Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 105: Plague

In the huge charcoal in the huge brazier, the flames of the scorpion are extended upwards, and then, more of them are the dry wood that is soaked with butter. When the fire infests the butter, it is suddenly It’s just like burning up, the fire is three or four feet high, and it’s extraordinarily strong.

At the gate of the rolling city, there are ten such braziers. In the city, every twenty yards or so, there will be two identical braziers; therefore, even if there is no magic crystal, it is also in this rolling city. A piece of bright hall, whether it is removed or entered the city of the aliens can be seen clearly.

Although... most of the aliens do not need such lighting.

Call, call, call...

The land where the gods fought, the wind at night was very big, although it was not coherent, but suddenly it was enough for the aliens to reach out.

At this moment, such a wind has appeared again.

The aliens, even the guards who were at the gate, did not care for their eyes, and some simply turned their voices and cursed two sentences with a slang that was different from the lingua franca.

Therefore, they did not find a black shadow, and then the wind flashed past.

Ye Qi stood in the market that had been visited before, that is, the thick corpse smell in front of the big pit full of dead bodies. After Ye Qi arrived at a position, he suddenly came face to face.

\"Shamanism to isolate airflow?\"

Ye Qi frowned, and this isolation obviously had some effect on his next plan; however, Ye Qi stretched his brow.

After all, what he needs is the body inside the corpse.

As long as these bodies exist, then all seemingly restricted means will be spread. Whether it is the shaman who practices shamanism or the aliens who come here to abandon the body, it will be his ‘transporter’.


The shouts came again, and the huge, hungry mouse in the iron cage began to violently face the inexhaustible ‘food’.

However, when Ye Qi’s breath was slightly applied, the mouse was honest.

For the 'source of the plague' that he made, Ye Qi will inevitably try to control his own hands, otherwise another mouse will not die.

It’s not that the other party is not willing to obey. It’s just because of Ye Qi’s mistake that caused some inevitable consequences.

In this regard, Ye Qi did not have time to blame himself.

After all, any alchemy experiment will have a risk of failure, not to mention that he is not simply alchemy, but has also joined the [faith of faith].


Open the iron cage, Ye Qi said softly.

Suddenly, the ‘the source of the plague’ was as obvious as the arrow. The transformation of Ye Qi, except for the virus, also had the body of the ‘the source of the plague’.

Of course, Ye Qi is very good at grasping this degree.

Just in terms of speed and endurance. As for the rest?

The ‘the source of the plague’ is still a rat, at most it is a big mouse.

It’s not that Ye Qi can't add more transformations, just to make his plan safer to execute. What he needs is a ‘plague source’ that hides in the dark, instead of a big mouse that smashes out and fights with the aliens.

As for the "source of plague" will it do this?

For the survival of the beast, the law of the jungle, Ye Qi is really understanding.

He won't take the risk.

Standing on the edge of the corpse, Ye Qi looked into the 'source of the plague' under the sacral bones, silently turned away and did not take long, after three or four days, you will see the effect.

The other mice infected by the 'source of plague', sucking the fleas of these mice's blood, and then being sucked by the blood of the aliens, and then between the aliens and the aliens, will form a perfect cycle; then, in a careless Next, a large-scale death will begin.

Even if effective treatment is obtained, it will form a considerable sequela.

At least, it is impossible to step on the battlefield again.


After leaving the city of Ya, and leaving to the next alien city pool, Ye Qi, silently asked himself; then, a cold smile: \"just a different position!"

With his own answer to himself, Ye Qi went to the 16th, 15th, 14th...

Except for the No. 1 City, outside the 'Nature City' occupied by the elves, Ye Qi took the remaining city pools to the city of nature one by one, not that Ye Qi did not want to enter, but removed the elves, any aliens. Can't enter... half-elf will not work.

Only pure blood elves can.

Ye Qi was outside the city of nature. After standing for a long while, he felt the movement of the tree of the tree of life. Ye Qi shrugged straight.

Obviously, this is not suitable for the growth of the 'Tree of Life'.

For the tree of life that once appeared in the land of the 'God's Twilight Battle', Ye Qi did not understand the origin of the other party, but there is no denying the other's greatness. Therefore, he is willing to find a more suitable growth environment for the other party. Even if it is suitable for the growth of the tree of life, Ye Qi will not do this.

After all, once planted here, everything is replayed.

After leaving the city of nature, Ye Qi did not return to the fortress straight. After passing some news, he returned to the city again.

.[,! ]

As the maker of the 'source of plague'.

Although after the ‘the source of the plague’ left his cage, everything was irrelevant to him, but there are still things that Ye Qi still needs to do.

For example: kill the traitor.


\"Damn weather...cough...I really shouldn’t go to the night!\"

3. The guard at the gate of Yacheng, coughing, complained.

\"It’s a weak body! After changing the post, you should have a good drink, then, then sleep again!\"

Another guard persuaded. But the voice just fell. It also started a violent cough. Suddenly, the former guards ridiculed and said: "Your body does not look very powerful!"

Ye Qi listened to the taunts between the two guards, and walked silently forward to the 'source of the plague', which was faster and stronger than he expected. It only showed effects in two days. The alien orcs who guard the gates are definitely not weak. Every one has the physical qualities of a far-over-star-like apostle, even if it is not too far from the moon-level apostle.

But this is the physical quality, there are complications in two days.

Others are not as good as their aliens.

Moreover, even more gratifying for Ye Qi is that his ‘black jewel’ played a role, and the high priests of the temple, the shamans, did not find anything wrong.

Perhaps, the use of 'black gems' is a luxury waste.

However, it is because of such waste that it can be explained. This time, the ‘God is not aware of it’!

In fact, if there is no such 'black jewel', even if it creates the 'source of plague,' Ye Qi is not sure to implement his own plan.

Although the gods stand in the 'cloud', in every alien city, there are priests of the gods, and nothing can win the gods.

Therefore, the priest who is the ‘eyes’ is the target that Ye Qi must eliminate.

However, the general way of killing is obviously not good, not only will not achieve the desired goal, on the contrary, it will also make the gods vigilant.

Fortunately, among the many 'immortal keys' that Yitch received, there was a key to the character of the ‘Betrayal’.

The traitor, all the past, has received contempt.

However, this does not deny that the betrayer does not believe in such contradictory things. For human beings, it is not a big deal, nor is it a big deal for aliens.

Therefore, the gods who have betrayed the priesthood have appeared.

Of course, this **** is not only a betrayal, but also the traits of the 'noble', 'deceitfulness', 诡 诡 等等, etc. Whether it is for the power of faith or the composition of the priesthood, these are necessary.

Otherwise, just a ‘rebellion of the priesthood’, even if it is the body of the law, its power is similar to the demigod.

No other reason, just because the power of faith is too rare.

However, even if it is a demigod, it is also a god.

What's more, this demigod is not a semi-god in the traditional sense of relying on the blood of the gods, unless the guy who gave his blood to die, otherwise, there is no possibility of becoming a 'true god'; and this demigod , it is already a 'true god'.

However, his strength is weak and the **** is almost the same.

But if you join the ‘power priest’, even the ten deities are not its opponents.

Therefore, Ye Qi's use of the 'black jewel' approach is to give the priests the ‘threat', and the ‘blackmail’ makes these priests more ‘smart’ and more selfish.

Of course, the use of such a memory in Murphysto Felice is not without its drawbacks.

At the very least, this 'black jewel' cannot be absorbed by anyone's priesthood.

However, Ye Qi never thought about inheriting and absorbing the so-called ‘rebellion of the priesthood’, so he would not feel bad.

Carefully walking in the rolling city, Ye Qi avoids the aliens who have been infected with the 'plague'. Although his body constitution is not afraid, this kind of avoidance is a kind of instinct from the heart.

With Superman's [perception], Ye Qi has seen the aliens in the corpse that were tortured to death by the 'plague', more than a hundred, and Ye Qi believes that this number will be straight after a few hours. It was refreshed because, according to the infection situation of the whole rolling city, the big outbreak came.

When Ye Qi’s gaze was placed in the corpse, immediately, a cry came from the bottom of my heart.

That is the voice of the 'source of the plague.'

The contract is undoubtedly one of the most effective means of limitation. Ye Qi will certainly use it.

\"Continue to lurk here!\"

Ye Qi gave a ‘the source of the plague’ to understand the meaning of the word “the source of the plague” already has some wisdom, but such wisdom is not enough to make it understand more complicated things.

Suddenly, the call of ‘the source of the plague’ disappeared. Everything was the same as before.

But the mice on the street are getting more. Moreover, these mice are carrying layers of abscesses, sometimes from a black spot of rice size, falling on the alien bodies that pass through, while the latter is Nothing.

This is very natural.

Except for some special ones that have reached a certain level of strength, no aliens will feel the fleas appear on the body, and then. [,! ]......

They are not there anymore.

Death will be their ultimate affiliation.


Ye Qi once again came to the only group in the rolling city that was different from the camp. It was built entirely of tall, square stones, and it was also a building that can be seen from outside the city.

Of course, buildings above the city wall are not accessible to anyone.

Only the priest can do it.

There is no doubt that there is naturally a ‘the temple’ of the gods.

The buildings below are priests, priest apprentices, followers, and the residences of distinguished and distinguished people. Although from the perspective of the alien personal point of view, Feng De and his party are definitely not honorable, even if they have been in the past for millions of years. Still, it seems to be treating slaves in general.

Only because of this von's ‘competition’ made him such a privilege.

Otherwise, the attitude of dealing with human beings by aliens, ‘slave house’ is the only place he should go.

However, this does not mean that Feng De’s days are better now.

In fact, except for the three meals a day, Feng De and his party were not allowed to leave their room at all, even if Feng De protested several times, it did not have any effect.

Of course, except for the restriction of freedom, the three meals a day, like green muddy food, is also the most protested by Feng De and his party.

However, it just didn't work.

Because the priests here are eating the same things as them, Feng De and his entourage saw them, they could not understand why the mud-like food, the priest could eat so much.

Even if they know it, it is the same with some herbs that are good for the body.

Compared with these upset things, the two things are to make Feng De and his party more and more sleepy.

The wizarding emperors did not retaliate!

It has been five days since the beginning, but there is no sign of revenge. This is definitely not a good phenomenon. According to Feng De’s understanding of the digital wizard emperor, his actions have not been forgiven. Unless he is dead, his head is hoisted, and there is no longer a solution.

Moreover, the wizarding emperors will never hesitate.

Therefore, the Thunder strike is the right choice for the wizarding emperors.

However, it has not appeared yet!

\"What happened, let the wizard emperors delay, or...\"

Feng De, the former governor of the wizarding dynasty, stood in his own room and thought about it. No matter how he thought, he could not come up with a reasonable explanation.

Even this kind of thinking makes his original chaotic heart more and more chaotic.

It’s like standing in a shadow that cannot be avoided, that kind of tension, heart palpitations.

This feeling, Feng De has long been not felt, even forgot, but in recent days it is everyday feeling.

And this is him, he hasn't left here for a long time, facing the muddy food, and also endures the important reason for swallowing.

Because, he didn't know, after leaving here, there is still something to protect him.

After all, this is one of the closest places to the 'God'.

As far as he knows, there are only gods who can fight against the wizarding emperor.

The irritating emotions rose from the bottom of my heart, causing Feng De to walk back and forth in his room, and screaming, not far from the quarrel, made this irritability more intense.

Almost subconscious, Feng De wants to break the pottery in front of him, so that he can express his irritated heart.

However, the next moment, he realized that this is not in Lorante, and he is not the governor Feng De, but a betrayal, defector.

\"The priests of the gods? Hey!\"

However, even then, the former governor still snorted and expressed his enthusiasm for these priests who had been arguing from two days ago. Feng De was clear and clear. It’s just fighting for power.

And the priests at this time did not have the sacredness of prayer.

Even Feng De witnessed the fact that several priests began to privately ‘sweep’ the sacrifices in order to gain more rights. After that, their gods seemed to acquiesce in such things.

So that this kind of thing has become almost out of control.

\"What do I want to do?\"

The reaction to Feng De is a glimpse. Then, shaking his head quickly, he needs to think about his own retreat. Although it is the closest place to the 'God of God', but look at the priests who are fighting for power, Feng De is very If you suspect a fishing trip, what effect will they have?

\"Maybe, should I go to other cities?\"

Feng De thought about it, but he did not wait for his specific plan, and a knock on the door came.

Hey, hey, hehe...

After a very rhythmic knock on the door, Feng De frowned and asked: "Who!"

However, although the tone is not very good, the former governor still opened them up; after all, in the rolling city of Asia, he did not think that his enemies would appear, not to mention his enemies would not be so polite. '!

According to his speculation, his enemy will catch up, it will be the time when the entire rolling city is ready for war.

.[,! ]

As for the quiet sneak?

For the function of the rolling city wall, Feng De is also slightly aware of one or two.


After seeing the orc shaman in front of him, Feng De put down the last trace of worry, cautious, very impatient to ask.

Ps颓 scrapped the new book support~~~

, Book number 3263701; link in the works related, there are also ~~~ new book period is very important, in order to let the decadence continue to eat meat, everyone goes to collect, click, recommend it~~~

Desire has been sincerely thanked here~~~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, and the reward of the 100 hearts of the lost heart~~~ decadent again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~

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