Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 131: Under the black hand

"You didn't explain it?"

Ye Qi asked like this. [starting]

"Do you listen?"

Feeling the coldness of the eyes of his own contractor, Amon smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Of course, I can stand here and I have explained everything!"

Ye Qi nodded, very indifferent, but his palm had subconsciously touched the waist of the knives - at the moment of the battle, the knives did not return to Pandora again. In the box, but Ye Qi was hung on the waist, and his inner lining has been replaced by the hunter.

As for the jacket?

Although it was still the robes of the wizard, it was simply torn open in the middle of the body - a similar, somewhat weird trench coat style.

Moreover, it is from a poor tailor's hand.

"I don't think so... all you need is to calm down first; after all, you are very rewarding, aren't you?"

Amon smiled and pointed to the servants who stood behind Ye Qi.

"I am very calm. It is because of my calmness that I will understand... From the very beginning, I have entered the plan you set up, whether it is entering here or the presence of similar prayers behind you, all of which are planned. One ring - and what I need now is to have a discussion with you, an open and honest discussion!"

Ye Qi stressed.

"Well, it's necessary to talk; we will need an informed person to participate in the plan after us!"

After thinking about it, Amon finally nodded.


And just when Ye Qi and Amon were ‘talking’, somewhere in the void –

The debris that had already been caught up was suddenly accelerated at this moment!

That speed is far beyond the expectations of the chaser behind him.

So that his palm did not catch any of the pieces, the chaser shouted loudly.

"how is this possible?!"

Inexplicable and mysterious buzz, there are characters that are difficult to understand.

Of course, more of it is so horrified that the emptiness of the snoring begins to break down in pieces, as if it were a broken mirror.

The general crack of the spider web quickly spread to the entire void of the tracker.

Then, the whole void is broken like this - and after the void, it is a darkness that cannot be seen, and an individual who is independent.

It is like the 'slotted surface' ‘half plane’ seen in the distance.

It is like a star in the sky.

However, these stars are in the next moment, and the void is generally broken at the same time.


But even then, it is impossible to disguise the anger of the follower. The scream of anger is once again appearing, and this time it is not only the void, the 'shards of the plane', the 'half plane'. Even some of the deeper parts have been broken; and with this break, a much larger force has emerged.

Suddenly, the tracker changed his face.

Then, it quickly retreated to the side, as if it was a natural enemy.


The follower shouted like this.

Then, there is no more action.

Because, at the moment when that huge force appeared, it completely lost the breath of life - not the body was destroyed, but more is the crushing of the soul.

It is like the difference between an ant and an elephant.

After that, the broken slate was quickly gathered toward the void, and it was once again broken up and gathered again.

A palm appeared out of nowhere, and grabbed the slate.

However, when the palm of the hand was about to hit the slate, the slate that had just gathered up, as if it had been restored, was broken again.

Just like before -

Three pieces are slightly larger, some are small.

Once again, it spreads out, and this time it is no longer flying toward the void, but directly immersed in the void, disappearing instantly.

This time, even the master of the big hand did not find the crushed slate in the first place.

However, it is clear that the whereabouts of these slate can not overwhelm this existence.

It quickly fell into the void.

Entering a place that is not the main plane, nor the astral, is not the other half plane, the plane of the plane - this is a place that coexists with the astral but is attached to a particular world tree.

The location of the first tree of the world.

Of course, it's not the whole, it can't be the whole.

In fact, in this place, at most, it is only the branch of a tree tree of the mother tree, and it is still the most inconspicuous branch.

But even so, it is enough to match the size of a main plane.

Even bigger!

The presence, after entering here, quickly searched for the slate - and then, as soon as it reached out, the largest piece of slate flew in front of the existence.

However, just in the moment it has to reach out.

A layer of golden light appeared on the slate and bounced off its hand.


The doubtful glimpse, then, looked at his palm, and then subconsciously grabbed the slate again, but this time it was once again bounced.

Moreover, not only the bounce, but the slate disappeared again.

Unlike the last disappearance, this time it disappeared, but with an inexplicable surprise.

The feeling of being there is that there is a certain interference that interferes with it.

However, this is obviously impossible for it.

Because... there can be no one here to hinder and interfere with it.

In other words, the courage to hinder and interfere with its existence has already disappeared into the world, and the not dare to oppose it.

apart from……

The existence of the fine sense - or, in another way, to search for the existence of it is only taboo.

However, going to the same sense as before, there is nothing to gain.

"Who is it?"

It lifted up the palm of one's hand, and in the light of a layer of light, one by one began to appear.

A personal thing and a scene are beginning to appear and change.

Among them are 16 emperors and also the gods headed by Amon.

However, there is no existence that deserves its attention, and it appears in its eyes.


"I only hope that I can get through it!"

Amon pointed to the "Fate of Destiny" in Ye Qi's hands.

"You are saying 'destiny'?"

Ye Qi frowned, and some uncertain questions were asked.

"Well, that guy... a guy who hides behind the scenes and thinks he controls everything - it's fun to play with others, especially the more powerful, the more fun it has to play!"

Amon nodded and said.

“Is this something that can evade its search?”

Ye Qi took out [The Silk of Destiny].

"Well, this is the only thing that can avoid 'destiny', and they..." Amon looked at the similar prayers and said: "They are the ones who lend us the power to execute." The silk], covering each other's eyes and ears, let it temporarily fall into the darkness!"

"Do you want to kill each other?"

Ye Qi asked.

However, the tone is quite positive.

"of course!"

Amon’s answer is also incomparable.

"Are you finding a way to get rid of that guy?"

Ye Qi asked.

"There are some ideas for the time being..."

Amon said with a trace of discretion.

"Some thoughts on the temporary side? Is there a way to kill each other in the true sense?"

Ye Qi frowned.

"Even if you don't, it's better than sitting still--it finds that you are just a problem sooner or later!"

Amon said.


Ye Qiyi pointed to himself and said in a counter-report.

"Well, you!"

Amon nodded and explained: "Because, I am from your body, I saw the existence of that guy, and I know that everything in front of me is a ghost of this guy - it is fun to play with us, whether it is us Life and death, the life and death of a loved one, the life and death of a friend, in the eyes of that guy, is just a happy stage play!"

"You mean, I am here, and the age of the wizards is the same, are the other side doing?"

Ye Qi asked.

"You are here, I am not sure, but... the decline of the wizarding era is definitely its handwriting. - When I was influenced by it, I chose to start with the 'Great Emperor' Delpa; although it does I have to be very careful, there is almost no trace, but I can be sure!"

Amon said very positively.

"Don't look at me like this, it's like you like sweets, but one day you have to eat sour. This kind of thing can't be discovered!" Seeing the eyes of his contractor doubts, Amon immediately speeded up. "I don't want to shirk my responsibility - I do have similar ideas, but there is definitely the existence of that guy!"

"What are you going to do now?"

Ye Qi asked his most concerned questions.

“Let's go with the flow!”

Amon said, Ye Qiyi, Amon pointed to the direction of the sky, "The guy is very conceited... Of course, it also has a self-sufficient capital, just because of this, gave us a chance!"


Ye Qi asked about If you are a planner, will you miss the time of your own 'stage play'? ”

Amon asked.

"The seven heroes and the wizard emperor, the gods of the melee!"

Ye Qiyi said a point in time.

Amon nodded.


Ps in the end of the South Mountain, decadent, still working hard, there is no network cable on the mountain, the manuscript has to go down the mountain ... a round back and forth two hours! ! !

Really vomiting blood! Decading this figure, climbing the mountain back and forth, is definitely a slap in the face! Tears!

Desperate and roll for protection.~~rs

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