Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 75: Under the world of wizards

In the collection hall behind the inspection hall, Ye Qi stood slightly frowning here - here is a collection of every master of the wizard, every time a master of wizards is born, it will be registered and recorded here, after the The wizards are well known; in a nutshell, this is an honor that can be enjoyed as a master of wizards.

According to the original plan, Ye Qi certainly would not object to such an honor.

In fact, this is the most important part of Ye Qi's original plan; however, when he entered the collection and saw fifteen portraits hanging on the wall, Ye Qi was a glimpse.

Fifteen portraits on the wall, of course he is no stranger, not to mention an introductor next to him -

"This is our greatest fifteen wizarding emperors!"

The master of the gray robe wizard speaks with reverence.


Ye Qiyi, a subconscious question.

“Yes, although Hugh’s majesty does not think that he is qualified to receive such glory, we confirm that Hugh’s deserved is well deserved!”

The master of the gray robe wizard obviously did not find Ye Qi’s anomaly and explained it straight.

Hull, the only disciple of the 'Great Emperor' Delpa, was the first wizard emperor recognized by all wizards.

However, Hull himself did not admit such a title, because he believed that he was not qualified enough - in fact, all people would not think so.

Only, a man’s stubbornness was respected by everyone before his death.

Until the death of Hull...

Of course, it is claimed that Hull killed the Beastmaster, the Elf King, the Sea King, and so on. The injury died and died.

It is completely the end of a hero.

but. Ye Qi has the remaining wizards. It is very clear that this Hugh’s sire is in line with the demise – in order to create a 戮 戮 gun - Gunnier.

However, this is only a small part of the talent to know.

For example: the remaining fifteen wizarding emperors.

However, the portrait of the wizarding emperor hanging in the collection at the moment is undoubtedly one less.

Very special one!

The dragon sorcerer emperor was not in it.

Ye Qi glanced up and down several times, and did not find the wizard emperor in memory - as the most mysterious wizard emperor, the dragon emperor even attended the memorial of the land del Par. They cover the real face, only a rough figure and dress.

And the so-called dressing, in fact, is no different from the rest of the wizarding emperor.

"Is there a great dragon in our wizards?"

Ye Qi, while registering his own information, asked the master of the gray robe wizard.

"Dragons? I haven't heard of them. - Although they have masters, they have not entered the extraordinary... The blood has given them a powerful force, but after reaching a certain level, they will become their shackles!"

The master of the gray robe wizard took out a booklet and handed it to Ye Qi - there were eleven people on it. They are dragons with dragons and blood, and they are also masters of wizards. But as the master of the gray robe wizard said, none of them stepped into extraordinary.

Even the extraordinary has not stepped in, naturally no need to mention immortality.

Then, the possibility of the emperor in the wizard is also zero.

Although Ye Qi did not know the face of the wizarding emperor, the strength of the wizarding emperor was able to detect a trace.

At least immortal!

In fact, every wizarding emperor is basically immortal.

"You are very curious about these guys? Need me to introduce you? Presumably, they won't mind building friendship with a genius!"

The master of the gray robe wizard looked at Ye Qi's look at the booklet and couldn't help but suggest that the network will not appear out of thin air, but will be formed as your strength changes; if it is in an hour Before, even if Ye Qi is so good, he will never enjoy the treatment as it is now.

But at this moment, when he became a master of wizards, everything became natural.

"Okay, I am really interested in these dragon masters!"

After thinking a little, Ye Qi nodded and expressed his agreement - the disappearing dragon sorcerer emperor, for Ye Qi, must be an unknown change, and in such a change, he must Actively looking for answers, not waiting silently.

After all, what the participants do is to participate.

To put it simply, if there are one of the 16 emperor emperors in history, Ye Qi has no hope of returning.

"They will be very happy - although their temper is not very good, but the nature is not bad!"

After seeing Ye Qi nodded, the master of the gray robe wizard immediately showed a smile on his serious face. Obviously, these dragon masters must have a relationship with him.

Ye Qi sees this in his eyes, but he doesn't care.

Such a thing can't be avoided in the era of freedom, let alone the era of wizards?

In fact, the master of the gray robe wizard has done enough in front of him - far more than the highest government in the free age, flirting with the people's election, and gaining power, then gaining self-interest for one's own private, and then not The politicians who are willing to bear the consequences are much stronger.

Dragons, according to the subordinates, can be considered as aliens.

However, because the dragon's independent characteristics from the mythological era are enough to make them a very special existence, especially when the 'Great Emperor' Delpa was young, he was once helped by a dragon. The wizards expressed considerable friendliness for the dragons and dragons.

From the time of the wizarding to the sacred age, there has been no change in this relationship.

As for the beginning of the sacred age?

The Holy See regards the existence of any ‘high God’ that does not respect them. It is regarded as a heresy and burns the other side. It is the thing that those guys are most willing to do.

"Master Joe. This is your new wizard's robe; this...the astrology is what your superior wizard deserves. Of course. You still need to make a choice now - is to directly select a magical item with powerful magic, or Choose three raw materials that make magical magic items?"

The master of the gray robe walked over with a square plate with a gray robe belonging to the master of the wizard and a planet of astrology - in fact, this astrological planet was given to the wizard when he was promoted to the upper wizard. Special props, even those who are not good at prophecy, can use a powerful six-ring spell stored in them.

Simply put, this is a talisman of the upper wizard.

For the wizard who can reach the upper wizard. No one of the wizard's top executives will be underestimated, because, when he did not know, he was born again as a master.

However, in a special place, only a master-level wizard can achieve sufficient combat power.

"I chose three raw materials that can make powerful magical items!"

Ye Qi made a straight choice - compared to a magical magical item, Ye Qi has the confidence to use three raw materials to make three powerful magic items.

Of course, for Ye Qi, magic items are not necessary, and raw materials are rare.

Some of his memory [alchemy]. Both need the support of these raw materials.

As for why do you want to reproduce these alchemy?

As a master of wizards, especially young masters of wizards. Nature will be questioned, not in strength, but in learning.

And once more [alchemy] appears, such doubts will naturally be blown away.


The place where the raw materials of the magical items were collected was in a warehouse behind the collection. After Ye Qi once again learned the richness of the wizard's magical materials, after some deliberate selection, he was informed by the master of the gray robe wizard. After buying these magical raw materials with barter, or simply Kimpton, Ye Qi left with satisfaction.


Master Ledi, standing in the inspection hall, always looked at the direction of the collection. When he saw the Yeqi who came out, he immediately greeted him loudly. The collection was free to enter at ordinary times, but there was a new master of wizards. It was born, but when it was registered, it was not allowed to enter anyone.

Including ordinary wizards, as well as masters of wizards.

Therefore, Master Ledi has been waiting quietly outside, and Ben and Mosh are also beside their friends, as for other wizards? It is the first step to prepare for the celebration.

As the 'assistant' of Master Ladi, Ye Qi is undoubtedly a part of himself by these wizards, and now Ye Qi has become a master of wizards, of course they are very excited; after all, the increase of each wizard master represents An increase in strength.

As a loose small group, it is naturally more important to increase this strength.

After all, once something happens that they can't solve, this power will become a boost.

"Master Ledi, Lord Ben, Lord Moss!"

Ye Qi smiled and said hello.

"Master Joe, this kind of title is really making me feel ashamed. Can I call me directly?"

The grumpy book, this time is a rare expression of its own humor.

"I also think Mosh is more suitable!"

Mosh is smiling and attached.

"Okay, Ben, Mosh!"

After Ye Qi glanced at the Leddy Master who nodded and nodded, he could not help but change the name of the two sides. As a traditional 'sorcerer', the gap between the ranks is always the most valued, any etiquette and change. , all starting from this.

Therefore, when Ye Qi and Master Ledi walked side by side, Ben and Mosh were one step behind. When they left, the wizards in the entire inspection hall screamed and watched the departure of the four people, especially when they saw Ye Qi. The feeling of burning in the back is really obvious.

Even if Ye Qi does not have a strong perception, he can be aware of it.

In this regard, Ye Qi did not mind the slightest; after all, this is what he expected - more fame, more favorable position.

And let him be the strength of this participant.

Of course, the hardest last point, Ye Qi already has it.

Just not known.

Therefore, although some things change, they are not so obvious -

A newsletter similar to a secret letter. After Ye Qi left the floating city in the inspection hall. It was passed to the real high-level hands of the wizard.

It is still a black wizard's robe. But the gold-like dark lines, the red flame-like medals, the dazzling crowns, and the illusory volcano, let people see the moment of worship, the heart will be worshipped.

Wizarding Emperor!

Any wizard who sees such a dress will know who he is facing!

In charge of the entire Lord, against the gods, the wizard emperor!

A total of fifteen seats were lined up. With the exception of the first seat, there is no one, and the remaining fourteen seats have a shadow.

"There is an interesting news!"

One of them, after reading the express report in his hand, couldn’t help but laugh.

"Abigail, I hope this is really a news!"

Another voice said slowly, although the tone was slow, but there was a strong sense of urgency and urgency between the words, as if a flame was burning in front of you. The next one will explode.

"Dalchino, don't worry. In the war stop, what we need is calm!"

Another sound sounded, but contrary to the previous sound, the sound was quite rush, but the feeling of giving people was still slow, as if the dewdrops fell off the green leaves.

"It is impossible to win a war without being calm!"

The sound of the previous voice shouted, suddenly, as if a heat wave came.

"But you can decide the victory of a battle!"

After that, the voice still replied slowly.

An impatience and a slowness are as if they are two extremes, which is unacceptable. It is like a conflict when there is a meeting--in fact, the two wizarding emperors have had conflicts more than once.

Fortunately, however, the conflict is still under control.

“When do we hold a party? I feel like I can eat the next cow!”

And at the beginning of another conflict, a thick voice was inserted in, suddenly, let the atmosphere of the previous tension glimpse, and then, inexplicably swept away.

"Rada, you need to eat three cows every day!"

Abigail, the wizarding emperor, said with a smile, then he made a knock on the table and continued: "There was a master in the hall of the emperor's inspection!"

“There are new people born every day, is it worth making such a fuss?”

Dalchino, who was revered as the Flame Emperor, said nothing.

"It is worth paying attention to this newcomer, naturally there are differences!"

The Emperor of the Sea, Lisbon, habitually accepted one sentence.

"He has a noteworthy place - he is only twenty-six years old... and he is self-taught!"

Abigail rushed before the two men might break out again.

"Twenty-six years old? Not really good. I remember that a little guy had reached this level at the age of seventeen?"

"However, if it is self-taught, then it is worth noting!"

"Oh, maybe it’s the tricks of those guys!"

"The guys' hands and feet are still not here, not us, but this young man needs attention!"

"Is it from the snowy night? The genius that was born in that place? I think the snowy night will definitely welcome this genius!"


Just after Abigail’s voice fell, a series of discussion sounds appeared.

After the exchange of the newspapers by the wizard emperors, they immediately expressed their opinions and then quickly unified them.

Of course, such a thing, only the wizarding emperors themselves know, whether it is the Ye Qi, the master of Leddy who is attending the celebration, or the ambition of the governor and Reid of the Fengde family who is thinking about what they should do next. They didn't notice it.

So, when the next day ‘Joe’s Snow Court Grand Court Consultant’ and a wizard tower that was treated as a reward, all the people expressed surprise.

A master of wizards has become a court adviser to a grandfather. Obviously, it is not a shameful thing. Even many masters are willing to do it; after all, every master needs considerable financial resources to be able to make himself Strength, grade and further.

Choosing a Dagong and becoming a consultant is obviously a good choice.

However, the Snowy Night Principality is notoriously poor and has become a great public consultant there. Obviously it is not a good choice.

However, if there is a wizarding tower as a reward, it is another matter.

For a master of wizards from a civilian population, it is basically impossible to have a wizard tower. First of all, the financial resources are not affordable to civilians. Even if they are from aristocrats, they need three generations or even more. It is possible to accumulate more wealth.

That is to say, if a wizard master has a wizard tower, then it is equivalent to a wizard aristocrat who has three generations of Wang Shi.

It only needs a little management, so the birth and rise of an emerging wizarding family will be unstoppable.

If you add that place, it is your hometown...

Everything is more than enough!

Therefore, everyone sees Ye Qi’s eyes as envious, even Ben and Mosh, who have a good relationship with him, are no exception.

Only the face of Master Laidi is a deep blessing.

Blessing, envy, and of course, there is no such thing as the inferiority of the embarrassment.

All kinds of eyes hit the body of Ye Qi, but under the gaze of these eyes, Ye Qi was a frown of the dark, and the bottom of his heart turned again and again.

Ps yesterday, my friend about to sing and sing... As a decadent house, how can I sing, but I can’t be forced to do it. It’s only a singer’s voice – “Hulu”, “Two Tigers” is still hard to be decadent. Then, the decadent friends and waiters are paralyzed, and then, then...there is no more...

These friends who are decadent and estimated to be decadent will never sing to sing in the future...

Thanks to the prodigal sons wandering around the sea, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, the wind and the dust, the reward of the 100 hearts of the lost heart~~~ decadent again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued.)

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