Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 115: Dragon Emperor

It is like a mist in the morning. When the sun appears, it will disappear. When the female cavalry chief began to look around, the figure of the female grandfather next to Ye Qi began to looming, even before the moment, she still Really true, but at this moment, it began to melt.

No, the meaning of 'return', but the ‘ablation’ in the true sense of life.

\"Hold my hand!\"

Ye Qi felt the kind of death, he said loudly, the panicked female grandfather, did not understand what happened in front of him, the subconscious step forward, holding Ye Qi's hands; suddenly, a soft, warm The power began to flood around.

The opening of the "solar field" made the looming female grandfather clear again.

\"Here is a special ‘point’. Anyone who does not reach the corresponding strength will be ‘blended’ if other creatures enter it; or... devour!\”

Ye Qiluo explained to the female grandfather.

\"What is this ‘point’?\"

The female grandfather still does not quite understand.

\"It's time, maybe it's other...\"

Ye Qi felt the strange atmosphere around him, some could not be sure; but, the next moment, was interrupted by the exclaim of the female grandfather.

\"The girl is coming in!\"

The female grandfather refers to the female cavalry chief.

And such a scream is a simple worry, the other party is swallowed up; after all, a woman who has a faceless face with her, the female grandfather will naturally have curiosity.

Of course, more is because of the voice of the man next to him.

The female grandfather is absolutely not stupid. She can distinguish the deep feelings contained in the voice. And naturally, it is obvious that Ye Qi did not call the other party for the first time.

At the same time, the female Dagong understood the ‘unnatural’ when Ye Qi first saw her.

Undoubtedly, it is because of this woman in front of him.

The female cavalry commander opened a layer of invisible shackles and walked toward her familiar atmosphere. She can be sure that it is the atmosphere of Ye Qi, and there will be no mistake.

However, this kind of perceived, but invisible feeling is really too uncomfortable.

To this end, the female cavalry chief began to look for what she could feel.

On the first floor, another slapstick was opened.

The long sword at the waist began to exude unusual fluctuations, wrapping her in. This is a defense of his own sword, knowing that the female cavalry commander of the mystery began to be careful.

However, the next moment, she saw a scene that made her brow wrinkled

Ye Qi appeared in front of her, but Ye Qi took another lady. A lady who looks exactly like her.

\"Lee, can you explain it to me?\"

The female cavalry commander took a deep breath. This kind of inquiry, but no voice came, which made the female cavalry chief look once again, she tried again once, still opened her mouth, but no sound.

The opposite Ye Qi is fast to use words to spread words through words.

However, when he first started to try, the front of his fingers became blurred and he could see it, but the female cavalry chief could not see it.


Ye Qi whispered.

The female cavalry officer in front of me was frowning again. Obviously, the situation encountered this time was far more complicated than she had imagined.

\"What are you doing?\"

The female Dagong looked at Ye Qi and the female cavalry chief as if they were puppet shows, with a hint of discourse.

\"I am thinking of ways to communicate with Els!"

Ye Qiyan said in a concise manner.

\"Don't you hear what she said?\"

A female grandfather.

\"Can you hear?\"

Ye Qi looked at each other with surprise, and this made the female grandfather regret it. She felt that she should not open her door to help her competitors. This is just a simple idea, out of the woman's instinct, and anything else, no The slightest relationship.


In the face of Ye Qi’s inquiry, the female grandfather finally nodded.

\"Can you try to talk to her?\"

\"let me try!\"

The female grandfather looked at Ye Qi and nodded again.

\"Can you hear what I said?\"

The female Dagong asked the female cavalry chief.


After the clear voice came, the female cavalry nodded.

\"Joe, because of some things, I can't communicate with you, so I will explain it to him!\" The female grandfather said, while listening to it, but after a moment there was no sound, she subconsciously turned her head and looked at it. Ye Qi’s helpless look, after a glimpse, I understood, “Jiao seems to be unable to convey to me... I can’t talk to you again after you try to talk to me, though, my hand and him. Hands, pull together!\"

The last sentence said that the female grandfather could not help but be proud of her, and her heart was inexplicably proud.

\"Hello, I am Els!\"

The female cavalry chief is doing self-introduction as if she had not seen it.

\"I am the owner of the Snowy Night Principality, the eleventh generation of Snow Night Grand Duke, Lily Pendragon!"

The female Dagong looked at the woman in front of him, and the long-formed etiquette made her subconsciously speak; however, it was later reacted. [,! The female grandfather immediately said: "I don't think we need such a deeper exchange!"

\"Just because you are holding Ye Qi’s hand now?\"

The female cavalry asked a long brow.

\"of course!\"

The female grandfather seems to be confident.

\"If it is not because of some things that need to be considered in the long run, I am already the mother of one or several children, and my husband is the leaf!"

The female cavalry chief sneered, and an inexplicable momentum began to appear on her body.

\"Who cares if you are a mother, and, we are talking about Joe, not leaves!\"

The female Dagong felt the momentum of the opposite woman, and her body began to rise to such an imposing manner, and with the emergence of such momentum, the rational side began to fade.

\"Lian Ye's original identity. Didn't figure out, what qualification do you have to stand here?\" As he said, the female cavalry officer took a look at the hands of both sides and scorned: "If it is not to protect you Will Ye pull your hand?\"

Obviously, the keen female cavalry chief has almost figured out the special environment around.

\"I certainly know Joe's identity, but he is the 16th Emperor of the Wizard: Dragon Emperor! For a while. He will be enthroned... Ha, it seems that you don't know the news!\"

The female Dagong looked at the surprise of the female cavalry's face and couldn't help but laugh.

\"I was just surprised that the leaf was done well enough. As a wife, I feel honored!"

The female cavalry chief quickly converges on the surprised face, saying no retreat.

\"What, what wife, you woman, don't..."

The female grandfather still wants to say something.

However, Ye Qi held her palm but it was tight, and then the surrounding camp changed again and disappeared, and it was still the wide lounge.

Ye Qi looked at the changes around. Helplessly sighed the words of the two ladies, he did not hear, but the kind of arrogant atmosphere, he felt it.

Subconsciously bowed, Ye Qi looked at the female grandfather who was sleeping in the chair as if she was sleeping. She looked at the hands that were held together and couldn’t help but shrug her shoulders.

And such a sensation immediately awakened the sleeping female grandfather.

\"Sorry, I was asleep……\"

The awakened female Dagong wanted to explain something, but in the next moment she found the hands that the two held together, feeling the temperature of the palm of her hand, and the face of the female grandfather suddenly became red.

\"That, that, me, me...\"

The female Dagong wants to say something, but does not say any complete words.

\"Previous things, do you remember?\"

Ye Qi looked at the panicked female grandfather, could not help but lie and then asked.

\"What happened? Am I not asleep? Then...\"

As she said, the female grandfather’s eyes once again looked at the hands held by the two men, her face was red again, and then the female grandfather quickly adjusted her status and asked: “What happened before? ?\"

Although the inquiry started, the female Dagong definitely did not loose the meaning of his palm.

And feeling that the female Dagong is more and more forcefully clenching his palm, Ye Qi can only be a bitter smile again.

\"Nothing, just some trivial things!\"

Ye Qi said this.

Although with a hint of congestion, it is better to explain to the female Dagong in front of him how he came from here in the Free Age.

After all, as one of the participants, identity itself is a secret in order not to change the direction of history.

\"is it?\"

The female grandfather looked at Ye Qi with suspicion. However, the next moment, the attention was once again transferred. She began to feel the temperature and texture.

After trying several times, and unable to leave the hand behind, Ye Qi’s attention was attracted by the spindle-like priesthood.

This several changes in the priesthood made Ye Qi rise enough vigilance and curiosity.

Obviously, this piece is absolutely special compared to other priesthoods.

However, when the female grandfather was present, Ye Qi couldn't take it out and looked at him very worried. Another female granddaughter and female cavalry chief's ‘expected encounter’!

Although other things, Ye Qi still can't figure out what is going on.

However, there is absolutely a connection between the female grandfather and the female cavalry chief, which is obviously not a general relationship.

He and the female cavalry chief are husband and wife themselves, but they can't communicate.

However, the female grandfather can.

This relationship over the husband and wife, if it is a stranger, Ye Qi first did not believe.


When the bell rang for the first time, Ye Qi left the lounge, facing the reluctant female grandfather, and the old wizard with a meaningful smile, Ye Qi was very fond of expressing his innocence, but this way Innocent, in the end can only be turned into a helpless smile.

Obviously, the gem emperor misunderstood what he saw after seeing Ye Qi and the female grandfather.

However, before the other party did not speak, Ye Qi stopped: "" Allen, I just experienced it once. I don't know if it is good or bad. But it feels very bad. So if you don't want to fight with me. If you are, you better not mention anything about the Snowy Nights!\"

\"no problem!\"

Faced with this. [,! The explanation, the gem emperor made a surrender posture with both hands.

However, when Ye Qi saw the smile of the other party, he knew that the other party was still misunderstanding. However, he was too lazy to explain it. After all, any explanation was useless.

In Ye Qi’s silence, the gem emperor smiled and took him to the southernmost tip of the floating city, where a floating platform had already waited.

\"His Majesty!\"

Looking at the approaching Ye Qi, the gem emperor, the respectful salute of several wizards.

\"You need to stand on this, then, take the floating platform to take you to the northernmost ceremony. I and others are there waiting for you!\"

The gem emperor said.

\"You are not with me?\"

Ye Qi looked at each other strangely.

\"Please, today is your own stage, you don't need a dance partner... Yes, stand on the floating platform. You don't need to do anything, just smile. Just beckon!"

When the emperor of the gem said, he walked off the floating platform and went to the distance.

\"Do I need to stand up now?\"

Looking at the gem emperor's far away, Ye Qi asked the wizard next to him.

\"Yes, kneel down!\"

The wizards replied respectfully.

Hey, hey!

\"Your Majesty, please stand firm, there will be some instability when the floating platform is just starting to operate!\"

In that sway, the wizards explained to Ye Qi that Ye Qi nodded and expressed his understanding. After all, his wizard tower had similar problems. This is a law that is difficult to avoid.

When the floating platform reached a height of twenty feet higher than the floating city, it began to move forward at a constant speed.

Then, a layer of golden light appeared on the floating platform.

\"Dragon squat!!"

\"Dragon squat!!"


With the appearance of golden light, the floating city that was still very quiet, suddenly the sound began to boil, and not only the floating city where Ye Qi is located, but all the floating cities around it, and the largest On the floating city, it is the magical flash of magic, almost in a moment, the midday sky is dyed into a color.

Hey, hey, hehe...

As a celebration salute, after Ye Qi’s trip was halfway, he began to release.

Until Ye Qi arrived at the northernmost ceremony platform, he did not stop, and those flags that were originally hung in the air, at this time, all of them vacated, making the sky more and more beautiful.

Ye Qi stood on the platform, contrasting the Freedom Festival and the celebration at the moment.

Found that there is not much difference, the only change may be the change of food and alcohol.

\" Is this unfortunately a million species, and happiness is a single one?"

Ye Qi with a smile, overlooking the wizard below, turning from time to time.

And whenever Ye Qi faces where, the wizard will burst out with even louder cheers. Even if Ye Qi’s eyes are scattered, he does not see anything at all.

However, these wizards stubbornly understood that Ye Qi saw their cheers.

So, when Ye Qi stepped on the north side of the ceremony, the cheers were still one after another.

On the northern platform, except for Abigail, the rest of the wizarding emperors sat in their seats as if they were in the order of the temple of truth. They looked at the odds of the puppets, each of the wizards. The emperor showed a kind of comfortable, awkward smile.

Even the gem emperor, the konjac emperor, the alchemy emperor and so on, the three wizards known for their goodness are no exception.

After all, they were experiencing similar tortures.

Now, when I saw a newcomer, how can I not express my original ‘derogatory’?

\"With blood as a guide, life is a bet, wearing a black robe as a vow to go forward, until death does not regret!\"

Abigail wore a crown for Ye Qi, handing a scepter, a sword, a badge, and with his words, all the wizards in the floating city were reading in the air.

Every sentence represents the vows of the wizards.

And when the last sentence was read, the power of the silver king's faith was almost like a torrent, gathering in the sky above the floating city, covering the sky.

\"The 16th Emperor of the Wizard: Dragon!!"

Taking a deep breath, Abigail shouted loudly, and the voice was loud enough to be heard throughout the floating city.

\"Dragon squat!!"

\"Dragon squat!!"


This cheer has appeared again.

Unlike before, this time the cheers just appeared, the power of the heavenly king's beliefs, like the convergence of rivers and lakes, swarming toward Ye Qi.

[+100 Faith Power]

[+100 Faith Power]

[+100 Faith Power]


This kind of prompt began to appear on Ye Qi's character panel, almost full of instants, and then began to flip upwards.

When Ye Qi sat in his own position, the power of faith that had been warned before broke through 10,000 again. Moreover, such growth did not show any signs of stopping. On the contrary, it increased in a more crazy situation; When the power of faith was under the gaze of Ye Qi, after breaking through 100,000, and still did not stop, Ye Qi finally chose to give up temporarily. [,! ] View.

He looked at the ceremony before the ceremony.

The sorcerers were swearing at the death of Hull, the 16 emperors on the ceremony table. It is a fact, but his position still exists.

And the oath is only a simple sentence, but every wizard is silently obsessed with full sincerity.

These wizards stopped until Abigail led all the wizarding emperors to stand up.

When the ps afternoon code word, the inexplicable want to eat dumplings... When I think of garlic vinegar with pork onions, the decadent saliva can not help the DC...

So, decided to eat dumplings at night! !

Finally, I will ask for support for the new book, and I will write it with great dedication! ! Everyone collects, recommend it~~~

Thanks to the prodigal sons floating in the sea, the reward of the starting price of turtle0920200, and the reward of the 100 hearts of the lost heart~~~ decadent again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~

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