Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 121: 2 years under

And when Ye Qi stepped out of the Temple of Truth, a message from the bottom of his heart through the contract gave him a glimpse.

His teacher and profiteers have appeared!

Just like his appearance, out of thin air appeared in this era.

"Joe, what happened?"

The Thunder Emperor looked at the hairy Ye Qi and couldn’t help but ask.

"Nothing, just thought of some experimental data... Let's go on, Abigail's temper is not suitable for waiting!" "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

Ye Qi smiled and waved his hand.

Undoubtedly, Ye Qi at this moment is not suitable for seeing his teachers and profiteers. He can't come out in time or arrangement. After all, the real war in Lorante happened two years later, but The fire cable can now appear that the 'bright' is really a great success.

And this is what his teachers and profiteers need to face.

He believes that his teacher will have a sense of justice with the ‘Sword of the King’ that is passed down in history. Although it looks awkward and unfair, Ye Qi absolutely believes in his teacher.

As for profiteers?

If he doesn't have his own teacher, Ye Qi also believes that this guy will definitely go to an unknown corner, slowly spend such time, waiting to return to his time.

That's right, compared to the indifference that his teacher pretended.

This seemingly smiling profiteer is actually the real indifference, but the way of expression makes it easy to misunderstand, and such misunderstanding. Although Ye Qi does not want to say that it is 'deception'!

But most of the time, facing the facts. He has to admit it.

Perhaps the only lucky thing is that the profiteers regard his teacher as a friend, and, in love with the house and the squatting, there is no real sense of starting him.

Undoubtedly, with Kutcher is just talking about it. At least a few punches, kicking the two feet.

Once the profiteers have started, they will definitely be silent. And deadly!

Inexplicable, Ye Qi thought of the other side's "deception" of his several experiences. Suddenly, he couldn't help but think: "Maybe without prejudice to history. Should I be embarrassed about him?"

Just think about it. Ye Qi and the Thunder Emperor walk side by side

"Abigail's temper..."

While walking, the Thunder emperor, who seemed to think of something, couldn’t help but smile. In fact, because of his age, strength, and his own teaching, Abigail always showed his own strong side. And the rest of the five are emperors, there is no objection; after all. This kind of strength will only appear at a critical moment.

As for the usual?

Abigail is undoubtedly a more traditional wizard, except for the search for test materials. I will not leave my wizard tower at all.

With the bitter smile of the Thunder Emperor, Ye Qi strode down the ranks of truth; at the end of the ladder, the guardian was accompanied by a group of wizarding emperors waiting there.

"lets go!"

After Abigail looked around, he said, and then the first one vacated, and the wizarding emperors including Ye Qi followed.


At this moment in a certain place in Lorante, a wizard wearing a robes sneered at the butcher's knife in his hand. This is not an adjective, but a butcher knife used in the true sense of the butcher.

With only one foot of blade, it is very accurate to avoid the cervical spine, piercing a male neck and passing through directly.


As the butcher knife was pulled out, the blood was sprayed from the wounds in the front and back, and flowed into the wooden barrels around.

There is no such thing as mourning, no so-called pain, and the people around them are so numbly watching all the facts, those who mourn, are the first to be dragged out and killed.

Therefore, the people who are here have already learned to be patient.

After all, can patience not live longer and longer?

Of course, there is no such thing as no resistance. However, compared with those who are directly murdered, the rebels die even worse. A barrel of high-concentration sulfuric acid liquid is started from the legs, slowly like cooking. The water is poured on the body, the kind of tragic look, so that these people still remember.


The sorcerer went away with the knife and the barrel, and the rusty gate slowly closed. After a while, there was a conversation in the original cellar.

"We have to leave, or there is only one dead road!"

"But if we run away, we will only die faster!"

"Yeah, those guys are wizards! Just need to move your fingers, we will die without residue!"


Different opinions, there is no quarrel in this special case, but it is only in a silence compared to the previous numbness. The silence at this time contains despair.

In the past, one minute and one second, when the gate was opened again, these people began to dodge again and again with some remaining energy. They only wanted to die later, even if they lived poorly.

Therefore, when the wizard was knocked down to the ground, everyone was one.

"I want to live!"

The man who first spoke before said, then he picked up the knife and gave it to the wizard’s neck and looked at the **** scene. The man thought about the gate quickly. When I ran, it quickly disappeared, and only a moment later, the renmen who were in the cellar began to go crazy toward the exit.

As the man who first spoke out said that they, they also want to live.

Even if there is only a hint of hope!

As if there were heavenly curtains, when these people left the cellar, they even escaped from the manor, and they did not encounter any guards.

Although it is very strange, how can someone who escapes take care of this?

They only hope that they can run faster!

After all the imprisoned people fled, the first man who had spoken first came out from the most hidden corner of the manor.

There was a smug smile on his face.

"It's a simple task. I thought... Hey!"

This kind of discourse has not been finished yet. This first-speaking man is pierced by a long sword that appears behind him. Falling on the ground.

"This simple task, but giving such a high bounty itself is a strange, but you have no vigilance... It’s a dead sorrow!" Pulled out the long sword inserted in the other side, really as a 'tailer' The man whispered to himself, "This is already done. I need to go back to the adults and hope that everything else will go well!"

After the sound falls. The whole person has disappeared.

However, this ‘tailing person’ did not find a figure dissolved in the shadow from beginning to end.

It’s not just this one’s “finisher”. In fact, all the 'finishers' who participated in this action were not found, and these shadows passed the power of the contract. Then there will be everything here. All passed to Ye Qi.

"Inciting live trials, creating some successful examples, attracting more wizards to join them, and then cutting off the roots... And when these feared wizards find that the upper layers of the wizarding dynasty did not pay attention, they will inevitably start to plunder more Civilian as a test material, only after..."

Ye Qi, who received the information, thought silently.

This is not something that is hard to guess. In fact, when there was the ‘Great Emperor’ Delpa as a column. Such an example is really normal. Normal to a chilling place, mortals may be the most powerless group, but when they are angry, they will become the most powerful existence.

Just need an opportunity, you can.

And the ‘light’ is obviously creating this opportunity again.

Ye Qi has confirmed that more than one revamped ‘mortal’ may not seem obvious now, but as it accumulates over time, such changes will be earth-shaking.

The reason why the chill is because Ye Qi also thinks about the encounter of the 'Great Emperor' Delpa.

Some are too similar and some are too coincidental.

A thing that an adult man could not do was done by a child, and he also got a record of 'Shaman', and even escaped into the Hailin District after chasing and patrolling a team of orcs. And, with the help of a dragon, safely passed the most dangerous years...

It’s really a coincidence.

Ye Qi does not believe in coincidence and chance. He just has doubts, especially after a series of coincidences and occasional appearances.

"Joe, are you worried about the battle after that? Didn't Gaildisi tell you?"

The gem emperor said in a relaxed tone

"I feel that the caution that is due is indispensable!"

Ye Qi said casually, in line with his character, a young man with many talents and outstanding talent, but with more cautious heart.

Although it is sometimes publicized, it is more reserved when it is more.

In the past two years, such an image has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so no one has gone back to doubt.

"You need the energy you deserve, you are only 30 years old!"

The gem emperor tried to persuade his companions.

"But in ordinary people, my age is enough to be the father of several children, going back and forth for the family, wife, children..."

"Please, don't put these burdens of life that don't exist on you, okay?" The emperor of the gem interrupted Ye Qi's words. He pointed to the robes of himself and Ye Qi, the long sword in the waist, and the hands. The scepter, the crown at the top, "See? We need these rights and obligations instead of simple life!"

“I actually like simple life!”

Ye Qi shrugged.

"Then wait for the day when you took the crown off! At that time, the simple life you wanted came... but I think it is not keneng!"

The gem emperor smiled again, as if this was a funny joke.

Ye Qi also followed the chuckle, but the voice contained a touch of cognac that could not be hidden, which is not keneng...

Just, are you really able to adapt to a real simple life?

Ye Qi thought silently in the bottom of his heart.

The destruction of the wizarding dynasty. It is history, Ye Qi can't stop, but the death of the wizarding emperors. Ye Qi is able to stop only need them to take off the crown.

Wearing its crown, bearing its weight.

It's not easy, a little careless, it's a broken bone.

However, there are too many people to chase only by the golden surface and the magnificent appearance.

However, the wizarding emperors he knew were not like this.

They uphold the rights and obligations and dedication to the entire wizarding dynasty, perhaps from the reverence of the ‘Great Emperor’ Delpa. It may also be the friendship from that Hull.

But no matter where it comes from, Ye Qi only wants to let them withdraw safely.

That is not an easy task!

And he needs to make this difficult thing. It becomes a reality that Ye Qi hates being strong, whether it is for others or for himself; however, sometimes he has to.

Slightly took a deep breath. Ye Qi said slowly: "Allen. After the end, go to my place to drink a bar? My own honey wine!"


The gem emperor nodded without any hesitation.


The cloud.

Still, as I saw two years ago, there is not much change. The illusory, ethereal door can change at any moment and stop any alien enemies.

However, there are some changes around the cloud.

city. A series of rolling pools is like a bunker. The arch of the cloud will be guarded during the period.

Not much more, thirty.

It happened to be the city that was destroyed in Ye Qi’s plague.

Above these cities, before the cloud gate, the road was full of glorious figures, suspended there. Abigail was the representative of the emperor as the fifth, and did not pay attention to the city that had been known for a long time. Looking at the opposite gods, he asked: "What about the sun god?"

"My father is still fighting with a foreign god, and has not returned yet..."

In a silence, Yueshen frowned and replied that although in the glory of the shroud, ordinary people could not see the appearance of the moon god, but the emperor of the sorcerer clearly saw the shyness of the other face and a thick Confidible.

However, as wizards, they don’t need to care about these.

"So, who is going to fulfill our agreement?"

Abigail’s eyes looked at the gods present.

"I come!"

The **** of war Mout came out, and the other gods, who went out to the moon, hesitated, did not say anything to stop, the sun **** did not appear, so that they made some 'compromise' inside.

"Mother, still me..."

Luna wants to stop his mother, but the **** of war does not mean to stop. The footsteps go to the sky. Suddenly, there is a gap on the crystal wall that can accommodate it. Obviously, the natural deity born in Lorante It will not be rejected by its own main plane.

"I think I need to stay... rest assured, I don't have such a fragile agreement to change, then some details need to change!"

Ye Qi stood in the same place, pointing his finger at the direction of the fortress 'Great Emperor'.

"Be careful!"

A group of wizarding emperors deliberately groaned.

After Abigail nodded at Ye Qi, he turned and walked toward the sky for the first time. The emperors did not stop, as Ye Qi himself said, he was not as vulnerable.

In fact, between the immortal, there is no real weak in the real difference.

The gods who belonged to the ‘the sun **** system’ clearly did not have such a strong presence.

As for ‘light’?

It has always been moderate to powerful among the gods.

Although, Ye Qi had already stepped into a powerful power in the other side to implement the plan, he already had such strength.

This is beyond doubt, otherwise the other party will not do this at all.

Strength has created ambition.

This sentence is not fabricated out of thin air.

The **** of war and the figure of the emperor of the sorcerer gradually drifted away until they passed through the crystal wall and disappeared. The gods and Ye Qi who were present were watching each other without any words.

As an enemy of the last millennium, there is really no good talk.

However, the look of the eyes is inevitable, especially the Luna, familiar with his father's breath, so that it always involuntarily put his eyes on Ye Qi.

Similarly, for the 16th Emperor, the gods are also curious.

Therefore, they are also looking up and down.

Among them, the ‘light’ gaze was the most peculiar as the “walking” on Lorent in the past two years, but it was very clear what the wizarding emperor had done.

The talent for pharmacy, even it has to be praised.

It’s a pity...

The ‘light’ couldn’t help but sigh at the thought of the final end of the other party.

However, before this, some things still need to be done.

"Hong Su, I need to go to the battlefield of ‘king’!”

‘Light’ is like this.

"Well, be careful!"

Luna did not notice the slightest, just nodded.

Although his father insisted on dealing with those alien gods alone, Luna believes in his father, but if there is more than one helper, it will definitely make the situation better!

Luna is also convinced that Ye Qimu sent the departure of ‘light’.

Subconscious, he looked at the East

It is where the sun finally rises.

There is no sun in the land where the gods fight, but they have ‘light’.

However, under ‘light’, there is only endless killing...and death.

Ps this still did not get back ... decadent urged several times, the other party promised tomorrow must be ... oh, all kinds of hard work! ! However, today this chapter is 5k, you can only rely on the chapter to check the decadence of the data, the code is more than double the time more than usual! ! ! Tearful support! ! !

There is also the decadent "Emerald Tower", the new book is also a variety of protection! ! !

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, lam2006, the reward of the 100 hearts of the lost heart~~~ decadent again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~To be continued...

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