of laboratory explosions.

Let's not say that the danger of the legendary wizard doing the experiment is just this number.

Ye Qi has already had some guesses.

Moreover, more importantly, these are just some of the news published on the face, and those that have not yet been announced, how many?

Ye Qi only needs to compare with the news on the bright side, and he can get a rough idea.

Ten to one, this comparison is not excessive.

That is to say, there are about thirty legendary wizards who have disappeared, passed away, and died in the Ming Dynasty, and the legendary wizard who died in the dark is ten times this number.

Such numbers may seem a bit exaggerated.

But it is this exaggerated number that can explain, four years later, the battle of the wizarding dynasty.

The book recorded on the so-called sorcerer dynasty decayed into an empty empire, although this statement can not be said to be all wrong, but it has a very absurd side.

After all, you let some ordinary scholars record the history of the world, which is no longer true.

Of course, history is written by the winner.

As a winner, it is not impossible to degrade others and raise oneself.

"On that battlefield (the land where the gods are fighting) must be in full swing... Otherwise, it will not form an atmosphere that is highly respected for genius!"

Ye Qi thought in silence.

In the eyes of Ye Qi, most of the wizards are quite rational people, especially the wizards who are in high positions. They are pursuing the truth. Although there will be some deviations, such deviations will never let the wizards Change the fundamental way of life; therefore, they will not change their original decisions because of some of the smells.

It is not too much to say that it is stubborn.

And once such a change occurs, there is only one possibility - that is, at the beginning, there was already such a decision.

The so-called "genius" wind began around the beginning of the Witchcraft in the beginning of 700, and if there is nothing wrong with Ye Qi's memory, the land where the gods fought was also opened at that time - according to the counterattack of the aliens, this time point. Ye Qi is still certain.

and so. Train more and more talented people. Enter the land of battle to gain more advantages.

It is itself a strategy decided by the wizarding dynasty.

Under such a strategy, the emergence of every genius will be focused on training -

For example, collect small talented children from a young age, or young people who show talents like him.

Once determined, under the slant of resources, it will naturally accelerate and grow fresh blood for the battlefield.

And no doubt. The latter was the original intention of the sixteen wizarding emperors.

However, in the same way, even the most sorcerer emperor who is proficient in prophecy and possession did not expect that after four years, they would fall short because of a very unremarkable thing.

Or, both lose!

The wizarding dynasty disappeared into the long river of history, and the gods also fell.

No one is a so-called winner.

Even the seven heroes who have been rumored by countless civilians have disappeared.

This is a war without a winner, and as an additional participant, Ye Qi must be involved – as long as he wants to return to his own time. He must do this.

Of course, the conditions are now complete.

as long as. He showed his talent, so it will definitely attract the attention of the top of the wizard.

Then everything goes with the flow.

More resources, spell data, let him quickly increase the strength, and then, enter the battlefield with the gods, aliens, where the name is tens of thousands, or die to become dust.

Regardless of the type, Ye Qi needs to be involved in it.

Of course, Ye Qi will never let himself turn into dust. What he needs is to make a name for himself, even... to be admired by countless people.

It is like the original era.

This is naturally not because of the power of faith, or because it is not the main reason, but one of the reasons.

Another reason is that he needs such a reputation to announce his arrival, and let his teacher and profiteer notice his arrival.

Ye Qi has already thought very clearly. After becoming a participant from the onlookers, he obviously could not find his own teacher according to the original plan - since he can't go looking for himself, then... let them Come, find him!

As long as he has enough prestige, let the world know!

"Joe, have you seen any interesting news?"

Master Leddy and Mosh, who had finished talking, came over and watched Ye Qi, who stood quietly in front of the reception desk, and the newspaper that was obviously passive, and couldn’t help but smile.

For Ye Qi’s move to pay attention to outside news, Master Ladi has long been used to it. In his opinion, if young people are not interested in the outside world, it is like an old man who is only willing to stay in one place and does not move. It is a strange thing.

"Of course it is ‘Ledi Pharmacy’, but it’s almost a third of the page!”

The Moss superior wizard smiled and pointed to the newspaper—not only the ‘Ledi Pharmacy’ but also ‘Joe’.

In the eyes of Moss, this is naturally quite attractive to young people.

Obviously, this superior wizard is misunderstood, but Ye Qi does not explain anything.

Similarly, Master Ledi will not explain, because he also misunderstood.

"Do not worry, this is definitely a good start!"

Master Ladi gently slaps Ye Qi’s shoulder with an elder’s gesture, revealing a smile full of encouragement.

Of course, except for a little encouragement, more is confidence.

After all, Master Ladi is very clear, and once the test is over, what kind of treatment Ye Qi will have.

For genius, the entire wizarding dynasty will not be embarrassed.

Of course, there is a kind of meticulous protection before the true meaning of genius growth.

Even more honors – for example: following the wizarding emperor.

This is an honor for any wizard.

"Where is our room, Joe should have a rest early, but we will have a busy day tomorrow!"

Master Ladi once again patted Ye Qi’s shoulder and said to Mosh.

"Follow me, look forward to your performance tomorrow!"

The upper wizard walked forward and smiled at Ye Qi with a smile - obviously. Master Leddy revealed a bit of news to the superior wizard.

but. It is just a little bit of news.

If the superior wizard is fully aware. Then at this time it was not this slightly appreciative smile, but full of surprise.

"Thank you!"

Ye Qi responded to the praise of the other with the wizard's etiquette. Behind him, Master Ledi was satisfied with the performance of Ye Qi. In fact, the current Master Ledi regrets very much. Why wasn't he thick? Face, accept this young man as a disciple?

Modest, mature. And strong, talent is outstanding.

Such an apprentice may only encounter once in a lifetime...

When I think of the legendary sorcerer's stocking of such a disciple, Master Ledi can't help it; if he has such a disciple, he will definitely care for it. How can he throw it into the hard place of the snowy night?

However, looking at Ye Qi's calm back.

Master Ladi couldn't help but sigh - if there is no hard work there, will the other person become such a young man?

I am afraid that it will become arrogant and extravagant with the wizards and aristocrats!

Eventually, when entering the room, Master Ledi shook his head. Long sighed and gave up all the assumptions. Sitting on my bed, I started a new meditation.

Of course, he did not forget 叮嘱叶奇 -

"Joe, prepare two more fireballs that you are good at. Although we have helpers, those guys also have!"

"Know, Master Ledi!"

In the next room, but shared a living room, therefore, the voice of Master Ladi was very clearly introduced into Ye Qi's ear.

Although because of the existence of the system, Ye Qi does not need to construct and analyze his own spell position, but in the face of the good intentions of Master Ladi, Ye Qi will not refute.


And the night, so fast passed.

When the sun once again spread over the earth, Ye Qi suddenly opened his eyes - because of the "divine (sun)", [the priesthood: the sun (autumn, winter)] and the "body of the sun", for the sun Sensitive, Ye Qi is definitely the first in the entire material world.

However, such sensitivity is not entirely a good thing.

Especially when his contract companion has not fallen, Ye Qi always suppresses everything about the 'sun'.

Because, once there has been any change, Ye Qi can be sure that the character of his contract companion will definitely be wiped out.

In the face of the current Amon, Ye Qi can not have any grasp.

Is he going to say - ‘Oh, work, after a thousand years, are we the closest partner? ’

Such a discourse does not mean that Amon will believe it. Ye Qi alone can’t say it.

If you say it, once you return to the original era, and here is the established history, then with the bad character of Amon, you will certainly laugh at him without mercy.

No doubt, that guy is definitely doing this kind of thing.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Qi will not mobilize the power of the sun.

The only lucky thing is that this time limit will not be too long - according to his memory, his unfortunate contract companion, lost the day of being sealed, that is, four years later.

He can wait slowly.

As for the power of faith?

Ye Qi believes that as long as he performs well enough, there will be no problems at all.

Compared with the ordinary gods, his ‘ten to one’ is absolutely different, and if it is the belief of the king, reaching ‘one to one’, he promises that it is better than any existence.


The Lehman master who had meditated for a night appeared again in front of Ye Qi.

"of course!"

Ye Qi smiled and replied.

"Then let's go!"

Master Lehman said, then, first opened the door and went out - and at the gate of the castle, the two wizards of Ben and Mosh, who had only seen yesterday, were standing there with seven or eight wizards. waiting.

Upon seeing Master Lehmann, the wizards immediately came over and greeted Master Lehmann.

At the same time, Ye Qi is also in the ranks of greetings.

Facing the people who belong to the Lehman masters, Ye Qi is naturally not rude, but also responds to each other one by one - these wizards are obviously the 'vessels' of Lehmann's masters in the wizarding capital, and he also needs The person who remembers, because if he wants to integrate into it, these people are indispensable.

Naturally, for Ye Qi’s courtesy, these wizards showed their smiles.

In view of the tradition of the wizards, they are the friends of Master Ladi, according to the relationship, they are Ye Qi's ‘elders’, so they are very satisfied with a polite late generation.

What's more, this younger generation has a good strength!

Of course, not everyone will have a good impression on Ye Qi -

"Lady Master!"

In the loud voice, the governor of the Fengde family, who was in a black robes, smiled and said hello on the road of the pedestrians.

Although the other party smiled, but the hostility, Ye Qi was able to feel the clarity.

In fact, it’s not just Ye Qi’s feeling.

Even the wizards accompanying them felt it, and they saw that they were subconsciously surrounded by Ye Qi and could be seen behind them.

"Feng De, should your consul should not be here?"

Master Ledi converges on the kindness of the cold-speaking inquiries.

"Of course, I am not here by the way - I am here to catch people!"

The governor of the Feng De family said very positively.

"Who is it?"

Master Ledi frowned.


The governor of the Feng De family pointed to Ye Qi.

Ps is hot... decadent sitting in front of the computer with the code word, the pants are wet rhythm... the fat can not afford the summer! ! !

Thanks to the prodigal son of the sea, the fat man who got into the book, the reward of the starting price of the turtle0920200, the one yuan, the heart that lost, the reward of the starting point of the 100-year-old coin~~~ decadent again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters. We~~~(To be continued.)

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