Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 103: Under the attack

Chapter 103 is under the attack

Just as the wizards on the entire fortress were still talking about this unexpected encounter, Ye Qi had quietly left the fortress and came to the vicinity of the alien city.

For the thirty cities in the battlefield between the two armies, Ye Qi, who is a witch, will naturally not know nothing about it.

Just like the three sects of the wizards, these 30 cities are the most elite combat power of the aliens, or ... like a bunker that exists in the nails, when the pace of the advancement of the wizarding corps becomes a qualitative change, any existence Can't underestimate.

Even the gods will not do it.

In fact, in Lorante, the wizards have given the gods ‘learnings’ more than once, so that the gods are very clear about what is called a force that cannot be underestimated.

Therefore, it is the so-called alien prosperity.

Otherwise, it has already been killed by the "big emperor" disciple of Hull, and the aliens of the Crown Prince, how could it be re-emerged?

It is no secret that the gods need the power of aliens to fight against the wizard.

The wizards are clear, and the aliens are more clear and even happy.

When hatred has accumulated to the point where it cannot be resolved, the blood of the enemy is the only way to ease the contradictions and calm them down.

Therefore, the battle between aliens and wizards has once again appeared.

The gods who were persecuted were finally relieved. However, they learned that the wizards are stubborn and powerful, but they have not completely relaxed.

\"Really ‘God’s enveloped’!”

Ye Qi looked at the front with half of his ridiculous gaze, only his degree of existence. The power of faith that can be seen.

It is different from ordinary invisible. It is also different from the silver of the belief of the king. The power of faith in front of the eyes is completely the product of the former.

With a hint of light, but more is a translucent feeling.

The ethereal is like a smoke.

However, no one can underestimate whoever regards the power of these rich and accumulated beliefs as a smoke, who is really a fool.

In particular, Ye Qi, who has a deep understanding of the power of faith, will not even be more.

Although the body of the law has not been established because of the incompleteness of the priesthood, but Ye Qi has already realized the mystery of the power of faith is almost omnipotent.

That's right, it's omnipotent!

The reason is that there is a ‘near’ prefix, because it is time to kill these beliefs.

If it is not the existence of time, the power of faith is really omnipotent!

Whether it is to strengthen itself, or to create a 'miracle', or even to directly create a group of 'strong', it is not a waste of time.

Of course, you have a premise: have enough faith.

As long as the power of faith is enough, you can reverse life and death!

This sentence is not Ye Qi’s sentiment, nor the advice given by his contractual companion, but the answer given by Murphysto Felice, who was refining in the Seal of Prison.

Of course, some of the previous things about the power of faith are also the knowledge gained from the refining memory.

For this knowledge, Ye Qi is naturally overjoyed.

Therefore, in order to digest this knowledge, Ye Qi is rushing to these alien cities in a day later than he expected. In this evening, in Ye Qi’s opinion, if he increases his chances of completing the mission, it is not what.

The truth is, if you don't digest this knowledge, he can't even get into the star pool.

The sorcerer is wary of the aliens, and the aliens are also wary of the wizard.

The two sides have their own identification system, which has reached the point where Ye Qi’s horror is based on blood, and the breath and volatility are included.

There is no one in the fortress ‘the Great’.

In the same way, it is impossible to have a human being in a foreign city.

Of course, today there is a slight change. Apart from the Fengde family chief who has relied on the aliens, or the gods, another human being has appeared in the city of aliens.

Originally with a white skin like jade, this time it became dark and even had some scales. What is even more striking is that there are bugs of different sizes on his body. Small also has the size of a palm, and more bugs are more around him.

If Ye Qi’s dress appears in the human city, he will definitely be shouted ‘monster’, and then the crowd will escape, or attack the group.

However, in a foreign city, such dressing is too common.

Except for some ordinary warrior aliens, some interracials who are good at shamanism and voodoo are dressed like this, except that some have replaced the bugs with something more disgusting in the free age, shamanism, voodoo It has long been synonymous with wizards.

Even most wizards don't distinguish between things other than their own school.

After all, in the era of countless chaos, as long as something can save lives, then it will be inherited, and shaman, voodoo is clearly in this rank.

Of course, the original 'Blood' was originally created by the 'Great Emperor' Delpa. It is also from shaman, voodoo. This is undeniable. The wizards have no tough recognition. They respect the facts and they Unusually want to enslave yourself, their ancestors. [,! The aliens once again squandered and killed.

Ye Qi certainly does not have shamanic techniques, voodoos, and even spells of various schools. He also started a deeper level of familiarity by playing the wizard.

However, with the knowledge of Murphysto Felice and his special expertise [the technique of insects], everything becomes logical.

As for the language?

The lingua franca on Lorante itself absorbed the language formation between the various races. Perhaps the aliens who were dying in the previous generation will stubbornly use their own words, but this generation is supported by the gods. There is no such idea. They also accept lingua franca.

Whether it is a large number of orcs, or a lonely and proud elf, it is the same.

Looking at the stinky orc in the skin, and the tall, natural-looking elf, using the same language, Ye Qi began to have a rather weird sense of disobedience. He couldn’t help but think of the golden horsewoman. What is the appearance of the female leader of the blood of the Gothic Elf, if the other party sees such a scene?

Absolutely not what looks good!

Ye Qi just thought about it for a moment, and he came to this conclusion. After all, the female leader of the elf bloodline, although dressed, is hard to see on the elves' tradition, but the other party is quite concerned about the elves. Even has absolute attachment.

Otherwise, it will not leave with the golden horsewoman.

The other party did not know that there was an elf in Goethe, and chose to give up the bridge on the other side, what is Lottery?

\"The power of the blood... really ‘strong’!”

Silently, Ye Qi issued such an unclear sigh with admiration and self-deprecation, but more is a joke.

Just as he looked at these aliens who were once again ‘strong’.

Isn't everything ‘joke’?

It’s just that this joke guy, or a few guys. It’s a bit stronger, making this ‘joke’ very real. The truth is just like the truth!

Think about how many aliens in the Free Age?

Except for some special dark creatures, the rest of the aliens have already withdrawn from the stage of history.

That's right, this is the survival of the fittest!

Ye Qi agrees with this point of view, but the survival of the fittest based on a 'joke' is really not very funny, and Ye Qi can't laugh at all.

Because Ye Qi, who has been here before, still remembers the appearance here.

At that time, it was no longer the land of the gods, but the land of the gods at dusk.

Tired corpses, layers of white bones, stacked higher than the mountains, at first glance, the rest is just white...

The alternating black and white, these shins stand up again and fight again.

Just like them, they are in front of them.

But what is the result of the final battle?

Ye Qi can't answer a bit, so he doesn't feel funny at all.

Bystander, participant...

Even the latter can't change anything, it can only be involved, let history continue to develop.

As for the change?

Ye Qi was silent again, he looked around the interracial group, and then, very light smile.

Let him use these lives to change the lives of the people around him?

Just kidding!

Even if ten times more dead, Ye Qi will not hesitate, not to mention that his ‘player’ as a participant has been “heavy” to the point where it cannot be changed.

\"Dragon Emperor... Seven Heroes... It’s a messy world!\"

Recalling everything that was seen in the memory of the Mephisto Felice, Ye Qi couldn't help but sigh, and then he slowly moved forward and entered the city.


City on the 17th, rolling the city.

The former is the name of the wizards for the alien city, and the latter is the meaning of the aliens themselves. According to Ye Qi, some words, the understanding of mysterious knowledge, should be vigorous vitality.

And the 80% of the orcs in the city are quite convincingly interpreting such words.

The feces of various livestock, as the wind blows from time to time, flutters in the city, just like the spring ploughing has just sprinkled the fertilizer, but it is watered by the spring rain.

The orcs walked indifferently, and sometimes added a 'contribution' to the ‘life force’ of the entire city.

The manure makes the soil fertile, even if there is a city, the orcs are obviously still adhering to the ancestors.

And this is only on ordinary streets, in densely populated markets, the situation is even more serious, but even then, no plague occurs.

Ye Qi subconsciously glanced at the power of faith on the wall of the city of Ya, or ... Shenguang.

Obviously, the ‘the grace’ of the gods has already appeared.

However, in the face of such 'grace', Ye Qi took a lot of effort. He chose a piece of clean place to sit down. Spread the felt. And put some things on it when leaving the fortress. Some things belonging to the aliens that are to be taken out of the storeroom, there are three bones of different sizes, with the unique fluctuations of the shamanic technique, and the invisible weapons of the twilight.

Compared with the surrounding vendors, it is not a good thing, but it is not too bad.

.[,! ]

Therefore, it is also a bit inconspicuous.

And this kind of effect is naturally what Ye Qi needs.

After all, his purpose here is for the former governor: the patriarch of the Fengde family.

The other party is in a tent less than three hundred yards from him, although not too far away, but just looking at the architectural style and the layer of guards that are different from the tent, it is clear that there is a natural place there. the difference.

In the same way, it also shows that the patriarch of the Fengde family has received quite a few treatments.

At least, the level of defense is very high.

Just don't know if it is real defense, or monitor it again.

Ye Qi just glanced back. He took back his own eyes and used the [blind bucket perception] to lock the former governor who once had a side. It is no doubt that Ye Qi has left a considerable amount of time. Therefore, he Not eager for a while; after all, he said before that he should pay an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!

Although, at the time, it was just a similar rhetoric, it did not mean that Ye Qi had a chance not to do it.

Especially after seeing some memories of Murphysto Felice, Ye Qi’s plan had to be done once again. There were sixteen emperors in the sorcerer. This is a history.

However, until now he has only seen fourteen, except for the dead Hull, there is also a wizard emperor did not appear.

In this regard, Ye Qi naturally has considerable speculation.

However, no matter how he guesses, he will not contact him and himself.

However, the memory of Murphysto Felice told him that if the other party was not in the illusion or the old eyes, he was the wizarding emperor, and he was still a very tough wizard emperor.

Ye Qi was surprised at the fact that he might be a wizard emperor, and then he was deeply worried.

Because the current wizard emperor is only fifteen, not sixteen.

To put it simply, if he can't be the 16th wizard emperor in a short time, history will inevitably change. At that time, he may not have problems because of his own blood, but some of his time period should be The person or thing that exists is enough to be 'corrected'.

And this is definitely not what Ye Qi wants to see.

Therefore, in order not to change history, Ye Qi must be the last wizard of the Emperor Dragon Emperor in a short time!

As for, one less wizarding emperor may not change history?

Even if there is such a possibility, how can Ye Qi dare to take such a risk.

Therefore, he must become a wizard emperor, and this will inevitably require meritorious service, and the merits of Tianda will be possible.

It is definitely not enough to kill a traitor alone!

The city that is ‘the grace’ of the gods is the goal of Ye Qi and it is not one, it is all the thirty cities!

Of course, at the beginning, Ye Qi’s goal was not as high as it was, even one tenth of the present.

However, after seeing the situation in this rolling city, Ye Qi had a new idea.

However, such an idea, if you want to achieve it, is definitely not a simple matter, not only requires some arrangement, but also a glimpse of it.

Opportunity, if it happens, nature is good.

But if it does not appear, it is naturally necessary to manufacture.


Sitting in his own booth, Ye Qi is like other sellers, not talking about the aliens, or accurately speaking, between the orcs, there is no bargaining.

It seems to be given the corresponding Kimpton according to the price marked by the stall owner.

Therefore, the orc here is a market, although there are many people, but there is not much noise, basically you have given the corresponding Kimpton, take it and become.

The reason why the orcs set such a rule here, Ye Qi looked at the situation around the four words, and expressed his understanding.

Taking the orc to the extreme temper, the so-called bargaining thing is undoubtedly the prelude to a battle, because both sides will think that this is the other party is insulting themselves, and the orcs face their own insults, generally relying on their opponents Blood to wash.

\"This one?\"

A tall orc with a unkempt hair, or... a mane, stopped at Ye Qi’s booth and pointed to a human hand on the felt to ask for the battle axe in front of him.

However, this is only for humans, for the orc in front, a palm is enough.

Call, call, call...

After waving a few times, the orc was very satisfied, once again asked: "How much Kimpton!"

\"two hundred!\"

Ye Qi gave a fair price, and the price itself was not for the sake of buying and selling. Of course, it would not be because of such a thing.

He just wanted to send the orc in front of him quickly, so quietly think about what is missing from his plan.

Or, there is a certain amount of certainty...

\"I bought it!\"

The orc in front of him also thought that this was a fair price, so he threw out his own money bag directly.

However, before the money bag fell on Ye Qi's felt, a flying axe took a fierce wind and smashed the purse.

Kimpton landed on the ground and made a squeaking sound. Ye Qi had not said anything, but the buyer was angry and roared: "Who is the bastard?!"

.[,! ] Soon, the buyer locked his target.

\"嘎达, do you want to mess with me?\"

The buyer is squatting.

\"How come? I just saw this axe!\"

An orc similar to the buyer, who came out of the crowd, said very rudely.

Ps has been out of power again! ! ! Decadence can't stand it... The desktop has more than a thousand words of manuscripts, so it's gone... Ah! ! !

Desperate and roll for comfort! ! !

Thanks to the prodigal son of the wandering sea, the reward of the starting price of the tuttle0920200, the reward of the 100 hearts of the lost heart~~~ decadent again thank you all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence~~~

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