Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 161: Under the accident in the 'tunnel'

Just a few minutes after Hildelin ordered an accelerated speed, they saw that the ‘physical’ in Ye Qikou was a giant spider.

However, the heads of these spiders are the faces of Zhang Zhuoer.

Of course, such a face is very embarrassing, horrible, and that root is protruding from the mouth, and it has already made the eye that looks like an eye-catching eye broken.

If it is not preserved in the upper part, no one can think of it. This is the face of Zall.

"Hey, what is this?!"

Looking at the debris of the various spiders in front of him, and the green blood, Hildeline took a sip of breath, and said all the gnomes, dwarves and drows were surprised.

"The bad taste of that!"

Ye Qi answered like this.

In fact, Ye Qi is very familiar with the evil taste behind the spider, not only because the gods and monsters, but also the spiders of the drow, are masterpieces of each other.

Of course, most of these masterpieces are unacceptable.

In particular, now, this kind of finished product that has not been completely completed, even after the first sight is seen, it gives a feeling of nausea.


With the excitement of the invitation, the 'source of plague' is held in the field of vision of a fully subdued spider, looking at the scene where the ant lifts the elephant, even if it is in my heart. The prepared gnomes also trembled again at this time, not to mention the dwarves and drow who first saw the peculiarity of the 'source of plague'.

However, compared to the dwarf's yelling, the drow was restored to normal after the initial surprise.

Obviously. The drow who served the dark lady had already seen more incredible things. After all, with the intervention of the gods, everything will become impossible.

And behind the ‘the source of the plague’, the dark elf girl was a little embarrassed.

However, there is no real harm.

Obviously, the 'source of plague' appeared quite timely.

However, when I saw Ye Qi’s eyes, the dark elf girl moved her lips and finally turned cold and turned her head. This is not arrogant, but the simplest embarrassment.

Of course, the performance of the Dark Elf girl is somewhat misleading.

Fortunately, Ye Qi didn't care about this. He just looked away and put his attention back on the spidering drow who was subdued by the source of the plague.

Ye Qi looked at the other side's slightly wet, dirty appearance, and hesitated. Finally, the volley pointed at the other's face.


It is like a rotten watermelon. The other's body is broken like this.

And the soul of the other party has experienced the experience of the land of the dead, those who are similar to the loyalty of the confession, for the soul, Ye Qi has already had more grasp.

Not a special, skill, etc.

It is similar to an instinctive feeling.

Like a black and white movie, Ye Qi watched the memory of the other party and recorded everything that was useful to him.

For example: the spider behind.

Although surrounded by light and shadow, but Ye Qi's gaze followed the soul of the other side, penetrated this layer of light curtain, pointing to the core position.

Of course, there is still a certain distance from the real see through.

After all, it is only by the soul of the other believer.

However, there are disadvantages, even if it is not possible to see through it all, but for Ye Qi, it will not be discovered by the other party; in fact, before his contract companion has a closer investigation, Ye Qihe I don't want to fight face to face with the spider.

As for the removal of the battle?

Ye Qi does not believe that the two sides will have other exchanges.


The body of the spider was dropped on the ground, and Ye Qi returned to his seat. After making a gesture to the gnome, the team set off again.

And Ye Qi’s slightly browed brow shows his mood at the moment.

"Adult, do you need to continue?"

Tan Ruier looked at Ye Qi's appearance and couldn't help but ask.


Ye Qi’s straight nod.

Although he didn't get what he wanted, it was definitely not an excuse for Ye Qi to stop the progress of the task. In fact, if a **** can be seen like this, it is not a god.

In this regard, Ye Qi has already had psychological preparations.

And the team set off again, with the fear of the previous stylized drow, and a trace of doubts and gnomes, the dwarves can see that the adult is not interested, so the road is added again. Carefully.

As for the drow?

These drow, who serve the dark girl, remain silent from beginning to end.

The Dark Elf girl wanted to say something, but looked at Ye Qi from time to time, frowning, and finally swallowed the words back.

There is only a heavy footstep of the underground lizard in the 'tunnel'.

And... Tan Ruier retells some secret voices.

However, the voice of the latter seems very floating. Even if you listen carefully and carefully, you can't hear anything obvious, such a narrative, and. [,! ] Not everyone can hear it.

Of course, except Hildeline, no one in the entire team will really care about such a secret.

As for Hildeline?

With the existence of Ye Qi, he certainly does not dare to resent.

Especially when the scouts appeared in front of a team, the attention of the gnomes was completely attracted to the past.

"How many people? Dwarf? Zall? Or a gnome?"

Hildelin asked consecutively about the scouts in front of him.

Dwarf, gnome is naturally Hildelin's hope, because it is likely to save a fight.

And what if it is a drow?

A battle will be hard to avoid.

In fact. Even the dwarf, the gnome's team. He also needs to be vigilant.

After all, in the underground world, the 'tunnel' is the most dangerous place, full of identity bandits, ambushes and sneak attacks.

A team that passes by the caravan, the most likely thing to do is not to wave goodbye, but to shoot the arrow.

Therefore, Hildeline immediately signaled the gnomes in the team, and the dwarf guards were wary.

"About more than 20 people, it is a caravan composed of a group of gnomes!"

The Scout's words led Hildeline to a slight sigh of relief. However, he did not really relax, but his heart was alert to the front of the team.

The entire team also stopped moving forward, waiting for the other side to look closer.

And soon, the footsteps of a lizard appeared.


It was as if holding a sledgehammer and then hitting the sturdy ground. A team of teams began to looming in Hildeline’s eyes.

Obviously the opposite person also found this, from their step by step, they can show up.

However, as the two sides keep coming closer, the atmosphere is a little slow



The screams of acquaintances met, and the two teams that were careful to be guarded were one of them. Then Hildelin ran to the front of Ye Qi: "Adult, Massa is my good friend, he can believe it!" "

"give it to you!"

Listening to Ye Qi, who was told by Tan Ruier, did not care that this was a trivial matter in his opinion. He waved his hand and gave it to the other party.

I got the gnome from Ye Qi and immediately ran to my friend.

"Are you supposed to open a store in Chico City?"

Hilden asked curiously about his friends.

"War, the war broke out in Chico City!"

Massa said with a bitter face.

"There is a war every day in the underground world. Massa is really a coward as before!"

Hilderlin laughed at his good friend in good faith.

"No, no, this time is not the same as the gnome, the dwarf, the devil, the drow, and the aliens like the underground fishermen, all involved in it... The human wizard seems to be mixed in, this is a Unprecedented big melee... I don't want to be involved!"

Massa shook her head and looked helpless.

And listening to Massa's narrative, every time, Hilderlin's face was ugly.

"You are not going to Chico City?"

Massa looked at Hildeline's ugly face and couldn't help but ask.

"Well... but, with that adult, there must be no problem!"

Hildeline nodded, then, thinking of Ye Qi, suddenly, his face returned to normal, and full of confidence.

"grown ups?!"

Massa looked at the change in Hildeline's face and asked strangely.

"Of course! Now, I am serving this adult!"

Hildeline’s face was proud and pointed in the direction of Ye Qi.

Then Hildelin persuaded Massa to join his team; however, it is clear that Massa could not rest assured that his life was handed over to others and returned to the most dangerous place.

Therefore, even with Hildelin’s persuasion, Massa finally chose to refuse after thinking.

Helplessly looking at the way the friend refused, Hildeline wanted to tell his friends how powerful the adult is, but he did not say anything when he looked at the anxious appearance of the other person.

Instead, a very friendly farewell.

When Hildeline returned to the team and prepared to sue Ye Qi everything, the dark elf girl was impatient and waved her hand: "I heard it, it’s a group of cowards, let’s go!"

Hilderlin’s gaze looked at Ye Qi.

Under Ye Qi’s no objection, the team set off again.

Ps ate two ice creams in the afternoon... It looks like a little cold stomach, running the toilet steadily...

As a foodie, you can't help but have a stomach that is not bad! ! !

Thanks to the prodigal son of the sea, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, the lost heart, the reward of the book friend 120706230535952100 starting point ~~~ decadent again thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~

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